Automatic payment for cellular communications— the mobile phone balance is replenished automatically.

Automatic payment for housing and communal services and other services— utilities, internet, television are paid automatically.

Automatic payment for loans from other banks— repayment of loan debt is carried out automatically.

Automatic payment of contributions to the Russian Pension Fund— cash contributions are sent to the Russian Pension Fund automatically.

Automatic payment for cellular communications

Automatic replenishment of the mobile phone balance from a Sberbank card when the balance drops below the minimum level.

This COMFORTABLE, because you no longer have to constantly worry and look for places to top up your mobile phone balance.

This FAST, because the balance is replenished instantly.

Always UNDER CONTROL! All transactions can be viewed in the card report. As soon as your phone balance is replenished, you will receive an SMS notification. If desired, the parameters and amounts of auto payment can be easily changed.

And most importantly this service FREE, since they do not charge a commission for payments.

How does Sberbank auto payment work?

Prepaid tariff:

  1. If the mobile phone balance is below the acceptable level that you have set, the telecom operator sends a request to Sberbank about the need to top up the balance.
  2. Sberbank automatically transfers from your card the amount that you specified when connecting Autopayment.
  3. The subscriber receives an SMS from the operator with a notification about the replenishment.

Tariff with subsequent payment:

  1. The operator issues an invoice at the end of the month, and the Autopayment service from Sberbank repays this amount of debt.
  2. If the amount of the debt exceeds the limit, the debt will be repaid partially by the payment amount.
  3. The subscriber receives an SMS notification about the replenishment of the balance.

Operators participating in the Autopayment program from Sberbank– MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Baykolwestcom, Tele 2, NSS, ETC, Motive.

How to activate the Autopayment service for cellular communications

You can activate Autopayment via:

  1. ATMs and terminals of Sberbank;
  2. Application for issuance of a Sberbank bank card.

Connecting Autopayment through ATMs and Sberbank terminals

Any ATM and terminal has the ability to connect to Autopayment (brief instructions):

  • Insert your card and enter your PIN code;
  • Select the “AUTO PAYMENT” service;
  • We confirm our agreement with the terms of service;
  • Selecting a telecom operator;
  • Enter your phone number;
  • Select from the list the acceptable minimum balance on the phone (for MTS, NSS, etc., any value);
  • Set the replenishment amount in rubles;
  • We check the correctness of all entered data;
  • The ATM will issue a receipt confirming the acceptance of the Autopayment application;
  • The telecom operator will send the subscriber an SMS notification about activation of the service.

Connect Autopayment from Sberbank via Mobile Banking

To activate this service, simply send an SMS with the text “AUTO PAYMENT 200” to number 900, where 200 is the amount.

If Mobile Banking is not connected to your card, then connecting the Autopayment service will not be possible.

You can additionally select a card (if you have several of them) and the minimum balance value.

The SMS will look like this: “AUTO PAYMENT 200 30 1234”, where 200 is the payment amount, 30 is the minimum balance, 1234 is the last 4 digits of the card number.

Connect Autopayment via Sberbank Online

  • Log in to your Sberbank Online personal account;
  • In the menu we find the section “My Auto Payments”;
  • Selecting a telecom operator;
  • Fill out the fields of the connection form;
  • Confirm the operation with a one-time password.

Connect Autopayment when issuing a card at a Sberbank branch

When you receive a bank card, you can activate Autopayment directly at the bank branch. Just ask the employee to connect the service to the issued card. Mobile Banking will be connected to it and then Autopayment with the settings:

  • minimum balance - 30 rubles. for all operators except Tele2, 10 rubles. — for Tele2, Motive;
  • payment amount - 150 rubles (can be adjusted at the request of the client at the time of filling out the application).

How to manage AutoPay settings

You can edit settings at any time in several ways:

  • at ATMs and terminals;
  • via SMS using Mobile Banking;

You can view the Autopayment report:

  • at ATMs and terminals;
  • via the Internet using Sberbank Online.

You can disable AutoPay in several ways:

  • We send SMS to the number 900 with the text " AUTO PAYMENT—«
  • at ATMs and terminals;
  • via the Internet using Sberbank Online;
  • via toll free phone 8 800 555 55 50 .

Automatic payment for utilities (housing and communal services) how to connect?

Forget to pay housing and communal services on time? Sberbank will help you avoid delays and penalties for late payment. For this purpose, a special auto payment service for housing and communal services has appeared, with which you will save time and money, and will also be able to control the debiting of funds using SMS messages.

There are 2 types of auto payment for utilities:

  1. Automatic debt payment – ​​for bills whose amount changes every month
  2. Autopayment for a fixed amount - the same amount is written off every month.

How Sberbank auto payment works. The bank checks the amount of debt within the period you set and sends you an SMS message indicating the amount of the write-off. If you do not want to pay the specified amount, you can cancel the automatic payment by sending a reply SMS message. If you agree, then automatic payment will occur within the specified period and you will receive an SMS notification about the result of the operation.

You can connect autopayment for housing and communal services in the Sberbank Online system, at payment terminals, ATMs and in.

What to do if you are approaching the shutdown threshold, but there is no way to get to the payment terminal? There are several ways, including asking a friend to top up your account or borrowing money from the operator. But there is another option that will require a minimum of effort from you the first time you use it, but in the future you will be able to completely forget what it means to have a lack of money in your account. We are talking about auto payment on MTS. With this service, you no longer need to worry about your balance or spend extra money to pay terminal fees.

Autopayment allows the subscriber to top up his MTS account from a Visa or MasterCard bank card. This can be a card from any bank that allows you to use funds to pay for this service. Check with your bank about the possibility of autopayment before you activate it.

Since Sberbank in Russia is the largest financial organization, it is no wonder that the largest number of cards issued to individuals are issued by it. Therefore, in order to save space, we will talk about Sberbank, especially since it allows auto payments.

Activating the service is free, just like servicing it. In addition, there is no transfer fee: your account receives exactly the amount that was debited from the card.

At the moment, on Smart line tariffs, after activating autopayment, a 10% discount is given on the subscription fee for two months!

How to set up the service?

The service is configured in the “Personal Account” on the MTS website. Here you can select the type of auto payment, threshold and amount of credit, frequency, etc. There are two possible options for automatically replenishing the balance from a card:

  • automatic payment at threshold;
  • Scheduled.

In the first case, money will be transferred from the card as soon as the balance drops to a preset level. In the second case, a certain amount of money will be regularly transferred from the Sberbank card, as was said, to the account, regardless of the balance. You just need to indicate how much you need and how often transfers should be made. By default, the first option is offered to subscribers, but it won’t take long to reconfigure the service for yourself.

The minimum acceptable threshold is 30 rubles. This means that as soon as the amount on the balance drops to this level, an automatic transfer will occur (minimum 50 rubles). In addition, there are other restrictions, which you can read in more detail on the operator’s website. Let us only note that as part of the service, you can link up to three bank cards to one SIM card, and up to ten connected phone numbers to one card.

After debiting, you will receive an SMS notification about the completed transaction. Information is also sent via SMS about the impossibility of making a transfer due to lack of funds.

Scheduled auto payment has no thresholds. Here you only need to configure the frequency of deposits and the amount of funds that will be transferred to the account.

You can set up auto payment from Sberbank via phone on a special website and manage the service here.

How to connect and how to disable MTS auto payment from a Sberbank card?

  1. You can activate the service either on the MTS website or on the Sberbank website. If you have Sberbank Online connected, use it (if not, check by calling the bank where and how to get your login password). Go to your account, then select “My auto payments” and create a new template for the MTS phone number. After filling out the form, you will receive a code that should be sent via SMS to number 900.
  2. Another way to link is in your MTS personal account. After specifying the bank account, the check amount will be debited, which you can clarify by calling Sberbank or receiving a statement from an ATM (although, most likely, you will just receive an SMS). Enter the checksum and payment password (you will definitely receive this via SMS), after which you can finish setting up automatic payment.

You may need your payment password in the future, so save it. If you need it and you can’t find it, dial the combination *111*625# on your mobile and they will send it to you.

How to disable Sberbank auto payment on MTS? There are two ways to cancel the service. In the first case, you need to use the operator’s or Sberbank’s website. You can also disable auto payment by coming to the MTS sales office or the nearest bank branch with your passport.

The lives of modern people are so busy that they often don’t have time to be distracted by such trifles as replenishing their phone balance. Although this is an important point so as not to be left without communication. For such cases, the MTS operator offers subscribers to automate this operation. This function is performed by the service " Auto payment» MTS with the participation of Sberbank of Russia. Although this bank may be replaced by another bank that supports the ability to automatically transfer money. In addition, for MTS customers who do not want to check their phone balance, the option “ With full trust».

In the review we will dwell in detail on automatic replenishment of your phone account and activation of this feature. For those subscribers who decide to refuse it, methods, its restrictions, limits, and registration of bank cards will be considered. Let's tell you how to set up MTS Autopayment from bank cards.

What this service is intended for can be determined by its name. It allows you to set up automatic replenishment of your phone balance. The bank card must be linked to a phone number, or even several numbers. When the phone balance decreases to the configured value, or the set payment time approaches, the following will happen. The balance from the payment instrument will be automatically replenished. It can be used as a bank card MasterCard, Visa any banks in Russia. The main condition is that there are no limits on the use of automatic payment.

The most common bank in Russia recently is considered Savings bank. Therefore, in this review we will consider how to connect MTS Autopayment through Sberbank cards. This bank allows you to use for “ Auto payment» instant cards with the name « VisaMomentum" Connection methods will be described below; they do not cause any particular difficulties. Now let's look at how to set up MTS Autopayment, and get acquainted with the existing restrictions.

The service is configured through your Personal Account on the MTS operator website. Bank cards are linked, restrictions and additional phone numbers are set. The service is designed taking into account the configuration of two methods for replenishing the balance from cards:

  1. According to the threshold amount.
  2. According to a given schedule.

If the service user does not independently set one of the methods, then the default method will be " By threshold" Let's take a closer look at both methods in order to have an idea about them and configure them correctly.

Automatic payment at the MTS threshold - what is it?

The operation of automatic payment and debiting money from the card at the threshold is carried out in the following order. When the phone balance decreases to a specified threshold, the specified amount is debited from the attached bank card. It is credited to the balance of the phone specified in the settings. This service has the following restrictions:

According to the conditions MTS auto payment binding is allowed no more 3 bank cards. TO 1st bank card can be attached up to 10 phone numbers. When the balance of the number reaches the specified value, money will be debited from the card and credited to the balance of the attached numbers. After this, the subscriber will receive a notification in the form of SMS to his number about replenishing the balance indicating the amount. You can set the payment trigger threshold and the credit amount through your Personal Account on the operator’s website.

Payment MTS Auto payment according to schedule

There are no payment thresholds in this service setup option. Automatic replenishment is configured according to a specific time schedule. For example, you can top up your phone balance once a month, or weekly on certain days. The payment schedule is set by the subscriber independently, at regular time intervals. For example, you can top up every 8 days, or monthly, daily.

The replenishment amount is also set by the subscriber. All parameters " Auto payment» MTS according to schedule or threshold are configured in the Personal Account on the operator’s website. In this case, the established restrictions, which are described above, must be observed.

When you top up your account, you may receive a notification on your phone that the payment cannot be made. This means there is not enough money on the attached card. You can top up your card with cash at an ATM, or at payment terminals or at a bank cash desk. In addition to funds on a bank card, you can top up your MTS phone balance bonus points « Thank you", which are provided by Sberbank. But this will be discussed in a separate review.

Attention! If the validity period of the attached card has expired, then the service “ Auto payment» MTS is temporarily closed. In the service settings you can attach another bank card. In addition, the phone number can be connected to another bank card. After receiving a new card from the bank with an extended validity period, the service will begin to function again.

Promotion – 10% discount on “Autopayment” for a year

When connecting the option " Auto payment» at a given threshold with March 2018 subscribers are given a discount. In this case, payment for the tariff plan will be carried out at a discount 10% throughout the year, including the month of activation " Auto payment».

Subscribers who have connected one of the tariffs to their number can participate in this promotion:

  1. « Hype».
  2. All tariffs of the line " Smart».
  3. « My Unlimited».
  4. « For laptop».
  5. All modifications of the indicated tariffs, along with archived ones, for your region.

To take effect 10% discounts for paying for a tariff plan, certain rules will follow. Option " Auto payment"at a set threshold can be activated in the following ways:

  1. On the official website of the MTS operator at the link
  2. In all MTS communication stores.
  3. On the portal Wallet via the link in your Personal Account.
  4. In the application " MTS Money" or " Viber».

Conditions and limits of the promotion

The operator has established some restrictions for participation in this promotion:

  1. Promotion valid from March 2018 to February 2019 of the year.
  2. MTS cellular subscribers with the following conditions cannot participate in the promotion. At the end of February 2018 of the year Auto payment already activated in one of the ways. This does not include subscribers who activated the option during the promotion.
  3. The discount will be blocked if the subscriber has switched his number to another tariff that is not allowed to participate in the promotion. Also, the discount will not apply if the bank card has expired. The discount does not work if deactivated Autopayment service for various reasons, including the passage of an annual period.
  4. The discount does not apply when you re-connect Auto payment at the threshold to a phone that previously received this discount.
  5. If the subscriber participates in other promotions, they do not add up. In this case, the larger one is counted. 10% discount on Autopayment multiplied with services " Online Discount: Monthly payment for tariff plan" Also, the discount is multiplied with a similar discount " Options».
  6. When activated Auto payment No discount is provided through MTS partners listed on the operator's website.
  7. MTS has the right to change the terms of the promotion unilaterally. It may also change the timing of the discount.

The list of partner banks currently consists of 59 participants. It can be found on the MTS company website at

Features of the service

The automatic payments feature has some features that users need to be aware of. Let's look at some of them.

  1. If several bank cards are assigned to a number, you can select one of them for payments. In your Personal Account, specify your preferred default card from all available cards. If the payment is made through a command from a mobile phone, then to confirm the operation, enter the payment password of your bank card.
  2. Service " Auto payment» operates in all regions of Russia where there is access to the MTS network. The option is available in the coverage area of ​​this provider. At the same time, there is no charge for using the service, except for service requests necessary to optimize the format of the mobile phone. Such mobile traffic usually amounts to no more than 2 kilobytes, and is paid at Internet prices in national roaming.
  3. Security of service activation in MTS stores. The subscriber does not provide personal information. You must fill out an application form to connect the option, set the payment threshold and its frequency. Bank card details are entered using a system command from the phone *859# , and pressing the call button.

How to activate Autopayment on MTS

Activation of the service in question can be done through the website of the MTS operator, as well as through the web portal Sberbank. When connecting, the Sberbank card is attached to the phone number. To do this, certain fields in your Personal Account are filled in and card details are indicated. Then you need to confirm the card binding by indicating the checksum on the website. It is debited from the card in a small amount from 1 before 10 rubles The checksum can be found in different ways:

  1. From what was received on the phone SMS messages. In this case, SMS notification from the bank must be activated.
  2. IN Sberbank help desk by calling the toll-free numbers listed on its website.
  3. Via ATM, having received a short statement.

After specifying the checksum and payment password, which will be received in an SMS message, the card binding can be considered complete. Then you need to set up automatic payment conditions. Additional phone numbers must be provided if necessary. They can be phone numbers of MTS, as well as other Russian operators.

Attention! The payment password should be kept in a safe place. You will need it to adjust AutoPayment parameters. If you lose your password, dial and send a request from your phoneUSSD *111*625# button " Call».

To manage the automatic payment service, register and log in to your Personal Account. It allows you to configure the service. In addition, the service can be managed through the mobile version of the site using the link At the same time, mobile traffic in all regions of Russia is not paid. The exception is DNS server requests, for which you will have to pay according to the terms of the tariff plan.

If you do not have access to the worldwide network, you can activate and set up automatic payments at an MTS communication store or at a Savings Bank branch. The service has no subscription fee. There is also no need to pay for its connection. There is no commission for completing the payment.

How to connect MTS Autopayment on the MTS Money portal

In this case, the connection also does not cause difficulties, and is done in the following order:

  1. Go to the portal " MTS Money» via the link
  2. Complete the authorization procedure in Personal account by following the system instructions.
  3. Select from the proposed list the service that you decide to connect to automatic payment.
  4. Provide bank card details as a source of payment.
  5. Configure the parameters: payment amount, payment frequency and date of debiting the money.

To see payment information, disable or temporarily stop the service, dial and send the command from your phone *215# call button. The same command is used to resume payments.

In addition, you can activate automatic payment at an MTS communication store by visiting it with your passport. Ask employees to advise you on this service and set up its operation. This service is provided free of charge and does not take much time. It only takes a few minutes to activate payments.

In the mobile application " My MTS» also easy to connect and configure Auto payment. This does not require a personal computer, and you always have your phone with you. Install this application on your phone if you have not used it yet. To do this, you will need to go to one of the online stores, depending on the operating system of your mobile gadget. Launch the application and log in, create a PIN code to log in. Go to the available services section and connect “ Auto payment" Then configure its settings.

To control and limit the spending of money from the card, set the maximum payment amount for the month. The default limit is set 30 thousand rubles. To learn more about this service, call the number 1117 . Listen to the voice menu, then press the number buttons " 4 " And " 5 " If you are a corporate client of MTS, then call the number *1117 . Three days before the payment is due, you will receive a notification via SMS about the upcoming payment.

How to activate Autopayment without linking a bank card

To use the service, it is not necessary to attach a bank card. For such purposes, you can use electronic wallets, of which there are quite a few today. One of them is " Eleksnet" Payments from it are made without charging commission interest. You need to register on the wallet web portal using the link or in payment terminals. Then deposit the required amount of money. Wallet replenishment « Eleksnet» can be done through Internet banking without commission, as well as through payment terminals and ATMs of partner banks.

This is an electronic wallet with a full range of functions. With its help, you can buy goods in online stores, pay fines, and utilities.

How to disable Autopayment on MTS

If you do not need this service, you can disable it. To do this, use one of the convenient options offered by the MTS operator and Sberbank.

Expert opinion

Service " Auto payment» is an interesting and useful opportunity from MTS. It makes life easier for subscribers. They do not need to come to payment points frequently to add money to their phone balance. All you need to do is attach a bank card to your phone number, and then make the necessary settings. You can set the frequency of replenishment and the minimum balance threshold. When the specified conditions are met, the account will be topped up from the card. The function can be easily disabled if necessary. After this, you can successfully top up your balance manually as usual. No pitfalls have yet been identified in this service.

To always be in touch, you need to monitor the status of your mobile account. The MTS operator suggests forgetting about constant monitoring and connecting to the “Autopayment” service. All subscribers who have a bank card can use the option. It is enough to set up the service once, and the indicated amount will be automatically credited to your account.

Description of the service

The subscriber does not need to pay to activate automatic payment. All actions can be performed independently in your personal account or in the MTS service salon. “Autopayment” has several limitations that you need to know when setting up:

  1. The minimum balance threshold at which funds can be credited is 30 rubles.
  2. The minimum replenishment is 50 rubles.
  3. The maximum replenishment amount is 10,000 rubles.
  4. You can transfer up to 30,000 rubles to one mobile number per month.
  5. Upon confirmation of service activation, subscribers receive a password to make payments. It is needed for further settings, so it must be saved or written down.
  6. If the password is forgotten, the subscriber can recover it at any time upon request *111*625# . It comes in the form of a text message.
  7. Using the card you can top up up to 10 numbers at the same time. If you need to top up 11 or more, you need to add 2 cards to the option.

Among the main advantages of automatic payment are:

  1. Fast and easy connection.
  2. Instant receipt of money to your balance.
  3. There is no commission payment, as in terminals.

By balance threshold

Setting up automatic payment based on balance threshold allows you to receive money into your account when a certain limit is reached. In this case, the specified amount is debited from the bank card and credited to the mobile phone account.

The main limits are:

  1. The threshold amounts for replenishment are 30-10,000 rubles.
  2. The amount of funds credited is 50-10,000 rubles.
  3. The daily limit for one number is 10,000 rubles.
  4. The monthly limit is 30,000 rubles.
  5. Limits on monthly write-offs are 300-30,000 rubles.
  6. The limit on transferring funds according to standard settings is 1000 rubles/month.
  7. Debit per day from one card – 10,000 rubles.

You can link a maximum of 3 cards to the option, each with up to 10 numbers. When the balance reaches the specified threshold, debiting and replenishment of the account begins. Next, an SMS with a report is sent to your phone. You can set the necessary parameters in your personal account.


Automatic scheduled payment does not have any thresholds. Money is credited to the account according to the established schedule. For example, once a week or month. The time is determined by the subscriber himself.

The main replenishment limits do not change. You can set up “Autopayment” through your personal account.

MTS auto payment from Sberbank card

MTS auto payment from a Sberbank card is possible according to a similar principle to the described service:

  1. The limit is determined so that the phone balance does not drop below.
  2. When the threshold is lowered, the bank receives a notification about the need to withdraw funds.
  3. Finances are transferred to the MTS number in the previously specified amount.
  4. If there are insufficient funds on the card, the payment is not processed, the user is notified via SMS message.

To connect a payment through a Sberbank card, the following methods are used:

  1. Bank branch or ATM services;
  2. Official website of Sberbank;
  3. Mobile bank;
  4. Telephone.

Employees can activate the service at a bank branch. To do this, you need to provide a card, mobile number and specify settings. Similar actions are carried out to disconnect.

When using an ATM, the transaction is carried out independently. After activation, you need to do the following in the main menu:

  1. Go to the section with information and services.
  2. Select Autopay.
  3. Connect or disconnect it.

When connecting, the user is taken to the menu for selecting mobile operator services. After this, the money transfer tincture is made. All data will be presented in the receipt issued by the ATM.

There is a more convenient method for connecting, using a regular phone. First you need to install Mobile Banking. After this, control is carried out through commands sent via SMS:

  1. Automatic payment, amount – replenishment.
  2. Autopayment - deactivate the template on the number.
  3. Automatic payment, mobile number, last 4 digits of the card – disabling the specified data.

If a telephone call is used, the operator needs to provide the necessary information to make an automatic payment

How to disable the Autopayment service

Disabling the option is carried out using the same methods as when connecting.

MTS users can use the following options:

  1. If the MTS-Bank option is installed on your phone, you need to go to autopayment and select disabling. After entering the number, press the continue button and wait for the SMS confirmation of the operation.
  2. Deactivate the service yourself using your personal account or mobile application.
  3. When using Internet banking, you need to go to the menu for accepting applications and select the disable section. Lines will appear on the screen where the card number and phone number are entered, the actions are confirmed with a code.
  4. Send a text message by phone +79167773331, in the body of the letter indicate STOPMTSAVTO and the number.
  5. Contact MTS employees to disable the option.

The procedure for canceling automatic payment takes a few minutes. The service is free.

The automatic transfer service is in great demand today due to its ease of use, time savings and the ability to free yourself from the need to remember about monthly payments. Let's consider all the options on how to activate and how to disable MTS Autopayment from a Sberbank card.

To deactivate the service, send an SMS to the short number 900

The banking service allows you to set up automated transfers for mobile communications, payments for housing and communal services, loans, and traffic police fines. It is most popular among users as a way to top up a cell phone balance. Therefore, many are looking for opportunities on how to activate and how to disable the Autopayment service on MTS, Tele2, Beeline, Megafon and other companies.

The procedure is similar for everyone. It works according to the following principles:

  1. The client determines the limit below which the balance should not fall.
  2. When the parameters are reduced, an automatic request is sent to the banking organization.
  3. If the required amount is available on the card, a pre-agreed amount is transferred to the name of the company.
  4. Replenishment is taking place.
  5. The client receives a notification about the fulfillment of the bank's obligations for the service.
  6. If the card balance is lower than required, the transaction will be refused. The client receives an SMS about the impossibility of carrying out the procedure.

To remove the option, you can contact any bank branch

You can set the settings to your number or to any other. There are several options on how to connect and disable auto payment from a Sberbank card to MTS:

  • Department.
  • ATM.
  • Internet.
  • Mobile bank.
  • Telephone.

Disabling automatic payment through an ATM or terminal

By contacting an employee at the branch, you can ask him to perform activation. To do this, provide him with your card details, phone number and settings. This can be done at any time, incl. when issuing the product. Deactivation for MTS is also simple: you need to inform the employee of the service settings. The procedure takes place in the presence of the visitor.

You can perform the operations yourself at the ATM. Having activated the card with a PIN code and being in the Main Menu, you need to follow the following sections:

  • Information and service.
  • Auto payment.
  • Disconnect/Connect.

By selecting the first option, the client enters a menu for selecting options to which he can connect: Cellular communications, Utility companies, Credit companies, etc. In the next section, a list of organizations appears: MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2, etc. After this, all parameters must be entered : set a limit, assign an amount, frequency, following the instructions. After this, the client will receive a code. It must be sent to the bank number. The ATM will issue information about acceptance of the client’s terms and conditions on paper (check).

Activating the service makes it possible to top up your mobile operator account automatically

By choosing the second option, the client finds himself in a section with all payments for which he previously created templates. Having selected the one you need, click “Disable”. Before disabling the service, the client needs to confirm his wish with a code via SMS.

How to disable the service via the Internet

All actions with the service via the Internet become possible after connecting to the Sberbank Online service.

Initially, you will need to obtain a code and identifier (at a branch, bank, via a terminal or mobile phone), with which to enter the Account. On the right side of the page, find the “My auto payments” item. Next, you will need to decide on the type of service (select Mobile communications) and the company (MTS). A template will appear with the following parameters:

  1. Card. Determine from which product to redirect funds if there are several cards.
  2. Account number. Enter the phone number to which you want to transfer funds.
  3. Terms of payment. The default is when the limit is reached.
  4. Limit value of balance on balance. Enter the minimum size.
  5. Sum. The amount that will be transferred.
  6. Name. This is the name of the template itself (necessary for ease of identification by the user).

The reverse procedure follows a similar procedure. Before you disable MTS Autopayment through your personal account, you need to find the saved template. It is located in the “My Auto Payments” item and you can recognize it by its name.

The option can be easily disabled online

Disabling the MTS auto payment service via the Internet and SMS

There is more procedure for connecting and disconnecting – via SMS. This is possible when using Mobile Banking using SMS commands. Their list is as follows.
