Nowadays, every person spends the lion's share of his time sitting at a computer. Some have work, some have fun, and some have both. Nowadays people literally live on their laptops, eat, sleep and do many other things without looking up from the screen. Of course, this leads to dust, dirt, crumbs and a lot of other debris settling on the keyboard. All this over time leads to the fact that the keys begin to stick, sink, and after tactile contact with the buttons, you actually want to wash your hands faster. Cleaning your keyboard has now become as common as wiping your desk. It is logical that many are interested in how to clean the keyboard at home, so as not to carry a precious device anywhere, and especially not to pay for such a seemingly simple job.

Excessive contamination may cause the device to become unstable.

Most best way keep the keyboard constantly clean - carry out light preventative cleaning every day or every other day. This will not take much time, and there will be no need for “general” cleaning.

The first thing you need to start with is to disconnect the computer from the power supply, and then disconnect the keyboard. Next, turn it over and shake it thoroughly so that all the debris falls out (it is advisable to place something underneath where the debris will fall out). Now you can get rid of deeply stuck, small particles. A hairdryer or vacuum cleaner will help here. When using a vacuum cleaner, attach the small flat attachment to furniture or hard-to-reach areas. Then blow with a hairdryer, note that you need to switch it to cool air mode. Blowing hot air can damage the keyboard. For the most problematic areas, soft brushes are used, and the final beauty will be achieved using cotton swabs, which should be moistened with alcohol. You can also walk over the surface of the keys with ordinary wet wipes, which will remove grease and dirt from the buttons.

The problem of cleaning the keyboard from dust has been present in our lives for a long time, so we could not do without a more technological approach to solving it. In many online stores you can purchase a special mini-vacuum cleaner that runs from USB for relatively little money. Such devices are quite effective and very easy to use. This cleaning will not take you even five minutes. Also, in stores specializing in technology and electronics, you can purchase special wipes that cope well with dirt. Another very good thing is cyber slime. This is a mass similar to jelly or plasticine, which is distributed throughout the keyboard, filling all the holes, in this way all the clogged debris sticks to it, and all you have to do is remove this mass and enjoy the cleanliness of the keyboard.

If you have completely started everything and require major cleaning, then you need to remove all the buttons (after photographing their position so that it is clear where to insert these keys after cleaning). You can remove the keys with a screwdriver or other similar objects. It is important to wrap the end of a screwdriver or other object that you will use with electrical tape, tape or adhesive tape so as not to damage the keys themselves. And then everything is as described above, with the only difference that now there are no hard-to-reach places. The keys do not get in the way, so it is very easy and convenient to remove all the dust with a vacuum cleaner, then blow it with a hairdryer, clean it with brushes, brushes and finally wipe it with napkins. Please note that under no circumstances should you wipe with a simple damp cloth. Water may get inside and cause the keyboard to malfunction.

Cleaning a laptop is a problem of a slightly different order, since the buttons cannot be removed from it, and the keyboard itself cannot be disconnected. But all this is not a problem. The keys on laptops do not stick out as much, and the distances between them are not so small and deep. The same tools that are used for a computer keyboard will help here: a vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer with cold air, brushes, cotton swabs and napkins. It is very convenient to use cyber slime. When there are specialized products on the market, cleaning the keyboard even on a laptop does not seem like such a big problem. A mini vacuum cleaner that works via a laptop’s USB connector is a must-have for the modern office worker. The main thing is to remember that any actions described in the article must be carried out only with the computer turned off. This is a basic safety precaution that will help preserve both your health and the PC itself.

Now that you know how to clean your keyboard from dust with your own hands, your PC will always be clean and tidy, and it will be a pleasure to work on it.

Leave your opinion about this article in the comments and share your own experience in dealing with keyboard contamination.

Before cleaning your keyboard in any way, you must turn off your computer and disconnect the device from system unit.

Quickly clean your keyboard

To quickly clean the keyboard, you need to turn it over and shake it thoroughly, tilting it from side to side. After this, the keys must be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

To clean the space between the buttons, just wrap a small piece of cotton wool around a toothpick, soak it in alcohol and gently rub it over the entire surface. Also as a tool regular will do knife with a blunt end (for example, for butter). Its tip must be wrapped with a small piece of cleaning cloth and passed over the entire surface between the buttons.

Cleaning Your Keyboard Thoroughly

But express keyboard cleaning at home does not always help. Especially if the keyboard has not been cleaned of dirt for years. In such cases, deep cleaning is necessary.

To do this, you will first need to take a photo of the keyboard, and then remove all the keys. This can be done using a ruler or a flat-head screwdriver, prying the tip of the base of each key. The after photo will allow you to return the keys to their places.

The buttons are placed in a separate bowl with warm water and a small amount of dishwashing liquid. The keys should be left for half an hour so that the grease and dirt accumulated on them can come off more easily. After this, use a sponge to clean the outside and sides of each button, which are then rinsed in clean water.

The keyboard itself, freed from the button caps, also awaits deep cleaning, because it is on this surface that the maximum amount of dust, crumbs and other dirt accumulates. The surface should be wiped with a cotton swab lightly moistened with soapy water.

After cleaning, wipe the keyboard and each key dry, and then put the disconnected buttons back in their places.

Emergency keyboard cleaning

If water, coffee or any other liquid gets on the keyboard, you need to act quickly and decisively.

First of all, you must immediately turn off the computer and disconnect the keyboard from the system unit. The device must be turned over and shaken thoroughly to extract as much liquid as possible.

In an inverted position, the keyboard must be placed on a terry towel and left for several hours (preferably overnight).

The average person spends more than two hours a day at the computer. It’s not surprising, since computer equipment connected to the network provides limitless possibilities in terms of work, leisure and entertainment, which is why it is so important to know how to clean your computer keyboard.

Some users, in order not to miss interesting events taking place in the game world or in global network, drink and eat at the computer. As a result, crumbs and food debris get on the keyboard, which is used to enter information, in addition to hair, dust and dirt. All this accumulates on the surface of the device and penetrates through the voids between the keys.

If the computer keyboard is not subjected to periodic preventative cleaning, over time the level of contamination reaches a critical level. At the initial stage, this leads to deterioration appearance, the operation of the device further deteriorates, and ultimately it fails.

I advise you not to let the keyboard get into this state and clean it systematically. I will discuss all the intricacies of this simple procedure in this article.

Ways to clean the keyboard without disassembling and removing the keys

There are several ways to clean your computer keyboard at home. First, let's look at options that do not involve disassembly. These methods are ideal for preventative cleaning and maintenance.

Important! Before you begin, be sure to disconnect your device from your computer. Cleaning a keyboard that is not powered off poses a potential danger to health and life.

  • Cloth and soft brush . This method is suitable if you keep your keyboard clean with frequent and regular cleaning. Using a soft brush, remove any dust or debris that has accumulated between the buttons. To complete the procedure, walk over the surface with a cloth soaked in alcohol or a special liquid.
  • Compressed air . Thanks to this method, dust along with crumbs and accumulated dirt from under the buttons is easily removed. Buy a compressed air cylinder from a specialty store. Attach the nozzle, point the outlet toward one of the holes on the keyboard, and press down on the cap. Particles of contaminants will be removed along with the air.
  • Vacuum cleaner. Using a vacuum cleaner for cleaning is a good alternative to the previous method. First, activate the “blow” mode to achieve the effect of the spray can. Then turn on normal mode to remove any dirt or crumbs stuck between the keys.

Three methods are enough to clean a not very dirty keyboard and return it to its original appearance. Believe me, the amount of debris removed from the case will surprise you. As a result, you will receive a clean device that, if used correctly, will last for many more years.

Step-by-step cleaning of keyboard from dust with analysis

If you decide to completely clean the keyboard from dust and dirt, you cannot do without disassembling it. To carry out the procedure, you will need a small screwdriver, a bag, some detergent and an old toothbrush. Let's get started.

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer. Before disassembling, be sure to take a photo of the device so that in the future there will be no difficulties with the placement of the keys.
  2. Place the keyboard on a work surface with the keys facing down, unscrew all the bolts and carefully remove the cover. You will see a film with contact tracks. To remove it, unscrew the bolts on the conductor through which the film is connected to the board.
  3. Remove the keys. Using a small screwdriver, pry the corner of the key and lift it up slightly. The button will come off easily. Do the same with the remaining keys.
  4. Place the detached keys in a bag and add some warm water and detergent. Tie the bag and shake well. Drain off the soap solution, rinse the buttons thoroughly and send them to dry.
  5. Start cleaning the keyboard case. Dip your toothbrush into the soapy solution and then brush over the surface. After cleaning, rinse with water and dry thoroughly.
  6. Assemble the keyboard. First insert all the buttons according to the photo. Replace the elastic contacts, the board and the film with conductors. Don't forget to tighten the screws.
  7. Lastly, carefully lay the cable and screw on the cover. The keyboard is ready for further use for its intended purpose.

Video instructions

Thanks to these simple instructions, you can easily carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the keyboard from dust, dirt and other contaminants.

How to clean your keyboard after a spill

A flooded computer keyboard is a problem that many users and gamers face. If you accidentally spilled water, coffee, tea or any other liquid on your keyboard, do not hesitate.

  1. First, disconnect the keyboard from the computer to avoid short circuit.
  2. Turn the appliance over to drain any liquid that has gotten inside. Remove any remaining moisture from the surface of the computer module with a cotton swab.
  3. After the manipulations described above, dry the case with a hairdryer, activating the cold air mode.

If a lot of liquid gets into the housing, disassemble the device following the instructions described in the previous part. To remove sticky residue from sugary drinks, use a special detergent and a cotton swab.

If the problem is serious, I advise you to take the device to service center. The company's employees will clean, carry out diagnostics, check contacts and, if necessary, replace faulty elements.

To carry out external preventative cleaning of the keyboard, no special skills are needed. Providing proper care for your device will extend its life and save money on repairs or purchasing a replacement.

Of all the computer parts, the keyboard is subject to the greatest stress. Often she has to withstand tens of thousands of clicks a day, which does not have a positive effect on performance. It also gets dirty most often: dust, sweat, food debris and droplets of liquids get inside, making the keys difficult to operate. And it’s unhygienic to sit at a keyboard, inside of which a mini-garbage dump has already formed. Therefore, cleaning is necessary to remove dirt.How to clean your computer keyboard at home– this material will tell.

Of course, you don’t have to clean it: if you’re using a cheap Chinese keyboard that’s been used for a year, you don’t mind it. Sometimes it’s easier to buy a new keyboard for 500 rubles than to bother with screwdrivers and napkins. But if it’s a gaming model with backlighting, a sophisticated design, mechanical buttons and other goodies, you don’t want to spend several thousand on a new one. Cleaning will get rid of tight keys, sticking and crunching. But before, we recommend reading the article.

Keyboard device

To understand , you need to familiarize yourself with the main principles of its structure. This is necessary in order not to break the device. If you know, you don’t have to read this paragraph.

Any keyboard consists of a controller board, a backing for the buttons and the buttons themselves. The board is not much different in appearance from models both for 500 rubles and for 5000. The substrate of membrane keyboards (although it is more correct to call them rubber-film, according to established tradition this name is common) consists of several layers of thin transparent plastic, on which conductive tracks are applied. Mechanical models use a solid printed circuit board instead.

Membrane keys are rubber dome caps that, when a button is pressed, compress, making contact. A mechanical keyboard has a more complex design: each button is a miniature toggle switch with contacts and a spring mechanism. This increases durability and ensures clear operation of the buttons.

External keys are already installed on top of the buttons (dome or mechanical). The most common shaft installation method (the button is placed with a long base in the housing shaft), there are also scissor options (this mechanism is common in laptops).How to clean your keyboard at home– directly depends on what mechanisms are used in it.

How to clean your PC keyboard at home

Before how to clean your keyboard at home, it is necessary to assess the scale of pollution and its consequences. If the keyboard works properly, the buttons are pressed clearly, and all unpleasant phenomena are reduced to the crunching of crumbs under the keys - you can get by with a vacuum cleaner. In any case, beforehow to clean your keyboard yourself, it needs to be disabled.

Special tools and devices

The easiest wayhow to clean your keyboard at home, this is to use wet wipes and other means. It is advisable to take those soaked in an alcohol-containing solution. They do not leave streaks or sticky residues and also kill bacteria. The keyboard should be turned over and shaken out over a garbage bag, sink, or bathtub (so as not to scatter garbage around the room). After this, you need to thoroughly wipe it with damp wipes until they no longer become dirty.

There are special blowers for blowing keyboards, balls that penetrate better than napkins, repeating the relief of the keys. They also cope well with surface dirt without forcing you to disassemble the keyboard. We should also highlight a product popularly known as “lizun”. This is a special substance that combines the properties of silicone gel and solid. “Lizun” collects dust and small debris well, penetrates into the cracks between the keys, and removes it from there. After this, you can rinse the device and store it in a closed container to protect it from drying out.

If superficial cleaning is not enough, and the deposits of food waste are such that they can feed you in a hungry year - simple ways don't help. In such cases, it is recommended to use the “heavy artillery”: pressure blowing, disassembly and deep cleaning.


For minor stains that do not affect performance, you can simply turn the keyboard over, shake out the debris, and give it a good shake. Then you should vacuum it with a narrow nozzle, blow it with a compressor (more than 2 atmospheres is extremely undesirable) or with compressed air from a can. This is usually enough to remove all the food crumbs and other debris from under the buttons.

Air cleaning is an effective method for mechanical keyboards. It allows you to quickly get rid of debris without disassembling an expensive gadget. The design of their keys is such that the air flow effectively removes foreign objects from the inside.

Removing the Keys

If the debris is sticky (due to impregnation with vapors, drops of drinks, sweat from fingers) and makes pressing difficult and causes sticking, it is not easy to blow it out. On keyboards with traditional key locking, you can remove dirty buttons by simply prying them off with something (for example, a plastic card or tweezers). You need to be careful with large keys, like Enter, Space, Shift, Caps Lock. In addition to the shafts, they often use an additional stabilizer bracket, which protects against backlash and ensures smooth operation under any pressure.

If you are afraid of breaking the keyboard, it is better to be the first to try to remove some button that you do not use. If the procedure is successfully completed, you can move on to others. If you have to remove a lot of keys, and their location is not remembered, it is better to use a hint picture. Otherwise, you will have to work using the “scientific poking method”: press the dome of the key in Notepad, look at the entered character and look for the corresponding key.

Scissor keyboards are more difficult to disassemble. To remove the button, you need to slightly lift it at the top with a thin object (like tweezers). Then you should find the place where the plastic pin of the scissor mechanism enters the loop of the base and press it with another equally thin object so that the pin pops out of the hole. After this, the button can be easily removed. This must be done carefully so as not to break the fastening mechanism. To return the button to its place, you need to remove the scissor mechanism from it, put it in place, place the button on top of it and press it down to fix it.


If purging does not help, “heavy artillery” is used in the form of flushing. It helps even when the keyboard gets wet if you carry out the procedure in a timely manner. If the controller is intact, even buttons that were not pressed will return to work. The keyboard must be disassembled before cleaning. To do this, you need to turn it over, preferably by placing something under the edges so that the table does not put pressure on the keys. You should unscrew all the screws on the bottom, remove it, disconnect the board and remove the membrane. If the layers of film are not fastened together, it is important not to confuse the order of their installation.

If the elastic domes are not attached to the backing, they will simply lie loosely on the buttons. You can temporarily remove them, blow them thoroughly, rinse them in water and dry the top of the keyboard with the buttons. If dirt and traces of liquid are found on the substrate or between its layers, the films must be cleaned. Alcohol, a streak-free glass cleaner, or a monitor cleaner can be used for this purpose. It is important to ensure that the membranes dry so that there are no drops or bubbles of liquid left anywhere.

After drying the keyboard, you can begin assembly. To do this, you need to return the domes to their place, install the membrane, install and secure the controller board, screw the bottom back with screws.

Unfortunately, a mechanical keyboard cannot be easily washed after being “flooded”. To do this, it is advisable to use an ultrasonic bath so that residual liquids do not lead to corrosion of mechanical switches and tracks on the board.

How to clean a laptop keyboard at home

With laptop keyboards, the cleaning procedure is more complicated. To reduce the thickness, manufacturers make them non-separable; the substrate attached to a metal base is often glued to it. The shaft method of fixing the keys is not used, also due to its thickness. Almost all laptops are equipped with scissor buttons. Chiclet keyboards (like MacBooks) are popular. If these difficulties scare you, it is better to turn to specialists.

Today, it is difficult for a modern person to imagine himself without a computer, which is increasingly used in various fields of activity and for private use. As you know, one of the integral parts of a computer or laptop is the keyboard. Without it, it is almost impossible to perform any actions necessary to work on a computer.

Unfortunately, any keyboard gets dirty over time. In addition to aesthetic and hygienic qualities, the ability to manage is partially lost. The keys get stuck, stick, and the question arises: how to clean the keyboard of a computer or laptop without the help of specialists? You can, of course, change it to a new and clean one, but, firstly, this is not economical. Secondly, old keyboard understandable and easy to use. Cleaning your keyboard does not take much time or money; you just need to put in a little effort and it will be ready for flawless use again.

How do you know if your laptop or computer keyboard needs cleaning? It is necessary if the keys stick, greasy stains and stains are visible on the body or the buttons themselves, as well as dust and food debris. If the keys produce a sound when pressed extraneous sounds, then cleaning won’t hurt either.

Preventative cleaning

To prevent severe contamination of computer accessories, it is not difficult to clean your computer every day at home. This will allow you to avoid paid cleaning services. In order to start cleaning yourself, you need to disconnect the computer from the power supply. Then disconnect the keyboard.

Turn it over with the buttons down and lightly shake it to get rid of small debris that has accumulated inside the case. You can use a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. They will qualitatively rid the inside of the keyboard of crumbs and dust.

It is important to choose the cold air mode when using a hair dryer. And if you use a vacuum cleaner, then you need a flat attachment to remove dirt from hard-to-reach places. Any brush with soft bristles will help get rid of dirt between the buttons. Wet wipes and cotton swabs soaked in an alcohol solution will also help get rid of surface contaminants. But it is recommended to carry out such manipulations no more than once every 2-3 weeks.

There are a large number of special care products for office equipment and computer keyboards. These are special cans that contain compressed air. Using the nozzle included in the kit, debris is blown out from the space under the keyboard with a powerful stream. Before use, you must read the instructions for use. During and after using the spray can, you need to ventilate the room, and also store it out of the reach of children. There are also USB vacuum cleaners designed specifically for cleaning hard-to-reach places on a computer or laptop. This vacuum cleaner is effective in collecting crumbs from the inside. You can also buy wipes for cleaning the keyboard of a laptop or computer in a specialized store. They are quite effective, they collect all the dirt without marks or streaks, and also protect the body from premature wear. It's called cyberlizun - another effective remedy. It is presented in the form of an elastic mass that penetrates into hard-to-reach cracks and holes. As it passes through them, it takes away small and large specks with it, thereby making the keyboard clean.

Global cleaning of the computer keyboard

Even if cleaning is carried out regularly: wiped with napkins, special products and brushes, it is still recommended to carry out a general cleaning of the keyboard at least once every six months.

How to clean a computer keyboard with complete disassembly? To do this, you can carefully remove the keys to free up hard-to-reach, dirty places. If there is no individual, ready-made copy of the keyboard available, then it must be photographed so that after cleaning, everything can be accurately returned to its place. You will also need a screwdriver, a USB vacuum cleaner, or a household vacuum cleaner or a regular hair dryer. You will also need a special cleaning agent to wash all contaminated parts of the keyboard (it can be replaced with a household soap solution); you also need to prepare a clean, soft cloth with which to dry the buttons.

So, the first thing you need to do is disconnect the computer from the power supply. Then, using a flat, thin screwdriver, remove all the keys with light movements. To avoid damaging the keys, it is advisable to wrap the screwdriver in cloth or electrical tape. After this, all buttons are washed in a cleaning solution and rinsed with clean water. If the keys cannot be cleaned, then they are left in a soapy solution for some time. You can lightly rub them with a soft brush, but this is done very carefully to avoid deformation of the design. The washed buttons are laid out on a prepared dry cloth or napkin. They can be left until completely dry or gently wiped with a napkin. The buttons can also be dried with a hairdryer.

The next step in general cleaning is cleaning the keyboard. By turning it over, you can easily get rid of crumbs and debris. Then use cotton swabs soaked in an alcohol solution and wet wipes to wipe away dust and dirt inside.

It is permissible to blow through the open case with a hairdryer with cold air. Under no circumstances should it be washed with water. After cleaning, you can return the clean keys to their places, especially since there is a prepared photo of the keyboard for this purpose. But if you have a specific keyboard, then you need to take a photo of it before taking pictures of the keys.

There is another, more radical cleaning method. To do this, you will need everything that was in the first method, the same screwdrivers, cleaning agents and detergents. But in the second case, you will have to open the case itself, so you should have enough time and patience.

We unscrew the computer keyboard case, first turning it over with the keys facing down onto a thick cloth, then turning it back over. Very carefully, so as not to damage or scratch anything, you need to remove top part housings. Then the plate through which commands are transmitted is also carefully removed. As in the first case, all the keys are removed and washed in a special solution. As a rule, the buttons are quite easy to remove and just as easy to install. Particular attention should be paid to two keys: spacebar and Shift, since, unlike other buttons, they are equipped with a metal latch, which requires more careful handling. After soapy cleaning, the keys are washed in running water and dried in a convenient way.

The body is cleaned using a vacuum cleaner, napkins, brushes. But under no circumstances should you wash it with water. Both the keys and the case itself must be completely dry. It is better to spend a sufficient amount of time on this procedure than to risk the safety of the equipment in the event of a short circuit in wet parts.

After complete cleaning and drying, we begin to assemble the body parts. First, a plate transmitting signals is installed, then the keys are mounted in their places. To avoid problems with installing the spacebar and Shift keys, metal brackets are installed first in the keys themselves, and then in the keyboard itself.

The final stage of assembly is to install the upper part of the body and tighten the structure with screws. To avoid repeated unwinding of the housing, it is necessary to very carefully check all parts installed after washing.

Cleaning the laptop keyboard

Also modern users People often wonder: how to clean a laptop keyboard?

It must be taken into account that cleaning a laptop keyboard is more problematic than cleaning a computer keyboard separately.

The difficulty of cleaning a laptop is that not all models have removable buttons, and the keyboard is an integral part of the computer itself. Cleaning options inside the keyboard are limited, but you can use a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, cyber slime, or cans of compressed air. You can also carefully shake out crumbs and debris by opening the lid of the laptop and turning it over with the keys facing down. Greasy or greasy stains can also be cleaned using special napkins and cotton swabs soaked in an alcohol solution. It is not recommended to remove the keys on a laptop yourself, especially the Shift and spacebar keys.
