Closing a Document

If the assistant is active, a request to save changes will appear in its window. Clicking Yes will save the document. Once you click the No button, your changes will not be saved. The Cancel button will return you to the document window you were working on.

To close the document window, you can click the Close button in the upper right corner of the document window. To close everyone open documents press the Shift key until the File menu opens and select the Close All command from this menu,

Exit the program

After closing the document, the Word 2003 window remains open. The program window can be closed in the following ways:

1) click the close window button in the upper right corner of the window;

2) in the File menu, select the Exit command;

3) double-click the window menu button;

4) select the Close command in the window menu;

5) press the Ctrl+c (Ctrl+W) keys;

6) place the pointer on the window button on the taskbar and press the right mouse button. IN context menu select the Close command;

7) press Alt+F4.

If, when exiting the program, the clipboard contains a large amount of information, a request appears: The clipboard contains a large text fragment. Do you want this text to be available to other applications after you finish working in Word? (You placed a large amount of text on the Clipboard. Do you want this text to be available to other applications after you quit Word?) (Figure 1.10). Click the No button if you no longer need the information stored on the clipboard. To save the information, click Yes. Click the Cancel button to return to the application.

Word 2003 language options

Entering text in different languages

Word 2003 allows you to enter text into a document in the following ways:

1) enter text from the keyboard;

2) dictate the text using a microphone;

3) write comments by hand;

4) copy and paste text from another source.

The choice of methods 2 and 3 for entering information is carried out using the Language bar. It appears in the upper right corner of the screen. If the language bar is minimized, to restore it, click the language bar indicator located next to the clock and select Restore language bar from the context menu.

If the language bar is not installed on your computer, then to install it, follow these steps: click the Start button, select the Control Panel command, click the Add or Remove Programs icon in the dialog box that opens. , click the Change or Remove Programs button, highlight in the list Microsoft Office-Professional Edition 2003, click Edit, select Add or Remove Features..., click Next, select Advanced Application Customization, click Next, open Office Tools, find Language settings and select the Run from My Computer checkbox.

When creating or opening a document in Office 2016 ( Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word) the program closes immediately.

The problem appeared after installing the drivers for the printer; in addition to the drivers, the Abbyy FineReader program was installed. The fact is that when installing this program, it installs additional component(add-on, extension) from Abbyy FineReader, which interferes with the proper operation of Microsoft Office 2016

To solve the problem, just uninstall the Abbyy FineReader program, or disable add-ins in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word.

Everything is clear with deletion, but how can you disable the add-on if Microsoft program Excel or Microsoft Word are not allowed?

To do this you need to go to the program in safe mode.

Running an application in safe mode

Running an application in Safe Mode can often help determine if the problem is caused by a particular add-on.

In Windows 10, Windows 8 Right click button Start(in the lower left corner) and select the command Execute(IN Windows 7 just select Start > Run)

  • Enter excel /safe and press the key ENTER to launch Excel.
  • Enter winword/safe and press the key ENTER to launch Word. On Windows If an Office application won't start in Safe Mode, the problem is not with add-ins. Disabling add-ins one by one in Safe Mode
  • If the Office application starts in Safe Mode, disable add-ins one by one.
    1. While the Office application is running in safe mode, click File > Options > Add-ons.
    2. Near the list Control click Go.
    3. OK.
    4. Restart the application (not in safe mode this time)

If the Office application starts, then the problem is with an add-in that you disabled. We recommend visiting the official website of the add-on and checking for updates. If more new version no or you do not use this add-in, you may not check the corresponding box again or remove it from your computer.

If the Office application doesn't start, repeat the steps above and uncheck the other add-ins one by one. If all add-ins are disabled and the Office application still won't start, move on to Troubleshooting COM add-ins.

Troubleshooting COM add-ins

COM add-ins may also cause startup problems. If the Office application is running in safe mode, do the following:

  • Click File > Options > Add-ons.
  • On the list Control click COM add-ins, and then - Go.
  • Uncheck the box next to one of the add-ins in the list and click the button OK.
  • Restart the application (not in safe mode this time).

If the Office application starts, then the problem is with a COM add-in that you disabled. We recommend visiting the official website of the add-on and checking for updates. If a newer version is not available or you are not using this COM add-in, you may not check the box again.

Add-ins that may cause problems with Office 2013

Earlier versions of the following add-ons usually cause problems with Office applications 2013:

  • ABBYY FineReader. Visit the ABBYY FineReader web page to install the latest version.
  • Broadcom Send-to-Bluetooth. Visit

In some cases, when working in Microsoft Word, as well as in other applications in the office suite, you may encounter an error “The program has stopped working...”, which appears directly when you try to open a text editor or a separate document. Most often it occurs in Office 2007 and 2010, on different versions Windows OS. There are several reasons for the problem, and in this article we will not only find out them, but also offer effective solutions.

In most cases, the error indicating that the program has stopped working occurs due to some add-ons activated in the settings section of the text editor and other applications of the package. Some of them are enabled by default, others are installed by the user independently.

There are other factors that are not the most obvious, but at the same time have a negative impact on the operation of the program. These include the following:

  • Outdated version of the office suite;
  • Damage to individual applications or Office as a whole;
  • Incompatible or outdated drivers.

It is possible and necessary to exclude the first and third reasons from this list now, so before you begin to correct the error voiced in the topic of the article, make sure that the latest available version of Microsoft Office is installed on your computer. If it's not, please update this software using our instructions.

Incorrectly installed, outdated or missing drivers from the system would seem to have nothing to do with the office suite and its performance. However, in reality they entail many problems, one of which may well be an emergency termination of the program. Therefore, after updating Word, be sure to check the integrity, relevance and, most importantly, the presence of all drivers in operating system. If necessary, update them and install missing ones, and our step by step instructions will help you do this.

If, after updating the software components, the error still appears, to fix it, proceed to follow the recommendations below, acting strictly in the order we indicated.

Method 1: Automatic error correction

On the website technical support Microsoft can download a proprietary utility designed specifically for troubleshooting problems in Office. We'll use it to fix the error in question, but before you proceed, close Word.

Method 2: Manually disabling add-ons

As we already said in the introduction of this article, the main reason for the termination Microsoft work Word contains add-ons, both standard and those installed by the user. Simply disabling them is often not enough to fix the problem, so you will have to act more sophisticatedly by running the program in safe mode. This is done like this:

  1. Call the system utility "Run" holding down the keys on the keyboard "WIN+R". Enter the command below into the line and click "OK".
  2. Word will be launched in safe mode, as evidenced by the inscription in its header.

    Note: If Word won't start in Safe Mode, the stoppage is not due to add-ins. In this case, go straight to "Method 3" of this article.

  3. Go to menu "File".
  4. Open section "Options".
  5. In the window that appears, select "Add-ons" and then in the dropdown menu "Control" select "Word Add-ins" and click on the button "Go".

    In the window that opens with a list of active add-ons, if any are there, follow the steps described in steps 7 and below of the current instructions.

  6. If on the menu "Control" no item "Word Add-ins" or it is not available, select an option from the drop-down list "COM add-ins" and click on the button "Go".
  7. Uncheck one of the add-ons in the list (it’s better to go in order) and click "OK".
  8. Close Word and launch it again, this time in normal mode. If the program works normally, it means that the cause of the error lay in the add-on you disabled. Unfortunately, you will have to stop using it.
  9. If the error appears again, use the method described above to run text editor in safe mode and disable another add-in, then restart Word again. Do this until the error disappears, and when this happens, you will know which specific add-in is causing it. Therefore, everything else can be turned back on.
  10. According to Microsoft Office support representatives, the following add-ons are most often the cause of the error we are considering:

  • PowerWord;
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking.

If you use any of them, it is safe to say that it is precisely this that provokes the problem, negatively affecting the performance of Word.

We think you know that a well-mannered person always accurately determines the moment when it is time to leave. Sometimes timely disappearance is the only way to compensate for your appearance. But Word still won't appreciate your delicacy. So if you have finished typing, i.e. type text, go away.

  1. Select a team File › Output.

    Click on the team File. A menu will appear. Click on the team Exit(at the bottom of the menu). This is how you terminate any program in Windows.

  2. Save the files if Word prompts you to do so.

Word is a very helpful program. If you don't have any work saved, Word will prompt you to save the files to disk. The Office Assistant will also remind you of this if it is on the screen (Fig. 1.7).

Click the button Yes, if you want to save your file. If the document has not yet been named, Word will ask you to do so. The document will be saved under the name you choose. (You will learn how to do this in Chapter 2.)

If what you have typed needs to be destroyed, click the button No.

You also have a button at your disposal Cancel, clicking on which will remove the window with the exit command from the screen and allow you to return to your favorite work.

If you decide to exit Word, the program will disappear from the screen and you will again see the working Windows table, where you can pass the time until the end of the working day by playing Klondike solitaire.

Never, under any circumstances, exit Word by restarting or shutting down your PC, as this could damage your contents of hard disk. With computers, even without your efforts, you won’t have any problems, so you shouldn’t create unnecessary problems for yourself.

Rice. 1.7. Don't rush to say goodbye!

How to close a document without leaving Word

If you're finished working on a document, you can remove it from the screen and start working on a new one without closing Word. To do this, close the document (an operation similar to pulling a sheet out of a typewriter, only without the characteristic “shhhhhh”).

To close the document, select the command File › Close. This will close the document window and make it disappear from the screen. The "empty space" in the window will disappear.

  • Why do you need to close the document at all? Yes, because you finished working with him! You may want to work on other documents or exit Word. The choice is yours.
  • However, the document does not have to be closed. Personally, I sometimes work on the same document for several days and keep it open (and my PC on) the entire time. There is no harm in doing this. (The only thing to remember is to save the document to disk regularly, which is very important.)
  • If you decide to close an unsaved document, Word will warn you about this with the appearance of a special dialog box. To save the document, click the button OK. If you want to continue editing the document, click the button Cancel. The window will disappear and you will continue working.
  • If you work with several documents at the same time, after closing one window another will appear in its place.

Creating a new document

To create new document, select a command File › Create. The task pane will appear on the screen Creating a document. Select an option New document.

  • You can create a document by clicking the button Create on the standard toolbar.
  • A document that is already on disk can be opened using the command File › Open, which will be presented to you in the next chapter.
  • There's no need to leave Word to start working on a new document.
