There are only two ways to restore access to the page if you do not have a phone number associated with it (lost, stolen, the page was hacked, blocked, etc.). There are no other options. Both methods are here, read:

The first method, the fastest, is to restore the SIM card

If the old number was registered in your name or in the name of someone close to you, you can restore your SIM card at a mobile phone store if you go there with your passport. This is done quickly and inexpensively. Even if you don’t remember the number you had, at least remember your mobile operator and go to their salon - they will remind you of the number and restore your SIM card. After this, you will quickly restore access via SMS, and then, if necessary, link the page to a new number (it will unlink from the old one).

If you have already created another page for this number or simply linked it to another page, then it is no longer possible to restore access via SMS, and only the second method remains.

The second method, without SMS - application for restoration

It only works if the restored page contains your real first and last name, and also contains your real photo. The page is restored to the new mobile number (it should not be linked to another page). This method takes time - from one to several days.

The page must have Your photo, where the face is clearly visible. It’s better if it’s in the “Photos from the Page” album (that is, it’s on the main photo or was there at one time). It might also be on an album called “This Is Me” or something like that (but not “My Friends”). It’s even possible in a hidden album, but if the photo is in “Saved” or on the wall (the “Photos on the Wall” album), it will not work. If the photos on the page were deleted (for example, by a burglar), then this must be indicated in the comments to the application. And the page must be real first and last name. In exceptional cases, the page is restored if only the last name is fake (and you agree to change it to a real one). A fake cannot be restored this way.

Better do it from computer or at least from a tablet.

Attention: a link to your application will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available - you can always go to it and see what’s going on with your application. They may ask you to send something else, so don’t be lazy and check from time to time. The application will be reviewed by the support service, so you will have to wait (a day, two, three - usually no longer).

How do I know that the application has been approved and the page has been restored? An SMS will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available. You will be sent new login information: login and password (the password can be changed after the first login). See also:

Another way to access restoration is to open the full version of the VK website, click on "Forgot your password?", there will be a link below "If you don't remember your details or don't have access to your phone, click here." Click on the words "Press here", and you will be directed to a request to restore access to the page.

In future highly recommended link your page to your current mobile phone number to avoid hacking, and also to be able to quickly restore access if you forgot your password. If you change your number, you need to change it in the VK settings!

Why was the application rejected?

Read about why the application to restore the page was rejected and what to do in this case:

How can I restore access to a page that does not have a number associated with it?

Could it be that there is no number associated with the page? Yes, if you registered another page for the same number. In this case, it is possible to restore access to a page to which no number is associated only, that is, through a full recovery.

How to restore a page in contact? The topic is quite extensive, so we will try to answer it step by step.

If you previously independently deleted access to your page, then the system gives you up to 7 months to think about getting your own account back.

Otherwise, it will be permanently deleted and you will have to create a new one.

It is also worth noting that restoration is a free process.

Therefore, do not fall for any kind of SMS to a short number, paid transactions and other phishing manipulations in order to extract as much non-cash money from you as possible.

Access process

In order to begin the process of returning access, go to the site by entering your username and password. The first one can be either an email address or a phone number.

Both options are interchangeable, so they work equally well.

You will see the famous “dead dog”, above which the end date for the possible restoration of your account will be written.

The “restore page” field is highlighted as a link, click on it.

A page will open where you will need to once again confirm your good intentions.

Restoring a blocked page

What if your page was actually blocked by the administration or you completely and irrevocably forgot your authorization password?

To begin with, don’t panic and don’t make unnecessary movements – it’s not all that scary.

There may be several reasons:

  • blocking;
  • spam on “your” behalf;
  • breaking into;
  • Forgot your password.

Take advantage of the free restoration of control located at the link

Based on the information in the screenshot, you must enter either your login, phone number, or email address to which you registered.

Then we move on to the next step.

The system now asks you to enter your last name. Remember that the moderator may reject various “Crazy”, “Star”, “Beauty” and other non-surnames, so be prepared for this.

The system will offer you a page found that most likely meets your requirements.

You are only required to confirm or refute this information.

The final stage of the procedure is an SMS message to the number associated with the page.

Remember that the procedure will not require any monetary “charitable” contributions from you from the VK service.

If you do not have the required SIM card, or the code does not want to be received, click on the appropriate link below.

Note! The recovery process often takes up to several hours, or even days. This is either due to the workload of operators who process links manually, or unreliable data from your page, which may arouse suspicion among the administration. In any case, you need to be patient and wait your turn.

If for some reason you cannot access the old page, you will most likely have to create a new one, no matter how much you want it.

But if you need an old nosebleed, try complaining directly to support at

3 votes

Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue to learn the basics of working on the Vkontakte website. Today we will look at a problem that group administrators and ordinary users of social networks often encounter.

Blocking an account, although a tragedy for many, is not yet the death of a personal page, so now I will tell you how to get it back in life. I'm more than sure that you will succeed. Of course, if you did not purposefully take my advice about...

Before I move on to the question of how to restore a page on VK after deletion, let's take a brief look at the main problems that you might encounter. This will allow you to understand even on shore whether this publication will be useful to you.

What is the reason for the unavailability and will this article be useful to you?

The most common reason that users encounter: loss of data (login, password, phone number, etc.). If you are faced with this problem, I recommend that you read not only this publication, but also find out, which will help you not only securely store all your data, but also come up with passwords.

The second most popular problem is blocking by the administration. An account can be frozen for minor offenses, blocked for sending spam, or suspended in case of suspicious activity.

See you again and good luck in your endeavors.


Try logging into your page on the VKontakte social network using your personal username and password. If the page has been hacked, you will see a corresponding notification indicating the reason for the blocking, its duration and other data. If another social network user uses your login and password to enter the site, you will see his name and a mini-photo from the page. If you violate any rules, you will also see this notice. Depending on the reason for blocking, you will need to complete certain steps to gain access to the page.

If you see a message that the page was hacked, but technical support managed to identify the attacker and temporarily freeze the page, click on the link immediately following the text. You will be taken to the page to create a new password to log into your profile. After specifying it, you will be asked to familiarize yourself with additional ways to improve the security of your personal page, and then you will be redirected to your profile.

If you violate various rules of the site, such as insulting other users, sending spam, posting prohibited videos and photos, etc. The page can be for a certain number of days or forever. The latter measure is most often used against users who have repeatedly violated the rules. If this is your first or second offense, access to the page will be returned automatically after the specified number of days. You can also speed up the process by following certain steps.

Contact technical support of the VKontakte social network using the link at the bottom of the page or immediately writing a letter to [email protected]. Report that your page has been frozen. Our support staff will tell you what to do next.

Click on the link “How to speed up the process”, which is listed below the message from the administration about freezing the page. You will be asked to indicate your phone number, and then enter the received code in a special field to confirm your identity. Fill out the form, indicating your old and new phone numbers, the email address you provided during registration, the country and city in which you live. In the “Your comment” field, indicate at what time and for what reason the page was frozen. Now you will need to attach a scanned copy of your passport, as well as a personal photo in the background of the open VKontakte page. After sending the form and checking your data by the administration, access to your profile will be restored within 1-2 days.

" Let's talk now how can I restore my VKontakte page? and how to unfreeze your account. When do you have to restore the page? When you were hacked and various types of spam were sent from your profile, you forgot your login or password, or you deleted your profile and now want to restore it. But there is another problem when supposedly VKontakte asks you to send an SMS from the suggested numbers, Do not send SMS under any circumstances. Your balance will simply be debited and you will not receive any refund. If this is exactly the situation you have, then here is the article “VKontakte requires SMS. What to do? "

How to restore a deleted page in VK?

Many people ask the question, if you delete your profile in a contact, can it be restored?

If you deleted your page or someone else deleted it, then it can be restored up to the given time, which is 7 months. If the account is not restored within this period, it is deleted forever.

To do this, you need to log into your account and at the top there will be a link “restore your page”.

Then click on “Restore page”

All your account has been restored.

How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your login and password?

It is not uncommon for people to forget their passwords to their profile. In this case, you can recover with the following access restoration.

We go to the main page of VKontakte and on the left we see “Forgot your password?”

We click there and see that we need to enter “Login, Email or phone”. Enter one of the required contact information that is linked to your page and click on “Next”.

Then a confirmation will appear: “Is this the page to which you need to restore access?”

Click yes.

And a code or recovery instructions will be sent to your number or email, depending on what you indicated.

How to restore a VKontakte page if there is no access to mail or phone?

In this case, you need to go to the recovery page and click “click here”.

We found ourselves approx. Now you need to enter your old data and new ones.

Either in the Old phone number field, correctly indicate the phone number to which your account is linked, or in the Old E-Mail field, correctly indicate the email address or login that is used to log into your profile.

You will need an accessible number that has not previously been associated with any profile.

That's it, send your application.

If you do not know your old data, then you will need to fill out an extended application.

In order for it to appear, you need to enter your new number in the “Available phone number” field and click on “Submit request”. A window like this will appear:

A very common problem now is when the page freezes. This happens mainly due to spam. Either you spammed yourself, or someone spammed from your account.

To unfreeze you will need the mobile phone number linked to your account. A code will be sent to it, and then following the instructions you can easily unfreeze your account. If the old number is no longer there, then link another number.

The first time you can defrost it right away, but the next time the blocking time will increase.

I hope my instructions helped you.
