MegaFon is a giant company in Russia, offering mobile communications services and access to the global network. The operator offers a wide range of services to provide access to worldwide network taking into account consumer requests.

MegaFon's tariffs have a certain gradation, such as unlimited Internet, calls in roaming, communication within the network without borders or calls to other mobile operators. Before using communication services or connecting to the Internet on MegaFon, it is advisable to know the description of tariffs for the phone.


The basic principles of a tariff plan with flexible settings, taking into account all the client’s needs.

  1. The ability to access the Internet with a minimum amount of traffic is the main distinguishing feature of the MegaFon-Online tariff. At the same time, the SIM card can be installed in any device that can access the Internet: smartphone, modem, navigator, router, GPS tracker, and so on.
  2. No subscription fee. Tariffing is carried out based on the traffic consumed.

Important!Taking into account the existing inconveniences of the tariff in terms of time or traffic restrictions for using the network, MegaFon-Online is the base for additional connection to any Internet services.

The tariff plan is as follows:

  • 1 minute of calls to any home operators – 5 rubles;
  • 1 minute calls to any operators in case of travel within Russian Federation– 15 rubles;
  • 1 minute calls to CIS countries and Asia – 35 rubles;
  • 1 minute calls to European countries – 55 rubles;
  • 1 minute of calls to other countries of the world costs 75 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators at home costs 1.95 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to any operators throughout the Russian Federation costs 2.8 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to the CIS countries and Asia costs 5.95 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to other countries of the world costs 6 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message within Russia costs 7 rubles;
  • One MMS message around the world costs 20 rubles.

Mobile Internet at MegaFon Online is paid at the following rates:

  1. 2.5 rubles for using 1 MB in your home region;
  2. 9.9 rubles for using 1 MB in other regions of Russia.

Payment for the services of the “Online” tariff plan is quite high and the use of the Internet in it involves the consumption of a small amount of traffic, therefore, to ensure more comfortable conditions, it is better to activate additional options.

To switch to this tariff, you must install a MegaFon SIM card in your device or starter pack, the cost of which will be credited to your phone account after activating the service.

Methods for connecting the service:

  • Using the USSD command *510*1#. Upon successful activation and assignment of a tariff to a number, a corresponding SMS notification will be sent to the subscriber.
  • By calling 0500. When communicating with the operator, you must indicate to him the desired tariff plan and passport details. Activation of a new tariff is carried out by the operator without the participation of the subscriber.
  • In your personal account on the MegaFon website or on a similar application for mobile devices.
  • With the help of employees of MegaFon brand stores.

Connecting to any tariff plan or additional options takes no more than 24 hours.

To switch to MegaFon Online, you must have at least 201 rubles in your account.

You can deactivate the tariff in the following ways:

  • Using USSD command *105*87#.
  • By sending an empty message to the number 000105870.
  • By calling the number 0500 and contacting the operator.
  • When you switch to a more favorable tariff, the previous conditions will be disabled automatically.

MegaFon - All inclusive VIP

The subscription fee for the "VIP" tariff has the highest cost and amounts to 2700 rubles per month. In this case you can do:

  • unlimited calls to network subscribers in Russia;
  • per month you can use 5 thousand minutes for calls to any Russian operators;
  • send text messages within 5 thousand units;
  • use mobile internet 3G and 4G+ traffic volume 20 GB;
  • use the additional option "MegaFon TV" in the amount of 4 films and a package of 50 TV channels.

Important!All services included in the tariff can be used while at home or while traveling throughout Russia.

If the subscriber exceeds the established volume of services, further tariffs are applied:

  • unlimited calls to mobile numbers within the network at home and when traveling around Russia;
  • calls to other home operators costing 2 rubles per minute;
  • calls to other operators when traveling within Russia cost 3 rubles per minute;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators at home costs 2.9 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators when traveling within Russia costs 3 rubles.
  • Subscribers have the opportunity to access 15 additional packages per month.

The declared Internet traffic package is used throughout the Russian Federation, with the exception of the Magadan and Sakhalin regions, Kamchatka Territory, Taimyr Municipal District, Norilsk, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, in which the cost is 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

In case of exhaustion of traffic from the main package, subscribers are automatically provided with additional traffic at maximum speed, with a volume of 200 MB for 30 rubles.

The areas of validity of prolonging options, such as “Auto-renewal”, “Extend Internet” correspond to the areas of validity of the main traffic package.

The “Dedicated IP address” service is paid at the rate of 9.90 rubles/MB. At the same time, the volume of the tariff plan is not exhausted.

Important!All unused services for the month are canceled and are not transferred to a new period.

You can connect the service to your phone:

  • by ordering it using the USSD command *105*324#;
  • by contacting the operator at 0500;
  • by purchasing a SIM card with the required tariff.

You can disable the tariff automatically by switching to new conditions.

A prerequisite for connection is the presence of an amount in the account of at least 2,701 rubles. The cost of switching to the desired tariff plan is paid in one payment towards the subscription fee for the first month of its use. Starting from the second month of use, the subscription fee is debited daily in equal installments.

Tariffing for calls and messages in Russia is similar to the Home region, with the exception of the Crimean Republic and the city of Sevastopol. Internet in other regions also corresponds to package tariffs, not counting exception regions, in which the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

Did you know? In China, users access the Internet in most cases using their phones.

MegaFon - All inclusive XL

The cost of the tariff subscription fee is 1,400 rubles. It includes:

  • unlimited calls to telephone numbers network subscribers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • sending 2 thousand text messages within the Russian Federation within a month;
  • use of 10 GB mobile 3G/4G+;
  • additional option "MegaFon TV" for watching 50 TV channels and renting 4 movies.

Exceeding the use of the established volume of services is charged as follows:

  • making calls to network subscribers at home and when traveling around Russia - unlimited;
  • the cost of 1 minute of calls to other home operators is 1.6 rubles;
  • the cost of 1 minute of calls to other operators when traveling within Russia is 3 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message by a network subscriber and other mobile operators at home costs 2.9 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators when traveling within Russia costs 3.9 rubles;
  • sending MMS messages – 7 rubles. for 1 piece;

MegaFon gives an advantage in using the XL Internet tariff in the form of the following services:

  • unlimited communication on social networks and online messengers;
  • searching, downloading information and making purchases in online stores;
  • use of voice calls and video communication;
  • watching online HD quality movies;
  • listening to online music;
  • downloading any type of files.
  • Important! You can control the volume of traffic using the USSD *558# command or from your MegaFon personal account.

You can activate MegaFon's All Inclusive XL tariff plan in the following ways:

  • using the short command *105*0036#;
  • using the services of an autoinformer at number 0500936;
  • by sending a text message to number 0500936;
  • using your MegaFon personal account;
  • in the MegaFon company store, purchase a SIM card with the required tariff.

Tariffing for calls and messages throughout the Russian Federation is similar to the Home region, with the exception of the Crimean Republic and the city of Sevastopol. Internet in other regions also complies with package conditions, not counting exception regions, in which the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

When connecting to the service, half of the monthly subscription fee is charged and 1/2 of the services stated in the tariff are provided for the month. After 15 days, the remaining payment is written off and the remaining volume of services and traffic is provided. In the subsequent period, payment is written off and traffic is provided in full once a month.

The subscription fee is debited when the full amount required for the operation of the service is available on the account.

You can disable the tariff automatically when switching to new conditions.

MegaFon - All inclusive L

One of MegaFon's most used packages. The cost of the tariff is 900 rubles per month. Payment includes:

  • unlimited calls within the network throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 1100 minutes per month for calls to other operators throughout the Russian Federation;
  • sending text messages throughout Russia in the amount of thousands per month;
  • use of mobile 3G/4G+ with a traffic volume of 7 GB;
  • additional option "MegaFon TV" for renting 4 films and a package of 50 TV channels.

Excess by the subscriber of the volume of services or traffic established by the tariff is paid according to the tariff:

  • the cost of calls to other home operators is 2 rubles/1 min.;
  • the cost of calls to other operators when traveling within Russia is 3 rubles/1 min.;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators when traveling within Russia is equal to 3 rubles;
  • When the traffic is used up, additional access to the World Wide Web is provided under the terms of “Auto-renewal”. After this option expires, you must activate the “Extend Internet” service or pay for a new period of use.

Tariffing for calls and messages throughout the Russian Federation is similar to the Home region, except for the Crimean Republic and the city of Sevastopol. Internet in other regions also complies with package conditions, not counting exception regions, in which the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

To activate the tariff you can:

  • use USSD request*105*0035# and receive a text message about activation;
  • log in personal account on a website or mobile phone application;
  • using the services of an autoinformer at number 0500935;
  • send a text message to number 0500935;
  • use the services of any MegaFon branded salon.

When switching to any other tariff, the All Inclusive L service will be disabled.

Did you know?“Nomophobia” is a person’s panicky fear of being left without a mobile phone.

MegaFon - All inclusive M (M +)

If we talk about cheap Internet tariffs and MegaFon communication services, then the All Inclusive M service will significantly save your phone costs. It is quite suitable for uncommunicative subscribers. The monthly payment is 500 rubles and includes:

  • unlimited calls to phone numbers of network subscribers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 500 minutes per month for calls to other operators throughout the Russian Federation;
  • sending 400 text messages throughout the Russian Federation per month;
  • use of mobile 3G/4G+ traffic volume of 5 GB;
  • calls to network subscribers at home and when traveling within Russia are not limited;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators at home costs 2.9 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and other mobile operators when traveling within Russia costs 3 rubles.
  • When the traffic is used up, additional access to the World Wide Web is provided under the terms of “Auto-renewal”. After this option expires, you must activate the “Extend Internet” service or pay for a new period of use.

Tariff traffic is quite enough for using social networks, checking personal mailbox or listening to audio recordings. If you need to increase the speed, you can additionally add 70 MB per day, 1 GB or 2 GB per month.

The cost of calls and messages throughout the Russian Federation is similar to the Home region, except for the Crimean Republic and the city of Sevastopol. Internet in other regions also complies with package conditions, not counting exception regions, in which the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

Connection occurs in the following ways:

  • use the USSD request *105*0034# and receive an activation message;
  • using the services of an autoinformer at number 0500934;
  • send a message to number 0500934;
  • contact any MegaFon brand store for help.

To activate the service, you must have an amount of at least 501 rubles in your account.

You can disable the service by switching to a different tariff or by contacting the operator by calling 0500.

The promotional tariff "MegaFon - All inclusive M+" worth 600 rubles per month includes:

  • unlimited calls to telephone numbers within the network throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 500 minutes per month for calls to other operators throughout the Russian Federation;
  • Sending 300 text messages within a month throughout the Russian Federation;
  • use of mobile 3G/4G+ with a traffic volume of 3 GB;
  • use of mobile 3G/4G+ throughout Russia as part of the “Night Internet” promotion of 7 GB traffic;
  • additional option "MegaFon TV" for renting 2 films and a package of 50 TV channels.

When the traffic is used up, additional access to the global network is provided on the terms of “Auto-renewal”. After this option expires, you must activate the “Extend Internet” service or pay for a new period of use.

The cost of 1 MB of using the global network in the Magadan Region, Kamchatka Territory, Taimyr Municipal District, Norilsk, Sakhalin Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is 9.9 rubles.

Did you know? In 2012, sales of iPhones exceeded sales of all Microsoft products by more than five billion dollars.

MegaFon - All inclusive S (S+)

Subscribers often ask the question: what is the best tariff on MegaFon for using the Internet? "All inclusive S" is the most popular due to its affordable cost, only 300 rubles per month, and a good package of services. Namely:

  • unlimited calls to telephone numbers to home network subscribers;
  • 250 minutes per month for calls to telephone numbers to subscribers of the Russian network and other home operators;
  • sending 200 text messages during a month at home;

If the services included in the subscription fee are exhausted, additional payment is required:

  • calls to network subscribers at home and when traveling within Russia are not limited;
  • 1 minute of calls to other home operators costs 2 rubles;
  • 1 minute of calls to other operators when traveling within Russia is 3 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to network subscribers and others mobile operators at home it costs 2.9 rubles;
  • sending 1 text message to subscribers of the network and other mobile operators when traveling within Russia is 3 rubles.
  • When the traffic is used up, additional access to the World Wide Web is provided under the terms of “Auto-renewal”. After this option expires, you must activate the “Extend Internet” service or pay for a new period of use.

MegaFon's "All Inclusive S" tariff is quite enough for daily use of 3G and 4G+ mobile Internet in the form of communicating on social networks, viewing mail and websites.

The cost of calls and messages throughout the Russian Federation corresponds to the cost of the Home region (excluding the Crimean Republic and the city of Sevastopol). The Internet in other areas also complies with package conditions, not counting exception regions, in which the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles.

You can connect a tariff plan in the following way:

  • use USSD request *105*0033# and receive a text message about activation;
  • log into your personal account on the official website or mobile phone application;
  • using the services of an autoinformer at number 0500933;
  • send a message to number 0500933;
  • ask for help at any MegaFon customer service salon.

You can activate the service if you have an amount on your account that is not less than the subscription fee. You can disable it by switching to another tariff or by contacting the operator by calling 0500.

The promotional tariff "MegaFon - All inclusive S+" worth 400 rubles per month includes:

  • unlimited calls to numbers within the home network;
  • 250 minutes per month for calls to network subscribers in Russia and other mobile operators at home;
  • 100 text messages per month at home;
  • use of 1 GB mobile 3G/4G+ traffic at home;
  • use of a mobile 3G/4G+ at home as part of the “Night Internet” promotion with a traffic volume of 4 GB;
  • additional option "MegaFon TV" for renting 1 movie and a package of 50 TV channels.

However, not included in the payment:

  • calls to other Russian operators costing 3 rubles/1 min.;
  • text messages sent within the network, as well as to telephone numbers of other mobile operators in Russia costing 3 rubles/1 piece;
  • the cost of one MMS message to other Russian operators is 7 rubles;
  • In case of excessive traffic consumption, additional access to the World Wide Web is provided under the terms of “Auto-renewal”. After this option expires, you must activate the “Extend Internet” service or pay for a new period of use.

Important!When you subscribe to additional MegaFon tariffs “All inclusive S+” and “All inclusive M+” from 03/09/2017 to 04/30/2017, a three-month “Night Internet” promotion will take place. The additional option is valid within the territory of the main service package from 1:00 to 7:00. At the end of the promotion period, Internet traffic will be provided according to the terms of the basic tariff.

Home Internet

The MegaFon company provides a huge selection of services in Moscow and throughout Russia, such as: basic services for home use wireless wired internet"MegaFon Online" for tablets, modems, routers and other devices, tariff for use in GPS trackers, communication services in roaming and other services.

MegaFon does not provide home wired Internet services.

Did you know?More than 30% of information posted on Youtube and Facebook is transmitted using mobile devices.

Articles and Lifehacks

If you use mobile Internet not every day, but, say, once a week, then it will not be profitable for you to buy unlimited tariff, which is used by the majority of Megafon subscribers.

In this situation, it will be more economical for you to use the Megafon Internet service for a day; you can find out how to activate this option below.

Connection option

There are several ways to connect to the Internet for one day, which you can use yourself:
  • Order the option through the service guide. If you type on your mobile device short number 555, you can select the information you are interested in and activate the service.
  • Dial the command *105*325# and, following the instructions that will come in the form of text messages, complete the process yourself.
  • Send an empty SMS message to the number 000105325, then you will receive the same informative messages as when you dial the command *105*325#. Everything is simple here, and no difficulties should arise.
  • Call the toll-free number 0500325. Here the answering machine instructions will help you activate the option.

How much does it cost to use the service?

  • By activating the Internet option for a day, you will receive 30 megabytes of traffic without speed limits. For this pleasure, three rubles will be debited from your account, and if you are connecting for the first time, then for the first activation you will be charged another thirty rubles.
  • In the future this will not happen, only daily payment will remain.
  • If the consumed traffic per day exceeds 30 megabytes, then you will still have access to the network, but a speed limit of up to 40 Kbps will be introduced. until the end of the day. Starting at midnight, you will be able to use the Internet again without speed limits.
  • You can activate this service package on any tariff plan, except MegaFon Login, MegaFon Login Test, MegaFon Router, MegaFon-Modem and MegaFon-Modem Plus, as well as Unlimited GPRS.

In this review, we will talk about Megafon unlimited internet and list the tariffs that include this option. We will also consider in detail the terms of provision and features of the service. It will be interesting to learn about this for every user who wants to get unlimited access to the network and enjoy all the possibilities of the World Wide Web.

It's no secret that many subscribers were unhappy when unlimited access was suspended by the operator. However, now when asked whether there is unlimited Internet on Megafon, we can say with confidence - yes, there is! We will consider favorable rates Megafon with unlimited Internet, valid for subscribers at the moment.

Tariff plans

One of the operator’s main lines is called “Turn on!” It includes several offers aimed at ensuring that users have access to certain services for watching videos, listening to music, social networks and messengers and large traffic packages. Now part of the offers includes unlimited Internet Megafon without traffic restrictions.

Tariffs that support Megafon unlimited mobile internet on your phone:

  • Get involved! Look +;

Let's look at each of them in more detail.


  • Network access in your home region is not limited;
  • When traveling around the country, 15 GB are available;
  • Unlimited calls to operator numbers throughout the country;
  • 700 minutes for calls within the region and within the Russian Federation;
  • Cost – 650 rubles.


  • 20 GB when traveling around the country;
  • 850 minutes of calls within the network and to other phones in the Russian Federation;
  • Cost – 800 rubles;
  • Calls within the network are not limited;
  • Access to the network without restrictions within your region.

The two TPs listed above require a monthly additional payment of +50 rubles to the basic amount.

Look +:

  • Unlimited traffic in your region;
  • 30 GB when traveling within the country;
  • Calls within the network are not limited;
  • 1500 minutes for calls within the Russian Federation;
  • 1000 rubles – monthly subscription fee;
  • Unlimited on video, instant messengers and social networks under any conditions.


  • Unlimited access to the network in your subject;
  • Unlimited on instant messengers, music, social networks and video;
  • Price – 3000 rubles monthly;
  • 30 GB for traveling around the country;
  • 5000 minutes for calls to any numbers in any regions;
  • Unlimited communication with company subscribers;
  • Unlimited SMS sending.

Now you know how much the Megafon service costs " Unlimited Internet».

You can also familiarize yourself with others, but for now let’s look at what features the “Internet Unlimited” phone option from Megafon has.

Terms of service

It is important to study the features that affect the provision of the service and the intricacies of its operation.

  • The option is not compatible with all offers and TP - you can find out the possibility of connection in the user’s personal account;
  • It is prohibited to simultaneously connect unlimited access to the network and services that expand the coverage area (for example, “All Russia”). Thus, the answer to the question of how to make full unlimited Internet on Megafon throughout Russia is no;
  • If the tariff changes, the service will be disabled;
  • Closed for use in routers and ;
  • There is a limit on downloading data from torrents;
  • The subscription fee is charged every day.

Now let's look at how to connect unlimited Internet to Megafon and how to refuse the option.


All users who are interested in the question should carefully study the following information:

  • For subscribers of the above TPs who connected after 08/27/2018, the option will be activated automatically and will occur when the SIM card is activated;
  • All other users of these tariffs can independently enable the offer. There are several ways to do this.

SMS message

  • Send an SMS with the word “YES” to the number 05001444 .

USSD command

  • On the keyboard, dial the code *105*1444# ;
  • Press the call button;
  • Select "Enable" on the screen.

Personal account

  • Open your personal account and go to the services tab;
  • Select the required option from the list of available ones;
  • Click the power icon.

For those who are wondering how to enable unlimited Internet on Megafon for a laptop, we note that at the moment this is not possible.


Let's figure out how to disable unlimited Internet on Megafon. There are several simple ways, set by the operator to make life easier for users.


  • Open the “My” tab within the “Services” block in your personal account;
  • Select an option and press the power off button.


  • Create an SMS with the word “STOP”;
  • Send it to number 05001444 .


  • Dial *105*1444# on the device keyboard;
  • Select the “Shutdown” menu item;
  • Follow further instructions.

We told you everything you need to know about the operator’s newly introduced offer. Reviews about Megafon unlimited internet will help you decide whether to connect to the service.

Internet for one day, it all depends on your needs, desires, capabilities.

When the subscriber needs Internet access, then he will be able to use it.

This is exactly the “Internet 24” option that the mobile operator Megafon developed and offered for its clients.

You need the Internet - connect and use it, pay its cost only for the day of using the option when the Internet session was held.

Description of "Internet 24" Megafon

Technical parameters of the Internet access option are daily Internet traffic of 200MB with a maximum speed of 3 Mbit/s. The same speed will be maintained in the service of this option when the subscriber exceeds the established amount of traffic.

True, in this situation the amount of payment for using the additional volume of traffic will also increase. The subscriber can find out information about the remaining traffic when dialing USSD commands *925# (call).

The correspondence of the maximum speed indicators of the Internet 24 option service to its technical parameters depends on the capabilities of the existing network and the equipment from which Internet access is made.

The coverage area of ​​this option is the territory of Russia, where there are 4G+, 3G, 2G networks. In the Moscow region, data transmission services are provided to Megafon subscribers on the 4G+ network, and there are all conditions for the functioning of Internet options.

Cost of traffic using the Internet 24 service Megafon

The subscription fee for using the option is charged per day and amounts to 24.00 rubles, the duration of the day is fixed from 00.00 to 24.00 hours. Connecting this option is free of charge.

When a subscriber needs to increase the volume of daily Internet traffic, exceeding its limit of 200 MB, according to the conditions of the current option, the subscription fee for 1 MB above the limit will be charged at a rate of 0.50 rubles. with hourly rounding up to 1Kb.

If the subscriber does not have enough funds in his account to conduct the next Internet session, the option will be blocked until the account balance is replenished by an amount exceeding the daily subscription fee of 24.00 rubles. at least for one penny.

It is difficult to imagine a modern person who does not use the Internet. Modern technologies permeate almost every area of ​​life, which is why now even the simplest tariff plans for phones contain a gigabyte package or simply provide access to the World Wide Web. Megafon's tariffs were no exception, but Internet on the phone is offered here on special, most convenient terms. Mobile operator allows users to independently determine the conditions that suit them and configure access to the World Wide Web. To do this, just familiarize yourself with the options available to the provider and choose the appropriate one.

The most important feature of entering the network in 2020 was the opportunity provided to subscribers to independently configure tariffs to suit their existing needs. Users are offered a basic tariff with additional options included. These options differ in cost, allowed traffic and payment methods and additional bonuses.

The mobile operator has secretly divided them into 4 global groups:

  • basic;
  • for mobile and smartphones;
  • for tablets;
  • for routers and modems.

But this division is conditional, so customers are able to use the selected offer on any available device. The main thing is to have access to a high-speed 3g or 4g network and maintain a positive SIM card balance.

Megafon online

As a basis, the company suggests using the Megafon online tariff plan. This offer is not profitable and is suitable only for those who do not intend to frequently use the existing connection or for customers who have activated an additional option.

When considering this Megafon tariff for a telephone, it is necessary to note the absence of a subscription fee. The main purpose of this offer is to provide customers mobile communications, since additional options do not include this service.

The main thing that subscribers need to know about this tariff:

  1. outgoing in the home region within the network - 3 rubles;
  2. calls to numbers of third-party operators – 6.5;
  3. in Russia – 12.5
  4. SMS – from 1.5 to 1.95 rubles.

Tariffs for Megafon for a phone with Internet

For the convenience of customers, employees of the mobile company have created a special tariff schedule, which includes unlimited access to individual sites and virtual services. Users can choose to have free access to:

  • messengers (cost per day: 2 rubles);
  • music (4);
  • social networks (4);
  • social networks+ (2);
  • video (20 GB per month) (10).

It is important to remember that these offers are not available on all plans. You should check the possibility of connection with your support operator in advance. To activate the option, you should visit their page on the company’s official website or look into the subscriber’s personal account.

Connection options

When clients are interested in the entire Internet, and not access to individual resources, other options should be used. The provider offers 4 convenient options that include limited traffic:

The first package includes 70 MB per day, the second – 3 GB per month, the third and fourth 16 and 36 GB, respectively. Moreover, in the last two options there is a strict division of the available traffic in half. The first part is used from 1 am to 7 am, the second - the rest of the time.

Additionally, users have access to several films and mobile television. But these services are provided to those who managed to connect this year, until the end of the special promotion.

To activate packages, you must do one of the following:

  • send a special short command;
  • send an SMS message with the text Yes to the connection number;
  • connect to the official portal;
  • visit your personal account;
  • buy a SIM card with a connected package.

The list of commands and phone numbers should be checked on the website or in the contact center of the cellular company.

Speed ​​extension

In situations where the selected package was not enough, you should activate an additional one. Each available Megafon Internet tariff for a telephone has its own available option extensions. There are 3 of them in total:

  1. 70 MB per day;
  2. 1 GB per month;
  3. for 5 GB.

The cost of each add-on is 19, 170 and 400 rubles, respectively. To use the options, you must send a request or write an SMS. Below are the required combinations and numbers:

  • *372*3# , 05009063 ;
  • *370*1# , 05009061 ;
  • *370*2# , 05009062 .

These options contain only additional traffic. They do not provide any additional services. But subscribers still have access to those functions and actions that were enabled in the main package. Exhausting the available megabytes does not lead to their shutdown.

How to connect

As mentioned above, there are 5 main methods for connecting the presented options:

  1. on the website;
  2. in your personal account;
  3. by purchasing a ready-made SIM card;
  4. special team;
  5. by SMS message.

The most convenient method to clarify the correct combinations is to visit the official website. Users should go to the page dedicated to the desired tariff plan.

If you cannot access the site, you should call contact center. The support number is 88005500500. For calls from roaming (free), you should use the phone +79261110500. Additionally, you can send an SMS with a question of interest to the short number 0500. Specialists will definitely help you understand the complexities of connection and describe in detail all the features of the chosen tariff plan.

Megafon: unlimited Internet on the phone - tariffs for people

Megafon has practically no special tariffs for using the Internet on smartphones. But the company offers a lot of different add-ons that provide access to the network.

The final volume of traffic and connection conditions depend only on the wishes of the users. Subscribers are able to use both a small amount and a fairly impressive number of gigabytes.

Options with unlimited access to social networks, music and instant messengers also look advantageous. For those who connect to the Internet only to visit their news viewing pages, this offer will be ideal.
