Error 3194 often occurs because iTunes is unable to establish a connection to the update server. This error may appear when trying to update iOS, or when restoring an iPhone or iPad.

When restoring an iPhone or iPad, iTunes must download the firmware file (IPSW) from the Apple server. At the second stage, iTunes sends a request to the Apple update server to sign the firmware file (IPSW) with an ECID certificate. Well, then, if no problems arise, the recovery process starts. However, if at the stage of sending the firmware for signature to the Apple server, no response is received from it, then error 3194 occurs.

The cause of error 3194 may be software errors (the update process does not start or the error is issued at the very beginning of the update launch). If the error appears already at the final stage (more than half of the process status bar is filled), then the problem is most likely a hardware one, and you should not try to fix it yourself. It's better to contact service center.

If software errors are to blame (Apple has stopped signing old firmware, system file host has been modified to use Cydia caching servers), then you can try to fix error 3194 yourself.

If your device does not have the latest version of iTunes installed, you should update it using the official Apple website. Then you can try to update or restore your iPhone or iPad again. The likelihood that everything will work out is not very high, but it’s worth a try.

If you update iTunes to the latest version, download the update or restore mobile device If it doesn't work, you need to move on to the next steps.

First, you need to restore the contents of the default host file. If your computer is running Windows OS, then it is better to use the fix algorithm that Microsoft recommends using.

To fix the host file on Mac OS, you need to do the following:

  1. Open the Terminal program.
  2. Enter command sudo nano /private/etc/hosts.
  3. Enter the password (necessarily not empty) that is used to log into the computer. When you enter it in the Terminal program, the password will not be displayed.
  4. The Terminal program will display the hosts file.
  5. You need to add a # symbol and a space (#) at the beginning of the entry.
  6. Save the file (Control-O). When prompted for a name, you must press Control-X. Next, close the program.
  7. After all these steps, you need to restart your computer.

If fixing the host file does not help, then you can try disabling the security software during the update or recovery - it can also be the cause of error 3194.

The problem may also lie in filtering TCP/IP addresses in the router settings. Therefore, during the update, you should turn off your modem or router and connect directly to the network via a wired connection.

Almost every owner of an iPhone and iPad has at least once encountered problems that arise when restoring or updating the device’s firmware, in particular with error 3194. If, when trying to restore an iPhone or update iOS, you experience this error, do not rush to run to the service center, you can correct the situation yourself at home and completely free of charge.

First of all, I would like to note that absolutely no one is immune from errors, and if they occur, this does not mean that your device is damaged or that you are doing something wrong. Sometimes errors occur due to your computer's security software, sometimes they are related to router settings, or even due to problems with Apple servers.

General information about iTunes error 3194

This error occurs in a variety of cases, in most cases it is related to the operation of the software, but this is not always the case.

iTunes error 3194 occurs when:

If an error occurs when restoring the device, you will see a warning on your computer screen in iTunes: “Unable to restore iPhone (iPad). Happened unknown error(3194)".

If it occurs during an update, the message will be similar: “Failed to update iPhone (iPad). An unknown error occurred (3194)."


To understand the reasons for the error, let’s look at the iPhone recovery process step by step:

If, after iTunes sends a request to sign the firmware with a unique certificate, no response is received from the update server, an unknown error 3194 occurs.

Causes of error 3194 in iTunes are divided into categories:

  1. Software
  2. Hardware

You can diagnose the cause of the error by the moment it occurs:

  1. If the error occurs before the iPhone screen or iPad appears Apple logo and the status bar, or at the very beginning of its filling, the reason is software.
  2. If error 3194 occurs during the firmware process at approximately 75% (2/3 of the line is filled), the cause is hardware.

Software causes of error 3194

The reasons why this error occurs in case of software problems are:

Hardware causes of error 3194

Unfortunately, error 3194 occurs not only due to software problems. If it appears when the status bar is 2/3 full (75%), with a 99% probability we can say that the reason is a problem with the device’s modem or its power supply.

How to Fix Error 3194 in iTunes

The method for eliminating the error depends on the cause of its occurrence. If the reason is hardware, you should contact an authorized service center. Apple equipment is difficult to repair and, in particular, repairing the iPhone 6 is a painstaking and complex process, the guys from iFixit rated it only 6 points out of 10. Therefore, we strongly advise against attempting to repair an iPhone or iPad yourself.

To correct the error if there is a problem with the modem, you may need to either completely replace it or restore the contact connections. Of course, the service center specialists will trick you into completely replacing the modem, but there’s nowhere to go.

How to fix error 3194 yourself

If unknown error 3194 occurs due to software problems, you can fix it yourself without leaving home.

Updating iTunes to the latest version

Sometimes, although very rarely, error 3194 does not appear in iTunes. current version. All you need to do to fix it, or the first thing you should try to do is: update iTunes to the most.

Please note that the iTunes installer (.exe) contains not only the program itself, but also all the necessary drivers.

Another tip: to remove the current version of iTunes, use uninstallers; personally, I use the Uninstall Tool.

Checking the hosts file

The question arises: how are entries containing “” added to the hosts file without user interaction?

If you have at least once run the TinyUmbrella utility, which allows you to download digital signatures (SHSH hash) of iPhone and iPad for current iOS from the Apple server, the program makes changes to the hosts automatically, without your knowledge. All requests from iTunes that follow the modification of the file are not received by the Apple update server, and therefore no responses are sent.

First of all, check the contents hosts file, if it contains a line or lines like: “” before this line (lines), add the ignore character “#”, or delete it/them completely. To do this:

On Mac computers in OS X environment (Apple solution):

After completing the steps described above, try the recovery again, this method helps correct the error in 70% of cases.

TCP/IP address filtering, firewall or security software (antivirus)

In some cases, although quite rare, responses to iTunes requests from Apple servers do not arrive on the computer due to incorrect operation security software (antivirus, firewall), as well as due to filtering of TCP/IP protocols by network routers through which the computer connects to the Internet.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what caused the error; here it is necessary to act radically, namely:

  1. Completely disable security software during recovery.
  2. Disable TCP/IP filtering in the settings of your router (router) or modem.
  3. Exclude the router (router) from the “Computer-Internet” chain, i.e. connect your computer to the Internet directly (if you have wired access).

How to get iPhone out of Recovery Mode after error 3194 appears in iTunes

If, due to error 3194 in iTunes, the iPhone is turned on in recovery mode, but the flashing process has not yet begun (the error occurred before the status bar started filling), returning it to its original state (normal mode) is quite simple:

If your iPhone or iPad is in recovery mode after an error appears in iTunes, the device will not be able to get it out of Recovery Mode.

As you can see, error 3194 in iTunes, in most cases you can fix it yourself, there is nothing complicated about it.

If you have any questions, additions, or the methods provided do not help solve the problem, write in the comments, we will try to help you.

If the article was useful to you and you managed to solve error 3194 and safely restore your iPhone or update iOS, we will be grateful for a link to the article on your page on social networks!

This error appears when you try to update, restore or roll back the firmware. There are many possibilities for solving this problem, since one solution is suitable for updating, the other for rolling back the firmware.

If error 3194 appeared when updating your iOS device.

  • Update iTunes to the latest version.
  • Check the hosts file.Some programs can modify the hosts file, as a result of which access from your computer to the update server may be blocked. Typically, this error appears if you have previously modified this file.

The "hosts" file is located in the following locations:

Mac OS XGo -> Go to folder in Finder. /etc/ folder
WindowsC:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc– “hosts” file

Now we need to edit the Hosts file.

Mac OS X– using TextEdit

Usually errors occur due to the line Find and remove it. Next, you should restart iTunes and continue updating the device.

If error 3194 appeared when rolling back the iOS device firmware.

In this case, we do exactly the opposite. It is worth noting that when rolling back the firmware, you need the saved SHSH! We wrote earlier how to save SHSH.

Finding the file Hosts in the following places.

Mac OS X – Go -> Go to folder in Finder. /etc/ folder
Windows– C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc – “hosts” file

Open it with:

Mac OS X– using TextEdit
Windows– with administrator rights in Notepad

Add a line to file. Close the file after saving it.

Restart iTunes and try to roll back again.

Usually an error 3194 in iTunes indicates that the user tried to update the device on iOS 7 or tried to flash it iPad, iPhone etc.

Error text: " Failed to update iPhone "iPhone". An unknown error occurred (3194)»

Let's list possible reasons error 3194 appears in iTunes or iPhone devices when restoring the firmware:

  • Access to updating via a file has been blocked hosts, which in turn is part of the OS.
  • Have you tried flashing the device? old version firmware.
  • Applicable outdated version utilities iTunes.

Methods for solving error 3194

Method No. 1

Always try to stick to the latest version of iTunes software. Updates are intended to improve your use of the utilities that are updated. So there is no point in sitting on old software. If you update, then the error 3194, will most likely leave you.

Method No. 2

This method is to expose the file hosts to the original values. To do this you need to use the utility created by Microsoft called Microsoft(c) Fix it 50267. However, it does not work on systems Windows 8 And Windows 10.

Users of these systems will have to use the manual method. To do this do the following:

  • Run " Notebook» with Administrator mode.
  • Next click “File” -> “Open”.
  • In the window that opens, select show " All files».
  • Walk the path My computer/C/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/. The same hosts will be located there. Let's open it.

All lines in this file must be specified with the symbol # . If you notice the line called, then get rid of it. After completing the steps, save the document and reboot the system.

Method No. 3

Use the utility TinyUmbrella. She will replace your addresses with her own. You can do this inside the “ Advanced" You must uncheck the " Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit".

Owners of iPhones of the fourth version, as well as later models - iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and others, often encounter error 3194 when updating their device. A problem such as error 3194 when restoring an iPhone 4S can occur both at the beginning and at the end of the iPhone update process. Depending on the stage at which it arose, the application of measures that can be used to restore the functionality of the gadget will depend.

To resolve the problem caused by error 3194, you need to determine what caused it. And to understand this issue, it is necessary to consider how the iPhone four is updated.

The update algorithm includes the following steps:

  1. Clicking the appropriate buttons in iTunes, connecting to the server Apple, sending a message with a request to flash a gadget connected to a PC or laptop.
  2. After receiving feedback, the IPSW file with firmware is downloaded to the computer, which must be unzipped.
  3. After this, the gadget switches to recovery mode and re-sends a request to Apple to sign the received and unpacked file with an ECID certificate.
  4. Next, the most important thing begins - the procedure for restoring the iPhone, and the display shows the dynamics of everything that is happening.

In the case when, at the final – fourth stage – the owner of the gadget still does not wait for a response from Apple Corporation, iTunes informs the user about error 3194. This means that it was not possible to restore the iPhone. Another such error sometimes occurs at earlier stages of the update - when downloading software to iPhone.

By carefully monitoring the iPhone update process, the user should notice exactly when error 3194 occurred and, based on this data, take steps to eliminate it. So, if the error appears at the very beginning, when you try to download files and the Apple logo appears on the display, its reasons lie in malfunctions in the program. The error is caused by hardware problems if it appears when the update job is nearing completion and is already 70-90% complete.

Error 3194 and how to fix it

According to the experience of many iPhone 4 owners, hardware problems can only be solved with the help of a specialist by contacting the service department. Usually they are caused by a faulty iPhone modem. And, as a rule, problems are associated either with the failure of a part, or with its disconnection from the phone board. Thus, the problem can be solved only in one of 2 ways:

  • Completely replace the modem in the iPhone.
  • Solder the part to the board.

Of course, the first option to solve the problem is more expensive. But buying a new iPhone will cost even more.

In a situation where error 3194 is caused by hardware faults, the owner of an Apple gadget can easily solve the problem on his own. To resolve error 3194, you need to do the following:

  • Produce iTunes update right up to new version. In this case, you need to take into account that flashing iPhone firmware is only allowed on the latest version of iTunes. This will help prevent misunderstandings in the gadget update procedure. Download latest version You can download the program from the Apple website or from the application itself.

Pay attention! When downloading iTunes from the Apple website, you must first remove the previous version from your PC or laptop.

  • Check the hosts file for entries from Apple. In this file, you can prevent your laptop or PC from accessing certain sites and servers. The hosts may contain data about a ban on accessing the official Apple website, and then error 3194 may occur. To prevent this from happening, you need to remove the ban by going to the folder where the hosts file is located and running it using the notepad program. When you open Notepad, you need to delete the line containing the Apple company address from the entries, and then close the file and save the changes. It is also necessary to restart the computer after the entire procedure.
  • Disable antivirus programs. It is possible that error 3194 may appear due to certain actions of antivirus software. In this case, you need to turn off all anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, including those provided by Windows.
  • Refuse TCP/IP filtering. This is done in the settings of the router connected to the iPhone. The correct solution would be to remove the router from the Internet connection to the computer. Simply put, you need to connect an Ethernet cable directly to the PC or laptop through which the gadget is updated.

By performing all the above steps, users, as a rule, manage to safely get rid of the problems caused by error 3194. But this is only if it is caused by hardware failures. In situations where the cause of the error lies in a breakdown or disconnection of the modem from the board, only contacting a service center will help. In any case, error 3194, although it occurs frequently, cannot be called critical. In most cases, having certain skills in handling equipment, users fix the error on their own.
