Notepad++ is an open-source text editor for Windows. I have to work with different technologies, and there is no way to install all the editors at once

(like Dreamweaver, Visual studio and so on). That's why I I use Notepad++ as my default text editor. It's simple and fast.

Let me share with you some recommendations that will help web developers and designers work more productively:

1. Selecting blocks:

As in VS 2010, Box Selection (or selecting columns, blocks or rectangles) is also available in Notepad++. You need to hold down the Alt key while making a selection. It is also possible to select a block horizontally.

2. Advanced search mode:

Basically, it is needed to convert the newline/tab character. Let's say you need to remove the newline character:
Press Ctrl+H, select ‘Extended Search Mode’. Use \n to find what you want to replace with a block of text. Click Replace All to remove the newline character.

3. Vertical tab browsing:

Let's say you need to view two files and manually compare them with each other. You can open tabs in portrait view. To do this, click on tab > “Move to Other View (switch to another view)”. You can use the F8 key to switch viewing modes.

4. Minify JS:

You can exclude unnecessary space from your js file, and make the file a little smaller before using it.

  • Edit > Blank Operations > Trim Header and Trailing Space
  • Edit > Blank Operations > Remove Unnecessary Blank and EOL

5. Removing line numbers or the first word:

Basically, when we copy code from a website and paste it, we are shown line numbers or special characters that we need to exclude. This can be done easily in notepad++.

  • TextFX > TextFX Tools > Delete Line Numbers or First word

6. Add line numbers:

You can add line numbers via Edit > Column Editor > Number to Insert > Set Initial Number and Increase By >OK.
You can also add any text.

7. Automatic closing HTML/XML tags:

If you're working with HTML or XML files, the editor automatically closes each HTML tag for you.

  • TextFX > TextFX Settings>Autoclose XML/HTML tags

8. HTML encoding:

As a blogger, I often have to publish HTML source code. I need to code html before publishing and Notepad++ makes it easy.

  • TextFX > TextFX Convert > Encode HTML

9. Fast generation of dynamic controllers:

Let's say you need html controllers to be created dynamically. To do this, first create a static HTML template. Select the desired language and TextFX > TextFX Convert > Convert Text to Code Command. This function takes care of quotes and line breaks.

10. Setting up HTML Tidy:

Let's say you only have HTML body content and you need to create a valid HTML file. In this case, HTML Tidy comes to your aid.

  • TextFX > TextFX HTML Tidy > Tidy (most common is HTMLTIDY.CFG)

11. Launch in browser:

You can test your HTML file directly in the browser by pressing RUN and selecting Launch in Browser.

12. Line alignment

This is probably my favorite feature. You can align multiple strings with the function,(comma), = (equal sign). This is very convenient and useful when selecting blocks.

TextFX > TextFX Edit > line up multiple lines by …

13. Rest:

Removing empty lines:

TextFX > TextFX Edit > Delete Blank Lines
TextFX > TextFX Edit > Delete Surplus Blank Lines
Change case:
TextFX > TextFX Characters > select the desired case.

Most of the built-in functions can be performed using the advanced search mode. If you have any other tips, don't hesitate to write in the comments.

Enjoy Notepad++ 😉

Description of the program

Notepad++ code editor, with support for the syntax of popular programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, JS, PHP, RC/INI and batch files, XML, HTML, CSS, ASP, SQL, Python, Perl, NFO Makefile, VB/VBS, Objective-C, Pascal, Lua, NSIS and others.

To the main characteristics of the editor These include the following: speed of operation, syntax highlighting, Unicode support, WYSIWYG (using a color printer you can print the code in color), the ability to simultaneously edit multiple documents, search in files and much more.

Personally I use it mostly for bulk replacement (deletion/renaming) of code and text in files. For website layout I use brackets, and for those who program, for example, in php is better enjoy Visual Studio Code.

Advantages of the Notepad++ text editor:

In general, this text editor provides a huge number of features and conveniences, but here are the main ones:

It's free;
very light and fast;
there is a possibility of canceling the action;
you can work with multiple files at the same time;
syntax highlighting;
plugin support;
built-in ftp client;
search with the possibility of replacement.

Download the current version of Notepad++ for Windows XP/7/8/10 in Russian.

  1. Regular version, from the official website:
  2. Portable version with:

Installation and initial configuration of Notepad++.

Launch the downloaded file. After that, select the program language and click on the “Ok” button

Then select the location (folder) to install the program:

In the next step you need to select additional components(I selected everything except additional languages) and click on the “next” button:

Then "Done".

Now go to the “View” tab - and click on the “Line Break” item

After this, the text will not stretch into long lines, but will fit into the width of the window.

Now go to the “Options” - “Settings” tab

And go to the " New document" In the encoding item, select UTF-8 without the BOM mark and check the box next to “Apply when opening an ASNI file”:

After this, all ANSI encoded files will be automatically converted to UTF-8 without BOM, this will help you avoid any hassles when editing PHP files.

Here, in the “Reserve/Auto-Completion” tab, you can enable (disable) automatic completion of words or functions:

Working in Html and PHP editor Notepad++

Now let's open a template file and look at the Notepad++ functions using examples.

1. Line numbering;

2. Tabs. As I said above: you can work with many files at the same time, and they will open in one window in tabs, and not in different windows. All these tabs can be minimized, moved, closed. You can also open 2 copies of the file in one window:

Sometimes there are situations where you need to work with different parts of one document (copy somewhere or just look at it, and paste somewhere). To activate this mode, right-click on the tab you need and select “duplicate in another window”;

3. Undo and redo actions. For example: you edited something in a file (added, deleted, changed, etc.) and suddenly made a mistake and want to return everything as it was originally. To do this, you simply need to use the arrows on the toolbar or the Ctrl+Z keys (step back).
There can be as many steps back (or forward) as you like (let’s say you made 103 changes to a file, then there will be 103 steps back), right up to the original file;

4. When you click on any opening tag ((),,(/), etc.) the editor will automatically highlight the closing (or vice versa) paired tag, thus highlighting the PHP or HTML code enclosed between the tags. I clicked on the opening div tag, line 16, after which the editor automatically highlighted the closing tag div 27, showing us all div block with class "author";

5. Code elements are highlighted in different colors (regular text is highlighted in black);

6. When you click on the minus/plus, a certain section of the code will collapse/expand.

UTF-8 encoding (no BOM).

If you have not made the settings described above, then when editing php, html files you may encounter the following: the Russian language on the site will be displayed as crappy language or some kind of question marks, the reason for this is the ANSI encoding (Windows-1251), in which the original one was previously saved file. In this case, you will need to do the following: select and cut all the code and text, then go to the encoding tab and convert these files to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM), then paste the previously cut code there and save.

Search in Notepad (Plus Plus).

Everything here is quite simple and there shouldn’t be any problems. You can search both by the current document (Find) and by all files (Find in Files) in the directory you specify:

By the way, here you can automatically replace any words you like! To do this, fill in the “Replace with:” field and click on the “Replace in files” button! This function can be useful when translating templates, because... in many template files there are the same words (sentences), which can be changed at once in all theme files - if you have little experience, then use the replace function more carefully.

Automatic completion of words being typed.

This function can be very useful if you doubt the correct spelling of certain PHP operators or HTML code.

I told you how to enable/disable auto-completion at the very beginning.

Well, that’s basically all you need to know at the initial stage.


This plugin converts selected text (or ASCII hex string) to ASCII or hex strings of your choice. The format of the generated hex string can be set by changing the options in the section of converter.ini . To do this you will need to restart the Notepad++ editor

With this Notepad++ plugin you can run command line with parameters. Notepad++ even includes instructions on how to create script compilations for each source code file type.

Using this plugin you can solve various complex problems. For example, you need to use NppExec to compile your C files, run them, and show your data.

Here's how it's done for Perl. That is, it simply adapts for C

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 * Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.

* Open Notepad * Type F6 to open the execute window * write the following commands: o npp_save< -- Saves the current document o CD $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) <-- Moves to the current directory o perl.exe -c -w "$(FILE_NAME)" <-- executes the command perl.exe -c -w , example: perl.exe -c -w (-c = compile -w = warnings) * Click on Save * Type a name to save the script (ie Perl Compile) * Go to Menu Plugins -> Nppexec -> advanced options -> Menu Item * In the combobox select the script recently created and click ok -> ok * Restart Notepad * Go to Menu Settings -> Shortcut mappter -> Plugins -> search for the script name * Select the shortcut to use ( ie ctrl + 1), click ok * Verify that you can now run the script created with the shortcut selected.


Useful Notepad++ plugin, with which you can export files to html, rtf formats

Here's how it works. Open the file, go to the “P” tab l Agina" > NppExport > Export to HTML. That is, we export the file to HTML format. The code can be viewed in any browser

An extremely useful plugin. With its help you can work with files directly on the server. The plugin allows you to instantly download files from the server, make changes to them directly in the editor window, and save them, thereby automatically sending the changed file back to the server. It's very convenient, believe me!


With this Notepad++ plugin you will be able to give the ability to edit a file remotely. That is, you can connect yourself, or give your friend the opportunity to connect to your file, and after that you can both edit the file simultaneously.


This plugin is the brain of the Notepad++ text editor upgrade system. With this plugin, the user can update, remove or install plugins for Notepad++. Simply open this plugin, select the plugin from the list of available downloads, and install it. Or we just update the plugins. There are actually a lot of them. I have 10 plugins installed by default, and in the list of available ones I counted 72 plugins for Notepad++!!! A small clarification. In Windows 7, to update, you must run the program as an administrator.


This plugin is designed to check spelling, similar to Word's built-in dictionary. Everything is the same here by analogy. You just need to install ASpell first.

Other useful features free text editor Notepad++

1. Syntax highlighting

This may be one of the reasons why I use the free text editor Notepad++. Its capabilities in terms of syntax highlighting are amazing. The number of languages ​​used is enormous. IN latest version There have become so many programs that they had to be divided into separate categories, because they simply don’t fit in the window anymore. If you wish, you can create your own rules for syntax highlighting.

For example, let's highlight php code

In addition to the actual highlighting itself, the advantage is that the information is divided into special containers, with the help of which you can study complex code so as not to get confused. In this case, from the screenshot above, I expanded line 745 (clicked on the “-” minus icon) to view the entire container. Now instead of the minus “-” there is a plus “+”, and learning the code becomes easier and clearer

2. EditorNotepad++ in encodingUTF-8 (withoutBOM)

UTF-8 translated from English means Unicode conversion format. Today this encoding is one of the most popular and used. It provides a Unicode representation that is compatible with 8-bit text encoding.

Now regarding the UTF-8 encoding without BOM, which you may have already heard about. The fact is that the WordPress engine (see) works with UTF-8 encoding, but if you use a standard Windows notepad, then when saving files in UTF-8 encoding, this beauty adds invisible characters to PHP files. They are what are called BOM. Therefore, UTF-8 without BOM means that the file does not contain all this joy, i.e. extra invisible characters. This problem can be successfully solved using the free text editor Notepad++, which can convert or save Html (see) and PHP (see) files.

You can convert a file from its original encoding to UTF-8 encoding (without BOM) as follows:

Everything is done simply. Take, for example, a file containing English text, enter instead English letters Russian, then go to the “Encodings” tab, select “Convert to UTF-8 without BOM”, and click on the floppy disk icon. That's it, the file is saved.


The Notepad++ program contains such a useful thing. Suppose I have several files in .txt format, where I store all sorts of necessary information: different html codes, reminders. In general, current work information, and simply frequently used information. Well, for example, I need to find tags for some purpose (no matter what) in my .txt file . In addition to these tags, this file may contain a bunch of other information. And for me to find these tags , I will need to scroll the document up and down until I find it. The end result is a stupid job. And if you need to open this .txt file not once, but several times a day, then in the end it turns out that for some time we are just stupidly wasting time scrolling the document up and down. The problem can be easily solved. We find the line we need and double-click next to its number. And immediately a bookmark will appear opposite it. And then this bookmark can be easily found by pressing F2 on the keyboard.

Here you will find useful tips on Notepad and user instructions for the most frequently asked questions about the program.

How to return the previous version of the text if an error is made?

The ability to return to previous options is realized using the semicircular green buttons in the top menu, or using the ctrl+z key combination. The step size is just one click, which allows you to clearly control the editing process. The number of steps is not limited in any direction. This feature will be especially useful when writing program code.

How can you quickly move a piece of code from one place to another?

This can be done using the drag and drop function. To do this, you need to select the desired section of text and use the mouse to drag it to a new location. This function will be especially useful in situations where, for example, it is necessary to swap a text element. In addition, you can drag created tabs into it, just like in a browser.

What is the auto-complete feature?

This feature will be especially useful for those who are just starting to learn programming languages. If you are not sure about the correctness of the written tags or html attributes, php elements or any other parts of the code, then automatic hints will be very relevant. As soon as you start typing a new word, the program will immediately give you several possible ready-made options. Naturally, it is impossible to immediately remember a large number of code elements, but thanks to Notepad ++ you can avoid mistakes and save time.

How to enable the auto-complete feature?

To enable this function you need to go to the “Settings” section and select the “Reserve\Auto-completion” submenu. Then, in the window that appears, check the “Enable for each input” checkbox.

What is the Reserve function?

Backup will help you save the created file with text in a special separate folder on the computer. In order to enable this function, you need to enter the “Settings” section in the “Settings” menu. Backup" and check the box "Custom folder". After which, you need to select the specific folder in which you want to save your files.

How does the Auto Add Closing Tag feature work?

This option is relevant if you are working with a div tag, when there are several more built-in ones under one tag. In such a situation, it is difficult to control the presence of a closing tag in each pair. But thanks to Notepad++, you don't have to worry about this problem, the program will control everything for you.

How to connect to the FTP program?

To do this, you need to find the corresponding connection icon on the toolbar. By going to the submenu, you need to configure the FTP client by entering data such as hosting address, directory, etc. After which the “connect” icon will become active and a connection will be established.

Good afternoon to all blog readers website. Today we'll talk about free text editor Notepad++, its installation, configuration and let's see how to use it and what it has that others don't have.

Notepad++ the best free text editor for those who work with html, css, php. Without it, it’s like being without hands :) Why is it so popular and what are its features?

  • It's completely free
  • It is possible to work as an ftp client (very convenient)
  • Macro support
  • Very easy to use and understand
  • Highlights html, css, php syntax
  • Auto-completion of functions, hint when entering function parameters
  • Ability to work with plugins
  • Working with many files
  • Ability to change file encodings

Installing the Notepad++ text editor

Installation and use are very simple. In principle, if you have installed any program on your computer at least once, then you will not have any problems installing notepad++. But let's look at the installation process step by step. Step 1 After downloading Notepad++, launch it. Then you will need to select the installation language. Step 2 Then click the “Next” button, accept the “License Agreement” and select the folder in which this text editor will be installed.
Step 3 Now select the installation type. It should be “optional” and then select all the items below, as shown in the picture below.
Step 4 Now again you need to check all the boxes in this window. I think that after reading in the installation window you will understand that we are talking about creating a shortcut on the desktop and working with APPDATA.,
Well, that’s basically it. The Notepad++ editor is now installed on your computer. I think the process described above is not difficult (it takes only 2 minutes of your time) and everyone can handle it :)

Setting up Notepad++

There is not much need to configure Notepad++; after installation, it is already ready to work. But there are some nuances that it is better to correct first, so as not to be distracted by these little things later.

Setting encoding in Notepad++

To avoid problems with encodings, you need to immediately set the normal encoding that will be applied to new files. This is done like this:

In the menu, select “Options” then “Settings”. Then we go to the point "New document" and put 2 birds in the places shown in the picture below.

Setting up auto-completion in the Notepad++ text editor

As I wrote in the advantages of this editor, it can auto-complete functions and suggest the parameters of these functions. A very convenient thing, but after installation you need to configure its operation. We go to the settings in the same way, only now we select the item "Auto-completion". Then, if you want to enable function completion and parameter hints, check the boxes in the appropriate places.

Settings FTP client in Notepad++

After installation, the FTP window is hidden. In order to show it, you need to do further steps: go along the path “Plugins” -> “NppFTP” -> “Show NppFTP Window”. After this, the FTP client panel should appear on your right. It looks like this:

That’s it, now a window has appeared; your site’s files will be displayed in it after connecting. How to connect? Everything is exactly the same principle as . Need to know Hostname, Username and Password. You will receive them when you create a user for FTP access in your account on the hosting site. After you have created the user, go to the connection settings (shown in the picture above), select “Profile Settings” -> Add a new connection (the “Add new” button), give it a name and fill in the fields Hostname, Username and Password. That's it, now close the window.

To connect, you need to select the icon located in the left corner of the FTP client panel and select the desired entry. I'll show you in the picture below.

If the connection is successful, you will see the files of your site in this window. By double-clicking with the left mouse button on any file, you will immediately open it in the Notepad++ editor, where you can edit it. By saving the changes (Ctrl+S), you immediately overwrite the file on the server. In other words, changes are immediately made to the file on the server. Tell me, is it very convenient?

How to work with the Notepad++ text editor?

A great feature of this text editor is that it works as an FTP client. Its setup and operation were described above, so I think there is no point in repeating it. Let's consider other important aspects of the work.

Working with file encodings

There is even a separate menu item for working with encodings in this editor. In principle, it is called “Encodings”. When you click on it, you will see the main encodings and can convert your file to any of the encodings. In addition to the main one, there are a large number of others. They are mostly exotic and are rarely used, but if you work with texts from other countries and nationalities, then Notepad++ is created for you.

Working with search in Notepad++

Search has many possibilities. You can count the number of matches in a document, you can find and immediately replace (by the way, a very convenient thing, you don’t have to search for it manually and replace it every time, you just typed in the replacement option and the entire document was replaced), you can search through all documents open in the editor, and much more . The search window, as usual, is called by the combination Ctrl+F or select “Search” from the menu item.
