Russian Post unexpectedly seriously complicated the already difficult life of the recipient international shipments. It turns out that since February, all postal items received by Russians, without exception, must have their full name, including their patronymic. Simply put, if you have a middle name in your passport, then it must be present on the parcel, otherwise you will not be able to receive it.
Everything is fine, you can receive parcels without a middle name. Information is in the update at the end of the topic.

This practice has been in effect for about a year for items sent within the country - without indicating the full name, the item was not accepted for forwarding, but now such rules have begun to apply to international small packages.
Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to obtain the number of the order that establishes these rules, but everyone can verify the existence of the rules by calling the Russian Post hotline (8-800-2005-888).

What should I do? Change your full name in all your addresses. And of course, warn all sellers with whom you deal about the mandatory indication of the middle name.

For example, like this

The Russian Post now requires full recipient’s name to be stated on a parcel – first name, middle name, last name. Therefore, can you please clearly indicate my full name on the parcel as follows: “Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov”. If any of the full name parts is omitted, the parcel will return to the country of origin.

What to do if you already have a package on your way?
Option number 1 is to go to the post office and try to convince the operators that changing the address is difficult. Perhaps the order has not yet reached them, or they are not paying attention to it yet.
Option number 2, recommended hotline- the sender of the parcel must fill out an application form for a change of address at his post office - form CN17. It should indicate the change in the recipient's name and add the middle name to it.
Form CN17:

It should be noted that some part Chinese stores and sites are already aware of the problems, and recommend indicating your full name:

Date of publication: 01/25/2018

The correctly specified shipping address and postal code is one of the guarantees that the recipient of the parcel will receive it exactly within the target time allotted for delivery. Otherwise, if the recipient's index or address is indicated incorrectly, then most likely the parcel will be delayed or will not be delivered to the final addressee at all. And in this case, there is no point in shifting responsibility to Russian Post employees.

It is necessary to correctly understand the scheme for sending postal items: parcels and letters on the territory of Russia are initially delivered not to a specific address of the recipient (city, street, house), but rather according to an index, which is conventionally the address of a particular post office (OPS). The index is necessary to facilitate the sorting of correspondence, including automatic ones.

At the very first stage of acceptance of a postal item and its initial processing, the postal employee does not check the correspondence of the full address and postal code. The maximum that a sorting point worker can pay attention to during manual processing is the discrepancy between the OPS index and the city in which this OPS should be located. In this case, the parcel will most likely be immediately returned to the sender.

Below we will consider each case separately and try to figure out what to do if you entered the zip code or address incorrectly. Will the parcel arrive in this case? We will also look at the moment when the recipient's last name or first name is indicated incorrectly.

An incorrect index was specified or there was an error in the index. Will the parcel arrive?

Perhaps the most common mistake when filling out the accompanying address for a parcel or letter is the wrong index. The index, as I mentioned above, is the conventional digital address of the post office where the parcel should be sent. If an error in the index was not detected at the initial stages of processing and sorting the postal item, then the parcel (letter) will be sent exactly to the post office whose index was incorrectly indicated by the sender. And at the final post office where the shipment will arrive, if it is determined that the recipient’s address does not fall within the service area of ​​this department, the parcel will be resent. The delivery is made to the department that serves the address (house) of the recipient.

The main thing that the recipient loses if the index was incorrectly specified is time. That is, the parcel will reach the addressee much later than it would have been under favorable conditions. And you should understand that the parcel will be delivered from a neighboring post office much faster than from a branch in another city.

True, sometimes the parcel may remain waiting for its recipient at the post office according to the zip code, that is, it is not sent back!

If the index was not specified at all, and this can happen, for example, with a simple letter, then the processing of such mail is carried out manually. Correspondence is sent to this address.

It is worth understanding that in reality everything does not always happen as described above. At any time at some stage of processing your postal item may be returned back to the sender. Therefore, knowing for sure that the index on the parcel is written with an error, try to track the shipment and act according to the situation.

The address indicated is incorrect or there is an error in the address (street, house, apartment).

In this case, there are three possible errors:

  1. In the address, that is, in the name of the city, district, street / avenue / lane, only a typo or spelling error was made.
  2. If some part of the address is illegible or not indicated at all
  3. The address is indicated with an error (the wrong street, house or apartment is indicated).

In the first case, most likely there should be no problems at all. The post office employs people who are well acquainted with the territory they serve. Therefore, if there is some typo in the address, it will not be difficult for them to guess where the letter or parcel should ultimately be delivered.

In the second case, if the postal employee cannot make out the house or apartment number, and in some cases the street name, the parcel will most likely remain waiting for the recipient at the post office. The postal item will be stored for 15-30 days (depending on the type of item), and then it will be sent back. In this case, the recipient’s main assistant will be the track number, with which you can track the shipment. The status of the parcel will most likely be "Arrived at the delivery location".

Sometimes the item may be returned to the sender with a note "Incomplete address".

If the apartment number is illegibly written on the parcel, postmen sometimes improvise: the notice of the parcel is not placed in anyone’s specific box, but placed on the windowsill or in another visible place in the entrance.

The third option is the most difficult. After all, if at least the wrong apartment number is indicated, then the parcel (small package), notice or letter may be placed in someone else’s mailbox. In this case, the postman will not be at fault. Therefore, in this case, it is worth “arming yourself” with the number mail ID parcels and constantly track it. After she arrives at the post office, you need to immediately go to the post office and explain the whole situation to the employee. Ordinary, normal people work at the post office, so most likely you will receive your parcel. Otherwise, the sender will need to go to his post office with a check and passport and write application for changing addressee data.

The surname is incorrect (the surname or first name is misspelled)

Cases where a mistake is made in the recipient's last name or first name are not uncommon. There may be options, as with the address, when there is only some insignificant typo (a letter is missing or another letter is written instead of one) or the last name (first name) is completely different.

In the first option, the parcel will most likely be issued.

In the second case, according to the rules, a Russian Post employee should not release the parcel, although naturally you can try to negotiate with the employee. At the same time, the chance of reaching an agreement will be much higher if your registration address coincides with the address indicated on the parcel. But of course, matching addresses does not guarantee that you will receive your parcel. After all, according to the rules, the shipment is issued only to the person for whom it is really intended.

If an agreement cannot be reached, then the sender of the parcel must write a statement stating that he indicated the wrong last name (first name) on the parcel.

I personally managed to get remittance for a fairly decent amount, when the address accompanying the transfer was not indicated at all, and my last name was written without a given name and in the feminine gender (not Ivanov, but Ivanova). You can read about this case at the very end of the article: ““.

I would be grateful if in the comments below you would share cases from your life when your parcels or letters were incorrectly indicated with an index, address or last name. In these cases, did the parcel arrive? Did the postal workers give it to you?

What to do if the parcel was sent with a mistake in the last name?

    I had this situation, the sender made as many as 3 mistakes. I came to the department New mail, showed my passport and they told me that there was a different surname on the declaration. I couldn’t pick up the parcel, I had to call the sender, they corrected the errors and only then I picked up the parcel. As the employees told me, according to their rules, only 2 mistakes in the last name and initials are allowed. So if there are one or two mistakes, then go ahead and pick up your parcel. To be on the safe side, so as not to run around, you can call them.

    I also had a similar situation when the parcel was sent with an error. I had to call the sender. There are also differences between errors on the parcel or at the post office when receiving the parcel, so everything must be checked before sending. At the post office you need to explain the situation and contact the sender.

    There was such a situation quite recently. The sender misspelled the last name, missed one letter (he wrote Sakhbieva instead of Sakhabiev), they still gave it out at the post office after several irritated sighs and gasps. If the errors are minor, then you will be given a registered letter, don’t worry!

    My parcel came from China, as it turned out there was an error in the last name in the data, but everything else was correct. I received a notification with a mistake in my last name and I was afraid that they wouldn’t give me the parcel, but at the post office the operator looked at my passport, and there my registration was indicated and my number was indicated on the parcel mobile phone, so she gave me the package.

    If the mistake is not too big, for example, one letter in the surname or house number is mixed up, then it is quite possible that they will still give it to you.

    For the most part, there are no problems here, well, only if the postal employee is adequate.

    If they don’t give it back, you need to contact the sender and ask him to write a statement with the errors corrected.

    So whose mistake exactly? Sender or mail? Was the notice printed incorrectly at the post office or did the sender write incorrectly on the parcel?

    There is a difference.

    And yet, if you come with a passport and this notice, then maybe they will issue it without additional actions on your part. Especially if the error is minor. For example, one letter is mixed up. Well, if your address matches the one indicated on the notice.

    If they do not issue it, then the sender must go to the department where he sent the parcel and report that he made a mistake, there are many ways to correct it. It all depends on the specific situation.

    It happens that the sender of the parcel does not write the first or last name correctly and makes a mistake. This especially often happens in parcels from China. There was a case where they sent a parcel with an error, but they gave my parcel to me, because the address was correct and the initials too.

    In general, if there is an error, then the operator at the post office may not release the parcel. In this case, it is necessary that the person who sent the parcel contact post office, where the package was sent and reported it.

Today you will learn what to do in this situation: I made a mistake when filling out the delivery address in a foreign online store. Will my parcel arrive?

Let me say right away that this is a fairly broad question. Here the main role is played by the postal employees themselves and where exactly the error was made in the address.

While the parcel is in transit, it passes through a huge number of sorting points. Postal employees, based on the data indicated on the parcel, determine exactly where your order will be sent.

If the address is written with an error, some postal employees, not understanding the problem, simply mark it as “Address mismatch” and the parcel is sent back to the sender (seller). Other postal workers approach their work with more humanity - they will try to figure out the current problem and send the parcel to the right address.

Below I have discussed several cases of writing an erroneous address and how postal workers may react to this:

Incorrect index (error in index)

Often, parcels with an erroneous and non-existent index receive the status “Without index” and are sent to the address that was indicated on the parcel (i.e., it will be sent to you). Sometimes it happens differently - the parcel is returned to the sender (seller).

If an incorrect but existing postal code is specified, the parcel may be sent to the specified (incorrect) postal code. Having arrived at the wrong RUSSIAN POST office, the parcel is sent to your address.

It happens that delivery is not made and the parcel receives the status “Arrived at the place of delivery.” Then you should be wary and use your own resources (for example, by phone) to ensure that the parcel is redirected to your post office.

How can you determine where the parcel is currently located and what status it has (“Arrived at the place of delivery” or “Without index”)?! - It's simple. You need to track your parcel using the tracking number. If there is no tracking number, then it’s a disaster and you are not destined to interfere with the fate of the parcel. Everything will depend on the employees of the RUSSIAN POST.

Error in the name of the street/avenue/drive/alley

If there is a trivial typo, there is nothing to worry about. Postal workers will sort out the current problem and send a notice of the parcel to your mailbox.

If it is impossible to read the street name, then the parcel will remain within the walls of the post office - here it will be stored for 30 days. While the parcel is in the status “Arrived at the place of delivery” (this is tracked by the track number), you can safely take your passport and run to the post office without notification and demand that the parcel be released. Remember, if the package with the goods lies in the post office for more than 30 days, it will go back to the seller.

If you don’t know the track, then you will have to periodically look at the post office with a box of chocolates or chocolates so that the postman will look for the parcels that arrived under your full name. And they don’t like to do this without a track number!

The wrong apartment/house number is written (or not indicated at all)

In this case, most likely, the parcel will be waiting for you within 30 days at the post office. Although, if you have a small town/village/village where everyone knows each other, then the postman will find the right mailbox and drop a notice there. He can also simply knock on the door during the next round to make sure that the package is intended for you.

If you have not received a notification, but the tracking number of the parcel has already had the status “Arrived at the place of delivery” for a long time, feel free to run to the post office - they are waiting for you there!

Error in first or last name

If your first or last name is not indicated, or there is a typo (the letters were mixed up or not written in), but the address on the parcel still matches the address of registration (the one in the passport), then the parcel will be returned to you without any disturbance. But if your name is Igor, and the parcel arrived at Maxim, the parcel will not be returned. The situation is similar with the surname - the parcel that came to Sidorov will not be given to Ivanov.

Middle name not written

It is not necessary to indicate your middle name in the delivery address. The absence of a middle name is not a reason for refusal to issue a parcel. Remember this once and for all!

It is worth noting that on the most popular shopping internet On the Chinese AliExpress platform, when filling out the delivery address, they warn that the RUSSIAN POST necessarily requires a middle name - THIS IS ALL NON-SANE! DO NOT PAY ATTENTION! There is an official refutation of the RUSSIAN MAIL, so send everyone away.

Error in the name of the region, district, city, village, etc.

Errors in the names of regions, districts, cities, republics, etc. not critical. The main thing is that the postal code is specified correctly. Using its code, the relevant government authorities can easily determine which post office the parcel should arrive at.

Still have questions? If yes, then ask them in the comments below!
