For many men, the garage is not only a room for covered parking, but also a full-fledged workplace.

Car enthusiasts spend many hours of their lives in it every day, and not only for repair work. There are no windows in such places, so full lighting comes to the fore here.

However, this is where the main problem lies. Connecting your garage to power grids seems like an insoluble problem for most.

Either there are a lot of obstacles with documents, or there are simply no electrical networks nearby. But don’t be upset, because there are several simple ways illuminate your garage building, even without power lines nearby.

Selection of lamps

First of all, you should decide on the following points:

  • what lamps will be used
  • what kind of light bulbs will be in these lamps
  • what lighting intensity do you need?

Firstly, lamps must be economical. After all, you won’t have a power line nearby from which you can easily take a few kilowatts. That's why the best option there will be low-power LED models or 12-volt bulbs.

Even with this supply voltage, they are quite capable of producing a full luminous flux no worse than 220V incandescent lamps. The lighting from them will be bright and uniform.

At the same time, energy consumption from an autonomous power source will be reduced to a minimum. They can be powered from batteries of minimal power. Not necessarily from automobile ones, even used computer UPSs will do.

Bulbs of different wattages for a regular 12V E27 socket can be ordered from the Chinese here.

You can also use it as a backlight LED strip. If you stick it around the perimeter of the room, or with tapes of several stripes in the center, you will get overall uniform lighting.

Also, pieces of such tape can be glued into an old spotlight, taking only the body from under it. Thanks to the reflector, the lighting will be more than bright and consumption will be minimal.

Short pieces of tape are convenient for organizing local illumination of a workplace or inspection pit.

Just don't forget about humidity. Because of this, for pits you need to buy not just a simple tape with IP20 protection, but models with a higher moisture protection class.

The same applies to the cellar. In general, using U=12V lighting in such places is the only correct solution. If it is not a tape, but a lamp, then it should also be chosen with moisture protection.

Once you have decided on the light sources, you next need to make a choice from what they will receive power from.

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will not seriously consider such exotic species as solar panels, wind generators or Philippine lantern.

Solar panel and wind generator

Although panels and wind turbines are no longer particularly rare in our stores, few people would risk installing a solar battery on the roof of a garage far from their home.

The factor of theft and vandalism cannot be ignored here. Moreover, such sources have a lot of disadvantages:

  • high cost

  • direct dependence on weather conditions

Lighting from a Philippine lantern

The Philippine lantern for our latitudes is generally a rare exotic, unfamiliar to few people. It has one advantage - it is absolutely free.

The name of the flashlight came from the places where it was actually invented. By the way, there is a whole volunteer organization engaged in such lighting, with a very telling name - “Liter of Light”.

Everything is based on the refraction of natural light from the sun. This flashlight is made from a plastic bottle filled with water.

The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  • the bottle is thoroughly washed until shiny, all labels are removed
  • a rectangular stainless steel screen is placed on top
  • The water in the bottle is diluted with chlorine or bleach. These components are needed so that the liquid does not bloom and does not have to be changed frequently.
  • the bottle needs to be filled with water 3cm above the screen itself
  • a hole is drilled in the roof where such a lamp is fixed

To prevent leaks, all joints are sealed with silicone.

One such flashlight is comparable in lighting power to a 50-watt incandescent light bulb and covers an area of ​​up to 10 m2.

In order to increase the level of illumination, you will have to mount several such devices on the roof.

However, you need to be objective; this method of lighting is more applicable to some kind of shed with junk than a garage where a car worth several thousand dollars is stored. Nobody in their right mind would put holes in their roof for a water bottle.

Power supply from generator

One of the common cases of garage lighting is the purchase of a gasoline or diesel generator. Here you can get by with models of the most minimal power up to 1 kW.

In addition, if absolutely necessary, all power tools in the garage can be easily connected from such a power station - an angle grinder, a drill, a small emery machine, etc.

However, the disadvantages cannot be avoided here:

  • exhaust gases
  • constant noise and rattling
  • problems starting in winter
  • complaints from neighbors who will be inconvenienced by all this

Battery lighting

Having weeded out the original and less applicable options, let’s turn to the most popular power source for lighting in the garage. This is still a 12V car battery. The most common capacity is suitable - 55Ah.

For LED bulbs or ice strips, one charge in gentle mode can last for more than 10 hours of continuous operation and even more.

Naturally, this should be a separate battery, and not the one used in your car. After a voltage drop, the battery will have to be taken home to be recharged.

When using batteries, always monitor the discharge voltage.

Most batteries, after a drop of less than 10-10.5V, are difficult to restore to full operation.

Therefore, for monitoring, always place a miniature digital voltmeter in parallel in the power circuit.

1 of 2

You can also use terminals with a built-in digital voltage meter.

Naturally, all lighting, even though it is 12V, will need to be connected through protection devices - 5-10A circuit breakers.

Such lighting is most effectively organized using LED strips.

Here is a good video about how a man assembled almost complete lighting in his country house using an LED strip and a battery, and used it for several months.

Some assemble similar circuits based on a battery and an inverter. But why waste the initial energy on operating the converter?

When you already have 12V light bulbs or LED strips, it is much easier and cheaper to immediately connect them to this voltage.

If you need to illuminate not the entire garage, but only certain areas, then ordinary lithium-ion batteries can handle this. You don't even have to buy a battery.

How to assemble such a structure and how long this illumination will last can be found in the article below.

Those who don’t have the desire to carefully make a circuit and lay out wires can assemble all the garage lighting literally “on their knees.”

Take a used battery from a UPS. Mount a minivoltmeter and an on/off button on thick cardboard.

Then you connect LED strips from this structure - daytime running lights. This design is especially justified in cellars and small rooms.

It is necessary to use running lights, because they are initially waterproof. It is advisable to insulate all contacts and connection points.

Here is a video on how to assemble such lighting in a few minutes.

Light bulb with built-in battery

Well, the simplest option would be to use LED bulbs with a built-in battery.

Hang the cartridges in places where you need to get more light. Screw the lamps into them and that's it.

No wires, voltage level control, protection devices, etc. One such light bulb can work up to 12 hours. Output luminous flux up to 500Lm.

After which, you unscrew it and take it home. There, again screwing it into the cartridge, which is under a voltage of 220V, you recharge it.

The cost of such lighting will be the most economical.

Provide lighting for a room in a country house, connect a garage or other facility to light without access to a centralized power grid? In principle, this is possible if there is a battery. But what, where and how much to buy a power source, we will talk further.

The problem when the dacha is located several hundred kilometers from the city, there is no electricity on it, and there won’t be in the near future, but you want light, is not so rare. And even if there is a generator, it is not so easy to solve, because the unit produces quite a lot of noise, and it consumes a lot of fuel. Usually in such cases they buy a battery. Moreover, when choosing it, you need to remember that the power source must meet the following criteria:

  • Not be very heavy.
  • Have high capacity.
  • Charge quickly.
  • I worked as long as possible.
  • It was relatively inexpensive.
  • I was not afraid of deep discharges.

From possible options To solve the problem, the following comes to mind: first of all, these are cargo batteries. But they are too heavy. There are also traction batteries. This is a better option. However, their cost is 5-6 thousand rubles. Otherwise, such batteries meet absolutely all the criteria specified above. It is light, compact, and can withstand repeated discharging and charging. These are so-called “full cycle” batteries. They are produced by many manufacturers, but today we offer you to familiarize yourself with the line of Bosch L-series traction batteries. For their production, two well-proven technologies are used. These are, among others, DEEP CYCLE and DEEP CYCLE AGM. Their advantages are obvious:

  • Highest performance. To illuminate a small room, one charge will last for several days.
  • Unpretentiousness to operating conditions. Batteries in this series can operate at any temperature.
  • Significant capacitive characteristics. With a small weight, the batteries have a capacity of 75, 100 or more Ampere hours.
  • Long-term operation in cyclic mode with full discharges. Even multiple critical discharges are not capable of damaging the battery, because it is designed taking into account such operating modes.
  • Low level of self-discharge. After leaving the battery for several months, you can immediately connect it to consumers - the light bulb will burn as brightly as before it was turned off.
  • Compact housing sizes. This is very convenient when considering the country option of using batteries.

These properties make it possible to say that L types are excellent for solving the problem of organizing lighting in those objects where there is no centralized system electricity supplies. By the way, about the price. A battery with a capacity of 100 Ampere hours costs about 6-7 thousand rubles, which is comparable to the cost of a conventional starter power supply. Therefore, the high cost of full-cycle traction batteries is nothing more than a myth.

Autonomous lighting at the dacha can become an alternative to centralized power supply in cases where in the future connecting to the power grid is generally impossible or the cost of connection is incredibly high and troublesome. Also, the use of various options for autonomous lighting in the country is pushed by constantly rising electricity tariffs. Let's look at the two most popular energy supply options and analyze which one is more profitable - these are: inverter gas generator And battery converter .

Inverter gas generator

Currently, an inverter gas generator is very popular for providing autonomous lighting in the country. This is explained by the fact that the unit is quite affordable, easy to operate, and does not require special configuration and installation. All actions necessary for its operation are as follows: installed, filled with fuel, started and received electricity. Everything seems simple, however, in order to determine the advisability of its use, we will analyze all aspects of this issue.

Let's take as an example the Chinese-made generator Werk IG-2600, which produces a power of 2.3 kW and costs about 22,000 rubles. Fuel consumption at rated power is 0.9 l/hour (according to the passport). For ease of calculation, let’s equate the cost of fuel to the price of AI-92 gasoline, which is 36 rubles/liter. To determine the cost of one kW/hour, we perform the following steps: 1 kW/hour = 36 rubles/liter x 0.9 liters/hour: 2.3 kW = 14.0 rubles.

Value 14.0 rub. for one kW - this is, in principle, not bad, but we must not forget that 22,000 rubles were paid for the Werk IG-2600 inverter gas generator. And if we take the service life of this device to be 5000 hours, then we can get the final cost of one kW/hour. For this purpose 22,000 rubles. : 5,000 hour and we get 4.4 rubles. Now in total one kW/hour will cost: 14.0 + 4.4 = 18.4 rubles. If we take electricity tariffs in Moscow, which are equal to 5.38 kW/hour, then we can see that the cost of autonomous lighting in a dacha will be approximately 3.4 times higher.

Whether it is profitable or not, everyone decides for themselves, based on their monetary income. Now many generator manufacturers are reducing the cost of one kilowatt by creating devices that run on both gasoline and liquefied gas, which is twice as cheap as gasoline.

Battery converter

The battery inverter converter consists of powerful batteries with a voltage of 12 - 24 Volts and special device, which converts direct voltage into alternating voltage 220 Volts. Therefore, you need to pre-charge the batteries from a stationary power supply so that you can use this supply of electricity later at the dacha. It is worth noting right away that ordinary car batteries are unsuitable for this purpose, since they produce a large current only for a certain period of time and cannot power the converter for a long time.

Therefore, batteries for an inverter will be four times more expensive than car batteries of the same capacity, but their service life is up to ten years, which cannot be said about car batteries. Therefore, the cost of a battery converter consisting of two batteries with a capacity of up to 300 Ah will be about 150,000 rubles.

To determine the profitability of such an installation at the dacha, we first give the formula for the required battery capacity depending on the power consumption. The formula looks like this: E = N t efficiency / U. Where E is the required capacity in A/hour, t is the battery discharge time, N is the power consumption in W, efficiency is the safety factor, a value equal to 0.7, and U is the voltage battery volts.

Now let’s calculate what the battery capacity should be with a battery discharge time of 5 hours in order to provide a consumer power equal to 2,000 W. For this, 2,000 5 0.7: 12 = 583 Ah. Installations usually have two batteries, so the capacity of one should be 583:2 = 291 Ah ≈ 300 Ah. Which corresponds to the cost of the entire unit 150,000 rubles.

If we take the battery life to be 10 years, then recharging it during this period will require 27,000 kW/hour at a price of 5.38 rubles per kilowatt. That is, 27,000 5.38 = 145,260 rubles will be wasted. Moving on: the total cost of all costs is now 145,260 + 150,000 = 295,260 rubles.

This means that the cost of one kilowatt when using a battery converter will be equal to: 295,260: 27,000 = 10.9 rubles. That is, it is now clear that this is almost half the cost of one kilowatt of electricity than when using an inverter gas generator to provide autonomous lighting in the country.

It is clear that these calculations are tedious, but without them, a comparison of these two installations would be unfounded. As a result, you decide which installation and at what price to purchase, based on your financial capabilities.

Many of us adhere to standard thinking, in which the LED strip should work through an adapter from a 220 V network. But you can do it differently by using a battery or battery as a constant voltage source. The result is a lamp completely independent of the mains, which opens up completely new possibilities.

Let's look at options for assembling lamps using the example of an LED strip powered by 12 V.

Why is this necessary?

At first glance, it may seem that there is no need for battery-powered LED strip lighting. But if you think about it, you can find a dozen places in an apartment alone, the lighting of which will increase the level of comfort and add originality. For example,

  • inside the wardrobe and wall kitchen cabinets;
  • along the contour of shelves and shelves;
  • around paintings and mirrors;
  • for decorating children's toys and bicycles;
  • in the pantry, etc.

In addition, autonomous lighting from an LED strip will be useful in a garage, basement, country house, in general, where there is no stationary 220 V power supply. And in regions where there are frequent power outages, LED lighting can be used as emergency lighting.

Connection to a 12 V battery

Compared to batteries, this method Autonomous power supply for LED strip operation is the best for several reasons. The 12-volt battery maintains the rated voltage in the load for a long time, allows you to obtain a fairly high level of illumination and can withstand several hundred recharge cycles. The most common 12V batteries are lead-acid. Most often they are used in UPS, security and fire alarms. Among them, batteries with a capacity of 4.5 Ah (up to 0.8 kg) have the smallest dimensions and weight. The connection and operation process looks like this:

  • 2 wires of the required length are soldered to the contact pads of a pre-prepared piece of tape with LEDs (red wire to “+”, and black wire to “–”);
  • similarly, on the reverse side, terminals for connecting to the battery are soldered to the wires;
  • for convenience, a small toggle switch is soldered into the gap of one of the wires. If it is not there, then to turn off the backlight it is enough to disconnect one terminal.

    The current consumption of an LED strip depends on its length.

    In addition to lead-acid batteries, 12 V Li-ion batteries have high performance data. With equal capacities, Li-ion batteries have 4 times less weight and size. And to charge them, a compact charger is used.

    Important! The battery will work out its life (up to 500 full recharge cycles) only if the discharge current does not exceed 1/10 of the capacity. In practice, this means that a 12V-7A*h battery can be connected for a long time to a load with a current consumption of up to 0.7 A or 2 meters of LED strip type SMD 3528-60 pcs./m, which will shine continuously for 10 hours.

    To make calculations easier, below is the current consumption of 1 meter of LED strip, which depends on the type of LEDs installed:

    • SMD 3528-60 pcs/m – 0.4 A;
    • SMD 2835-60 pcs/m – 1.6 A;
    • SMD 5050-60 pcs/m – 1.2 A;
    • SMD 5730-60 pcs/m – 3.0 A;
    • SMD 3014-60 pcs/m – 0.6 A.

    Battery powered

    If buying a battery is expensive, but there is nowhere to charge it, then you can make the LED strip glow using batteries. Let's look at the 3 most common connection options.

    Option No. 1 involves the use of 6 1.5 V AA batteries connected in series. Why exactly 6 pieces? Because the LED strip, even when powered by 9V, will operate at approximately half its power. Firstly, this level of light from the tape is quite enough to illuminate something. Secondly, half the current will flow through the LEDs (nonlinearity of the current-voltage characteristic), which will significantly extend the battery life. But if you wish, you can increase the number of batteries to 8. There are two ways to assemble a battery-powered LED backlight circuit:

    • using short wires, all batteries are soldered together in series, secured with electrical tape, and two wires are soldered to the extreme “+” and “–” to connect the LED strip;
    • 6 batteries are inserted into the cassette (container), observing the indicated polarity. The wires coming out of the cassette are clamped together with the LED strip in the connector.

    The capacity of an AA battery is approximately 2 times greater than that of an AAA battery from the same manufacturer.

    Option No. 2 involves using power from one 9 V Krona battery in the circuit. The capacity of the alkaline crown is approximately 0.5-0.6 Ah. This means that, for example, a 30 cm long SMD 3528 tape will shine continuously for 5 hours. The crown is often used for LED tuning of a bicycle.
    Option number 3 implies sharing battery from a phone (smartphone) and a boost converter up to 12 volts. In this configuration, LED backlighting has several significant advantages:

    • reliability and durability;
    • compactness (the size of the converter is comparable to a flash drive);
    • reasonable cost (3.7 V-12 V converter – $2, battery – $10);
    • The battery can be easily charged from a smartphone or charger, and its capacity reaches 2000 mAh;
    • Light emitting diodes shine at full brightness.

    You can connect batteries and accumulators of any type to the converter. The main thing is that their voltage matches the input voltage of the converter.

  • Read also

    The garage is not only a protected parking place for your “iron horse”, but also a place where you can do its repairs. Therefore, it is very important that the garage is well lit. But here certain difficulties may arise due to the frequent lack of wiring and banal electricity in such buildings. Such difficulties often arise when the garage building was built with your own hands and far from the power line.

    Garage lighting

    In such a situation, it will be relevant to make autonomous garage lighting. Our article today will tell you what you need to know to make such lighting yourself.

    How is lighting done?

    When building any premises, lighting systems should always be included at the planning stage. This is especially important for buildings such as a garage, which you can build with your own hands without any problems. Before installing autonomous lighting in this room, you need to consider the following points:

    • what level of lighting needs to be organized;
    • what lighting fixtures will be used;
    • what type of light source will be screwed into the lamps.

    Garage lighting option

    It must be remembered that the lighting of a garage, even a stand-alone one, must necessarily comply with the following rules:

    • be safe. Autonomous lighting in this case will be the most relevant, since in this case there is no wiring, and therefore there is a risk of electrical injury;

    Pay attention! Using a 12-volt LED lamp for illumination, you can not only provide high-quality lighting to the room, but also completely eliminate the risk of electrical injury.

    • The lighting level should be comfortable for the eyes. In order to correctly calculate the level of illumination for a given room, it is necessary to rely on the standards given in SNiP for garages;
    • the light that the lamps will create should illuminate the entire space, including the corners. At the same time, it should be uniform. To achieve this level of illumination, you can use general and local types of illumination;
    • The placement of lighting fixtures should be carried out according to a scheme convenient for you. This will make working in the garage more convenient and comfortable.

    Another important factor that must be taken into account when creating autonomous lighting in garage-type buildings is economical energy consumption. In this situation, an LED lamp of any model (especially low-power 12 volt ones) has proven itself to be most effective.

    12 volt LED lamp

    The fact is that such devices, with a power of only 12 volts, are capable of producing a bright luminous flux and at the same time consuming a minimal amount of energy.

    Pay attention! If you wish, you can make a homemade LED lamp and thereby save on buying a factory lamp.

    To create autonomous lighting with your own hands, such a lamp is perfect.

    Options for autonomous garage lighting

    As has already been said, the most best choice There will be LEDs for any garage structures. They have a lot of advantages, among which the following points should be highlighted:

    • creating uniform and bright lighting;
    • in terms of glow intensity, such a lamp creates a luminous flux that is equal to daylight;
    • economical consumption of electricity;
    • such lighting devices can be powered from various devices (for example, from a battery) in a situation where there is no source of electricity.

    Most often, 12-volt LED strips are used to illuminate garage spaces. With its help, you can create general lighting by running a ribbon around the perimeter of the structure. In such a situation, the light emanating from the tape will fall evenly. Using an LED strip, you can also create local illumination of shelves and racks, as well as an inspection pit.

    Pay attention! To illuminate the inspection pit, a lamp or LED strip must be purchased with a high moisture resistance class. This is due to the fact that there is always high humidity here due to poor ventilation and lack of heating.

    The same conditions and requirements are typical for the basement. In this regard, the lighting installation that will be used here should not have a power higher than 12 volts.
    You need to remember that in certain places in the garage you need to install a waterproof lamp, both when creating autonomous lighting and when electricity is available.

    Autonomous garage lighting and methods for its implementation

    In a garage, autonomous lighting is necessary in a situation where there is no electricity in the area or there are frequent interruptions. Therefore, to ensure that there is always light in the garage, many car owners install autonomous lighting.

    Pay attention! In the garage, you can organize two types of lighting: from a 220-volt power supply and autonomous lighting. In this case, autonomous lighting in this situation will already be called emergency lighting. But this approach is relevant only when the main lighting has already been done earlier, and problems with it appeared relatively recently.

    Garage lighting

    Today there are many ways to make autonomous garage lighting with your own hands. The most popular among car owners are the following ways to organize light in a garage without electricity:

    • placement of solar panels;
    • installation of a wind generator;
    • purchase of a gasoline generator;
    • battery usage;
    • garden lamp;
    • Philippine lantern.

    For a better understanding, let's look at each lighting method in more detail.

    Lighting with solar panels

    Today, many people install solar panels in their private homes and even apartments. With their help, you can not only save on electricity, but also illuminate a garage that does not have electricity.

    Garage lighting solar panels

    Despite the popularity of this lighting method, it is unlikely to be suitable for a garage for the following reasons:

    • the cost of one solar battery and its connection will cost a significant amount;
    • It is unlikely that you will be able to install such a system yourself without the help of specialists;
    • complexity of the system for connecting lighting devices and batteries to storage equipment (batteries).

    But by spending once on the purchase and installation of solar panels, you will not only receive high-quality autonomous lighting for any room, including the garage, but you will also be able to sell the excess electricity that has accumulated to the state.
    A 12-volt lamp can be powered from such a system. Moreover, their number can reach several pieces, which is just suitable for a given room. If there is a need for a voltage of 220 volts, then this system you need a 12 volt converter or inverter.

    Lighting using a wind generator

    For autonomous lighting of the garage, you can use a homemade wind generator. Such a windmill will also generate free electricity, which can be used to power a 12-volt lamp.

    Pay attention! You can either make a windmill yourself or buy a ready-made device. However, a purchased wind generator will cost a pretty penny.

    Homemade wind generator

    When creating this type of lighting, wind speed must be taken into account. In a situation where strong winds are rare in the area of ​​residence, then this method of lighting will be ineffective. Here, all the costs that went into installing a wind generator will not pay off.

    Lighting using a gasoline generator

    Instead of a wind generator, you can use a gasoline or diesel generator to create autonomous garage lighting.

    Gasoline generator

    It is rational to use a gasoline generator only when problems with electricity are rare and the lights are turned off for a short period of time. It is also rational to purchase it if you often use power tools in the garage.

    Rechargeable batteries and their applications

    Another way to create autonomous lighting in a garage building is to connect the lamps to a battery. The battery can power a 12 volt lamp.

    Car battery

    When the lights are turned off, such a lighting device (rated at 12 volts) can work for 10 hours. Of course, if the battery was fully charged before.
    You can use a spare car battery to illuminate your garage. With its help, it is best to power an LED strip that can be run around the entire perimeter of the premises.

    Illumination with garden lamps

    Many people today use solar garden lamps for night illumination of the garden. During the day they accumulate enough energy to effectively illuminate the garden paths of the flower beds. But, as practice shows, they can also be used to illuminate the garage when there are problems with electricity.

    Solar garden lights

    They must be charged outside, and as soon as such lighting devices are needed, they are brought inside the garage. They usually provide light for 5-6 hours. But such a period of operation is typical for high-quality lamps.
    The disadvantage of using garden lights with solar panels is that over time the brightness of the lighting they provide will decrease. But this parameter is typical for any type of autonomous type backlight that is powered by storage devices.

    Illumination with a Philippine lantern

    In addition to the above methods of autonomous lighting of garage buildings, some car enthusiasts use the so-called “Filipino lantern”.

    Philippine lantern

    This method makes it possible to organize free lighting in the garage. Moreover, it is quite possible to do it yourself. The Philippine lantern operates on the principle of light refraction. You can make such a lantern from an ordinary plastic bottle. At the same time, it can be used either entirely or cut out of a part.
    The algorithm for making a Filipino lantern with your own hands is as follows:

    • take a transparent plastic bottle;
    • The container is easy to wash and remove the colored label;
    • We put a rectangular or round screen made of stainless steel or galvanized on it;
    • Clean water is poured into the bottle. It needs to be diluted with bleach. This will prevent the liquid from blooming and, as a result, a drop in lighting intensity;
    • the liquid is poured so that its level is three centimeters higher than the installed screen;
    • Then such a bottle is mounted in the roof of the garage structure. The bottle itself must be mounted on a rigid base.

    Installation of a Philippine lantern

    If the roof was made of corrugated sheets, then simply cut a hole of the required diameter in a sheet of material. To minimize the risk of the roof leaking through the holes, all joints between the bottle and the roof must be well treated with silicone or sealant.
    You can use a Philippine lantern as additional autonomous lighting for the garage in those regions where the sun shines most of the year. To increase the level of illumination, you can install several of these homemade flashlights. In cloudy weather, such a design will produce such dim light that working with it will be life-threatening.
    In addition, it is worth noting that if the sequence of manufacturing the Philippine lantern is violated, the lighting inside the garage will also be poor.


    Today there are many possibilities for creating autonomous lighting in the garage. Some options will be quite expensive but very effective (for example, installing solar panels or buying a gasoline generator), and some will be cheaper but less effective (for example, using garden lamps with solar panels). But if you approach the solution to this problem competently, then you can choose the most optimal method from all the available lighting options and stop depending on electricity, which is supplied intermittently.
