Each region of the country has its own branch of Russian Post - the regional department of federal postal services. All branches are divided geographically into ten macro-regions. The total number of post offices exceeds 40 thousand. There are two branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, united in the Moscow macroregion. Also located in the region are the Vnukovo logistics center, which processes international mail, and an automated sorting center (ASC), located not far from Podolsk. In them, parcels and letters are distributed and sent to post offices of six regions - Tver, Tula, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Moscow. If a client from the ASC service area sent a letter, for example, to Vladivostok, then his letter will first go to the Podolsk ASC, and then go to the main sorting center in the Far East. Where it will already be sorted to the final recipient. The Village went to an automated sorting center in Podolsk (the largest in Russia and Eastern Europe) to see how they sort letters and parcels.

What happens at the sorting center

The automated center serves the six regions closest to it. This means that it sorts simple letters by post office, registered letters and parcels - to regional post offices. Outgoing shipments from these areas for recipients from all over Russia are also processed here. After the envelope falls into the mailbox, it is taken out and brought to the post office, where the letter is inspected and the date of sending is set. Then the postal containers with letters are taken to the sorting center.

In total, 1,650 people work there, about 350 employees per shift; the center’s area can be compared to a large factory - it occupies 29 thousand square meters. The sorting center operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and seven days a week. The conveyor only stops during maintenance hours. The equipment here is Italian.

A large share of the center's dispatches in Podolsk are letters from various companies (including government organizations, for example fines from the traffic police) and catalogues. Parcels, parcels, EMS items, registered letters, valuable letters and first class items are also processed here. The sorting time is 21 hours, during which time the shipment must travel from the entrance to the dispatch. About 3 million pass through the center every day postal items. The hottest season is April-May, when all kinds of congratulations from the state are sent, and, of course, November-December - when everyone sends gifts and New Year's letters.


Yasya Vogelgardt

How to speed up work

The company says that the delivery time for letters and parcels has been reduced. This happened thanks to two things - automation and logistics. In the first case, the construction of an automated sorting center in Vnukovo helped, where manual labor is minimized and all parcels are sorted using special equipment. According to employees, now from the moment of entering the international departure center until departure to the country, no more than 22 hours pass. Previously, such parcels could lie for days. Besides, new team Russian Post has revised its routes and removed unnecessary points from them. For example, if previously a resident of Ryazan sent a letter to the addressee in his city, then the letter was first sent for sorting to Moscow and only after that was returned. Now such shipments are sorted within the city.

How letters are sorted

First, operators scan the barcode and register the cargo. So in special program information appears about what type of mail and how much it was received. The data is also uploaded to the official website of Russian Post, where the client, knowing the identifier (alphanumeric image for international parcels and digital for domestic Russian), can find out the location of his departure. All containers are distributed between departments - written correspondence, parcels and express shipments. In the express shipment workshop, the sorting process is partially automated: operators read each barcode with a hand-held scanner, find out the address and put it in a bag that travels to the desired city. According to employees, this is because most express items are irregular in shape, so manual sorting is more acceptable.

Manual labor is also involved in sorting regular letters, but it is not much. There is also equipment for sorting large format letters. First, such letters are faceted - operators put them in boxes so that they are located on the same side to each other. Then the stacks are loaded onto a sorting machine: the items fly along a conveyor, a scanner reads the address from each and distributes them according to directions into cells. This happens quite quickly - 12 letters are processed per second. If the address or index is written illegibly or contains some errors, the scanner sends a photo of this letter to the video encoding section. Employees of this department continuously manually enter indexes from images of letters. To do this, you need to have a quick reaction - to be able to deal with the letter in no more than 30 seconds, since it is during this time that the sorting machine makes several circles. In addition, employees need to know the index range for the whole of Russia in order to deal with discrepancies between the index and address, for example. Of course, if the address is something like “grandfather’s village,” then the letter will be returned to the sender.

Then the letters are taken out of the cells, and the operator places the items in blue branded boxes, sticks labels with the addresses of branches or post offices and places the boxes on the conveyor belt. Here the final stages await them - formation into containers, loading and shipping.

What happens to parcels

Parcels are distributed by six automated lines. The first one is for international shipments- customs cleared shipments from Vnukovo are received here for addressees living in the entire ASC service area, except Moscow. For Moscow, shipments are sorted directly at the Vnukovo center. The outermost belt is intended for oversized cargo, and the rest are for standard parcels. All items are manually loaded onto a high-speed conveyor belt, which moves at a speed of 2.2 meters per second. Boxes and parcels are automatically scanned and sorted into 320 outputs that correspond to different post offices. There is a mesh installed under the conveyor belt - sometimes due to the high speed of the conveyor and slippery packaging, parcels slide down. Therefore, the operator regularly checks the grid and returns the parcels to the sorting belt.

In the place where containers with parcels are unloaded and loaded, there are Yantar installations. They check shipments for radioactive emissions and explosion hazards. If a package seems suspicious to the operator, he cannot open it himself, but must hand it over to the security service. In general, verification of domestic shipments usually takes place at post offices when submitting the shipment for delivery.

Sending and receiving letters, parcels, parcels is part of modern life. Every day, millions of people receive treasured boxes or envelopes. Russian Post provides many services, one of which is parcel tracking. What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? What other statuses are there? if her number is not tracked? About this in the article.

Post office

Russian is the operator postal network and the systemically important enterprise is Russian Post. What does it mean: “Left the sorting center”? Senders or recipients using postal services often encounter this status. If a client sends a parcel, letter or parcel, the shipment is assigned a special track number. You can use it to track your location.

Russian Post offers its customers various types of services (reception, processing, transportation, delivery, transfers), exchange of written correspondence, international mail. In addition, the domestic company stores postal items, goods, cargo, distributes advertising, issues pensions, benefits, payments, accepts housing and utility payments, signs and distributes periodicals. Russian Post is also engaged in printing activities (creating and distributing postcards, stamps, envelopes, albums, catalogs), and selling wholesale and retail various goods.

Many people are interested in: does mail work well? What does it mean: “Left the sorting center”? This status may mean that the parcel or letter is already on its way and will soon arrive at its destination. "Russian Post", despite criticism of this organization, works properly. Last year alone, it delivered more than 50% of orders from online stores. This is almost two hundred million parcels, one hundred and thirty million of which are international shipments. The post office receives the most income from the provision of financial services, written correspondence, parcels and EMS items. The company's structure includes a central management apparatus, which consists of 22 divisions and 10 macro-regional branches.


What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? This is exactly the question that Russian Post clients, all who are recipients, are asking. The sorting center is automated. It sorts letters, parcels, parcels into branches and regional post offices and processes outgoing shipments from all over the country. After the sender places the envelope in the mailbox, it is removed, sent to the post office, weighed and date stamped. The letters are then taken to a sorting center.

More than a thousand employees work at this enterprise. The center occupies twenty-nine thousand square meters in area, and is located in Podolsk (Moscow region). What does it mean: "Left the sorting center"? This status means that the letter or parcel is sent to the recipient's post office. It is determined by the index. In addition to letters, parcels, parcels, EMS shipments, valuables, registered letters and shipments, they are processed at the center. Time sorting lasts twenty hours. Three million items pass through the center every day.


Status "Left the sorting center" - what does it mean? Before the recipient receives the package, it will go through many different stages. For example, the status "sorting" means that the shipment is still in the sorting center. Parcels are placed in special export bags, which are opened, sorted and repacked. The status "Arrived at the sorting center" means that the parcel has been delivered for sorting and distribution. If the item "Arrived at the place of international exchange", it is being held at customs, within the country, or awaiting shipment abroad. The designation "Left the place of international exchange" confirms the export transaction.

What does it mean: “The parcel has left the sorting center”? If the recipient sees this status after entering the identifier number on the website, then the parcel will soon arrive at the post office. The final designation “arrived at the place of delivery” indicates that the recipient should contact post office and pick up the shipment. In this case, do not forget to take your passport.


If the parcel has left the sorting station, it means that it will soon reach the recipient. The shipment tracking number comes to the rescue or postal id. This is a unique number code that is assigned to all parcels. There is a domestic Russian track number and an international one. It is usually indicated on the receipt, which is issued after the shipment is registered. If the package was sent after purchasing an item in an online store, the client is sent an identifier with which you can track the shipment.

To do this, go to the Russian Post website, enter a number consisting of fourteen digits divided into semantic parts, click “OK”. After processing the information, the user will see information about the status of the shipment. If the status “Lviv. Left the sorting center” does not change for a long time, it means that the parcel is already in If the information has not been updated for a long time, the shipment may have been waiting for the recipient for a long time.

How long does it take?

What does it mean: "Processing. Left the sorting center"? If the recipient, after entering the unique identifier number, finds such an inscription, this may mean that the parcel is still in the center or has recently been sent. Parcels in Russia take about two weeks, depending on distance, weather conditions and other factors.


What does it mean: “The letter has left the sorting center”? This status sometimes means that the information on the site has not been updated for a long time. At the center, operators receive incoming letters, read the barcode, and register them. All data is uploaded to the official website of Russian Post. You can track the path of the letter using the identifier. Containers with written correspondence, express items and parcels are distributed between workshops. Sorting process but not completely. Staff scan each correspondence manually and log it.


What does it mean: “The parcel has left the sorting center”? This status often indicates that it has been sorted and has been sent to its destination. In Podolsk, parcels are distributed along six automated lines. The first is used for international shipments, the second for small shipments, and the rest for regular parcels. Parcels are loaded manually, parcels are scanned and sorted automatically. In addition, they are checked for the presence of explosive substances.

Friends! Tell me please!

If The parcel left the sorting center in my city on 03/05/13 at 9 am. Can I safely go with my passport and documents with my address (which I requested from the seller) the next morning to receive my parcel? Or sit on your butt straight and wait for a status update?
The parcel was sent by regular Russian Post.

Added by moderator:

What does the status “Left the sorting center” mean?

The “Left Sorting Center” status in tracking postal items means that your shipment has been scanned at the sorting center in your city and is being prepared for loading onto a vehicle that will deliver it directly to the post office (place of delivery). Those. this status does not yet mean that the parcel has physically left the sorting center. But, as a rule, the parcel still leaves the sorting center on the day this status appears and must be delivered to the post office on the same day.

When can I receive a parcel if the status is “Left the sorting center” in my city?

It all depends on the practice of your post office. Formally, you can (without waiting for a notification or the status “Arrived at the place of delivery”) go to the post office the next day and present the tracking number of the parcel there. In the vast majority of cases, your shipment is already physically at the post office.

But there are several nuances here:

1) Physically, the parcel may already be in the software, but it has not yet been processed and its number has not been entered into the Russian Post accounting program. Those. software workers simply will not find your shipment in the database. That. it all depends on the speed of processing incoming mail in your software.

2) The Russian Post database is not updated online. Updates occur 2-3 times a day. Therefore, it may turn out that your shipment has already been accepted and processed in the software, entered into the database, but the database has not been updated. Those. The parcel is already ready for delivery, but you still do not see the corresponding status.

Considering what was written above, it is best to go to the post office only when you already see the status “Arrived at the place of delivery”.

A parcel, letter or shipment has left the sorting center - what does this mean and how long should it take to receive it? How do MSCs function and how are postal items delivered?

I want to receive any parcel as soon as possible. And if the parcel is valuable, then the delay in delivery naturally causes concern. And if everything is more or less clear with transportation, then sorting at forwarding centers raises questions for everyone.

What does it mean?

The parcel tracking status “Left the sorting center” means that the box was scanned by the operator (or automatically) and placed on a cart (box, basket, conveyor). In the near future, the mail container should be loaded onto a truck and taken to the station, airport or post office, if it is near the ASC.

Automated sorting facilities were built in Russia to speed up the processing of deliveries. They played their role - previously everything was distributed manually, workers had to write down data in a journal for a long time, so the parcels were sent for several months, and in the 90s, it happened, even for six months. Today, part of the work is automated, computers, scanners and even robots have appeared, so the time frame has been reduced, although by modern standards it continues to be long.

How long to wait?

However, in practice this can only be true if the departure is between major cities. For example, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and other cities are usually served very quickly when sending to Moscow; their sorting centers are equipped with conveyors, electronic barcode scanners and automatic sorters. Millions of correspondence and letters fly through these systems with virtually no human intervention.

But in small towns and regional centers, sorting can still be done manually, so after the status “left the sorting center” appears, several weeks may pass before receipt. Again, the Russian Post experiences failures and delays in sending; it is no coincidence that there are so many jokes about this structure on the Internet.

In addition, the notification that your package has left the sorting center only means passing the final registrar. But in reality, parcels and bundles of letters can wait for several days to be loaded on board an aircraft at the gates of this same MSC, if, for example, the weather is bad or there is a flight delay. Much the same can be said about railway mail.

Russia is a big country, there can be a lot of delay factors, and besides, people in the departments don’t really want to try for their meager salary. And it’s hard to blame them for this.

When should you go to the post office if you received the status: Left the sorting center? Wait for the following status to appear: “Arrived at delivery location” - this means that the parcel is already there. But even here, in practice, delays are possible, for example, arriving correspondence is piled up in a warehouse, and they will be issued only after internal sorting, the speed of which depends directly on the efficiency of the women working in the department. So, only a notification received or a call from the post office can guarantee receipt of the parcel.
