Product is unavailable - users who place an order on Aliexpress may receive this message. There can be many reasons for this limitation. Some Aliexpress users have encountered cases where a purchase is completed and paid for, but the product turns out to be unavailable for order. Or the product is no longer available for purchase, and instead the link opens to a 404 not found page. If an item is not available to order, the item may be out of stock or there may be order restrictions in your area. Also, the product may be unavailable due to fraudulent actions of sellers who create pages with products and delete them after placing orders. At the time of purchase, the seller’s page may be frozen, like all products in his store. The not available message indicates that the product is not available for purchase, but if a 404 not found notification appears, then the product is no longer in the system. We will talk further about what to do if the product is unavailable and how to find out that the seller is a scammer.

A 404 not found message on a product page indicates that the product is not available for order. When an order has not yet been paid for and such a message appears, it means that this product is no longer in stock. Products on Aliexpress are sold in limited quantities. Information about the quantity of goods available for order is indicated in the parameters, so if the quantity of goods is running out, the corresponding message “Quantity is limited” appears. In this case, you should hurry to buy the product before the number of units is completely sold out.

There are many stores selling the same products on Aliexpress, you may be able to find the same one even cheaper. As orders are placed, they sell out and run out of stock. If all the goods were sold out before you managed to place an order and pay for it, you will have to look for the same product from another seller. Once all copies are sold out, the page will close and the product link will no longer be valid. If the product appears in stock again, the seller will resume sales, but this is not necessary. When the order has not yet been paid for and the product is no longer in stock, you cannot add it to the cart or my wishes. Many sellers will resume selling items that have sold out when they are back in stock. If you did not have time to buy the product, you will have to look for the same one from another seller. If the message “404 not found” is displayed, then this product is no longer available in this store.

When an order has been paid for and the product is no longer available

The ordering system on Aliexpress operates as follows: the buyer selects the product and pays for it, the seller processes the order and sends the product. The seller has time to process the order. Some sellers need 3 days to process an order, others set a period of 9 days. During this time, the seller must see if there is a product in stock with the parameters specified in the order and send it to the buyer. Order processing times vary, so it may happen that the buyer paid for the item, and then the item was out of stock. There may be several reasons when an order has been paid for and the product is no longer available:

  • at the time of placing the order, the number of units was limited, and buyers sold out of the product early and it was out of stock;
  • the order conditions have changed for your region, you need to change the delivery method or the receipt address is inaccurate;
  • The product is no longer in stock, but replenishment is expected in the near future;
  • the seller has sold out all units of the product and there will be no more of it in stock;
  • order processing time takes longer due to the large number of orders from the seller;
  • The product is no longer available to order in your region.

In any of the above cases, the order is subject to cancellation and return. If the buyer has already paid for the goods, but the seller has not sent it, regardless of the reason, the money will be returned. After the order processing time has expired, the seller must either send the order or return the money. If the goods are not shipped, the buyer, in any case, will receive a refund. If the seller does not respond to messages, but there is no information about the status of the shipment, contact customer support or write a complaint to the administration.

How to track a track if you have suspicions about the seller’s honesty?

Track or track number - code for tracking parcels on Aliexpress. It is assigned to the order before shipping. The seller indicates it in the order information so that the buyer can track the location of his parcel during delivery. The track number for each parcel is different. As the package is delivered, information about the current location of the order is updated and indicated in the order history. If there is a tracking number, but there is no information about the parcel, this may mean that the seller gave the wrong tracking number. Delivery status information is updated every 5-10 days. If there are suspicions of dishonesty of the seller, then you can check the tracking of your parcel from Aliexpress on the resource that deals with order tracking. To do this, you need to copy the tracking number and open the company link from the “Data provided” column. In the new window, insert the track number and confirm the request. It happens that delivery information is in the logistics company’s system, but is not on the website.

If there is no tracking information, although enough time has passed for at least some data to appear, then you should wait until the buyer protection period expires and open a dispute, where the reason is to indicate the lack of tracking information. Once the request is processed, the seller must accept the terms of the dispute or return the money. Please note that numbers-only tracks are a cheap delivery method for small packages. Such parcels may not be tracked until arrival, so, in any case, you will have to wait until the dispute is resolved. If the seller is a scammer, then the track number may turn out to be a simple set of numbers. In this case, you can still open a dispute. Money from orders is sent to sellers only after confirmation of receipt, so missing order information is one of the reasons for a full refund.

When should the track be tracked?

The track is tracked as soon as the seller sends the order. Information is updated every 5-10 days. All stages of delivery are accompanied by an information notice for the buyer. From the moment of dispatch until receipt, the parcel must be tracked. But orders worth less than $5 may not be tracked. Typically, such orders are handled by China Post Registered Air Mail, a small package delivery service from China. As soon as the seller sends the package, all information about the order, in particular the tracking number and delivery information, is indicated in the tracking section. From the very departure until the buyer receives the package, information about the delivery status must be updated. You can view the available information in the “Check tracking” section or in your order history. If the information is not trackable, please contact the seller to request the data from the logistics company. You can also view extended tracking information directly on the CAINAO and 17track website.

If the protection period ends and the parcel has not arrived

If the protection period expires and the parcel has not arrived, the seller is obliged to return the money for the paid goods. Regardless of the reasons for the lack of order, the buyer can still demand his money back through the dispute form. To do this, you must wait until the buyer protection period expires. Sellers often offer to extend it for some period of time, since there may have been delivery delays. It is better to agree to extend the protection period, since the parcel may still arrive. If, even after the additional delivery time, the order from Aliexpress has not arrived, then you need to open a dispute. For this purpose, there is a form that must be filled out, indicating the reason for the dispute “The goods did not arrive.” All information about the parcel is stored in the order history, so no evidence need be provided.

You can see when the buyer protection period ends in the order description in the “Reminder” column. When this period expires, you can fill out the dispute form and send it to the seller. The seller must agree to the terms of the dispute or offer their own. If the buyer and seller do not agree within 7 days, the Aliexpress administration will intervene in the dispute and close the dispute based on the order history. If the protection period ends and the package has not arrived, the buyer will receive a full refund of the cost of the goods.

When a product is unavailable: risks of fraud

If there is no access to the product, the reason may be that the product is out of stock or that all copies were sold out at the time of payment. The site provides users with payment protection and a guarantee of safe purchases, therefore, in the event of fraudulent actions on the part of the seller, the buyer can get help from the site administration. Although all sellers are verified and are official entrepreneurs in the Aliexpress system, scammers can still try to deceive. To avoid becoming a victim of fraudulent activities, you need to know all the risks that users may be exposed to:

What should you pay attention to? How to proceed?
The actual price was higher than what was indicated on the website Find the same product in a store where there are many reviews and a good rating, do not make a purchase, since the system does not guarantee payment security
The seller sent the wrong size/color, the quality of the product does not match, the product did not arrive Open a dispute, do not agree with any terms of the seller. other than full or partial refund
The seller gave an invalid tracking number Wait until the buyer protection period ends and open a dispute for a refund
The seller closed the item after payment Contact the site administration or file a complaint against the seller
The seller does not respond to messages If you have not paid for the goods yet, do not place an order. If the product has already been paid for, contact support or cancel the order via the cancellation form
The seller offers to pay for the goods on a personal account All payments are made through Alipay, payment by other methods is not accepted on the site

Before placing orders with a seller, study its activity, ratings and reviews. If the seller has few reviews, and the store was created not so long ago, you may be dealing with a scammer. If the seller is unreliable or suspicious, do not place an order. Never make payments bypassing the Alipay system and, if you encounter a fraudster, report it to the administration.

Video: Why the product is not available on Aliexpress

Product unavailable or 404 not found - a case when the product you need can no longer be ordered. In this case, you need to look for the same product to buy in another store or contact the seller, perhaps the item you need will be on sale again soon. Also, there are some regional restrictions for placing orders, so such a message may appear on those products that are prohibited for purchase by law. If you still have questions about why the product is not available on Aliexpress, we recommend watching the video:

There are periods in China when delivery is particularly slow. But he expects to receive money if the buyer does not have time to open a dispute before the end of the order protection period. Since a certain time is allocated for delivery, when it expires, the order is automatically completed. However, in most cases, delivery to Russia is successful, and the buyer receives his goods. Therefore, it is important to track deadlines for all ordered products. To do this, you need to request an extension. This is quite easy to do, since letters about the end of product protection are sent to the email specified during registration. Aliexpress usually offers the buyer a choice of 3-5 ways in which he can receive his product. Depending on the delivery method, this can be done either on the transport company’s website or on a special Chinese website. Secondly, it is a traditional Spring Day, a holiday that causes a two-week holiday throughout China. To make the right choice, it is important to know about the features of each method of sending goods. To dispel the doubts of fans of online shopping and answer questions related to the delivery of paid purchases on Aliexpress and customs duties, we have provided useful information for our users in this article. In the table you can see not only the amount of payment for the services of different companies, but also the period after which the cargo will arrive at its destination. Small packages always arrive faster than large ones, regardless of the method chosen.

You can see how much delivery costs by other methods in the special “Delivery and Payment” tab located in the card of the product in question. In addition, you should pay attention to the period within which the seller plans to send the goods, since even if the buyer chose fast delivery, the seller may take a long time to prepare the package for sending. After analyzing this data, you can make an objective choice of exactly how to receive the goods from Aliexpress. However, this is not always the case. Aliexpress is considered one of the best online portals offering quality products at low prices. In addition, delivery from aliexpress to Russia is always unpredictable in terms of timing, since external factors that influence the process of sending goods, for example, customs inspection of the shipment, are of great importance. There are several companies that provide such a service as delivery from China. And the seller indicates a fictitious shipment number on the order card. After the client selects the postal method and it, the seller will begin to formulate the parcel. One of the reasons for the popularity of the aliexpress trading platform is the free shipping that exists for most products. If the buyer does not open a dispute on time, the money will be sent to the seller automatically, regardless of the fact that the parcel has not yet reached the addressee.

Experience has shown that delivery times to Russia via EMS and China Post are almost the same. Since in many cases even the cheapest goods can be purchased with free shipping, sellers often save on shipping the goods, so they do not use the services of China Post, but deliver with the help of intermediary companies, often through Singapore - this increases the time. Using this number, you can make all shipment movements. As soon as he sends it, the order card placed in the buyer’s personal account will indicate the shipment number. It also indicates the method by which the goods will be delivered, for example, by air or by land transport. Perhaps this fact is due to the fact that sending by these methods in the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out by Russian Post. Although there are cases when the seller indicates an invented number, the parcel is not sent. This must be taken into account when deciding which delivery is faster. In addition, with this method of forwarding, the postal item is not assigned any number, so it is impossible to track the movement of the parcel. However, in addition to it, there are also several types of paid ones, which have their positive aspects. As a result, a package of the same weight, sent in the same way, may be in transit for a different period of time. The size of the parcel is also of great importance. Therefore, if the product protection time is running out, you can extend the delivery time. It is used for purchases by both individuals and wholesale buyers and entrepreneurs from all over the world, who prefer to order things, household appliances, building materials and much more directly from China. The terms of delivery of goods on Aliexpress depend on the following factors: size, weight, cost of the goods, features of the supplier company.

However, despite the information provided about how long delivery takes, you need to understand that the information provided often does not coincide with the actual data. Extensions usually occur within a few days, so it is important to submit your extension request well in advance. Directly in the product card, the seller indicates the cheapest option for sending the parcel. Depending on the specific year, it is celebrated in January or February. This can be done either in the form of a regular message or using a special form that appears a few days before the end of the delivery time. At this time, no one is generating parcels or sending them. In this case, you can choose the express delivery service that you consider the most reliable and fast. Firstly, these are periods when people place a large number of orders - New Year, March 8, Knowledge Day, Valentine's Day. Sometimes the seller places information about all movements of the parcel in the product card, but this does not always happen. In addition, most companies guarantee their customers a refund if, due to slow delivery, the buyer was unable to receive the package on time. First of all, you need to focus on your basic needs when making decisions about how to receive goods from Aliexpress. Delivery of goods for money will be the best option for a person who cannot wait long, since paid delivery is usually faster than free delivery. This is followed by bulk shipments, which slow down the mail and also increase the delivery time.

You have your eye on a bargain, but when you next try to access the page you see the following message: Product not available on AliExpress. Further actions depend on whether you managed to send the money.

When the order has not yet been paid

A message indicating that an item is unavailable means that the seller has sold out of available stock or their account has been closed. If you did not have time to transfer funds, you will have to find the necessary item from another entrepreneur. In some cases, the offer will reappear when the store owner replenishes stock.

When an order has been paid for and the product is no longer available

Buyers who managed to transfer funds begin to worry when they see that this product is unavailable. There is no reason to worry, since the trading platform protects the interests of clients by working using the Escrow system. It implies the following procedure:

  • you select a product and make a payment, which is not transferred to the seller, but temporarily remains on your AliExpress account;
  • the second party to the transaction sends the parcel;
  • you confirm receipt, after which Aliexpress transfers the funds to the seller.

If the package does not arrive, you will open a dispute and the administration will return the money. It is only important to monitor the terms of protection, start the procedure a week before their expiration, and you will defend your interests.

The disappearance of a product from the catalog will be a reason to increase vigilance. When purchasing, you have no way of knowing whether the other party has extensive inventory or is only going to sell a few copies. Unavailability of an offer may mean the following:

  • the second party to the transaction managed to sell the goods;
  • the store closes or suspends operations;
  • The seller plans to change the display and assortment.

In some cases, it is possible to find out the reason from the support service. But there is no reason to panic, so do not rush to cancel your order. Even if the other party remains silent, you just need to monitor the progress of delivery and then receive the parcel correctly in order to stock up on evidence in case you need to open a dispute.

If you decide to cancel your purchase and the seller does not appear on the site or provide confirmation, the wait will take up to 80 days, so contact customer service and explain the situation.

How to track a track if you have suspicions about the seller’s honesty

To track the movement of goods, you do not need an order number. Parcels from China to Russia are sent according to general rules, so they are assigned track numbers. They come in 2 types:

  1. 2 letters in Latin, a combination of numbers and again 2 letters mean that the seller uses an international type of shipment with full tracking. If the store has ceased operations, but provided you with a track of this type, the attitude of the entrepreneur remains in good faith.
  2. A combination of just numbers without spaces indicates that the other party has decided to save money. Cheap delivery allows you to track the shipment as long as it is in China. Then you will see that the parcel is “stuck” at the border, but in fact it may be in Russia (you can get information on the website This option requires increased attention, because if delivery is delayed, the buyer protection period will have time to expire.

When a store ceases operations, you need to carefully monitor the location of the parcel: negative reviews will no longer scare the entrepreneur. To check the movement of goods, follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the website and select “My orders”.
  2. Near the corresponding item, click on “Details”, and in the detailed information you will see the track number and the name of the company through which the goods were sent. You can also click "Check Tracking" to see a detailed movement report and a link to the company's website.

The AliExpress Tool plugin for Google Chrome has also proven itself well. By clicking on the icon that appears in the upper right corner, you will track the parcel by entering the data provided by the seller into a special window.

When should the track be tracked?

So that you have no doubt about the delivery of the goods, the entrepreneur must provide a tracking number. The process goes like this:

  1. You place an order and transfer money.
  2. The seller packs the parcels, including yours, and attaches a tracking number to each one. He purchases the tape with the tracks in advance for $1.5 per piece.
  3. The sender hands over the parcels to the courier of the company providing transportation services. The seller himself usually does not go anywhere, so he often cannot show a shipping receipt.

To avoid delays, keep track of when the package arrives at the post office. The problem can be solved by reminding the other party of the transaction about the order. As long as the store owner responds to messages and doesn't waste time, you don't have to worry.

Pay attention when the track begins to be tracked, and too short a time frame will not be a good indicator: this means that the parcel is at the post office in a small town and can travel around China for another month. Use a checker and do not forget to monitor the buyer protection period: when it comes to an end, it is advisable to extend the time by 15 days. If the measures were not enough, open a dispute after the new period.

Shipments costing $10-15 come without a track, so its absence does not mean that they want to deceive you.

If the protection period ends and the parcel has not arrived

When you see the inscription: “Unfortunately, this product is no longer available on the AliExpress marketplace,” and the package does not arrive, get ready to start a dispute. In the future, you will not have the opportunity to force the seller to compromise by threatening him with negative feedback! Follow the procedure:

The new form specifies the period within which the other party must make proposals, the amount of compensation and information about the progress of the dispute. If the seller does not respond within 5 days, the administration will make a decision in your favor. Perhaps a dishonest merchant will still appear: it is important not to agree to persuasion to close the dispute and act within the framework of the trading platform. Since the conditions were violated, the administration will make a decision in your favor.

When a product is unavailable: risks of fraud

Although the service tries to provide customers with security, attackers resort to various deception schemes. When the goods become unavailable and the store closes, the attackers act according to the following plan:

Another option implies that an unscrupulous entrepreneur, after registration, offers things at reduced prices, but provides high-quality products to the first buyers. Having collected positive reviews, he puts the next batch on sale, then sends out an outright defect and closes the store, and all the goods become unavailable. The calculation is made that the buyer, out of ignorance, will not have time to open a dispute on time.

It is also possible that the seller provides a track from another shipment, wanting to delay the solution to the problems that have arisen. When you notice that the package arrived in the mail a couple of days before you placed the order, the likelihood of fraud increases. Sometimes sellers make mistakes, but if the store closes at the same time, then the cessation of activity is most likely caused by administrative measures. The situation can be resolved by trying to contact the other party. No result? Wait until the protection period begins to expire and open a dispute.

To avoid unpleasant situations, pay attention to the seller’s rating and duration of work.

There is no need to worry, just take measures: monitor the movements of the parcel, make a video recording when opening and testing (this is especially important when you buy a lot of small parts with low weight, because the absence of components will not affect the weight). If you need to start a dispute, the administration will be on your side!

And to finally figure out how to conduct a dispute after the message “Unfortunately, this product is no longer available on Aliexpress,” just watch the video.

“Why is the product not available on Aliexpress?”– this is exactly the question that arises in the buyer’s head when he lands on pages with products that for some reason cannot be purchased.

There are many factors that cause an online store to inform visitors that certain products are unavailable. Below you will find a list of the most common reasons why a product is not available on Aliexpress.

What does it mean this product is not available on Aliexpress?

  1. Out of stock– sometimes it happens that due to high demand among customers, a product simply runs out and becomes unavailable for order.
  2. The seller stopped selling the product– sometimes sellers remove from sale goods that sell poorly or have significant defects.
  3. AliExpress blocked the sale of goods– when a product is a counterfeit of a well-known brand, does not correspond to the stated characteristics and violates the rules of the online store, the administration has the right to terminate the sale.
  4. Intimate products for adults– in the mobile application, all products belonging to this category are hidden from view. When you try to open any product for adults, the system will display a message that this product is not available. Please note that the above-mentioned products are displayed on the official website without any restrictions.

There are other reasons why a product is not available on Aliexpress, but they are not so common. If you want to buy this particular unavailable product, you can download one of the photos and use

They are faced with a problem such as the unavailability of information regarding a particular order. Next, we will try to figure it out and help customers of the Chinese site and explain what to do if there is a problem with order tracking.

This situation occurs because some site sellers like to save money. Consequently, they send goods using a non-working or fictitious tracking number. However, this tends to happen with products priced under $2. Although there are cases when expensive goods are assigned different numbers.

So, if you purchased something on the website and want to find out information about the order, proceed as follows:

  • To get started, log into your own account.
  • Go to the menu item " My orders", select the order you are interested in and click on the link " View data»

If you still did not receive a tracking number from the seller within the appointed time, or you were sent a number that is not tracked at all, then you need to look for the reason here:

  • As soon as you notice that the number sent from the seller is not trackable, you should not immediately panic. As a rule, tracks appear only after at least 8 working days have passed after the parcel has been sent. There may also be a delay due to the large number of orders sent from China.

  • The order may also not be tracked because the tracking address is selected incorrectly. When the seller sends a track to the buyer, along with it he indicates a link by clicking on which the product can be tracked. This link may be incorrect or not working.
  • There have been some changes in the tracking number. This also happens. Some elements of the number are changed before being sent. But basically the seller informs the buyers about this. Therefore, after 14 days you can check your order number again, and also look at the messages, perhaps the seller has already notified you of changes in the track.

  • If the track has not changed, but it does not work, you must contact the seller. But before that, carefully check whether you entered the track number correctly in the search bar.
  • The size of the parcel is an important nuance. Often very small parcels do not receive tracking tracks. For example, if you order earrings, stickers or jewelry, you may not receive a tracking number.

Delivery information from Aliexpress is not available. What to do if you receive a track that does not have special letters

A very common situation is when unscrupulous sellers send clients a track that does not include letters. They do this in order to save a lot of money. And it is impossible to track the status of such a parcel due to the fact that the code does not comply with labeling standards.

If you receive such a code, expect the following developments:

  • Your order may be found, but its code will be responsible for the order of a completely different buyer. And the post office workers will notify you about your parcel upon arrival.
  • Also very often parcels are partially tracked. While the products were in China, they were visible to you. But when the parcel arrived in the customer’s country, there was no more information about it.
  • It is impossible to track the order at all. The seller gives you a code, but it is unreal, made up. In such a situation, you need to wait some time for the package to reach you. But during this period, make sure that buyer protection does not expire, because it is the only guarantee of the safety of your funds.

If you do not receive a parcel for more than 3 weeks, and its location is not tracked by number, then you should:

  • Ask the seller to extend the protection period.
  • If the seller refuses to extend the deadline, open a dispute, where you indicate in detail all the nuances of the problematic order.

Later, during the dispute, you will come to a solution to the problem or still receive the long-awaited package. We hope that you will not have such problematic situations when collaborating with a Chinese trading platform.
