Cases with money, open money cases. Increased chance of opening cases. Daily bonus - one case free. One of the most popular online ways to raise money for beginners. Each participant can open the case and receive a prize. BANGCASH is site for opening cases with money. Winning depends on luck and the additional option of chance. This makes it possible to earn a lot of money. Every case is a win-win.

opening cases

Having only 20 rubles in your account, you can quickly earn 1000, and then a million, because the cost of an open case is negligible compared to the money received. In other words, you open free cases with money, and the winnings can reach incredible earnings. The contents of the case are determined randomly; participants have no doubt about the honesty of the site. Open up cash cases and earn money with us.cases with money

money cases

Also on our website there are not only cases with money. Some contain items (prizes). This allows each participant in the game on the site to get what they want. By opening it, you can become the owner of a new Xiaomi Mi5 smartphone, IPhone 7 or DJI Phantom 4 drone.

Hello everyone, if you are reading this article, you are probably familiar with my previous articles and know that one of my main niches was selling wallets (now it is not the main one) from one-page websites. If you haven’t read my articles, then start with and gradually read others. This article will present a whole case with the results of my work with this offer for the first 2 months of work. And at the end there will be a video about everything that is written in this article. Be sure to watch. So, let's begin.

As soon as I saw what arrived, I was in slight shock. But there was nowhere to retreat and I started selling them. (Vinegar slightly removed the smell of fish)

After I paid for the order, I began preparing for the arrival of the shipment. The first thing I did was learn how to make a landing page. Looking at it now, I have a hard time understanding how it could even bring in money; if I started working with such a landing page now, I would 100% go bankrupt. But at that time, there were few competitors for these models, since they were just starting to be sold, so my site began to bring me money. On principle, I didn’t want to order from anyone, because I didn’t have the money and I wanted to learn on my own. My first landing page was like this.

I made this landing page in about 2 weeks. Then I started thinking about where to get traffic to the site. I knew that there were some kind of contextual advertising systems and so on, since I had been reading about business on the Internet for about 1 year and was gathering thoughts about opening my own. Naturally, I had no idea how to set up the context and thought it wouldn’t be hard. Having chosen Ya.Direct as the main source of traffic, I began to configure it. You can see the results for the month of June on the screen (I launched the advertisement at the end of June).

Naturally, I had 1 ad for all keywords, plus YAN was not disabled, etc. As a result, I lost more than 2000 rubles in 2-3 days, received 1-2 leads and, to put it mildly, panicked. At that time, considering that I was almost broke, it was a lot of money. After that, I started studying Direct, reviewed a bunch of lessons, re-read a lot of articles, the final step was getting a job in a fairly good company as an internet marketer trainee. There I learned how to set up Ya.Direct, and in the end things went well. As you can see in July, the cost per click decreased significantly, and leads appeared at an affordable price. And by mid-July, I sold out this entire batch (in addition to Direct, there were leads from message boards and from contacts).

Then there was a new batch, in the amount of about 70 pieces (already normal wallets), the purchase costs were approximately 32-35 thousand rubles.

In the screenshot above, I messed up a little with setting goals in Ya.Metrica, which is why the conversion is so crazy. Please note that the cost on the screen is in USD, and 1 USD = 30 rubles in Ya.Direct. Price in USD since I used an agency account from Elama.

In fact, this month I received about 30 leads from direct messages, at a cost of no more than 150 rubles (basically, the same as it was in July). But I also had active advertising in AdWords (unfortunately, there are no statistics, since the campaigns were old, I deleted them a long time ago) on Avito and in free VK groups. I sold out this batch for the whole of August, and made my first solid money. The price on the landing page was 1590-1790 rubles.

Total 70*1690=118300 rubles.

The cost amounted to about 35 thousand + approximately 10 thousand advertising + other costs of about 10 thousand = 55 thousand rubles.

Profit amounted to about 63.3 thousand rubles. (delivery was at the buyer's expense).

These values ​​are approximate, since at that time I did not have any analytics, except for an excel file with customer data, and I do not remember all the expenses. Plus there was a certain percentage of non-repurchases. In order not to be idle talk about the fact that the leads were from VK, I will provide some of the screenshots that I was able to find. Unfortunately I can’t show calls from Avito))

In general, the statistics are as follows: the data is given for a period of approximately 2-2.5 months. As you can see, I reached a fairly good level of earnings from my business, plus I received 20 thousand for working as an Internet marketer trainee (honestly, I would have worked for free, since I got very good experience there) There were a lot of empty expenses that could have easily been avoided, I just didn’t know about it and only realized it later. But again, this is experience, and in subsequent niches I no longer do this.

Now I have 2 websites for these models, I almost never use context and other types of similar advertising for wallets, except perhaps on holidays. I have set up SEO optimization well, one of my sites is always in the top 5 for hot queries in Yandex, the other is in the top 3 in Google. There is also a VK group (more than 1000 live people), an Instagram account, Avito and other message boards.

Again, screenshots to confirm my words.

As you can see in the diagrams, more than 60% of visitors come from search engines. This traffic is very cheap and of fairly high quality. I advise you to achieve just such traffic and your profits will increase significantly. You will not depend on the advertising budget, and you will always have leads.

Again, to confirm your words that my sites are in the top, you can check for yourself by entering, for example, “Baellerry Italia” in the search. And I will show you statistics on requests.

It is well indexed in Google, for Yandex I have a different site, in the screenshot below.

The screenshots show how there are 3 “drawdowns”, this is due to the fact that I forgot to deposit money, and the analytics system did not work these days))))

Here is a case for a Baellerry wallet.

At the end, I want to sum up the most important conclusion. You don’t need to think long about starting your own business. We need to act, the sooner the better. As they say, while you are making up your mind, others are already making money. Now, of course, I do everything from the height of experience and the results in earnings are many times higher.

If at one time I had read the articles that I am writing to you, I would have achieved results many times faster! You are lucky;)

Here's a video about everything I described above. Look for clarity!

I have selected 101 cases to show you how to work with one type of traffic or another: context, teasers, targeted advertising on social networks, advertising in public pages and on large content platforms, mobile advertising, e-mail newsletters, video advertising, etc. d.

In these cases, I will talk about different types of offers, how to work with them and what kind of traffic converts best to them.
Here we separately consider offers that work according to the following payment schemes: CPA, CPL, CPO, CPS, CPI, etc.

I also tried to describe in detail where and how traffic was purchased, which offers it was merged with and from which ads, what profit was from this or that ad, etc.

In general, in these cases I am telling you very bold topics.

What will you do if you get fired tomorrow?

“Give me 3 minutes and I will change your idea of ​​making money on the Internet!”

Working cases

Case from public VK to Detonator (Actionpay)

  • Affiliate network: Actionpay
  • Offer: Exciting chewing gum “Detonator”
  • Traffic source: VK Publics
  • Spent: 2000 rub.
  • Earned: 40,400 rub.
  • Profit: 38,400 rub.

The case itself on draining from VK public pages for stimulating chewing gum “Detonator”

Around March, I began actively pouring in this offer on the Actionpay affiliate network from “Chicken” groups in different cities. The payment for a confirmed order is 560 rubles, as the turnover increased, the payment was increased to 600 rubles per lead.

Why did I pour from these particular groups: 100% male audience, high activity of the groups, the ability to tailor the post to the theme of these groups, relatively low cost of posts.

Why did I pour from this particular group? The audience and attendance statistics seemed to me to be very good, and the opportunity to publish a post suitable for the topic of the group was approved by the community administrator.

The post was posted in the “Chickens of Krasnoyarsk” community

The cost of the post is 1000 rubles.

The community administrator agreed to delete negative comments


After the publication of the post, positive comments were written under the post from fake pages, all negative comments that were written by users of the group were deleted, so I received a post under which there were exclusively positive comments written in youth colloquial jargon. The post stayed on the group’s wall for 3 days.

Post result:

Result of the 1st post.

  • Spent: 1,000 rub.
  • Earned: 20,160 rub.
  • Profit: 19,160 rub.

A week later, I was placed in the same group by an alleged person who had already received this chewing gum and expressed his admiration. Work with comments was done in the same spirit as with the first one.

Post result:

Result of the 2nd post.

  • Spent: 1,000 rub.
  • Earned: 20,240 rub.
  • Profit: 19,240 rub.

From experience I realized that even very small groups can give good results; in 3 months of work, work was done with all such groups almost throughout the entire Russian Federation. The overall profit on this offer turned out to be not bad at all.

Guys, don’t be afraid to experiment with small groups, especially if they are also of a narrow tamatics, communicate with the admins and place directly and the results won’t keep you waiting long!!!

P.S. Photos of the girls for the posts were taken from foreign social networks. networks so as not to accidentally offend or hurt the dignity of any CIS girl.

Case VK and Empire: Four Kingdoms (Adsup)

  • Affiliate network: Adsup
  • Offer: Empire: Four Kingdoms
  • Traffic source: VK Target
  • Spent: 2022 rub.
  • Earned: 34380 rub.
  • Profit: 32358 rub.

The case itself from VK on Empire: Four Kingdoms

After the appearance of the VK application for iOS, I remembered the sweet times of offers for Android with a wide GEO, such as Apus Launcher, Mico, etc. (when you could spin for 5 rubles per 1000 impressions in the CIS). Therefore, we decided to look for offers with this GEO for iOS and found several, one of which was Empire four Kingdoms. Despite the fact that the offer was for the iPad, it was decided to test it on VK.

This is what surprised us: the spin-up cost was 3 rubles, sometimes the rate reached 13 rubles, but from the first tests there was already a profit. This is most likely due to the fact that there are very few iOS offers with this GEO. The offer had a daily limit of 55 installations for everyone, so almost every day we squeezed out the limits in 1 hour. They paid 90 rubles for installation.

What was done:

1. 57 ads loaded.

2. About 20 of them were tested because they were partially repeated.

3. The required approach was found, which gave a good CTR for a wide GEO.

They leaked from 3 accounts, so it’s not very convenient to look at the statistics.

At first, they leaked it to one account with a weak CTR (that’s why the statistics on the screenshots are so different), until the text + creative we needed passed moderation. Moreover, on one account a lot of interesting creatives were launched the second time, and on the other account we managed to launch the ad we needed 8 times. There is no point in making screenshots of statistics for all accounts, because the advertisements were identical. Therefore, we are posting the statistics of the account in which we made the most profit.

VK office:

Affiliate statistics:

The screenshots show that the ad from subaidi 11 brought the most profit.

Below is an example. An ad with a twist on the game “Cossacks”. Although the text with this game is no longer original at all - the CTR for all men in all GEOs could not help but rejoice)) The cost of a click on this ad in this office was 17 kopecks!

Below are age statistics for this ad. If we compare these two diagrams, we see that the best clickers were men 21 and older. Most likely this is due to the fact that people under 21 are unlikely to be familiar with a game like “Cossacks”.

Here are a few more creatives for clarity:

These screenshots show that the ads were tested on a very wide audience with virtually no targeting. This helped achieve the fastest and cheapest turnaround.


1st account: Without bonus: 596 rubles

2nd office: With bonus: 958/1.17=819 rubles

3rd office: With bonus: 710/1.17=607 rubles

TOTAL: RUB 2,022 — 8,783 clicks purchased.

The average cost per click is 23 kopecks.

Office 1:

Office 2:

Office 3:


1 account: 2700 rubles

2 account: 21150 rubles
3 account: 10530 rubles
TOTAL: 34,380 rubles - 382 installations for 90 rubles.

Account 1:

Account 2:

Account 3:

PROFIT: RUB 32,358


1. The best envelope was for Kazakhstan. In the Russian Federation and Ukraine the envelope was approximately the same, but in the Russian Federation there was significantly less traffic.

2. It was also possible to move around the Russian Federation, but very slowly.

3. The offer was for the iPad, but, as it turned out later, conversions from the iPhone were also taken into account.

Case Liquid chestnut and VK Publics (KMA)

  • Affiliate network: KMA
  • Offer: Liquid chestnut
  • Traffic source: VK Publics
  • Spent: 11,350 rub.
  • Earned: 34850 rub.
  • Profit: 23,500 rub.

The case itself on draining from VK public pages to Liquid Chestnut

Let me start with the tools that I used during the leak from public sites.


1) hollypasta is a service for analyzing communities and advertising posts. I used it to select pictures for my posts.

2) people4u - Use it to find suitable communities for advertising. The advantage of this service is that you can see your target audience as a percentage.

With the help of people4u I selected communities for my posts. The selection parameters were as follows:

  • Gender: Female from 80%
  • Age: from 27
  • Minimum number of target audience: 2000
  • A post does not cost more than 500 rubles.

On the first day, I found an admin who had 9 public pages and they fit the target audience. I bought a post in each public, it cost me 1350 rubles. The results were positive, applications for 4000 rubles were approved.

After analyzing all 9 sites, I removed 2 small communities that gave approximately 20 clicks and 0 conversions. Having agreed with the admin, I took 70 posts from him for 10k. (here’s another plus of buying directly, you can ask for a discount). Posts go out every day at 11:30

Here are the statistics from KMA:


The most interesting thing in the case, I think, is the posts.

For 10 days, 10 different posts were scheduled, with different pictures and reviews.

For any questions please contact: [email protected]
skype: freilezakaz

Cases with money, open money cases. Increased chance of opening cases. Daily bonus - one case free. One of the most popular online ways to raise money for beginners. Each participant can open the case and receive a prize. BANGCASH is site for opening cases with money. Winning depends on luck and the additional option of chance. This makes it possible to earn a lot of money. Every case is a win-win.

opening cases

Having only 20 rubles in your account, you can quickly earn 1000, and then a million, because the cost of an open case is negligible compared to the money received. In other words, you open free cases with money, and the winnings can reach incredible earnings. The contents of the case are determined randomly; participants have no doubt about the honesty of the site. Open up cash cases and earn money with us.cases with money

money cases

Also on our website there are not only cases with money. Some contain items (prizes). This allows each participant in the game on the site to get what they want. By opening it, you can become the owner of a new Xiaomi Mi5 smartphone, IPhone 7 or DJI Phantom 4 drone.

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With a total of 20 rubles on your account, all that remains is to quickly get THOUSANDS, and then MILLIONS, since the price of an open case is miserable when compared to the money purchased. In other words, you open charity cases with money, and the prize can reach extraordinary earnings. The content of the case is formed randomly; the participants do not hesitate in any way about the veracity of the website. Open up cash cases and get money with us.cases with money

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