History is a humanitarian subject studied in schools and higher education institutions. History as an educational subject is introduced into almost all courses of study for most specialties, both narrowly focused (history teacher, archaeologist, historian and others) and specialties not directly related to history (lawyer, political scientist, journalist, military man and others).
With such widespread application in real life, history has become an incredibly relevant subject for study among schoolchildren and students. In most cases, in addition to the general education program, students often require additional classes. Currently, a relevant method of gaining additional knowledge is to study history with a tutor via Skype.

The process of distance learning history via Skype

The process of teaching history via Skype is full-fledged individual lessons with a tutor, conducted not in a school classroom, but through visual video or audio communication in an interactive mode. Otherwise, there are no fundamental differences from the structure of a school lesson. The following technical equipment is required for this lesson:

  • personal computer (laptop, communicator, tablet);
  • technical communication device (headphones, webcam), if there is no built-in device;
  • Skype program, on the official Skype website the program is available to all users completely free of charge;
  • connection to the Internet (Internet speed is not of fundamental importance, but should not be minimal, which will make it difficult to conduct lessons).

The structure of online history lessons is built from several stages, one part of the lesson is planned in advance, that is, in it the teacher conveys new information to the student in various forms of presenting knowledge, and the second part is most often unplanned and is a question-and-answer form. In an unplanned form, the student asks the teacher questions that arose during the learning process, or questions that are directly interesting to the student in any historical area.

To work on remote history lessons via Skype, an online history tutor uses:

  • methodological theoretical material;
  • practical material (tables, comparative graphs and diagrams, etc.);
  • visual material (drawings, photographs, filmstrips, chronological films);
  • reinforcement material (presentations, test assignments, homework).
  • On the website http://Distance-teacher.ru you can find current teaching history tutors with experience and experience working via Skype.

History lessons on Skype. Main directions and courses of study

Teaching history via Skype can be divided into several courses:

1. General history training course via Skype.

The course includes the acquisition of knowledge as part of a general education history course and is aimed at improving academic performance. In principle, it is suitable for both schoolchildren and students.

2. Preparatory history course via Skype.

The course is designed for schoolchildren who are preparing to take the Unified State Exam and State Examination. This course is one of the most relevant; the teacher gives the student not only knowledge, but also psychological preparation for the very process of passing the exam.

3. Special history course via Skype.

The course is designed for people who want to receive special historical knowledge; as a rule, it is required for advanced training, higher education (higher, second, special, etc.).
In principle, anyone can get help in gaining knowledge on any historical issues, the main thing is the desire to learn. History tutoring via Skype can be an excellent preparation tool for participants in high-level state Olympiads. Also, distance learning of history is especially beneficial in a number of ways for migrant workers, who, according to new legislative norms, will have to take a history exam to obtain a work visa.

The main advantages of studying history via Skype:

  1. Individual approach.
  2. Saving money and time.
  3. Availability.
  4. Effectiveness of training.
  5. Comfortable training environment, completely eliminating various irritants.
  6. Full parental control of the learning process.

This list of advantages is far from complete, but the most significant in the process of distance learning. Teaching history via Skype becomes especially relevant for high school students, when the regularity of lessons should be optimal for successful preparation, and the financial side of the issue and lack of time become the most acute. An individual system of classes is the only means that can prepare a student for passing the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, on the results of which their future future directly depends.

It is worth noting that parents’ fears about the teaching staff of online tutors are unfounded. Only highly qualified teachers participate in distance learning via Skype. All teaching staff have documents confirming their specialization, academic degrees and titles. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the teaching staff consists of current teachers from universities, colleges, schools and lyceums. Most of them were awarded prizes and certificates of honor in the field of teaching.

The best teachers of the "Distance-teacher" school in history via Skype

Other teachers

About the item

Story– a very important social science that educates a person’s personality, shapes his intellectual development and creative thinking. Knowing the history of your country is the duty of every self-respecting citizen of this country. Knowing world history is also important, since all events in the world are intertwined and interconnected: economic development, the external and internal life of countries, international relations and culture, to one degree or another, come into contact with each other.

Video lesson on history on the topic: "Alexander Nevsky (1252-1263)"

More about the teacher

History is a general education subject, it is studied from the 5th grade, and it is very important to study it both at school and at university, since it performs a number of socially significant functions: intellectual and developmental, cognitive, ideological and many other functions.

About the Unified State Exam in History

History is a very popular subject among schoolchildren when entering universities, especially in law and humanities. Therefore, many school graduates choose history as a compulsory subject, that is, they take the Unified State Examination in history.

Passing the Unified State Exam in history with excellent marks, and therefore successful enrollment in a prestigious university, requires very deep knowledge and skills in this subject. Modern requirements for schoolchildren's knowledge of history when passing the Unified State Exam are quite high - it is necessary not only to have good orientation and very accurately remember historical dates and events, but also to be able to apply this knowledge when working with historical information. And this requires a certain systematic approach in preparing for the Unified State Exam in history, as well as modern methods of teaching this subject.

For a school teacher, preparing a student to pass the Unified State Exam with flying colors is a very difficult and even difficult task. After all, if the school is not specialized, then it means that additional hours are not allocated to prepare for the exam, which are simply necessary for the student to develop solid and confident knowledge.

In this situation, an experienced teacher is simply necessary as air for a student!

History video lesson on the topic: "Patriotic War of 1812" (part 1):

More about the teacher

Do you need an online history tutor? We are at your service

In the modern world, the practice of remote lessons (online lessons) has long existed, since after many years this particular technique has proven to be no less effective and efficient both in Russia and abroad. What do online lessons mean? An online lesson is a regular lesson with a real history tutor who teaches and prepares the student remotely using the Internet. The student communicates with each other via the Skype program, and may be located in different parts of the country or even the world, sometimes in different time zones. History via Skype is real!

After all, it is not always possible to find a good history tutor in your city; now the possibilities of the Internet and Skype have made it possible to “get closer” to the most experienced tutors in the country from the most prestigious universities and schools in Russia.

Teachers "Distance teacher" They use the most modern methods, which have already allowed many of our students (now undergraduate and graduate students at prestigious universities in Russia) to bring the level of preparation for the Unified State Exam in history to the highest level. Each online history tutor of our team with great desire and readiness will help every school graduate expand their knowledge of the subject and pass the exam with excellent marks!

We offer history courses via Skype

1. General online course

The general course is intended for those students who just want to start studying this subject from scratch, who need to “pull up” their current performance, as well as close existing gaps in their knowledge of history. This course will help the student with his homework and prepare him for any test or test on the general history of Russia and the world.

2. Specialized online course

The specialized course provides for a more in-depth study of the subject and intensive training in the following areas:

GIA in history via Skype;

Unified State Exam in history via Skype;

History Olympiad via Skype;

You can choose for yourself or ask for help from the school administrator, who in the shortest possible time will select the right teacher for anyone, be it a student, student or applicant, depending on your individual wishes, preferences, tasks and goals of studying the subject.

Before the start of basic training, we offer each new student at our school to take advantage of the promotion - free trial lesson!

About the free trial lesson

You can sign up for a free trial lesson by filling out the registration form.

Skype chat history stored differently depending on the version of the program. For example, in older Windows editions it can be found in a separate file. But in the latest updates on PCs and mobile devices it’s completely different. But this does not make it difficult for the user to access their chats; on the contrary, it makes it much easier.


It has been updated regularly since Microsoft became responsible for its support. In fact, now there are two versions that are global in their differences: number 7 (classic, with a familiar look) and number 8 (Modern). You can download the one you need. Now we will figure out where Skype stores the correspondence history in each case. And at the end of the article we will talk about cleaning it.

Classic program

Everything is quite simple here: information regarding all received and sent messages is contained in a separate file on the computer, which is contained in a hidden directory (it is initially invisible to the user). The easiest way to get to it is this:

Main.db is a database file where the program loads all chats associated with a specific account. You can open it through any table, for example, through Excel. But this is not very convenient, so we suggest another method. There is a special utility that will help you view this file. To use it, do the following:

All information will be presented in the form of a table, which displays the time of the message, its text, sender, recipient, etc.

Skype Modern

If you use the latest version of the program, you will not find such a file, and even if you find it, it will be out of date. The fact is that recently you can view message history on Skype directly from the program itself. After all, it is stored on Microsoft servers. The user just needs to go to the desired chat and scroll through it to the desired moment; an alternative option is to use . The situation is similar with the mobile application.


In some cases, the user needs to delete chat history on Skype. And there is a small catch here: this can only be done in the old program. You need to go to the options window. Next, in the tab "Chats andSMS – Chat settings" Press "Open additional...".
Here you will find the option you need.

Elena Vladimirovna is a good teacher, competent and experienced. She explained everything to the child in understandable language. Quickly closed knowledge gaps. Thank you!

Marina Nusinskaya 28.12.2018

Very nice, good, she chose the program for us. Thank you very much for helping my child improve his history. Friendly, responsive, it was a pleasure to work with.

Marina Nusinskaya 25.12.2018

At the end of the year, my child wrote a test for 3, although her knowledge during the year was 5. Therefore, we were forced to resort to the help of a tutor Elena Vladimirovna. The teacher approached his task correctly and corrected the situation with intensive, correct lessons. Thank you.

Oksana 08/26/2018

We studied social studies with Elena Vladimirovna. The child was in the 9th grade, his knowledge was excellent, but the daughter wrote a test with a C, and before the end of the school year, things had to be corrected in a month. Elena Vladimirovna competently, as an experienced teacher, figured out what was wrong and everything was corrected. We are very pleased that we got such a good and competent teacher. Thanks to the company for a good team of tutors and their correct selection.

Oksana 08/13/2018

To enter a university I need a Unified State Exam in social studies. They selected a tutor for us, Elena Vladimirovna Petrova, she is a fairly qualified tutor and knows her business. The classes are interesting, a lot of additional material is used, and new topics are explained in an accessible and simple way. The classes are interesting and not monotonous, so the material is absorbed well. Thank you very much!

Marina Golubeva 03/31/2018

We have been working with Elena Vladimirovna since December 2017. From the first lesson I got the child interested. We didn’t know that history could be taught so interestingly through conversation. The material is taught attentively and clearly. Very friendly, responsive. I hope we get results. We are very pleased with the teacher.

Sergei (Angela's father) Perfilyev 16.03.2018

Elena Vladimirovna prepared her son for the internal exam for admission to the military academy. Thanks to classes with Elena Vladimirovna, my son successfully passed the exam and entered the university. We are completely satisfied with her work, we give 5 points!

Bondarenko Vladislav Vadimovich 01.03.2018

We are delighted with the teacher! The lessons are very interesting, take place in a comfortable environment, and always start at the appointed time. My son enjoys studying and always rushes to every lesson. The results are already noticeable, school performance has improved. We will continue to study with Elena Vladimirovna in the future.

Irina 02/09/2018

We are satisfied with the teacher, our daughter likes classes with Elena Vladimirovna, she has become better at understanding the subject, and in classes with Elena Vladimirovna she receives more information than at school.

Alina 02/01/2018

My classes with Elena Vladimirovna helped me a lot. I was able to get into a good university. I wrote the Unified State Exam in Russian with 88 points, in history with 72. We studied both theory and practice (solved tests, clarified unclear questions). Thank you very much!

Serpeneva Maria 08/08/2016

We are very pleased that we found Elena Vladimirovna. She is an excellent specialist, everything is clear, accessible, varied material, excellent techniques. I hope that next year we will study with Elena Vladimirovna.

Nastasya Pepanyan 11.05.2016

Everything is fine! I'm happy with the teacher. The children are having fun. evaluates the teacher's work as excellent.

Dilshod 02/12/2016

We are completely satisfied with Elena Vladimirovna. The child perceives the material well and the teaching methodology itself is also good. We give the highest score.

Irina 01/19/2016

We are very pleased with the teacher. Lessons are always on time. Very competent teacher. The child enjoys studying. Everyone is very happy. We give it an excellent rating.

Tatiana 01/14/2016

I enjoy the classes with all the company's teachers. Grades at school have improved, and my mother is happy with the results. The tutors were able to find an approach to the child. The material is explained clearly. Rated excellent.

Irina 12/15/2015

We are very pleased with the teacher. The classes are on time, the explanations are clear, everything is clear to me. I rate the teacher's work with the highest score.

Anastasia 10/12/2015

We are satisfied with the teacher - the help is qualified, the explanations are clear, and our daughter’s interest in the subject has increased.

Yana Sh. 08/19/2015

Elena Vladimirovna is a master of her craft! It is clear that the experience in training students is colossal. Everything is clear and accessible, so to speak, on the shelves. No extra tedious work that they love to teach you to cram at school. Previously, it seemed to me that social studies was a difficult and tedious subject, accessible only to the “chosen few.” But what I couldn’t master with a textbook in my hands for several years, Elena Vladimirovna and I easily figured out in half a year! And what’s more, my interest in the subject even awoke. Now I understand how the society in which I live works. Thank you, Elena Vladimirovna!

Pavel P. 08/01/2015

We are very grateful to Elena Vladimirovna. In 4 months, she managed to prepare our daughter for the State Examination in Russian. Having a grade of 3 for the year, with the help of classes with Elena Vladimirovna, my daughter passed the exam with excellent marks.

Victor Shipilin 06/18/2015

Thanks to Elena Vladimirovna for the intensive express training in social studies. In a very short time I began to understand the subject well. Now I plan to take the Unified State Exam and will continue studying.

Yana Sh. 06/10/2015

Thank you very much Elena Vladimirovna! I started from scratch, studied for only a year... I wrote the Unified State Exam in Russian with 92 points!!! I recommend it to everyone!


Anya S. 06/09/2015

Thank you for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies. Satisfied with the teacher. Now I’m definitely ready for the Unified State Exam!

Evgeny Smirnov 06/07/2015

Thank you very much for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies! From zero level in a short time you can easily prepare for the Unified State Exam and get high results. I recommend!

Nastya 06/07/2015

I am very grateful to Elena Vladimirovna for the fact that in a short time she was able to raise me from a zero level in social studies to a higher one. The teacher explains in a very accessible and interesting way, using diagrams and giving examples. I recommend it to everyone! Alesya

Elena 01/16/2015

I liked the classes. Everything is great. 17.10.2014

Elena Viktorovna

Very pleased with the teacher. She explained everything very clearly. Helped a lot. Express gratitude to the teacher. 17.10.2014

Taranova Margarita

Good afternoon, dear students and their parents. My name is Anzhelika Vladimirovna and I offer you my help in preparing for exams (OGE and Unified State Exam) in history and social studies. I have been a school teacher for more than 25 years, I know the psychology of a teenager very well and find a common language with students of different ages. For the last five years I have been teaching social studies at a specialized level, including specialized law and economics. My students are winners of Olympiads at various levels, intellectual competitions, and submit their research works to competitions.

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Maria Andreevna - online history tutor

Hello! My name is Maria Andreevna, I am a history teacher and online tutor. Graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, majoring in historian, ethnographer, improving my qualifications in the magistracy. After graduating from university, she worked at a school, teaching history in grades 5-11. She also held the position of methodologist at the Department of State History of the Russian Faculty of Public Administration at Moscow State University for several years, so she is familiar with advanced methods of teaching history.

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Sergey Anatolyevich - distance tutor in history and social studies

Good day. My name is Sergey Anatolyevich, I am a distance tutor in social studies, history, sociology, philosophy and political science, psychology. I have two higher educations. Work experience in the specialty for more than 18 years, since 1999 he taught history and social studies at a technological college, and later continued his professional activities at a secondary school as a history and social studies teacher.

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Evgeniya Bairovna - online tutor in history and social studies

Greetings to everyone, my name is Evgenia Bairovna, and I professionally prepare schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in social studies and history, and I also teach schoolchildren in grades 5-8 according to the school curriculum. I also have experience teaching in a private school to prepare for exams in mini-groups. I consider creating a favorable atmosphere one of the main tasks in the work of a tutor. I create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, this is how students can reach their full potential.

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Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - history and social studies tutor on Skype

Hello, dear students. My name is Dmitry Vyacheslavovich and I am a distance tutor in social studies, history, world artistic culture, philosophy and political science. In 2008 I graduated from the Faculty of History of the Russian State University. Kant (now IKBFU), Department of Foreign History and International Relations. I am a specialist in the history of diplomacy. The main scientific activity was devoted to the history of the Communist International.

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Alexander Vladimirovich - teacher of history, social studies, jurisprudence via Skype, candidate of historical sciences

Born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Russia on March 28, 1974, Russian. Since 1978 I have lived in Kharkov, Ukraine. Currently I have 18 years of teaching experience. Tutoring experience – 8 years. I am a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. A diploma of higher education and a scientific degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences have been confirmed in the Russian Federation. In 1998 – 2014 taught courses: history, cultural history, jurisprudence, political science, sociology.

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Olga Aleksandrovna - tutor in history, social studies, philosophy via Skype

At all times, education has been considered the highest value. No matter what skeptics claim that a good education is not in demand now, I can say with confidence and from my own experience that only solid knowledge, a broad outlook and professionalism have remained and remain in first place. Obtaining knowledge is, first of all, a process of communication, the ability to transmit and perceive knowledge. After all, you can only teach the person who wants to learn.

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Svetlana Yuryevna - online history and social studies tutor

Hello, my name is Svetlana Yurievna. I am a school teacher as well as an online history and social studies tutor. I love my job, so I care about my students and their results, and I try to do everything possible so that they achieve great success. I consider motivation to be the main thing in my work with students, so the main thing for me is to interest the child in the subjects that I teach.

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Natalya Mikhailovna - online tutor in history and social studies

Good afternoon, my name is Natalya Mikhailovna. I am a history and social studies tutor. She graduated from Tver State University in 2009 and worked at the Department of Legal Theory from 2010 to 2016. She taught the disciplines “Theory of State and Law”, “History of State and Law of Russia”, “History of State and Law of Foreign Countries”. I conduct my history and social studies classes remotely via Skype using various additional teaching materials, as well as interactive tools.

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Kirill Andreevich - teacher of history and social studies via Skype

Let me introduce myself, my name is Kirill Andreevich, a teacher of history and social studies via Skype. In addition to the above disciplines, I teach other specialized subjects - philosophy, sociology and political science. The total teaching experience is 9 years, during which he successfully prepared students for Olympiads, passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, admission to humanitarian universities, and also took an active part in conducting master classes within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for middle and senior students and students of law colleges and academies

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Tatyana Sergeevna - online history tutor via Skype

Hello, my name is Tatyana Sergeevna. I am an online history tutor. She graduated from the private higher educational institution St. Tikhon's Orthodox Humanitarian University in Moscow. She studied at the Department of Russian History and Archival Science. She completed archaeological, excursion and teaching internships. Distance learning saves time for both the student and the teacher. Modern technologies allow a student to study at home even during illness and cold and keep up with the school curriculum.

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Natalya Vladimirovna - online tutor in history and social studies

Good day! My name is Natalya Vladimirovna. I am a teacher and online tutor for the most interesting subjects at school: history and social studies. A little bit about yourself. Sociable, hardworking, demanding of herself and others, an optimist. In 2001 she graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. I have the qualification “Historian.” Teacher specializing in history." I have been working as a school teacher and college teacher for more than 15 years. I also have two years of experience teaching history and social studies online.

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Nikolay Anatolyevich - online teacher of history and social studies

My name is Nikolai Anatolyevich, an online tutor in history and social studies. My teaching experience is more than 7 years; by first education I am a history teacher. After a year of working at school, I entered a second higher education at my own university, but in the specialty of jurisprudence, which turned out to be very useful in teaching social studies, especially sections related to law.

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Albert Nazhipovich - online tutor in history and social studies

Hello, my name is Albert Nazhipovich! I am a history and social studies tutor via Skype. By profession, he is a history and social studies teacher. He received his higher education in 2000, graduated from the Faculty of History of the Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in History, qualifying as a History Teacher. In addition, I have an additional specialization in “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.”

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Olga Leonidovna - tutor for the Unified State Exam in history and social studies via Skype

Hello, dear gentlemen! Let me introduce myself, my name is Olga Leonidovna, a teacher and tutor in history and social studies via Skype. I am ready to help you prepare for passing any exam in these subjects: OGE, Unified State Exam, DVI, etc. My teaching experience is more than 25 years, my experience as a tutor is also considerable, in 2004 I was already preparing to take the trial Unified State Exam. History, or historical science, as I would like to call this subject, means a lot to me.

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Online history tutors via Skype - lessons for schoolchildren and students

Most schoolchildren choose history to take the Unified State Exam, since the university they choose requires confirmation of current knowledge at a high level in this subject. A school teacher is most often not physically able to devote time to a more in-depth study of the discipline with each student. In addition, the exam includes a large number of questions that are not discussed in detail in school lessons, but are studied only superficially. What to do? History tutors via Skype at the school will be able to provide assistance in studying the subject. , who know all the nuances and subtleties of conducting the Unified State Exam.

Online history tutors can:

  • Work through all previously poorly studied material with the student;
  • Take a more in-depth look at the most difficult topics from the course;
  • Familiarize yourself with all the pitfalls of conducting the exam and testing work.

Online tutors on Russian history. Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam via Skype.

This is not the first year that the Unified State Exam in history has been taken and the results are quite disappointing. Many schoolchildren overestimate their knowledge, relying only on the program that the school provides. However, independent training is very difficult, since it does not have a systematic approach and the view of an experienced specialist. Competent parents understand all this and take care of the quality education of their children in advance, using the services of history tutors via Skype. Teachers use the most modern methods in teaching children, monitoring all innovations and adjustments to the exam. Often teachers are social studies tutors via Skype.

Let us note the following events conducted by history tutors via Skype:

  1. Eliminate shortcomings in school education in discipline;
  2. Explain how to correctly work with historical information;
  3. They identify the hidden potentials of students and aim for high results;
  4. Focus on completing the difficult partC, teach analysis of the author’s position, as well as competent identification of problems;
  5. Strengthens the analytical, mental and logical skills of schoolchildren.

During the learning process, history tutors via Skype use online boards to present the material clearly, thanks to which history via Skype becomes interesting and demonstrative.
Modern technologies provide significant assistance to tutors during history classes via Skype. We also note that online tutors via Skype are also in demand among college and university students.

Distance tutors in history. Let's note the advantages:

  1. Individual nature of training - distance lessons with history tutors via Skype are developed according to an individual scheme, as well as taking into account the characteristics of each individual student;
  2. Comfortable atmosphere in the classroom - a good history tutor for children via Skype will provide a calm and working environment in the classroom, which leads to excellent results;
  3. The price of history lessons with a tutor via Skype is lower than the cost of traditional classes with a teacher, since the cost of training does not include third-party costs for travel, rent, and the purchase of textbooks;
  4. Online tutors will be able to lay the necessary knowledge in the minds of their wards, and will also develop good personal qualities.
  5. Reduced time consumption, that is, to study with tutors via Skype, you don’t need to travel anywhere at all. Training takes place at home in a familiar environment.

History tutors on Skype give absolutely every student a free first introductory lesson. At this stage, the teacher will get to know the student, determine his goals and objectives, test his knowledge, and formulate his future work prospects.
