Online shopping has become very popular in recent years. One of the leading places in this segment is occupied by Chinese Aliexpress. Although this online platform has established itself as a reliable resource, refunds have their own nuances that you need to familiarize yourself with.

When can I open a dispute on Aliexpress?

You can open a dispute on the Aliexpress platform if:

  • The goods were not delivered
  • The product turned out to be defective or deformed during delivery.
  • The buyer received the wrong product that he ordered.

It is also worth knowing that a dispute can be opened:

  • Before the Buyer's protection period expires
  • Before the order is confirmed and the money is transferred to the seller.

How to make a refund on Aliexpress

If the buyer wants to return the money for the reasons stated above, then on the Aliexpress website itself, you need to log into your personal account and click on the “My Orders” button. After which all purchases made on Aliexpress will open, then you need to click on the “Open a dispute” link.

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Funds are returned to the buyer's account upon satisfied disputes from the Aliexpress account. But it may take 7-10 business days for the money to arrive on your bank card. Always make sure you don't miss the moment to open a dispute. You also need to be able to.
In addition to settling the dispute on Aliexpress, the buyer will not have to do any additional actions. There is also no need to enter a card or account number anywhere; money is returned automatically, and only to the card or account number from which the payment was made.
More detailed information The return periods can be seen in the table below:

If, after the period for crediting funds, the money has not been returned to the account or card, you should contact the organization through which the payment for the goods took place, since there is a possibility that the delay in transferring funds is their fault. If it is not their fault, then in this case you need to contact the branch of the bank or service from which payment for the purchase was made and write a “statement of disputed transactions.”

Worth considering

It’s safe to say that the Aliexpress platform is a reliable service, but you need to take into account that funds are returned only after the seller’s consent. Therefore, you need to be patient, not rudely and clearly describe your requirements, and then, if the truth is yours, there will be no problems with returning the money.

More details on how to return money to Aliexpress in this video:

If you paid by card, then after you successfully cancel the order or win the dispute, the money is returned back to the account from which you paid for the purchase.
Refunds take some time. On average from 3 to 15 working days. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait.

Refund stages can be controlled on the order page.

You can see detailed information about the refund amount in the order details by clicking on the “Payment” tab

What to do if 2 weeks have passed and the money has not arrived on the card?

1) 2 weeks have passed and the refund process is stuck at the “Refund Processing” stage. This means that happened technical problems during a refund attempt. In order to get your money back, you must contact support, tell them your order number and briefly describe the essence of the problem. The Aliexpress support operator will check what happened with the return of your funds and transfer technical service task to correct this error. Usually the situation is resolved within 24 hours. In rare cases, you will need to wait 3-5 days, and if technical support does not resolve the issue, then you can remind yourself again.

2) 2 weeks or more have passed. The refund stage is in the “Refund” state, but the money has not arrived on the card. This means that the AliExpress payment system transferred money to your account, but for some reason it did not reach you.

First of all, make a statement from your bank account. Take the start date of the statement 2 days before payment for the goods, and for the end date of the statement take 10 days after the date of reimbursement.

Carefully check if there was a refund on the day you paid for the order, next to the debit. Also, check if the funds have not been received within 10 days of the refund.

If you do not find money on the statement, please contact support.

Tell them your order number and send them your account statement. Graphically mark the amount you paid on your statement. So that the support chat operator can immediately see the data.

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One of the most important advantages of shopping on the Aliexpress market is the opportunity provided for users to get their money back if certain compelling reasons arise. The need to use this procedure arises, sooner or later, for any buyer using this trading platform for a long time.

How can I find out if a refund has been made?

In this regard, many questions often arise on this topic, most often relating to the expected duration of the refund process. In this article we will analyze all the possible nuances of solving this problem in the shortest possible time.

On what basis can you demand a refund?

The procedure for returning the purchase price is simplified in that it can be carried out without any action on the part of the seller. When paying for the goods, the buyer transfers money to the Aliexpress account, and the sender of the order receives it only after confirmation that the package has been received, or after the completion of the two-month buyer protection period. Until this moment, any user can freely open a dispute regarding any product that has not yet been confirmed.

List of factors that allow you to get your money back:

  1. Self-cancellation of an order before the seller has already sent it. The order processing time allocated to the seller so that he has time to send the package can be seen in his status. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the reason and make sure that the seller has confirmed this cancellation, since it may happen that the parcel has already been sent.
  2. Slowness of the seller. If the goods are not shipped within a certain period, the funds will automatically be returned to the buyer. How much time is left for sending the parcel can be tracked in the order details.
  3. Long delay in delivery, or loss of the package even before its arrival. Buyer protection is valid for two months, and if at the end of this period, the goods are still in transit and have not yet been received, then the buyer has and ask for a full refund.
  4. The purchased product turned out to be inconsistent with its description. This factor may include: erroneous shipments of goods of similar models or sizes, damage during transportation; unsuitability for use or poor quality source materials. Any of the above situations may be grounds for a refund of the full or partial cost of the goods. However, you need to remember that when creating a dispute on such grounds, you will need to provide real photos as evidence.
  5. Illegal actions of the seller. If after ordering it turns out that the actions of the seller whose services you used were illegal, then his account will be blocked and the money will be returned to the buyers.

Under what conditions is the buyer's return request satisfied?

Before asking about the duration of the reverse transfer of funds, you need to make sure that the dispute is closed in your favor. The seller has the right to offer an alternative solution to the dispute, which you can agree to or refuse, insisting on your own. If there is no response from you, then the Aliexpress administration can resolve the dispute in the way it proposes. However, if you disagree, and the arguments and evidence provided are sufficiently convincing, then the dispute will be closed in your favor.

It is after this that you can begin counting the time that will be spent on the return transfer of money. On average, this process takes 7-10 business days, depending on the payment method for the purchase in question on Aliexpress.

What happens if the seller does not respond to the dispute?

In this case, everything will be resolved even easier - 5 days after the dispute is created, if there are no comments from the seller, the money will be returned to the buyer automatically.

How can I find out if a refund has been made?

In order to find out whether a chargeback was made for a particular dispute, you need to check the outcome of the dispute: go to your Aliexpress personal account, find the list of orders, and click the “Returns and Disputes” sub-item.

After this, select the problematic order and click “View data”. On new page the order number and status are immediately visible, and just below you can find detailed correspondence and the history of the entire dispute.

If your status is the same as in the example given, then at the very bottom of the dispute history, the date of the decision to return will be shown (in this case, it is September 18, 2016). It is from this moment that the duration of the process of returning the money back should be counted.

Features of refunds for each payment system

Regardless of the payment method for purchasing this product on Aliexpress, funds are always returned to the account from which they were received. There are no exceptions to this: if you paid from a WebMoney wallet, the money will be transferred back to WebMoney; paid with a VISA card - the refund will be to the same card, etc. The stated information on return periods on Aliexpress is as follows:

  • 3-15 working days – when transferring to Visa, MasterCard, Maestro cards
  • 7-10 working days – for WebMoney, WesternUnion, QIWI systems, and for bank transfers
  • 1 business day – refund to Alipay account

How long to wait if another system was used? When paying by other methods, the refund will be made within the same time frame - no later than 15 working days. If this does not happen, and the procedure takes too long, then you need to contact Aliexpress support.

Frequently encountered problems with returns

Let's list some emergency situations that create problems with refunds and discuss ways to solve them:

  • It often happens that payment was made by mobile phone via QIWI, but the money still does not arrive. What's the matter? Refunds will be made to your mobile walletQIWI, even if you have not registered in this system. The wallet was created automatically during payment for the purchase on Aliexpress, and in order to access it, you need to use the password recovery form on the main Qiwi website, indicating your mobile number.

In the next few minutes you will receive a password for your wallet via SMS, and you will be able to log into your mobile Qiwi-cats to check your money back.

  • Since there are quite protracted disputes, it is not uncommon that by the time the decision to return the purchase price the card you are using is no longer valid. If this happens, then in this case it is necessary to contact the bank that provided this map, and explain the current situation. The money will not disappear anywhere - if it was returned by the Aliexpress system, then it is on your card account to which the card was linked. Usually, they can be withdrawn from a new bank card, which is sometimes reissued automatically. However, if there are only a few months left before your card expires, try to use other payment systems.
  • If payment was made in cash, through the communication salon, the money will be credited to the account mobile phone, which was specified when placing this order on Aliexpress.
  • Refund fromAlipay may cause some misunderstanding among the user if he, without noticing it himself, set up an automatic refund to this account, and the payment was made from another system. To disconnect or connect this function, you need to go to your personal account using the link and set a convenient parameter for this function.

Real terms of refund

Despite the fact that the official information from the Aliexpress website does not give reason to expect a quick refund, the actual time frame is usually only a few days. Here, the actions of the bank itself or the system whose services you use acquire primary importance. Many of them are getting better and better at serving their customers, speeding up turnaround times.

For example, when mobile payment through the QIWI wallet just appeared, many expressed their dissatisfaction with the constant delays and other problems. Now there are fewer and fewer such reviews. Also, specified period for translations WebMoney wallet is much less than 7-10 days - usually, the refund lasts only a few days. If the payment was a ruble Visa card, then the transfer process is also not too long - about three days. The times when translations were lost for several months are long gone - now such cases are very rare.

Based on this, we can conclude that cases of returned purchases on Aliexpress are Quite common and completely normal. There is no need to be afraid of them at all: the right actions in such a situation, and a small supply of patience - that’s all that is required from the buyer!

In today’s article I want to answer several questions that relate to “Refund Processing” on Aliexpress. Let's go in order.

Due to the occurrence of various situations: order cancellation, as a result of winning a dispute or as a result of the order being frozen - the Aliexpress website is obliged to return to us the money that we paid for the order.

And so, in order to understand what stage of payment we are at, you need to look at “My Orders”, select the desired order, click “Details” and check the “Payment” section on the new page.

By going to this tab, you will see the status of the refund.

What does it mean to process a refund on Aliexpress?

There can be three of them:

  1. Refund expected- this means that the site is processing the request for a refund.
  2. Processing– Aliexpress has already sent the money and it is being processed by your bank or payment system.
  3. Refund– you just have to wait for the money to return to you in the account from which it came. See the table below for the time it takes for them to return from the moment they receive this status.

How long does it take to process a refund on Aliexpress?

From the moment you win the dispute, or your order is cancelled, the Ali website will begin the process of returning your money. The duration of this cycle depends on how you paid for the goods.

So that you do not have to guess how many days you will have to wait, I will provide an approximate table.

As you can see, you only need to wait 3-15 days and your money will be returned to you. If the money has not arrived within the specified time, contact Aliexpress Support Service.

According to Aliexpress rules, every buyer has the right to a refund of their money if the product did not arrive or arrived, but with defects, damage, or not at all as indicated in the description. You can return money only through a dispute form, which is considered by the seller and, if the reasons for opening a dispute are objective, then the seller is obliged to return the entire cost of the goods or partially reimburse it. If the seller does not agree with the claims put forward by the buyer, the dispute will be resolved by the administration, which will decide on the dispute and close it. The warranty obligations of Aliexpress sellers include a full refund if the product does not arrive or if the product or size does not match the description. Also, to warranty obligations This includes timely delivery (before the buyer's protection period expires) and the return of goods or money upon receipt of low-quality goods. All obligations, rules, guarantees of Aliexpress are mandatory for compliance by sellers. If, as a result of a dispute, the seller must refund part of the money or the full cost of the goods, but did not return the money, then the seller has violated the rules of the site. We will tell you further about what to do if the seller with Aliexpress does not return the money in a dispute and how to get your money back in this case.

The money back guarantee from Aliexpress is subject to buyer protection rules. According to these rules, the buyer can expect a full refund if the goods are not received on time, and a full refund is also provided if the order is not delivered within the time promised by the seller. A full refund is provided if the product does not correspond to the description. In this case, the buyer can demand a full refund if the product differs significantly from the seller's description, or choose a partial refund if the product is defective or defective, while keeping the product itself. The money back guarantee from Aliexpress applies to all cases of violation by the seller of its obligations. Information about the seller's responsibilities is indicated in the information section "Seller Guarantees", which is located on each product page. Buyer protection means:

  • Full refund if the goods are not received, regardless of the reasons;
  • Full or partial refund with the opportunity to keep the product if it does not match the description.

Seller guarantees can be basic or additional. Basic guarantees are mandatory rules for all Aliexpress sellers. Such guarantees include:

  • timely delivery. Each seller is obliged to guarantee delivery to the buyer within the period specified in the description of the period. If purchased on the site AliExpress product was not received within the time specified by the seller, then the buyer is entitled to a full refund of the payment.
  • return guarantee. Items that are covered by the AliExpress Return Guarantee are subject to exchange or return without explanation. The shipment of goods to the destination country is carried out at the expense of the sender, while the conditions for further exchange are negotiated personally with the seller.

In addition to basic guarantees, Aliexpress sellers provide additional guarantees. Additional guarantees are selective and apply only to a certain part of the goods. These guarantees include:

  • return guarantee. The return guarantee applies to items shipped via local delivery. This guarantee allows you to return the product to the seller, but only if the product has no signs of use and is in its original packaging.
  • guarantee of authenticity. This guarantee guarantees the authenticity of all goods if the seller has issued this guarantee. That is, if the description states that the product is original, it must be original, otherwise the buyer can return it to the seller and demand a full refund along with shipping costs.

Warranties are provided to protect buyers from unscrupulous sellers and ensure the reliability of transactions made on Aliexpress. Return guarantees are valid only if the buyer did not complete the order and did not confirm receipt, but opened a dispute where the reason “Return only” is indicated. If the buyer confirms receipt, the order will be automatically closed.

How to return money from Aliexpress in a dispute?

A dispute is the only way to get your money back on Aliexpress. To return money from Aliexpress in a dispute, you must open it correctly. Before starting a dispute, do not confirm receipt of the order, otherwise it will be closed. Also, wait until the buyer protection period expires. because anyway the seller will extend it for another week or two. If the buyer protection period has already expired, and your order has not arrived or has arrived, but in poor condition, then you can proceed to the beginning of the dispute. IN personal account In the orders section, find the product you want to appeal. Specify the “Open dispute” button. Click “Open dispute” again in the window that opens and specify “Return only” or “Return of goods and money,” depending on the conditions and reasons for the dispute. Only returns are opened for cases where the product was not received and the buyer wants to return the entire cost, or the product is different from the description and the buyer wants to return part of the money, but the product itself does not need to be returned. Return of goods and funds implies an exchange of goods. The buyer sends it back to the seller and pays for shipping. and the seller returns the money or sends a new product.

Then you need to fill out the dispute form. Indicate in the expected decision “Refund only”, select the answer whether you received the goods or not, select the reason for the current situation, enter the cost of the goods (excluding delivery) and enter the reason for opening a dispute in English. If necessary, you can upload photo and video evidence showing the defect or defect. After filling out the dispute form, confirm the submission and the request will be sent to the seller. He must accept it and return that amount. which is specified in the request. If the seller does not accept the dispute, then a week after its opening, the site administration will intervene in it to make a final decision. According to the rules of the site, money for paid goods is transferred to sellers only after confirmation of receipt of the order, so until this moment the money is in the system. Compensation and returns are actually paid not by the seller, but by the site administration.

How do they return money to Aliexpress after a dispute?

After a dispute, money is returned by electronic transfer. In the dispute history, information about the stages of the return will be indicated. In fact, within 3-15 days after the dispute is closed, the money is returned in the amount specified by the user. Money is debited from the account in foreign currency, more precisely in dollars. Then they are converted at the site’s internal rate and debited from a ruble or hryvnia card at this rate. They are also returned in this way. The system sends dollars, and they are converted and returned to the card in the currency they serve. Usually, refunds from Aliexpress arrive within 3-5 days from the date of completion of the transaction.

Where do they return money from Aliexpress after a dispute?

After a dispute, money from Aliexpress is returned to where it was originally debited, that is, to the account, card, details that were used by the buyer to pay for the goods from Aliexpress. If a card was used for payment, the refund will be sent to it. If the item was paid for using an electronic wallet, the money will be returned to that account. At the same time, the return time depends on the payment system. On bank cards money is returned within 3-5 days, to an electronic wallet - up to a week. You can track the receipt of money in the stages of return in the history of the dispute. In fact, refunds for disputes are received by buyers as a regular payment. You can view the accrual in the transaction history.

Return of goods and money Return instructions
The goods did not arrive Full refund of the cost of the goods excluding delivery
Item arrived in the wrong size/color Exchange of goods or partial refund, while the goods remain with the buyer
Product does not match description
The product is of poor quality Full refund of the cost of the goods
The size did not suit the buyer Exchange of goods, shipping costs are paid by the buyer
The seller sent the wrong product Full or partial refund
The product was not received on time Full refund, you can extend the protection period and wait a little longer, after which you need to open a dispute

Right to a partial refund on Aliexpress

Each buyer has the right to a partial refund on Aliexpress. This right applies to cases when the goods arrived, but the seller mistakenly sent the wrong color, size, or the item arrived with a defect, stain, or defect. A partial return allows the buyer to keep the item while still receiving a portion of the money for the non-conforming item. appearance. To receive a partial refund, you will also need to open a dispute. In the return amount, you must indicate the amount of compensation that you consider appropriate, for example, half the cost of the product. Partial returns may be appealed by the seller. To definitely get your money, provide photo evidence showing the reason for the dispute. All users who received a defective product have the right to a partial refund on Aliexpress if they intend to use it. If you ask for full compensation, you will have to send the product back and wait until the seller receives it and only then will compensate for the damage. A partial refund can be discussed with the seller in advance, but its receipt must be resolved through a dispute.

Video: money back on Aliexpress when canceling an order

The Aliexpress trading platform provides its customers with payment security and seller guarantees. to provide customers with confidence in the quality of the goods they receive. Refunds to Aliexpress when an order is canceled or after a dispute are made to the payment details from which the amount was debited. Every buyer. You can be sure that if for any reason the order did not arrive on time or was not received at all, does not match the description or is defective, then he will receive a full or partial refund, according to Aliexpress policy. If you still have questions about how a refund is calculated on Aliexpress when canceling an order or resolving a dispute, or have problems receiving money in a dispute, we recommend watching the video
