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Small world

IT'S A SMALL WORLD- what kind of site is hidden under this intriguing name? is a new and rather original project, or rather a social network. Despite its youth, almost 16,000,000 people have already registered on the site!

The main feature of the Small World project is that everything happens here on an interactive map. On this very map it is very easy to find your city, where all the streets and houses are marked in detail. Thus, when you register on the website, your photo will appear above your house and you will be able to see all the people who are nearby. By the way, you don’t have to look for users from your city; you have a map of the whole world at your disposal! I think that’s why the project “It’s a Small World” is called that way.

On the website you can find not only old friends and acquaintances (by the way, perhaps you don’t even suspect that they are somewhere very close to you), but also make new acquaintances with pleasant people. And, of course, you can make appointments and communicate in real life!

Another feature of the World is Small project is information about interesting places. Also, by looking at the map, you can see what interesting things are located near you, it could be some attractions, or just beautiful places. Perhaps you will learn something that you never knew about before, because there are so many wonderful places around. And on they will tell and show you everything. :) People write their impressions and reviews about every beautiful place, this is also very interesting and useful. And this can be useful, for example, because knowing what places people like, one can draw certain conclusions about the person himself, about his character and inner world.

Returning to the previous point - how else could this be useful to you? It’s simple - you can find out what your friends’ favorite places are, where they like to go and you might want to join them.

You don’t know who to go to football, theater or cinema with, or you’re thinking about who to go ice skating with - in all these situations, Small World will come to your aid. By registering on the website, you will understand how small the world really is!

Finally, let’s summarize the main features of the World is Small website:
- search for old friends and new acquaintances
- information about where your friends like to spend time
- the ability to see everything that is happening around you
- and of course, stories about all the interesting places with reviews from participants.

More and more different startups are appearing in the Runet space, but few manage to truly capture the attention of users. Social network“It’s a small world” is one of those projects that managed to win the sympathy of the masses and become one of the most.

Review of the social network “It’s a small world”

Reasons for attractiveness

A special feature of the “It’s a Small World” network is the fact that with its help you can find friends in real life, as they say - offline. Actually, this is the goal of this project – to go beyond the network into real life.

In order to implement this model of communication, the developers suggested that network participants, after registration, indicate the actual address of work, school and other places that they regularly visit.

After specifying the data, the addresses are linked to a map, which is quite well detailed and allows you to clearly determine where the gym that the network user goes to or his favorite cafe is located.

“It’s a Small World” also has the ability to search by interest, which makes it possible, with skillful use of network resources.

Also in the new social. The network has the opportunity to blog. But not in the format familiar to most. Those who expect to create a blog in accordance with the best traditions of the Internet space will be disappointed.

The fact is that the blog in “It’s a Small World” is presented in the form of messages that are tied to the actual location of the user at the time of publishing his thoughts, appearing in a specific place on Google map. This way, other users will be able to find out what their friend is thinking and where he is currently located.

Such an implementation of the blog idea has a tangible advantage: due to the fact that quite a lot of people publish their thoughts on the Internet indicating their location, it is possible to find your housemates and find out what they think. This greatly simplifies the clarification of various everyday issues.

For example, nothing prevents you from seeing which Internet provider is most popular in a particular home or area, as well as getting feedback from those who use its services and avoiding it. In a word, it is now not at all difficult to keep abreast of the life of your home and area, without even leaving your favorite apartment.

Such blogs are more like forums in which various topics related to a specific region or area are raised and discussed.

Users of the “It’s a Small World” network also have access to attributes that have long become familiar, for example, adding a photo. In this case, photographs, like messages, are tied to a specific geographical point where the user took the pictures.

Name a similar service strong point networks is possible with a stretch, since there are enough projects where this idea is implemented at a much better level. However, in totality, all the information accessible to the user network, allows you to quickly find people with common interests and keep abreast of events in your city.

Relevance of the idea

Evaluating the idea of ​​the developers of “It’s a Small World,” we can say that they chose the right direction.

Modern social networks are taking their users further and further from reality: many teenagers strive to be popular online, follow the likes on their photos, and create various communities on the Internet.

However, all this activity has minimal impact on real life. “It’s a small world,” in turn, allows everyone who registers and provides their details to enrich their life outside the network, expanding the range of their interests and real acquaintances.

In addition, through access to reviews and comments from city residents, you can learn a lot about its (city’s) infrastructure, interesting places, entertainment, etc.

This is what makes the “It’s a Small World” network unique and practically valuable.

My wife somehow aged quickly. He looked at her with poorly hidden pity. The movements lost their smoothness and became fussy. She would bump into corners and forget what she was looking for. She complained of tingling in her fingers and got tired quickly. It was blowing from the window, and she was freezing, demanding that the windows be closed. And she immediately demanded that they be opened because it was stuffy.

He remembered her differently, thin, cheerful, how they raced after the tram, ate ice cream and kissed until they were stupefied on a bench in the university park.

He knew that he himself had changed too. But he was not ready for the fact that she had changed. SO changed! They are not old, well, not at all. There are still two whole years until the fifty-kopeck mark. What will happen next? What will happen at 70?

If there was a time machine and he was offered to see what would happen to them later, years later, he would not agree.

In their large clan family, it was not customary to divorce. One wife and one husband - and until death do us part... Why? Anything can happen in life. Why these stupid oaths and traditions? And if there is nothing left but hatred, also “until death do us part”?

I started staying late at work. She fell asleep in a chair, waiting for him with a saucepan wrapped in a blanket.

He had no one. He really worked, pushing himself to the limit. But he already had a premonition that a different life awaited him, much more interesting and fun than the one he had now. With a saucepan on the table.

Her friend was the first to sound the alarm. She took me for examination. There was no diagnosis. They assured me that everything was fine. And the fact that she has aged quickly and bumps into corners is something that doesn’t happen to anyone. Our women age too quickly, wear out, it’s okay, it’s just that everyone has their own way, everything is very individual, let him drink peony tincture, don’t need anything stronger yet, watch.

It was possible not to observe - and her fussiness, nervousness, touchiness, wrinkles around the mouth and under the eyes were too noticeable... And also the aging skin on her hands, and on her neck too...

The friend did not calm down. Took her to the capital. He also wanted to go with his wife, but did not insist when his friend too harshly advised him to mind his own business.

They left, he sighed. I reassured myself that I gave him money, paid for everything, let him get treatment, of course.

They returned quickly. In a week. Nobody looked anyone in the eye. A friend held out a piece of paper, and he read: cadasil. Preliminary diagnosis.

I took the piece of paper and went to look on Google. I thought: how simple it is, I googled it and understood everything. There are no ambiguities. Answers to all questions. From diagnoses to drone manufacturing.

It would be better if he looked for a blueprint of drones. Because cadasil is certain death. After dementia and paralysis.

And he didn’t know how to leave the room and what to do next. He is a normal person, but he is not ready for the fact that his wife is about to become disabled.

And it was a shame that anger came to mind first. To my wife. It seems like she did it on purpose. They had so many plans for life! And now she's kind of trying to escape. Intellectually I understood that she was much worse. But I couldn’t help myself.

And life gradually began to turn into a small, compact hell.

Nothing bad has happened yet. Every day a saucepan of mashed potatoes and chops awaited him. Or ribs with cabbage. Or pasta with seafood. But on her bedside table the number of vials and boxes has increased significantly.

They also watched movies in the evenings, and she tried to knit some awkward fabric, carefully working with knitting needles. But more and more often she lay in a tightly curtained bedroom, wrapping her head in a wet towel.

They didn't go anywhere anymore. They refused all invitations. He accepted the fact that it was all over, he just had to take the blow, because other options were good for him, but not for her, not for them.
