From an early age, we were reminded of emergency numbers so that in emergency situations we could instantly call rescuers, police, doctors or gas workers. However, in modern conditions, almost no one uses a landline telephone, since mobile phones have become almost ubiquitous. This leads to circumstances in which a huge number of subscribers (we are talking about such popular operators as MTS, MegaFon, etc.) do not know how to call the police or an ambulance on a cell phone.

In this material we provide emergency phone numbers for mobile phones that have been operating in our country for several years now. Once a great resonance was caused by the change of two digit numbers to three digits. First, it is necessary to mention useful numbers for city telephones, which currently remain relevant:

  • 010 – fire telephone number.
  • 020 – call the police.
  • 030 – used to call an ambulance.
  • 040 – telephone number for emergency response (gas workers).

The telephone numbers indicated above are suitable if you have an ordinary landline device installed. However, if you dial one of these numbers from a mobile phone, you will not get through, because there are other numbers for mobile phones, which will be discussed below.

Emergency numbers for mobile phones

The GSM standard supports a single emergency telephone number. Call it and you can talk about your difficulties and emergencies. You can call there for various issues related to emergencies. Not only in Russia, but also in European countries, you can use it to call an ambulance, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the police.

112 is the emergency telephone number for the rescue service. A similar number is 911, which is valid in all parts of the country.

Call the number indicated above and you will be able to get to the branch of the Unified Dispatch Service that corresponds to your locality.

The operator of this service accepts the call, and after determining the essence of the problematic issue, he will send your application to where it is required. The emergency number 112 is the same for all cellular providers; calls are free of charge. You can make a call even with a blocked SIM card, or without a SIM card at all.

But, remember that in no case should you just call emergency numbers, as you will delay calls from citizens with real emergencies.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in circumstances where you need to call a doctor for yourself or family members, you may sometimes be faced with a lack of clear understanding of how to call an ambulance with cell phone. It is recommended to learn how to dial a number in advance so that you do not have to search for information in a critical situation. Add emergency numbers to your contact list to make access easier in the future. Each provider has its own number for free emergency calls. If a client needs to call an ambulance, the following numbers are available for various providers:

  • MegaFon subscribers can call 030.
  • Clients of the MTS operator will call 030.
  • For Beeline subscribers the number 003 is valid.
  • Clients of the Tele2 provider can call 030.

Thus, numbers based on 03 are padded with another zero either at the end or at the beginning. Therefore, such a phone number is easy to remember.

Call the police using a cell phone

If you are in circumstances where you need to call the police immediately, you can use a single emergency phone number or call the number from your provider straight away. Calls to these numbers are free:

  • MegaFon clients - call 020.
  • MTS subscribers - use 020.
  • – call 020.
  • Beeline subscribers - enter number 002.

Police numbers are easy to remember because they are all based on an ordinary telephone number 02, valid for city landline devices.

Call the fire department (EMERCOM) from your mobile phone

When you have to call the fire department to deal with emergencies, it is recommended to call the single telephone number 112, because it is the easiest to remember and you need to act immediately. But you can also call one of the free short numbers, which differ among domestic cellular providers:

  • For MegaFon - 010.
  • For Beeline - 001.
  • For MTS – 010.
  • For Tele2 – 010.

You will only need to remember 01 for city phones, and then add another zero to the end or beginning telephone number to call rescuers from your mobile phone.

We call gas workers from a cell phone

If you discover a gas leak in your home, you must immediately call emergency services to notify the dispatcher. Or call the emergency service directly at the number corresponding to your provider:

  • MegaFon clients can call 040.
  • MTS subscribers have access to the number 040.
  • For Beeline clients, telephone number 004 is available.
  • Tele2 subscribers should call 040.

Here, too, one more zero is simply added, and the base number is easy to remember - it’s an ordinary 04.

Why can’t you call 01, 02, 03, 04 on your cell phone?

This question is not difficult to answer - mobile phones do not support calls to two-digit numbers. Therefore, another digit is added, and the alternative is the * at the end of the regular number:

  • 01* — call the fire department from your mobile phone.
  • 02* — call the police on your cellular device.
  • 03* — call an ambulance on your mobile phone.
  • 04* - to call emergency services.

There are other providers in our country, which is obvious, but we have mentioned information relevant to the most common ones. To clarify detailed information, you can go to the website of the company whose client you are.

You can call the numbers provided for free, and you can also use them even if you have a zero account balance on your phone.



20.11.2013 №360

On amendments to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry information technology and communications Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 1422

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; No. 52, Art. 5038; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; Art. 2005, Art. 1752; Art. 636; Art. 3431; 1, art. 8; 2008, no. 1941; 2010, no. 705; Art. 3408; Art. 2011; Art. 901; Art. 3535; 4284, Art. 4590; Art. 4333; Art. 7351; ; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 27, Art. 3450), as well as subclause 5.2.10 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Communications and mass communications of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 No. 418 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 23, Art. 2708; No. 42, Art. 4825; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 3, Art. 378; Art. 33, Art. 1502; Art. 4099; No. 2, Art. 542; No. 14, Art. 2965; , no. 2540; no. 39, art. 5270; 2013, no. 1568;


1. Introduce into the Russian system and numbering plan approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142 “On approval and implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2006 , registration No. 8572) as amended by the orders of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2008 No. 118 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation February 2, 2009, registration No. 13237), dated July 15, 2011 No. 187 “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 17, 2011, registration No. 21646) and dated June 15, 2012 No. 158 “On introducing changes to the Russian system and numbering plan, approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 No. 142” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 6, 2012 , registration No. 24829), the following changes:

a) paragraph 32 shall be supplemented with the words “as well as the numbers of the relevant emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

b) paragraph 32 1 should be stated as follows:

"32. 1 For access of subscribers and users of mobile and fixed telephone services:

To telephone line“Child in danger” single numbers “121”, “123” are used;

to the unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services electronically, a single number “115” is used.”;

c) paragraph 46 should be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“Number format for access to the corresponding emergency operational services: “101”, “102”, “103”, “104.”;

d) in paragraph 1 of Table No. 3 to the Russian Numbering Plan in the column “Value of the DEF code”, replace the numbers “970-979” with the numbers “972-979”;

e) in paragraph 12 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication services” should be stated as follows: “Access to telematic communication services”;

f) in paragraph 13 of Table No. 4 to the Russian Numbering Plan, the column “Name of telecommunication service” should be stated as follows: “Access to communication services for data transmission”;

g) in Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan, paragraphs 1 and 2 should be stated as follows:

1. 100-109 Range for 3-digit numbers of federal services
100 Time service
101 Fire protection and emergency response service
102 Police
103 Ambulance service medical care
104 Gas network emergency service
105-109 Reserve
2. 110-119 Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation for the purpose of harmonization with European legislation in the field of communications
110-111 Reserve
112 Unified emergency call number
113 Reserve
114 Reserve
115 Unified citizen support service for consultations when receiving state and municipal services electronically
116ХХBlocking electronic payment cards
117 Reserve
118ХХAccess number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator
119 Reserve

h) in paragraph 3 of Table No. 7 to the Russian Numbering Plan in line “122”, the column “Assignment of a range of numbers for access and service numbers” should be stated as follows: “Reserve”.

2. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Minister N.A. Nikiforov

Any fire has always been and remains a disaster that can only be dealt with in one case, if you act quickly and harmoniously. That when you see a fire you must immediately call “01” from landline phone or "101" or "112" - to call firefighters from any mobile or cell phone), everyone knows, however, succumbing to panic, many simply forget to do this. And this applies even more to situations where a completely unexpected fire occurs in front of people.

Many people, during a stressful situation associated with a fire, forget their address, telephone number, and even their name. To prevent this from happening, all basic information in case of fire should not only be clearly visible, but also secured next to the telephone. This is especially true for situations where small children or elderly people live in the house.

Remember that during a fire, every minute and even seconds are very significant, and therefore there should be no panic here. And as soon as you find yourself in a safe place, you must immediately notify the fire department.

Call rules

When communicating with the dispatcher, you should inform the following:

  • The address where the fire or fire occurred;
  • Identify the object that caught fire: a residential building, a warehouse or office space, a gas station, etc.;
  • Find out what exactly caught fire: the roof, a household appliance, gas equipment, etc.;
  • Say the necessary clarifying points, in particular, on which floor the fire occurred and what the number of floors of the entire building is, the entrance number, how it will be more convenient for firefighters to approach the building, and others;
  • Be sure to include your first and last name, as well as your phone number.

The dialogue should be conducted slowly, but quite clearly. Immediately after you have provided the address where the fire occurred, he will immediately leave, and all additional information provided by you will be transmitted to the firefighters by radio.

After the conversation with the operator is completed, you should leave the house and stay next to it until the fire brigade arrives, who will then need to show the easiest way to enter the burning object.

Fines for false calls

Any false call that involves the work of specialized services, including the fire department, threatens the caller with serious trouble, according to the letter of the current legislation. Article 19.13 of the Administrative Code, a hooligan will be subject to administrative liability, with a fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles. And if at the same time a threat related to mining an object was made, then this is already a criminal offense for which you can get up to 5 years, according to Article 87 of the Criminal Code.

Firefighters on call

For hooligans who are imagining a fire and are under 16 years old, as well as “miners” who are under 14 years old, according to current legislation, registration is provided for under the punishment of minors. In this case, parents are brought under administrative responsibility, with the wording of improper upbringing and failure to fulfill their duties.

Moreover, if after a hooligan’s call a situation is created, the resolution of which requires enormous resources, people are subjected to extreme stress, and the consequences of a real explosion or fire can cause significant damage, then another article of the Criminal Code is already in effect, namely Art. 207

Discussed in detail in this material:

And from this article you can get the following:

  • Imposition of a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles, or a fine including the hooligan’s salary earned by him for six months;
  • Punishment in the form of correctional labor (1-3 years);
  • Punishment in the form of arrest (3-6 months);
  • Punishment in the form of imprisonment (up to 3 years).

City emergency phone numbers

Free calls to city emergency services:

01 - Ministry of Emergency Situations and Fire Protection

02 - police

03 - emergency ambulance

04 - gas emergency service

112 is one of the emergency telephones used in the GSM standard. Call 112 is available even if the phone keypad is locked or there is no SIM card!


Firefighters and rescuers 01

MGPS (Moscow City Search and Rescue Service) (24 hours a day) 917-2595, 917-2583

Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, operational duty (24 hours a day) 926-3738,926-3739

Rescue service (24/7), all types of assistance 937-9911

Rescue service "Grand-Vympel", city rescue service under the Ministry of Emergency Situations (24 hours) 164-3332

Moscow Crisis Management Center, duty service (24 hours a day) 995-9999

ASBON (branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations), emergency opening of door locks of apartments, garages, cars, safes (24 hours a day) 799-8888

Moscow Air Transport Police Department 214-0805

Moscow police department for railway transport 264-6834

Centrospas EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, search and rescue service in Moscow (24 hours a day)

- Central Base 278-9596
- Base No. 2 426-8900, 426-5980
- Base in Zelenograd 531-2000, 531-6666

Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Affairs of the Administrative Districts of Moscow (24 hours a day):

- Eastern JSC 267-4843
- Western JSC 149-2431
- Zelenograd Autonomous District 535-1601
- Northern AO 450-8639
- North-Eastern JSC 281-5920
- North-Western AO 192-8095
- Central JSC 912-5807
- Southern Autonomous District 319-7718
- South-Eastern JSC 350-3862, 175-3550
- South-Western AO 121-9200


Demercurization of premises and territories. NPP "Ekotrom" (on weekdays from 10-00 to 18-00) 110-0001
Office of Environmental Crimes 254-7556

Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (operational duty officer, 24 hours a day) 287-3141

Center "Leader" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Conducting high-risk rescue operations. pager 926-3522 ab.840

Green Peace (weekdays from 10-00 to 18-00) 257-4116


Firefighters and rescuers 01
Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 217-2059

Department of the State Fire Service of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate 244-8233


Mosgaz 04
Mosgaz. Central city gas network control room 917-4316, 917-4525

Moscow City Light. Duty dispatcher ( street lighting) 928-8802


Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) 921-0762
Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation 913-0009

Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate 923-3390, 923-4909
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 237-8551

- Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 204-8815

- Main Directorate of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 251-4051

- Main Directorate for Ensuring Public Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 239-6428

- Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region 222-4801

Territorial divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the administrative districts of Moscow (duty units):

Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District (B. Polyanka st., 7/10, building 2) 953-2967
Department of Internal Affairs of the North-Eastern Autonomous District (Veshnih Vod St., 10, building 3) 183-0101
Department of Internal Affairs of the Eastern Autonomous District (5th Parkovaya St., 38/13) 965-1401
Department of Internal Affairs of the South-Eastern Autonomous District (Sormovsky Ave., 13, building 2) 919-1962
Department of Internal Affairs of the Southern Autonomous District (Kashirskoe Shosse, 30) 324-8802
Department of Internal Affairs of the Western Administrative District (2nd Mosfilmovsky lane, 8) 147-4220
Internal Affairs Directorate of the Northern Administrative District (Admiral Makarova St., 23, building 1) 452-4945


Scientific and practical center for emergency medical care (24 hours a day). Emergency call in case of accidents, explosions, emergencies 924-8138, 924-8110
Institute named after Sklifosovsky, emergency department (24 hours a day) 280-9360, 280-4154, 929-1009
Hospitalization, transportation of women in labor and gynecological patients (24 hours a day) 684-0026
Ambulance and emergency care, hospitalization (paid, 24 hours a day). Medexpress 401-5470
City Center for Emergency Psychological Assistance (9-00 - 20-00) 924-6001


Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 5, 85 (Matrosskaya Tishina St., 14) 268-7002
P-ki No. 7, 14, 17, 21, 31, 66, 95, 137, 196 (Stary Gai st., 3) 375-8374
P-ki No. 9, 20, 52, 83, 122, 175 (Pervomaiskaya St., 10, building A) 367-0372
P-ki No. 16, 28, 29, 60, 65 (Open highway, 24) 167-6070

Western Administrative District
P-ki No. 30, 199 (Poklonnaya St., 8, building 2) 249-1054
P-ki No. 47, 57, 67, 88, 119, 131 (Ramenki St., 21a) 931-8655
P-ki No. 50, 73, 128, 130 (Pivchenkova St., 10a) 144-7516
P-ki No. 51, 64, 89 (Artamonova St., 6) 449-3800
P-ki No. 124, 132, 144 (Novoorlovskaya st., 2, building 1) 733-5385

Northern Administrative District
P-ki No. 15, 68, 77, 86 (Dubninskaya st., 40, building 3) 485-2192
P-ki No. 22, 37, 45, 87, 133 (Petrozavodskaya st., 26B) 451-3012
P-ki No. 76, 79, 193 (Deguninskaya St., 8a) 489-1594

North-Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 8, 11, 26, 75, 102, 125 (Kostromskaya st., 14) 901-1044
P-ki No. 9, 96, 99, 126, 126 branch (Kasatkina st., 7) 283-2601
P-ki No. 24, 44, 75, 110 (Yablochkovaul., 33) 210-8922, 210-3097
Post office No. 55, 113 (Staroalekseevskaya st., 18) 287-0688

Northwestern Administrative District
P-ki No. 4, 78, 94, 219 (Meshcheryakova St., 4, building 2) 491-7766
P-ki No. 6, 12, 33, 36, 74 (General Karbysheva Blvd., 3) 199-5987
P-ki No. 58, 109 (Tvardovskogo st., 5, building 4) 750-5354
P-ki No. 140, 141 (Mitinskaya st., 34,) 751-1505

Central Administrative District
P-ki No. 13, 27, 139 (Antonova-Ovseenko St., 8) 256-0271
P-ki No. 18, 100, 104 (Sibirsky Prospect, 1) 270-9590
P-ki No. 34, 34 branch, 117 (B. Kozlovsky lane, 9) 207-0933
P-ki No. 35, 38 (3rd Frunzenskaya st., 6) 242-1888
P-ki No. 32, 113 (Fadeeva St., 8) 250-4254

South-Eastern Administrative District
P-ki No. 61, 101, 115 (2nd Sinichkina St., 6) 361-1210
P-ki No. 12, 13, 49, 114, 135 (Fedora Poletaeva St., 22) 175-5595
P-ki No. 36, 48, 93, 106, 112, 136, 147 (Artyukhinoy St., 27, building 3) 178-1864
Post office No. 53, 53 branch, 59, 146, 114 (Samarkandsky Blvd., 17, building 2) 376-4138
P-ki No. 13, 49, 114, 142, 143 (Aviakonstruktora Milya St., 5, building 1) 705-0342

Southwestern Administrative District
P-ki No. 10, 41, 46, 63, 80, 81, 134, 205 (Ak. Pilyugina St., 26, building 5) 132-7906
P-ki No. 56, 62, 69, 72 (Vinokurova St., 14) 126-8673
P-ki No. 97, 103, 111, 203 (Golubinskaya st., 21, building 2) 421-2900

Southern Administrative District
P-ki No. 1, 61, 101 (Kolomenskaya embankment, 14, building 2) 115-2486
P-ki No. 2, 3, 70, 92, 98, 129, 208 (Dorozhnaya st., 26) 382-8210
P-ki No. 12, 23, 66, 82, 91, 127, 210 (Kashirskoe highway, 57, building 1) 344-8966
P-ki No. 23, 40, 82, 91, 116 (Timurovskaya st., 3) 327-0315
P-ki No. 25, 108 (Leninsky Prospekt, 16) 952-5245
P-ki No. 66, 107, 121 (Eletskaya st., 35, building 1) 399-5097


Reception room of the FSB of the Russian Federation 924-3158
Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation 928-7061
Military commissariat 924-7788


Emergency psychological assistance - trust service. Anonymous, free (24/7). 205-0550
Center for psychological assistance to women "Yaroslavna". Free, anonymous (Tuesday to Thursday from 10-00 to 18-00). Psychological support group for women with family problems. 282-8450
“Sisters” Center for Assistance to Victims of Sexual Violence. For free. Anonymous helpline, psychological assistance, legal and medical information (daily, except Saturdays and Sundays from 10-00 to 20-00). 901-0201
Addiction helpline of the Moscow Health Committee (from 10-00 to 18-00) 249-8646
Department of psychological assistance of the Association of Young Disabled People. Anonymously. Free psychological consultations (Tuesdays and Fridays from 12-00 to 18-00). 283-5901
Psychological, medical and social center "OZON" for children subjected to cruelty and violence. Anonymous, free (daily, except Saturday and Sunday from 9-00 to 17-00). 265-0118
Telephone number for the prevention of drug addiction among minors: 201-7691


Protecting the rights of parents whose children died in the army in peacetime. Mother's Right Foundation 206-0581
Opposition to the use of the death penalty and torture. Society “Right to Life and Civic Dignity” 206-8589
