A cordless telephone is a telephone that consists of a base station (base) and one or more handsets (wireless terminals). The radiotelephone base is connected to the telephone network, the signal between handsets is transmitted using radio waves. Such a device, in addition to communicating with the telephone network, can support communication between handsets of the same base. To install a radiotelephone, it is not at all necessary to call a specialist. You can do everything yourself if you carefully follow the installation instructions.


  • To begin, select the location where the radiotelephone will be installed. It is not advisable for it to be located next to a refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine and other equipment, as well as in direct proximity to metal objects, heat sources and electromagnetic fields. It is also advisable that the phone is not exposed to direct sunlight or high humidity.
  • Determine the best place to install the radiotelephone experimentally. If you are installing a cordless telephone in an office, please note that the base units must be installed at a distance of at least two meters from each other. If this does not happen, it will be impossible to transfer information between the base and the handset.
  • Before connecting the radiotelephone, charge the battery for the time specified in the instructions, and also set the security code. To do this, place the handset on the base and press the "page" key. The control system will automatically set the code. Repeat this every time you disconnect the base or battery, as in such cases the code is reset and the handset loses communication with the base.
  • Connect the radiotelephone to the telephone network using a modular connector. It does not fit into regular telephone sockets, so purchase an adapter in advance.
  • The pin connectors of the power supply also do not fit with standard sockets; connect them to power sockets using the appropriate adapter. Handle the radiotelephone with care, avoid shocks and falls, since the design of the device contains parts that are quite sensitive to mechanical damage, which can damage it.
  • Home phones have long been a part of our lives. In an effort to provide ourselves with maximum comfort, we are increasingly paying attention to radiotelephones, able to satisfy our requests for ease of use of telephone communications. A cordless telephone is a more complex device than a wired telephone. However, it is not at all necessary to call a specialist to install it. Just read the instructions carefully and take into account a few simple rules.


    First, determine the location where the radiotelephone will be installed. If possible, do not place it near household appliances, which is a source of electromagnetic radiation. You should also pay attention to whether direct sunlight hits the location of the radiotelephone. If you still plan to use the radiotelephone in places of high humidity and heat radiation, do not forget to put a case on the device or use ordinary packaging film as protection from dust and liquid. This way your phone will last longer and keep a neat appearance.

    Before connecting the radiotelephone, pay attention to the instructions for charging batteries, without which no radiotelephone can do. Typically, you need to charge the handset once every few days. When the indicator indicates a full charge or more than half charge, do not leave the handset in charger to avoid deterioration of the phone's performance.

    Connect the radiotelephone to the network using a modular connector using an adapter. Standard power sockets are not suitable for connecting a power supply, so you should make sure to purchase special adapters in advance.

    Remember that the radiotelephone should be handled with care, as the design of the device is very sensitive to mechanical damage. Shocks and falls can shorten the life of the device or even damage it. Then you will again have to spend money from the family budget on purchasing a new phone. Do not forget that in the event of a breakdown, you will be able to repair the radiotelephone under warranty, which, as a rule, is for a period of 1 year.

    Radiotelephone is a telephone that consists of a base station (base) and one or more handsets (wireless terminals). The radiotelephone base is connected to the telephone network, the signal between handsets is transmitted using radio waves. Such a device, in addition to communicating with the telephone network, can support communication between handsets of the same base. To install a radiotelephone, it is not at all necessary to call a specialist. You can do everything yourself if you carefully follow the installation instructions.


    To begin, select the location where the radiotelephone will be installed. It is not advisable for it to be located next to a refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine and other equipment, as well as in direct proximity to metal objects, heat sources and electromagnetic fields. It is also advisable that the phone is not exposed to direct sunlight or high humidity.

    Determine the best place to install the radiotelephone experimentally. If you are installing a cordless telephone in an office, please note that the base units must be installed at a distance of at least two meters from each other. If this does not happen, it will be impossible to transfer information between the base and the handset.

    Before connecting the radiotelephone, charge the battery for the time specified in the instructions, and also set the security code. To do this, place the handset on the base and press the "page" key. The control system will automatically set the code. Repeat this every time you disconnect the base or battery, as in such cases the code is reset and the handset loses communication with the base.

    Connect the radiotelephone to the telephone network using a modular connector. It does not fit into regular telephone sockets, so purchase an adapter in advance.

    The pin connectors of the power supply also do not fit with standard sockets; connect them to power sockets using the appropriate adapter. Handle the radiotelephone with care, avoid shocks and falls, since the design of the device contains parts that are quite sensitive to mechanical damage, which can lead to damage. it is out of order.

    Please note

    Cordless phones, consisting of a base station and wireless terminals, allow you to communicate privately and even do other things at the same time.

    Telephone is an electrical device that allows people to exchange information over a distance using an electrical signal. The word telephone came to us from ancient Greece. Tele is translated as “far”, and background is “voice”.

    After reading the article, any home craftsman can easily connect a landline, fax, or several parallel telephones, including a radiotelephone.

    What is the voltage in the telephone line

    The telephone line is live DC 40-60 V if the phone is not connected or is connected, but the handset is on the telephone. During a call, the voltage in the communication line becomes variable with an amplitude of up to 120 V. When you pick up the phone, the voltage drops to 6-12 V. This voltage is not life-threatening, but it can cause discomfort.

    It is impossible to damage the communication line or damage the telephone when connected. Shutdown may occur telephone line for a few minutes if the handset is picked up for a long time without dialing a number or if the communication line conductors are short-circuited. The telephone line is automatically switched off by an automatic telephone exchange (PBX) to save energy. So you can safely start connecting your phone to the communication line yourself.

    Before you connect landline phone, fax or radiotelephone to the communication line, it is advisable, but not necessary, to check whether the communication line is ready. The line voltage can be measured with a voltmeter designed to measure DC voltage.

    If the phone is not connected to the line or is connected and the handset is on the phone, the device should show a voltage of 40-60 V. If there is no voltmeter, you can check using a potato, and this is not a joke, but a real way to check. It is enough to stick the noodle wires, stripped of insulation, into the cut of the potato. No batteries are needed since the wires are already energized.

    What current will flow
    in case of short circuit of telephone line wires

    The PBX has a system installed to protect against failure of equipment and communication lines, which limits the current when short circuit telephone line up to 40 mA.

    For the communication line, one of the free pairs, brown or blue, is taken. twisted pair consists of two conductors twisted together. The insulation of one of them is painted a solid color, and the insulation of the second is white with stripes of the color of the first.

    Dect - convenient and safe wireless standard short-range radiotelephone communication, which has been successfully used in home and office environments for several decades. The first manufacturers to present their Dect format radiotelephones to the general public were Panasonic and Siemens. Then Philips, Voxtel appeared, and now Russian domestic Texet and many others.

    With so many manufacturers, there is no real variety of models to be observed. Yes, good and functional phones are produced (with an answering machine, Bluetooth and many other useful functions), but I almost never came across devices with good wall mounting (so that you can hang the base-charging “cup” for the handset in the hallway with just a couple of bolts , without installing a shelf).

    Therefore, when the Voxtel Wall 1910 device was “thrown away” on the market, practically not believing my luck, I immediately bought it.

    However, the lifespan of a radiotelephone turns out to depend on the operating conditions of its portable part - the handset. A few years later, the handset, having been in greasy hands (there was a time when we roasted chicken in the oven every day at home), stopped responding to pressing individual buttons. And the display stopped displaying some "sticks". But here is the Dect base of Voxtel Wall 1910 I didn’t want to remove it from the wall, since it fit in there very organically (it occupied a minimum of corridor space) and all the household inhabitants were already accustomed to this base.

    I bought a radio t from the girl Alina on the Avito website Dect Philips CD440 phone for 300 rubles, and decided to connect it to the database Dect database Voxtel Wall 1910, conveniently hanging on the wall in the hallway at the entrance to the apartment.

    Instructions for connecting a handset from another manufacturer to a Dect radio telephone base.

    To connect a handset from another manufacturer to a Dect radiotelephone base, first set up the handset and base separately correctly. (In some cases, setting up the base is possible only if you have a “native” handset.)

    Install right time on the handset and base, since after connecting the handset to the base, in some cases the time cannot be changed (a “foreign” base will not allow this to be done).

    If the handset is initially connected to its home base, then you first need to remove this registration from the handset to the “native” base. Disconnect the native base from the electrical network (so as not to confuse the connected handset with the presence of a second, “native” base). Then press the handset search button on the “foreign” base (it’s also the handset registration button) and hold it pressed for more than 5 seconds. At this very time, on the handset you need to enter the Registration item and find the base with an “asterisk”, i.e. ready to register a new handset.

    The handset will ask you to enter the base PIN code. You need to enter the code 0000 (four zeros) and click OK. I tried to change the Voxtel Wall 1910 base code" 0000" to "8888", the original handset accepted the code, but in reality this code did not change in the database. It took me 4 or 5 attempts to connect the handset Philips CD440 to base Voxtel Wall 1910, but I did it successfully in the end.

    Result: the date and time on the handset cannot be changed (I was mistaken by 1 day when I set the date on the handset). And the name of the handset now sounds like “Philips?” Instead of a question mark, there should obviously be a handset number. But the base Voxtel Wall 1910 was unable to give up the phone Philips CD440 its number (in this case - number 2).

    Caller ID (euro caller ID connected to the PBX) for incoming calls to Philips CD440 works great. The 11 digits of the caller's number (8916...) are displayed. And I didn’t need more from this additional tube.

    The handset itself was in good condition - all the buttons clicked well and there were no signs of children's or animal teeth on it. Thanks to those who keep equipment in good condition and sell it on the site Avito . This saves the environment.

    Many owners of country houses, as well as summer cottages, quite often come to the idea of

    "...how nice it would be if I had a telephone in my house, or better yet a radiotelephone"

    With development cellular communications It would seem that the need for a classic phone has already disappeared, but there are many points due to which it is enough large number people prefer to use classic telephones.

    Here are the main reasons for the inconvenience mobile communications in a country house:

    1. If older people use the telephone, then it is difficult for them to often use a mobile phone for calls.

    2. Floating signal, often the signal level drops and the connection is lost.

    3. The need to control the battery charge level. Forgot to charge - was left without communication.

    4. "Silent call" for a large house, the mobile phone will only ring where it is located. What to do if you have a 2-story house with 8-10 rooms?

    What are the options for solving telephone communication in a country house:

    1. It is natural to install a regular wired telephone from the traditional telecom operator Centrtelecom, MGTS, Rostelecom, etc.

    2. A modern alternative is to connect a SIP number over the Internet, provided that you have a connection to the “fast” Internet - fiber optic, dedicated line, etc. The required Internet speed is enough from 1 Mbit/sec, which can be provided even by a regular 3G modem in an area of ​​good 3G reception.

    3. A hybrid option for using a GSM network into a regular home telephone network using a GSM terminal.

    Let's take a closer look at the last two options.

    a) Connecting a SIP number via the Internet - this requires a correspondingly high-quality Internet channel, router and

    For example, the SIP radiotelephone model that is popular today

    Next you need to select the appropriate service provider SIP telephony, and there’s just a sea of ​​them on the Internet, there’s both unlimited tariffs, and connection tariffs. Moreover, calls between SIP telephony subscribers are generally not charged at all at any tariff!

    b) The hybrid connection option is suitable for most regions where there is cellular communication and there is no Internet or traditional telephone lines, but you still want to install a radiotelephone in the house)

    So how to install GSM radiotelephone :

    and absolutely ANYONE will be connected directly to it! radiotelephone. For example convenient

    radiotelephone with two handsets

    This radiotelephone is very convenient for a country house in several ways:

    Firstly, it supports expansion to six radio tubes, two are already included (this is convenient for a large house).

    Secondly - This radiotelephone has useful feature- backup power, given that the GSM terminal also has backup power - this means that even if there is a power outage you will not be left without communication.

    And thirdly, this is a very economical and energy-intensive phone, so you will have to charge it extremely rarely.

    What are the advantages of hybrid use of a GSM terminal with a radiotelephone?

    1. In case of poor quality of cellular communication, you can install the GSM terminal at the highest point in your house (for example, an attic), and take the antenna from it outside, this will provide an additional improvement in communication. You can also significantly improve the signal if you install it on a GSM communication receiver nearest to you.

    2. You can connect a radiotelephone with a different number of radio handsets from 1 to 6 to the GSM terminal, thereby providing telephone communication to the entire house and even neighboring buildings within 300 meters (for example, a bathhouse, a guest house, a gazebo, a garage)

    3. Radiotelephone radiation is several times less than radiation mobile phone, and on modern radiotelephones that support ECO DECT or ECO ideas technology it is even more noticeably reduced.

    4. You can always connect a regular wired telephone in parallel to the GSM terminal, for example with, which is difficult to call from cordless phones or mobile phones, or you can connect, for example, a beautiful one in the living room.
