RAM is a capricious madam. She is not capable of much on her own, but she is extremely picky in choosing a mate: they say, don’t give me just anyone. Moreover, the quarrelsome nature of the RAM can make itself felt both immediately after the neighbor appears, and over time. For example, when you urgently need a computer.

Today we will dot all the “E”s on the questions of whether it is possible to combine different sticks of RAM on one PC, whether it is possible for RAM of different generations, types, volume, frequency and manufacturers to work together. And if possible, then under what conditions.

Connection between generations

My motherboard has generation RAM slotsDDR2 andDDR3. Is it possible to install dies of both types on it?

The clear answer is no. Such hybrid modifications of motherboards were produced at the turn of the transition from the DDR2 to DDR3 standard. They are capable of working with either DDR2 memory with frequencies of 667, 800 and 1066 mHz, or with DDR3 memory with frequencies of 1066 and 1333 mHz. If you install DDR2 and DDR3 together on such a board (of course, in slots of their own type), the computer will not start.

DDR3 + DDR3L = ?

Is it possible to use two modules together?RAM, one of whichDDR-3, and the second -DDR-3L? How is the second different from the first?

DDR3 memory has been the only choice for a long time. And only shortly before DDR4 entered the market, its new modification, DDR3L, was released. The letter “L” in the name of the latter means “low voltage”.

The DDR3L RAM is powered by a voltage of 1.35 V, and its predecessor consumes 1.5 V - this is their main difference. Externally, both types of planks look the same.

The DDR3L standard is fully compatible with motherboards and processors designed for DDR3, but not vice versa. Thus, Intel processors with Skylake S microarchitecture do not officially support DDR 3, although they support DDR 3L.

Sharing modules of both types is sometimes possible, but not desirable. All memory installed in the slots of one motherboard is powered by the same voltage level, so only one of the sticks will be in optimal conditions. Computers with this RAM configuration are usually unstable, and some do not turn on at all.

Volumes and channels

I want to install RAM in all 4 slots, does the capacity of each module matter? Which combination will work faster - 4 2 GB sticks, 2 4 GB sticks or 1 8 GB stick?

The only requirement for the amount of RAM is that it does not exceed the maximum allowable, otherwise the computer will not turn on or part of the memory will remain unused. The claim that all RAM should be of the same capacity is a myth. There is never too much of it, so bet as much as you want.

All modern desktops and many laptops support multi-channel RAM mode. With this method of organization, memory is accessed not along one, but along several parallel lines, which significantly increases the performance of the machine.

Motherboards with four RAM slots (the most common type) operate in dual-channel mode, that is, they have 2 connectors for 1 channel.

Of the three presented combinations, the fastest will be the second one - 2 4 GB sticks, if you distribute them one per channel. Why two and not four? Because the actual speed of data exchange between the controller and each RAM module is not the same, and the more sticks, the more time is spent synchronizing them.

For RAM modules to work in multi-channel mode, they must be:

  • Same frequency.
  • Approximately the same capacity (small differences are sometimes acceptable).
  • One type (for example, DDR3 or DDR3L only).

And their total number must be even.

By the way, RAM slots of one channel are often made one color. But not always. To find out where they are located on your motherboard, it is better to look at its instructions.

Frequencies and timings

Can it be combined with different timings? If so, what frequency do they operate at?

Can. Each unit of RAM stores information about supported frequencies and timings internally (in the SPD chip). The memory controller reads this data and selects a mode in which all modules can operate. As a rule, these are the frequency and timings of the slowest one.

Various manufacturers

Is it necessary to buy RAM from the same manufacturer?

It is advisable to purchase RAM not just from one brand, but from factory sets of several modules. These devices have been jointly tested and are guaranteed to be able to work together.

It happens that RAM of the same brand and model, purchased separately, cannot “find a common language”. It also happens the other way around, when devices of different origins demonstrate excellent teamwork. Depending on your luck, the first option is rather an exception. Most often, dies from different manufacturers with similar characteristics turn out to be compatible.

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Is it possible to combine different sticks of RAM in one computer? updated: April 26, 2018 by: Johnny Mnemonic

Many users complain that new programs on their personal computers do not work as efficiently and quickly as old ones. There is nothing surprising here, new software requires more power, which you may not have, so you should think about increasing the amount of RAM, as we will look at how to do this today.

The first thing we need to do is determine the type of memory we are using; this can be done with various programs available on the Internet or checked in your BIOS (section Main, or Infomation depending on the manufacturer).
You should determine the type, operating frequency, manufacturer (DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, DIMM, soDIMM).

The next step is to check the availability of additional slots for installing RAM. Some budget versions of laptops have only one slot for installing RAM, so you will have to replace the bracket with a more powerful one.

Operational installation on both desktop versions and laptop computers follows the same procedure. You need to turn off the computer, open the cover to access the motherboard, and wipe the mat slots. Clean the boards and contacts from dust and possible residues, and install. Reboot the system and enter the BIOS to check and configure our RAM.

For desktop versions, you should remember that the motherboard may have so-called dual channels (dual channel memory), here for the operation of the RAM and the whole PC you need to install it in the correct slots.

Another recommendation: if you decide to purchase and install additional RAM, in order to avoid conflicts in your work, try to buy it from the same manufacturer, and with the technical characteristics that you have.

In this article we will look at the selection issues and methods for installing RAM and its proper arrangement in the motherboard connectors.

– install memory modules with the same capacity;
– modules must match the operating frequency (Mhz), otherwise they will all operate at the frequency of the slowest memory;
– combine timings, memory latencies (delays);
– memory modules are better than one manufacturer and one model.

All these tips do not have to be strictly followed; cases vary. Even if memory modules differ from each other in manufacturer, volume and operating frequency, this does not mean that they will not work. In this case, there are no special secrets to memory layout - you just need to install them.

There are also no special features when installing already outdated types of memory such as SDRAM (the basic rule here is the more, the better).

But in modern computers, motherboards support special operating memory modes. It is in these modes that the speed of RAM will be most efficient. Therefore, to achieve the best performance, you should take into account the operating modes of the memory modules and their correct installation.
Next, we will look at the most common operating modes today.

RAM operating modes


Single Mode (single-channel or asymmetric mode) - this mode is activated when only one memory module is installed in the system or all modules differ from each other in memory capacity, operating frequency or manufacturer. It doesn’t matter in which slots or what memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.

If there is only one module, then it can be installed in any memory slot:

Two or three different memory modules can also be installed in any configuration:

This mode is more of a necessity when you already have RAM, and the first place is to increase the amount of memory and save money, and not to achieve the best computer performance. If you are just about to buy a computer, it is better to avoid installing memory in this way.


Dual Mode (two-channel or symmetrical mode) – the same amount of RAM is installed in each channel. Modules are selected according to operating frequency. To make installation easier, motherboards have different color DIMM sockets for each channel. And next to them is written the name of the connector, and sometimes the channel number. Also, the purpose of the connectors and their location along the channels must be indicated in the motherboard manual. The total memory volume is equal to the total volume of all installed modules. Each channel is served by its own memory controller. System performance increases by 5-10% compared to single-channel mode.

Dual Mode can be implemented using two, three or four DIMMs.

If two identical memory modules are used, they should be connected to the same connectors (the same color) from different channels. For example, install one module in slot 0 of channel A, and the second in slot 0 of channel B:

That is, to enable the Dual Channel mode (interleaved mode), the following conditions must be met:
– the same configuration of DIMM modules is installed on each memory channel;
– memory is inserted into symmetrical channel connectors (Slot 0 or Slot 1).

Three memory modules are installed in a similar way - the total memory volumes in each channel are equal to each other (memory in channel A is equal in volume to channel B):

And for four modules the same condition is satisfied. There are two parallel dual modes at work here:


Triple Mode – The same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three DIMM channels. Modules are selected according to speed and volume. On motherboards that support three-channel memory mode, 6 memory connectors are usually installed (two for each channel). Sometimes there are motherboards with four connectors - two connectors make up one channel, the other two are connected to the second and third channels, respectively.

With six or three RAM slots, installation is as simple as in dual-channel mode. If four memory slots are installed, three of which can operate in Triple Mode, the memory should be installed in these slots.


Flex Mode – allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same operating frequency. As in dual-channel mode, memory cards are installed in the same connectors of different channels. For example, if there are two memory sticks with a capacity of 512Mb and 1Gb, then one of them should be installed in slot 0 of channel A, and the second in slot 0 of channel B:

In this case, the 512 MB module will work in dual mode with the 512 MB memory capacity of the second module, and the remaining 512 MB of the 1 GB module will work in single-channel mode.

These are all recommendations for combining RAM. There may be more layout options, it all depends on the amount of RAM, the motherboard model and your financial capabilities. Also on sale are motherboards that support quad-channel memory mode - this will give you maximum computer performance!
Today, in modern personal computers, two types of RAM are widely used: DDR 2 and DDR 3. Which type of RAM should I choose?

It all depends on what your computer is intended for. If you are going to work in heavy programs and play sophisticated computer games, feel free to choose the DDR 3 type - since this type of RAM often ranges from 800 MHz to 1600. But if you are buying a regular office computer, take DDR 2, The frequency of this type varies from 400 to 800 MHz.

To the question of how much RAM to take, I will answer you this way. In modern computers (and even netbooks), the minimum amount of RAM is 4 gigabytes, this ensures high performance and normal working conditions. That is, when you want to install RAM (when buying a computer), take at least 4 GB and all programs (if you select the other components correctly) will work for you, literally and figuratively (and you won’t need to replace RAM for a long time). We’ll talk more about the location of RAM in the section on installing RAM.

RAM location. RAM compatibility
RAM is always located on the motherboard and is a small elongated rectangular plate that is inserted into special sections (slots) on the motherboard. The number of slots starts from two units, and can be four or more. In standard form, each motherboard has 4 slots into which RAM is installed. The figure shows four RAM slots, two of which contain memory modules.

RAM location

Typically, motherboard manufacturers give users the opportunity to use several identical memory slots in order to avoid various errors in the operation of the PC. But, I warn you, if you buy several RAM slots, they must have the same type (for example, DDR 3) and frequency.

Since RAM slots of different types will not work together, and if two chips have different frequencies, for example, one has 800 MHz and the other 1600, then the memory will operate at the minimum frequency and you may lose performance and speed of your PC. In the screenshot, different RAM slots differ in color and are divided into pairs; this is by no means a whim of the developers, but a very deliberate step.

Since many motherboards can operate in dual-channel operating mode, in order to enable this mode, it is necessary that modules of the same frequency be inserted into memory slots of the same color, that is, the RAM must be installed in accordance with the color of the slot, in orange slot we install memory with a frequency of 800 MHz, and in the purple slot with a frequency of 1600 MHz. Very often, this “play with colors” allows you to increase the overall performance of RAM by as much as 30 percent, which significantly affects the overall performance of the PC.

Installing RAM
And finally, I suggest you learn how to replace RAM yourself. Replacing RAM is very simple and does not require any special skills.

In order to replace RAM, you first need to disconnect your computer from the network, remove the system unit, if you have it in a special section of your desktop, and carefully open it. Most often, system units are tightened manually with special bolts that can be easily unscrewed. Or it may happen that you need a screwdriver. Anyway, after that. Once you open the system unit, you will see something like the one in the screenshot:

Installing RAM

I marked the RAM in the picture. In order to remove a RAM module (for example, if you need to replace RAM) from the slot, you need to lightly press on the side holders, after which the memory will come out of the grooves and can be removed.

If the situation is the opposite and you need to install RAM, to do this, carefully insert the memory into the slots (taking into account its type and frequency) and close the locks until they click. Be sure to click, as this means that you have installed the RAM correctly.

In view of the ever-increasing demands of modern software, after some time the user may reconsider the issue of self-sufficiency in the configuration of his computer. As a rule, the owner of computer equipment makes the initial upgrade by increasing the RAM of his PC. At the same time, in addition to hardware upgrades (installation of additional memory sticks), the user can also use a number of software tools that allow optimizing the operation of the mentioned system component. Which, ultimately, will also have a positive impact on solving the question: “How to add it to a computer?” If you want to achieve the best results in the process of increasing the speed and performance of your OS, but do not quite understand how to do this and how much it may cost you, devote a few minutes of your time to reading this article. You will receive invaluable benefits from free access to the material provided.

So, the top solutions “How to add RAM to a computer?”

The methods covered (software and hardware RAM upgrade) can be used as solutions independent of each other or as correctly interacting solutions. It is worth noting that an integrated approach is preferable to a simple action - adding one or more to a free slot. A little later you will find out why.

Method number 1: Bought, installed, launched

For stable operation, the Windows 7 operating system requires 1.5 GB of RAM. As a rule, a purchased office PC has two gigabytes of RAM. For resource-intensive programs (video editors or computer games), this volume is not always enough. Consequently, the user has a need to expand the capabilities of the RAM. However, before implementing such a hardware upgrade scenario, you need to ask the question: “Is it possible to add RAM?” Since in the case when you use a 32-bit version of Windows, two or more gigabytes added to the current amount of RAM may simply not be used by the system due to some restrictions that are initiated by the BIOS firmware. Another unpleasant moment for the user may be the discrepancy between the purchased memory module and the standard motherboard connector. In other words, before going to the store, you need to know exactly what type of RAM is supported by your PC or laptop, as well as the technical characteristics of the installed memory.

Forced valuable retreat

A question that often interests a beginner: how much RAM costs, needs some specification. Since in modern computing technology there are several types of RAM: DDR, DDR2, DDR3, which, in turn, have a number of significant differences. Depending on the manufacturer and technical characteristics of the memory, the cost of the product varies. However, using the Kingston brand as an example, we can give some price comparison of different types of RAM produced.

  • DDR2 for 1 GB - about 1400 rubles, and 2 GB will cost 2300 rubles;
  • DDR3 2 GB will cost 1900 rubles, 4 GB - 3100 rubles, but 8 GB RAM of this type will cost 6400 rubles;
  • SODIMM DDR2 2 GB - 1800 rubles;
  • SODIMM DDR3 for 4 GB - 3200 rubles, and for 8 GB the price will be around 6200 rubles.

In addition to information about how much RAM costs, another one will also be useful to you: each type of RAM in its segment is divided according to technical characteristics: nominal volume, bus bandwidth and data exchange speed (frequency), which are performance indicators and the effectiveness of one or another modification. Laptop computers use similar memory, but slightly modified and designated SODIMM, which is essentially a type of RAM. By the way, the cost of “minimized” memory is practically no different from the stationary version. True, some modifications of laptop memory modules are still cheaper than their “desktop counterparts”.

Installing an additional memory stick

To equip with another RAM module, follow the recommendations below. As a result, you will receive a practical answer to the question: “How to add RAM to a computer.”

1). Disconnect from electrical power source.

2). Typically, access to the internal components of a PC is achieved by unscrewing a group of retaining screws that hold the protective cover of the device in place. Important: if you personally open the system unit, you will no longer have to rely on the guarantee. Since when opening the lid you will inevitably damage the service seals.

3). Install the new memory module in the appropriate slot. If there are several of them, pay attention to the markings of the connectors. Typically the correct sequence is indicated as a numeric value. In some cases, there is a special order of installed memory sticks. Interacting connectors (for example, 2 modules from one manufacturer and 2 from another) are painted in two different colors.

Please accept our first congratulations! Now you know how to properly add RAM.

Portable solution

Despite the design features of the laptop, the process of installing RAM is, in general, a fairly simple step... if you have a thin Phillips screwdriver.

1). Turn off your laptop and unplug it.

2). Remove the battery from the device.

3). Take a close look at the back of the laptop - a grooved or inscribed designation in the form of “DIMM” or “MEMORY” is where the RAM is located.

4). Unscrew the screws holding the cover and carefully pry up the edge of the protective casing.

5). Install the optional memory module and close the cover.

Method No. 2: flash drive as additional RAM capacity

On Windows 7 and its Ready Boost functional add-on, a hybrid option for expanding RAM resources will be considered.

Insert the flash drive into the USB port of your PC or laptop. Format the removable media partition. Place the marker over the flash drive shortcut and, while holding the right mouse button, call up the context menu, from which select “Properties”. In the window that opens, go to the Ready Boost tab. Activate the “Use this device” checkbox, then click “Apply” and “OK”.

As you can see, the question is: “How to add RAM to a computer?” can be resolved using this method.

Method No. 3: Optimizing RAM

By installing a special Memory Booster utility on your PC, you will significantly speed up your OS. Despite its small size and compact interface, the program easily copes with RAM optimization, freeing up PC RAM that is reserved by various software. This significantly improves system performance. The utility always runs in the background. So control over particularly “gluttonous” programs will be organized very vigilantly.

Method No. 4: OS virtual memory

This method is exclusively a software tool for increasing RAM. A standard Windows tool provides for expanding operational resources by allocating a certain disk space for the needs of temporary files. The special virtual OS partition should not be confused; these are fundamentally different services. generated OS has a value equal to the amount of installed RAM. When physical memory is insufficient, the system uses virtual amounts of RAM. The size of the paging file can be either reduced or increased. It all depends on the user's needs.

Practical solution

1). Open the Start menu.

2). Hold the marker on the “Computer” section and right-click to call up the context list, from which select “Properties”.

3). While in the “System” service window, activate the “Advanced settings” link on the left.

4). In the “Performance” block, click on the button.

5). Once in the Options window, click on the Advanced tab.

If you activate the "Edit" button, you will be given the opportunity to make changes to the default settings.


“So how much RAM can you add?” you ask. The meaning is strictly predetermined. It all depends on the functionality of your motherboard. The BIOS version also has a great influence on the “hardware perception” of the PC. Finally, a 64-bit operating system removes almost all restrictions on the amount of RAM. But, as you understand, in such a situation the OS is a secondary authority. Therefore, only the BIOS determines whether the motherboard is capable of “accepting” the desired amounts of RAM. So before upgrading your PC, study the technical data sheet of the computer.

Computer RAM is designed to temporarily store data that must be processed by the central processor. RAM modules are small boards with chips and a set of contacts soldered onto them and are installed in the corresponding slots on the motherboard. We'll talk about how to do this in today's article.

When installing or replacing RAM yourself, you need to focus your attention on several nuances. This is the type or standard of the strips, the multi-channel operating mode, and directly during installation - the types of locks and the location of the keys. Next, we will analyze all the working aspects in more detail and show the process itself in practice.


Before installing the strips, you need to make sure that they match the standard of the available connectors. If the motherboard has DDR4 connectors, then the modules must be of the same type. You can find out what memory your motherboard supports by visiting the manufacturer's website or reading the included instructions.

Multichannel mode

By multi-channel mode we mean an increase in memory bandwidth due to the parallel operation of several modules. Consumer computers most often include two channels, server platforms or “enthusiast” motherboards have four-channel controllers, and newer processors and chips can already work with six channels. As you might guess, throughput increases in proportion to the number of channels.

In most cases, we use conventional desktop platforms that can work in dual-channel mode. In order to enable it, you need to install an even number of modules with the same frequency and volume. True, in some cases, unsuited bars are launched in a “two-channel”, but this rarely happens.

If there are only two slots for RAM on the motherboard, then there is no need to invent or figure out anything here. We simply install two strips, filling all available slots. If there are more places, for example four, then the modules should be installed according to a certain pattern. Usually channels are marked with different colored connectors, which helps the user make the right choice.

For example, you have two sticks, and the motherboard has four slots - two black and two blue. In order to use dual-channel mode, you need to install them in slots of the same color.

Some manufacturers do not separate slots by color. In this case, you will have to refer to the user manual. Usually it says that the connectors must be alternated, that is, insert modules into the first and third or into the second and fourth.

Armed with the information above and the required number of strips, you can begin installation.

Installation of modules

After installing the memory, the computer can be assembled, turned on and used.

Installation in a laptop

Before replacing the memory in a laptop, it must be disassembled. Read how to do this in the article available at the link below.

Laptops use SODIMM type brackets, which differ from desktop ones in size. You can read about the possibility of using dual-channel mode in the instructions or on the manufacturer’s website.


In order to make sure that we did everything correctly, you can use special software such as. You need to launch the program and go to the tab "Memory" or, in the English version, "Memory". Here we will see in what mode the strips operate (Dual - two-channel), the total amount of installed RAM and its frequency.

On the tab "SPD" You can get information about each module separately.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated about installing RAM in a computer. It is only important to pay attention to the type of modules, keys and which slots they need to be included in.

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Daily use of a personal computer forces users to think about how to make it work better, faster, more productive. This is especially true for those who need it, such as gamers, or graphic designers, and so on.

You can improve your computer's performance by adding RAM. This can be done in various ways. Let's take a closer look at them. I already wrote an article about how to add power and performance to it. There is an interesting article about... But let's return to our topic.

How to add RAM to your computer yourself

RAM (an abbreviation for “Random Access Memory”) is a storage that contains temporary data about all open programs, applications, and games.

It was created in the form of a microcircuit attached to the . RAM stores data when the device is turned on. When the power is turned off, the information will be deleted.

Modern technologies allow users to perform several tasks at once while working on a computer. This is why it is important to know how to add RAM to your computer.

Additional modules

Not every computer can add RAM. Therefore, it is important to know what properties your PC has.

Go to your computer's properties to find out what RAM it has. This is not difficult to do: right-click on the computer icon and select “properties” in the drop-down window. Here you can see what operating system is installed.

Find out what motherboard your device has. You can view the information in the technical documentation of your device. This will allow you to understand how much RAM can be increased. You can find information about any motherboard model on the Internet.

Before installing additional modules, turn off the computer and open the side cover of the system unit. Installing an additional module is easy due to the fact that the slots have convenient clamps. With their help, you can easily remove the old module and install a new one.

Do not assemble the system unit immediately after installing the modules. First, make sure you did everything correctly. To do this, open the computer properties and see if additional RAM appears. If not, reinstall.

Additional features

If for some reason you cannot use the method described above, increase your RAM in other ways.

Ready Boost

This option allows you to add RAM to your computer using . This happens due to the fact that the flash drive stores information on running programs.

Install the flash drive into the device by right-clicking on it and selecting format.

After you have formatted the flash drive, click “properties” again.

Select Refdy Boost, check the box - use this device and set the desired memory size with the slider. You can set it to maximum.

You should not buy flash drives with a very large amount of memory - this will not bring results.


You can add RAM thanks to your computer's reserves. This method is used on old computers.

Open your computer's system settings and launch Advanced Settings. To configure settings, use the “Performance” item.

Bottom line

As you can see, adding RAM to your computer is not difficult. Study the technical data sheet of your computer and start making improvements.

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