By Google default Planet Earth shows the current image of the area. However, you can view previous versions of the map by selecting the period you're interested in on the timeline. Here's how to do it:

  • Along with the scale, the start and end times of the range change.
  • When you are recording a video, the time slider is grayed out.
  • If you select multiple data sets, the slider will show the common time range for them.

How to import data to view a map in different time periods

To view images on a timeline, import data and GPS tracks for a specific period of time. Here's how to do it:

  1. Import a GPS track or other time-based data.
  2. In the Places panel, select the imported data. A time slider will appear at the top of the 3D viewer with a range corresponding to the total time of the track.
  3. Markers on the timeline show the shooting dates of the images available for that location. You can select the time period you are interested in.
    • To change the period length, drag the range handle to the right or left.
    • To select an earlier or later period, drag the time slider to the right or left. The range marker will move along with it.
    • To increase or decrease a date range for the timeline, change the scale. The start and end times of the range will change.

How to change the time of day

You can see how the landscape changes depending on the lighting.

How to enable the Sunlight feature

Click the icon. You will see the light level for the selected location.

Google Earth updates satellite images of a significant part of the Russian territory several times a year. In recent years, the country's leadership has been paying serious attention to increasing the defense capability of the Russian armed forces; many positive changes in this area can be seen in Google Earth images.

Guarantor of independence and territorial integrity Russian Federation are the strategic nuclear deterrent forces (SNF).

The Russian armed forces have a classic version of the “nuclear triad” - ground (Strategic Missile Forces), sea (SSBN) and air (AA) components.

As of the beginning of 2015, Russia’s strategic nuclear forces included about 500 strategic delivery vehicles carrying about 1,900 nuclear warheads.

The largest number of nuclear warheads in Russia are deployed on intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN). The approximately 300 missile systems in service with the Strategic Missile Forces can carry about 1,100 nuclear warheads. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with mobile and silo-based ICBMs.

Silo-based ICBMs - R-36M/R-36M2, UR-100N UTTH, RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" - are on combat duty in protected silo launchers (silos).

Google Earth satellite image: silo RT-2PM2 “Topol-M” in the Saratov region

Currently, some missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces, which in the past were armed with mobile ground systems, are switching to a new mobile missile system - the RS-24 Yars, which, unlike the monoblock Topol, carries three individually targeted warheads with a power of 150 -300 kt in TNT equivalent.

In addition to the warheads themselves, the RS-24 Yars is equipped with countermeasures that guarantee penetration of any currently existing missile defense system.

Google Earth satellite image: location of mobile missile systems in the Ivanovo region

At their permanent location, the launchers are located in Krona-type shelters, which are equipped with a sliding roof and allow missiles to be launched at any time.

The Russian Navy has 8 strategic missile submarines (SSBNs) with ballistic missiles on board.

The ballistic missiles in service with Russian submarine missile carriers are capable of carrying about 500 nuclear warheads.

SSBN formations are available in the Northern (Northern Fleet) and Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet).

The Northern Fleet has 5 SSBN Project 667BDRM, each of which carries 16 R-29RM missiles and 1 missile carrier Project 955 with 16 R-30 Bulava-30 missiles.

Google Earth satellite image: SSBN pr. 667BDRM and pr. 955 parked in Gadzhievo

At the Pacific Fleet in Krasheninnikov Bay, 2 SSBNs, Project 667BDR, with 16 R-29R missiles on board are based.

Google Earth satellite image: APRK pr. 949A and SSBN pr. 667BDR parked in Krasheninnikov Bay in Kamchatka

It is planned that 2 submarine missile carriers, Project 955, will become part of the Pacific Fleet by the end of 2015.

The aviation component of the Russian strategic nuclear forces includes 11 Tu-160 bombers and 55 Tu-95MS bombers, which are stationed at two air bases in the European part and in the east of the country.

Google Earth satellite image: Tu-160 and Tu-95MS strategic bombers at Engels airbase in the Saratov region

In addition to the Tu-95 and Tu-160, long-range aviation has 40 Tu-22M3 bombers.

Google Earth satellite image: Tu-22M3 at the Shaikovka airfield in the Kaluga region

Several years ago, Tu-22M3 missile carriers, which were in service with naval aviation, were transferred to long-range aviation. All aircraft of this type capable of taking off were transported from Far Eastern airfields to the European part of the country.

Google Earth satellite image: Tu-22M3 “in storage” at the Olenya airfield in the Murmansk region

Currently, about 100 Tu-22M3s are “in storage”; it is expected that 30 vehicles will undergo major repairs and modernization.

The most important means of monitoring outer space and warning of a missile attack are stationary over-the-horizon radars, which are used as part of the missile attack warning system.

Recently, stationary radars of old types for this purpose are being replaced by new Voronezh radars - meter and decimeter ranges.

Not long ago, the Voronezh-DM radar was put into operation in the Kaliningrad region, not far from the Dunaevka airfield. This radar was built to replace the old Volga station of a similar purpose in Belarus.

Google Earth satellite image: Voronezh-DM radar in the Kaliningrad region

The radar station in the Kaliningrad region serves to monitor air and space objects flying from the western direction.

The Voronezh-M radar, built near the village of Lekhtusi in the Leningrad region, is planned to be upgraded to the Voronezh-VP modification.

Google Earth satellite image: Voronezh-M radar in the Leningrad region

This will make it possible not only to control the missile-hazardous northwest direction, but also to observe high-altitude air targets on the east coast of the United States.

This year, in accordance with the state defense order, the Russian Aerospace Forces should receive more than 150 new aircraft and helicopters.

The process of developing and adopting new aircraft models is actively underway. Typically, new types of combat aircraft are tested at the M. M. Gromov Flight Research Institute (LII) at the Ramenskoye airfield near Moscow and at the 929th State Flight Test Center of the Ministry of Defense named after V.P. Chkalov (GLITs) in Akhtubinsk.

Google Earth satellite image: PAK FA T-50 in the parking lot for experimental equipment at the Ramenskoye airfield

Google Earth satellite image: aircraft parking at the GLITs airfield in Akhtubinsk

New types of combat aircraft entering service with the Aerospace Forces initially arrive for development at the 4th Order of Lenin Red Banner Center for Military Testing and Air Force Personnel Training named after V.P. Chkalov in Lipetsk. Here in Lipetsk there is a storage base for aviation equipment.

Google Earth satellite image: aircraft parking in Lipetsk

Google Earth satellite image: aviation equipment at a storage base in Lipetsk

One of the air regiments mastering the latest technology is the 23rd IAP, stationed at the Dzyomgi airfield in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Google Earth satellite image: Su-27SM, Su-35S and Su-30M2 fighters at the Dzyomgi airfield

The 23rd IAP is armed with single-seat Su-27SM and Su-35S and two-seat fighters Su-30M2. All these machines were built by KnAAZ, with which the 23rd IAP shares the runway.

In 2011, work began on upgrading the A-50 remote control aircraft to the A-50U level. At the moment, three cars have undergone modifications. During the modernization, the radio-electronic complex of the vehicle was updated, the flight range was increased and the habitability conditions were improved. The Russian Air Force has 18 A-50 and A-50U AWACS aircraft in service.

Google Earth satellite image: A-50 and A-50U AWACS aircraft at the airfield in Ivanovo

Also, the Russian Aerospace Forces, in addition to the aviation component, includes missile defense and air defense troops. Currently, the Air Defense Forces are undergoing a planned process of replacing the S-300PS anti-aircraft missile systems (AAMS), which were built in the 80s with the modern S-400 ADMS.

Google Earth satellite image: position of the S-400 air defense system, near the village of Kurilovo, Moscow region

Most of the S-300PM air defense systems, which were supplied to air defense units in the 90s, have been upgraded to the S-300PM2 level, which will allow them to be used for another 20 years.

Google Earth satellite image: position of the S-300PM air defense system at the Gvardeyskoye airfield in Crimea

Soon after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, an anti-aircraft missile division from another region of the country was transferred there to strengthen the air defense of the Russian military group in this area.

After a long period of decline, positive changes began to occur in the navy.

After the transition of the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) to the jurisdiction of Russia in March 2014, its strengthening of the combat strength of the fleet began.

Google Earth satellite image: Black Sea Fleet warships parked in Sevastopol

First of all, the Black Sea Fleet's aviation was strengthened. Su-30SM multirole fighters were deployed to military airfields in Crimea.

Google Earth satellite image: Su-30SM fighters at Saki airfield in Crimea

In 2015, there were reports of the relocation of several Project 636 diesel submarines to the Black Sea Fleet.

The only aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Russian Navy, Project 1143.5 “Admiral Kuznetsov”, based in the Northern Fleet (SF), was undergoing repairs at the dock of the 82nd ship repair plant in Roslyakovo from May to August 2015.

Google Earth satellite image: aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov docked in Roslyakovo

The air group of the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" includes Su-33 carrier-based fighters, Su-25UTG trainers, Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters.

Satellite image of Google Earth: carrier-based aircraft of the 279th naval fighter aviation regiment at the Severomorsk-3 airfield

It is expected that in the future the Su-33 will be replaced by carrier-based MiG-29K. The contract for the supply of 4 MiG-29KUB and 20 MiG-29K should be completed in 2015.

The heavy nuclear missile cruiser Project 1144 “Admiral Nakhimov” is currently undergoing repairs at the Zvezdochka ship repair facility in Severodvinsk.

Google Earth satellite image: “Admiral Nakhimov” in Severodvinsk

Google Earth satellite image: Northern Fleet warships parked in Severomorsk

Despite the losses suffered in past years, the Northern Fleet still remains the most numerous and combat-ready in the Russian Navy.

Based on materials:
Satellite imagery courtesy of Google Earth

Drawings in the Peruvian Nazca Desert

Looks like an unidentified object flying down the river in Buenos Airos— click on the picture to view.

Well of course it's not UFO, but what is it, look for yourself.

And what is this a figure that looks like a flower, or maybe this is a landing site for a spaceship?

Indian head in the mountains of the USA— click on the picture to view.

Atacama, Giant Inca drawing— click on the picture to view.

Coordinates 40.458779,93.313129 Airplane site

Chinese pattern

Another chinese pattern


And when was this one applied?

Is there anything to hide behind these? black rectangles?

In addition to black squares, there are also

The famous Area 51, where UFOs and aliens are allegedly hidden
37°14"13.39"n, 115°48"52.43"w

There are also such closed colorful zones in cities.
52°14"55.40"n, 4°26"22.74"e

Who needs a compass at an altitude of 2 kilometers?
34°57"14.90"N 117°52"21.02"w

Arrows on the underwater bottom that are only visible from above.
32°40"36.82"n,117° 9"27.33"e

The rocket flew and did not reach
38°13"34.93"n, 112°17"55.61"w

Ground drawing of some animal
31°39"36.40"n, 106°35"5.06"w

UFO landed in a grove
45°42"12.68"n, 21°18"7.59"e

A sight measuring hundreds of meters
37°33"46.95"n, 116°51"1.62"w

Colorful lakes on the outskirts of Baghdad
33°23"41.63"n, 44°29"33.08"e

33°51"3.06"s, 151°14"17.77"e

Rock paintings in Oregon, visible from a height of 1.5 km
+42° 33" 48.24", -119° 33" 18.00"

Another triangle
-30.510783, 115.382303

Apparently the remains of an ancient civilization under water. Pay attention to the size of the building and the height of the shooting...
31°20"23.90"n, 24°16"43.28"w

Türkiye, Noah's Ark

The anomaly near Mount Ararat is a geological formation of an unusual shape. It is located at an altitude of 4725 meters above sea level and has a length of almost 183 meters. To date, there are three main versions that explain its occurrence - it could be a geological formation, a glacier, or... the remains of Noah's Ark.
There are legends among local residents about a huge old ship on the top of a mountain near Mount Ararat. Writer Charles Berlitz in his book “The Lost Ship of Noah” cites the testimony of the Armenian George Hagopian.
Georgiy Hagopyana said that in 1905, as an 8-year-old boy, he was on Mount Ararat with his grandfather. And that they found the ark and visited inside. On the upper deck, Georgy saw a superstructure with many windows. The body of the ark was huge and hard as stone.
The American magazine New Eden in 1939 published an interview with a former pilot of the Russian tsarist army, Lieutenant Roskovitsky, who allegedly discovered an object resembling an ark back in 1916 during a reconnaissance flight. Roskovitsky reported to the tsar, and Nicholas II equipped an expedition of 150 people. It took them two weeks to reach the site. According to Roskovitsky, the ship resembled both a giant barge and a freight car, and inside there were many rooms - small and large. Moreover, the small rooms were covered with metal mesh.
But the first significant evidence of the existence of an unknown object on the top of the mountain is considered to be photographs taken by American pilots in 1949. A few years later, something resembling a ship covered with snow was seen by Turkish soldiers. The object was then photographed two more times: in 1973 by the American spy satellite Keyhole-9 and in 1976 by the reconnaissance satellite Keyhole-11. CIA workers processing satellite images in the 70s found it difficult to interpret the data obtained. Porcher Taylor, who worked for the CIA at the time, says the picture was quite unexpected. But he was unable to clarify what exactly was there, because the materials collected by Keyhole-9 and Keyhole-11 are still classified.
Coordinates: 39.440628,44.234517

World Seed Bank on Spitsbergen
78°14"23.12"N, 15°27"30.19"E

Neftegorsk is a ghost town, completely destroyed in 1995 after an earthquake of 9-10 magnitude
52°59′45″ n 142°56′41″ e

Another strange structure in the desert

An anomalous place near the city of Osoyoos in Canada - Lake Khiluk
49° 4"42.70"N 119°33"58.79"W

Ushtogai square
50 49"58.38N, 65 19"34.54E
— is a geometric figure consisting of 101 mounds in the form of mounds. The side length of the square is 287 meters! Approximately 112 m from the northwest corner, three rings, each 19 meters in diameter, are located diagonally.
On the opposite side, at a distance of 112 meters from the south-eastern corner, there is an embankment with a diameter of 18 meters. If the square, rings and mound are a single figure, then the length of the figure is 643 meters!

The structure in Antarctica is clearly not of natural origin. Dungeon entrance
-66.603547, 99.719878

Four strange balls in Peru
13°33"39.26"s, 75°16"05.80"w

UFO in the Area 51 area?


Chanquillo, Spanish Chankillo is an ancient monumental complex on the desert coast of Peru in the Casma oasis in the department of Ancash, Peru. Among the ruins are the hilltop Fort Chanquillo, the Thirteen Towers solar observatory, living quarters and public meeting areas. It is assumed that the Thirteen Towers Observatory was built in the 4th century. BC e. The area of ​​the monument is 4 square meters. km. It is assumed that it was a fortified temple.

“Mandala” is the most mysterious geoglyph of the Palpa plateau, located 30 km from the more famous Nazca plateau. In addition to it, there are many geoglyphs on the plateau, it’s a pity that in Google Maps(and Earth) you can’t see them properly. The geoglyph “Mandala” or Estrella (i.e. “star”), as the locals call it, is definitely the most amazing of them. According to scientists, it was created in the 2nd century AD. Nazca civilization. The composition of two drawings has a size of about two hundred meters and the mystery, as you may have guessed, is how in ancient times people were able to create such a geometrically correct drawing, which is entirely visible only from a bird's eye view. There is an opinion that the geoliths of the Nazca and Palpa plateaus carry information encoded in mathematical form from their creators, be they people or someone else.

Several videos on this topic

An earthquake, a plane crash, a fire, a geoglyph of Russia, drawings in the fields and other interesting places on the planet. The coordinates of all places are given. In some places, you need to change the date to see what's in the video (where Google frequently updates photos).

23° 6"54.45"N 113°19"3.79"E Game center, China
35°38"6.01"N 139°44"40.63"E Tokyo, Reclamation Center
33°26"19.18"N 111°58"51.41"W drawing at the airport, USA
35°41"18.90"N 139°45"19.90"E Tokyo, flower
45°38"27.65"N 122°47"43.01"W drawings in the USA fields
52° 2"33.57"N 4°12"47.26"E Sundial, Netherlands
51° 3"16.04"N 1°58"42.45"W Medals, UK
52°31"15.93"N 13°24"34.08"E TV Tower Berlin
37°47"30.27"N 122°23"23.57"W Bow and arrow, San Francisco
35°46"52.68"N 139°35"59.27"E Note, Japan
54°56"30.29"N 59°11"35.85"E Geoglyph "Elk", Chelyabinsk
32°51"31.47"S 70° 8"31.76"W Highway, Chile
46°45"56.81"N 100°47"34.26"W Accident, USA
36°10"58.55"N 68°46"37.34"E Afghanistan (Afghanistan)
55°57"4.82"N 3°13"35.22"W Spiral, Edinburgh
23°38"44.11"N 57°59"13.14"E House in the shape of a heart with an arrow, Oman
34°55"29.03"N 139°56"32.84"E Rybka, Japan
52° 9"14.17"N 2°14"53.03"W Frog, UK
43°42"53.23"N 112° 1"4.04"E Geoglyph giraffes of Mongolia
43°27"25.38"N 3°32"39.48"E Dinosaur, France
29°10"32.51"N 34°42"6.29"E sand drawing, Egypt
50°41"53.40"N 3°10"8.99"E Car on the roof of a house, France
39°44"57.08"N 105° 0"23.02"W Pepsi Center, USA
42°54"6.25"N 22°59"31.76"E Medal, Bulgaria
35°42"13.37"N 140°50"21.12"E Consequences of the 2011 Japan earthquake
37.790699,-122.322937 Plane crash (only google maps!) plane crash- only google maps
42°19"59.78"N 83° 3"19.94"W drawings, America
43°17"25.51"N 80° 1"42.35"W Field in Canada
51°56"57.39"N 7°35"25.43"E Dinosaurs near the History Museum, Germany
56°40"45.06"N 12°48"42.85"E 3 hearts, Sweden
52°30"36.12"N 13°22"19.99"E Sony center, Germany
26° 6"57.47"N 80°23"48.39"W City on the water, USA
39°51"37.23"N 4°17"5.20"E secret place in Spain
69°10"36.03"N 33°28"27.51"E Overturned ships, Murmansk region
43°34"35.10"N 28° 9"4.00"E Fire, Bulgaria
52°32"15.37"N 13°34"28.10"E Labyrinth Germany
21°35"4.41"N 39°10"33.58"E "Cosmos", Saudi Arabia
25°14"3.58"N 55°18"3.48"E balls, Dubai, UAE
33°36"6.59"N 111°42"38.98"W Fountain, USA
51°34"38.38"N 0°41"49.54"W Airplane takes off, UK
53°27"5.16"N 113°44"4.84"W fig. in Canada, Formula 1
12°21"55.53"N 76°35"41.31"E INFOSYS-inscription from residential buildings, India
53°48"49.58"N 3° 3"16.87"W Skull, UK (change date)
15°49"32.22"S 47°56"7.71"W Star, Brazil
51°58"14.47"N 4°12"1.03"E MiG 23, Netherlands
52°30"28.86"N 13°23"9.32"E Globe, Berlin
35°41"30.80"N 139°41"49.08"E Cocoon Tower Tokyo
55°24"0.17"N 10°23"7.93"E drawings, Denmark
40°35"44.02"N 141°24"27.53"E Fish, Japan
6°37"43.75"S 31° 8"10.10"E Hippopotamus Lake, Tanzania
47°16"52.49"N 0°50"51.44"W drawings in the fields of France
70°14"24.91"S 69° 6"25.56"E Strange object in the snow of Antarctica
33°49"46.31"N 130°28"4.68"E Sunken plane, Japan
59°57"16.63"N 30°20"15.96"E Cruiser "Aurora" St. Petersburg
25°11"46.30"N 55°16"36.87"E Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE, 828 meters. Burj Khalifa, Burj Dubai

3° 0"8.59"S 33° 5"24.30"E Tanzania market
66°17"50.90"S 100°47"7.55"E Ice began to melt in Antarctica
67°25"48.55"S 60°52"35.18"E "Hand" in Antarctica)
40°41"21.15"N 74° 2"40.34"W Statue of Liberty, USA
41°40"2.82"N 86°29"32.18"W Studebaker
41°45"39.13"N 86°16"9.39"W St. Patrick's Park, USA
44°58"1.39"N 124° 1"7.43"W bear
47°35"43.11"N 122°19"51.84"W Football match
48° 1"39.15"N 122° 9"50.93"W Labyrinth, Washington
21°50"21.11"S 46°34"3.04"W in Brazil
28° 0"21.90"N 86°51"33.79"E Tent camp near Mount Everest
29°50"36.13"N 47°50"49.45"E Fire
35°17"2.60"N 33°22"21.11"E Cyprus, flag
44°45"39.41"N 20°28"19.73"E name of the former president of Yugoslavia
44°34"54.07"N 38° 6"13.78"E Gelendzhik
48°48"18.82"N 2° 7"8.93"E Skeleton, Versailles
50° 3"8.21"N 8°36"51.04"E aircraft
50°56"17.25"N 5°58"40.80"E NATO headquarters Netherlands
52°19"36.22"N 4°55"11.33"E Newspaper parking lot, Netherlands
52°25"50.72"N 4°23"24.12"E Boat and plane
51°17"6.09"N 30°12"44.47"E Chernobyl-ship graveyard
69° 3"38.05"N 33°12"18.76"E Nuclear submarine "Kursk"

Our planet Earth is rich, multifaceted, and also with a sense of humor. This is proven by pictures taken by Google Earth. This is a project Google. Its essence is to place satellite images of the entire earth's surface on the network. They are popular because they have good quality, and some have very high resolution.
Seeing your home from a height not only from a bird's eye view, but from space itself is very interesting. Some pictures are taken from a certain angle deliberately, and some are taken by accident.

Mountain lips. Sudan.

Formed by two mountain ranges, the massifs resemble tightly closed sensual lips.

Fort Bourtange. Netherlands.

The fort was built in 1593 under the leadership of William I of Orange. His initial task was to control the only road between the German counties and the city of Groningen during the Eighty Years' War that was being fought at that time between the Spanish and the Dutch.

Guardian of the Wasteland. Canada.

The terrain is very similar to the head of a local Aboriginal man wearing a traditional headdress, looking west. It also looks like it's an "Indian" wearing headphones.

It looks like a giant earthen bowl. In the 70s, NASA astronauts used it to prepare for a flight to the Moon as part of the Apollo space program.

Shipwreck. Iraq.

One day, satellites captured a shipwreck near the city of Basra in Iraq. Parts of the ship have already disappeared under water, while others still have to be buried under thick water forever.

Kangtega. Nepal.

One of the main mountain peaks of the Himalayas. The height from sea level is 6782 m. But what the black dot means, which is visible only from space, remains a mystery.

Ship-shaped cloud. Italy.

An unusual object for which no explanation has been given. Some consider it a very large pile of clouds, and the superstitious consider it a flying alien ship.

Geoglyphs of Nazca. Peru.

A group of giant geometric and figurative geoglyphs on the Nazca Plateau in southern Peru. About 30 drawings were recognized on it: birds, monkeys, spiders, flowers and others. They were discovered only in the last century, when flights over the Earth became possible. The nature of their occurrence and purpose are unknown. Today they are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Boneyard. USA.

This is an abandoned storage facility for aircraft that have been here since World War II. Entrance to it is prohibited and what is inside can only be seen from above.

Breath of the desert. Egypt.

This is an architectural structure created by a group of artists in 1997. Two spirals emerge from one center. And each consists of 89 cone-shaped recesses and convex cones.

Large prismatic spring. USA.

The largest hot spring in the USA. But what is surprising about it is not so much its size as its possession of all the colors of the rainbow.

Potassium ponds. USA.

Many millions of years ago there was a world ocean in this place. When the water evaporated, only potassium deposits remained.

Sea monster. New Zealand.

A strange form of marine life lives in the waters of these areas. The creature resembles a giant snake. Its nature is unexplored and overgrown with many myths.

Bloody Lake. Iraq.

Of course, its red color has scientific explanation. But superstitious people do not consider it truthful and put forward their own, rather creepy, obscurantist versions.

Nature hides many interesting things. Its mysteries can be solved for centuries. But fortunately, such achievements of our civilization as the invention of satellite systems help speed up this process.

To observe the Earth's surface for free and view satellite images online, you can use several applications. In Russia, two of them are most popular: Google Maps and Yandex Maps. Both services boast good quality high-resolution satellite images from most countries.

Yandex maps is an online application from Russian developers, so Russian cities are more accurately detailed in it. It has built-in functionality for viewing traffic load data (large settlements), demographic and geodata. Google maps contain equally high-quality satellite images of the territory of the Russian Federation, but data on land plots and traffic are available only for the United States.

View a map of Planet Earth from satellite online

Below you can see the Google map built into the site. For more stable operation of the plugin, we recommend using Google browser Chrome. If you see an error message, please update the specified plugin and then reload the page.

Watch Google Earth from satellite, in real time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps is the presence of a client application for working with satellite images. This means that the service can be accessed not only through a browser, but also through a pre-downloaded program. It has many more opportunities for viewing and studying satellite images and working with a three-dimensional virtual globe.

3D satellite map from Google (downloadable app, not online version) allows:

  • use quick search desired objects by name or coordinates;
  • take screenshots and record videos high quality;
  • work offline (preliminary synchronization via the Internet is required);
  • use a flight simulator for more convenient movement between objects;
  • save “favorite places” to quickly move between them;
  • view not only the Earth's surface, but also images of other celestial bodies (Mars, Moon, etc.).

You can work with Google satellite maps through a client application or browser. A plugin is available on the official page of the program that allows you to use an interactive map on any web resource. All you have to do is embed her address in program code site. For display, you can select either the entire surface or a specific area (you will have to enter the coordinates). Management - using computer mouse and keyboard (ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom, cursor to move) or using the icons indicated on the map (“plus” - zoom in, “minus” - zoom out, move with the cursor).

The Google Earth service in real time allows you to work with several types of maps, each of which reflects certain data on satellite images. It’s convenient to switch between them “without losing progress” (the program remembers where you “were”). Available viewing modes:

  • landscape map from satellite (geographical objects, features of the Earth's surface);
  • physical map (detailed satellite images of the surface, cities, streets, their names);
  • a schematic geographic map for a more accurate study of surface images.

The satellite image is automatically loaded at the point of approach, so a stable Internet connection is required for operation. For Google work Planet Earth in offline mode you need to download the application for Windows or another operating system. Its operation also requires the Internet, but only for the first launch, after which the program synchronizes all the necessary data (satellite images of the surface, 3D models of buildings, names of geographical and other objects) after which it will be possible to work with the received data without direct access to the Internet.
