Every time someone follows your Instagram page, you get a notification through the app itself. It appears in the notification panel and is accompanied by a signal, so you won't be able to miss it.

But Instagram applications do not have a reverse function. Neither official nor unofficial. Why is this so? Apparently the developers social networks determined to remain positive. In other social networks there are also no notifications about unsubscribes and there is no, for example, a Dislike button (aka “Dislike”) with a thumbs down.

But is there any way to see who unfollowed on Instagram? Through the standard application - no way. But in general there are ways.

How to see “unfollowers” ​​via the Internet

To monitor your list of subscribers, you can use special web services.

Probably the most famous is Unfollowers.com. If you are more comfortable working with a computer, then simply access this site through a browser. Before you can see who unfollowed on Instagram, you need to log in by entering your username and password. The service has been operating for quite some time and has not yet been noticed in data leaks.

Unfollowers also works with Twitter accounts. If you use both Instagram and Twitter, then it will be even more convenient for you to track your audience on both services using one tool.

There are other similar sites - Unfollowgram, Insta.friendorfollow.com and so on. They all work on the same principle, so there is not much difference between them.

Special applications for tracking subscribers

If you don't want to trust web services and prefer standalone applications, then we have good news for you. Android users can install a special Crowd fire for Instagram application on their smartphones and tablets, which will track the status of your account. Periodically, it will report to you about “incorrect” subscribers who have stopped reading you. And also about new subscriptions, in a more convenient form than the original application.

The most famous application for iOS – Followers. Despite the name, it shows data about both subscribers and unsubscribers.

The aforementioned Unfollowers.com also has its own application. It not only shows unfollowers, but also offers detailed statistics about your account, allows you to correspond with other users, and can even force you to unfollow a user.

For people who use mass following, the issue of mass unsubscribing is really acute, because this method of promotion is immediately visible by thousands of users in subscriptions. And this is not very good, because people do not really like such intrusive promotion. Another argument in favor of mass unfollowing is that the only purpose of mass unfollowing is reciprocity. So, which program for unsubscribing on Instagram is suitable and performs its simple function at the highest level? You can read this below.

TOP 3 programs for mass unfollowing on Instagram

I am okay with mass following and services that work using such methods (see). One of my favorites is the BroBot program. And, perhaps, the most important function that captivates me is the automatic unsubscription from the user if he has not subscribed in response. This is really very convenient, because if you work with this program, you do not need to download any additional software to control your subscriptions. But, if you are not using Bro, you will still need a program for unfollowing on Instagram. So, I’ll give you a rough list of options, and you choose what’s most convenient for you. And yes, first of all this is a list. Will be presented here best programs for unsubscribes, but the sorting is not by coolness.

  1. Podpisota.ru. I've never come across such programs before. A subscription is something between a service and an application itself, because it is managed through the website. To do this, we need to register, add an Insta account and download the program. Let me explain the mechanism of operation a little. It’s stupid to talk about how to register on the site, download the program and add Inst, you’ll figure it out. Therefore, a few words about setup.
  • Click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper left corner and click on “Add task”;
  • Select the tasks you need. This article is about unsubscribing, so I will only choose unsubscribing. Below you can select different options.

  1. Instant Cleaner for Instagram. This is simply my favorite application. You can download and use it on your computer only using Bluestacks. I have not seen such opportunities in other programs. Instant Cleaner can not only unfollow everyone, but also take away likes, delete posts and block subscribers. However, we are still talking about unsubscribes. How does the application deal with them? Wonderful. The possibility of mass and selective unfollowing is available, so you can easily remove unwanted ones.

  1. Cleaner for Instagram. But this application is available on iOS, so I can’t say much about its functionality. However, unsubscribing from all or only non-reciprocal users happens with a bang and no one complains.

In order to explain all the convenience of such programs, I will remind you how to clear subscriptions manually.

You need to find a non-reciprocal user somehow, open his profile, click on “Unsubscribe”. What if you have thousands of pages that need to be unsubscribed and that need to be checked at all? Imagine how much time this would take. And this is after all, they put things in order more than once and that’s it - such cleaning needs to be done regularly, especially if you are promoting by mass following. But in such a situation, my advice to you is to promote yourself through services and programs that have the ability to unsubscribe from accounts in case of non-reciprocity. This will automate absolutely the entire promotion process and take one more worry off your plate. Therefore, the program for unsubscribing on Instagram is a must-have.

TOP 3 programs for tracking who unfollowed on Instagram

Constantly monitoring who has unfollowed you is also important. Because you need to know who to unsubscribe from using the programs above. Of course, some of the options listed so far imply automatic unsubscription from non-reciprocal ones, but not all. This is where the TOP below comes in handy. Let me remind you again that the best, in my opinion, programs are presented here. It’s not a fact that the first point will be better than the others for you. I emphasize this is just a list.

  1. Follower analyzer. A good program that allows you not only to track those who have unsubscribed since the start of use, but also to find out who, in principle, is not reciprocal to your feelings as a subscriber. Unfortunately, this program does not know how to unsubscribe.

  1. Analytics for Instagram: followers and unfollowers. The program will allow you to analyze your profile and create an unsubscribe list. The interface is not bad, it performs its function adequately - it allows you to find out who has unsubscribed, and completely free of charge, but it is not quite up to par with the previous option.

  1. Also an application with functionality that is unlikely to allow you to do anything more than just analyze subscribers. You will have to unsubscribe either manually or using options from the previous TOP.

Benefits of using such programs

Subscriptions and unsubscribes are things that happen to your Instagram profile all the time. A person subscribes to you, but then you change the course of your account, and he no longer likes this content, hence the unsubscribe. And if your page has more than a thousand subscriptions, it is difficult to constantly monitor reciprocity. And that’s why a program for viewing unsubscribed subscribers on Instagram is a very good promotion tool. It won’t make promotion more effective, but at least you won’t have publications from thousands of users in your feed. But here I want to give advice. Your work account should not have any subscriptions at all. You don’t go into it to scroll through the feed, and subscribe to people not because you are very interested in their publications, but in order to show yourself and arouse interest in your work interest. Therefore, arrange mass unfollowing and don’t worry.


So now you know ten apps and programs that can help you analyze your subscriptions and make them a little cleaner. I recommend using them regularly. At least until the main methods of your promotion are mass following and mass liking.

How to find out who unfollowed your account on Instagram? You can notice this by the number of subscribers, which has decreased, but it is impossible to find out who exactly it was, at least in the application itself.

How to check unsubscribers from a computer

Is it possible to find out who unfollowed on Instagram? Until recently, there were many sites that allowed you to find out online who had unsubscribed, right from your computer. But due to Instagram innovations, most of these sites either stopped working or retrained, for example, as auto-posting services. This happened with the popular unfollowgram.com, which directly states on its website that the previous functionality is no longer available.

friendorfollow.com, crowdfireapp.com and other well-known sites also do not work. Our team has not yet found a secure site that allows you to find out who has unfollowed you.

Important information:no matter what third-party site or application you use to track unsubscribes, namely by entering your username and password, you are putting your account at risk. If Instagram considers such a site unsafe, your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious actions.

We have selected several applications that allow you to monitor your account and which have proven themselves well. However, we repeat, you give access to your account to any third-party applications at your own peril and risk, because this is prohibited by the official rules of Instagram.

How to check who unfollowed on Instagram using apps

We have tested and recommend such applications as FollowMe and Followers; they are available for both iPhone and Android. Followers allows you to see new followers, who unfollowed you, who you follow but who doesn't follow back, and users who have blocked you.

FollowMe is a partially paid app, but it still allows you to see who has unfollowed you. We would like to note that statistics begin to be collected the moment you enter your username and password. That is, who unsubscribed yesterday and the day before yesterday, if you installed the application only today, you will not be able to.

How to see who unfollowed on Instagram using applications from iPhone and Android? After installation, you just need to enter your account login and password, and then the application will collect the information itself.

How to unfollow someone on Instagram?

To unfollow a specific user, simply go to their page, click the “Following” button and then “Unfollow”. Ready!
Many people are interested in the question: if you unsubscribe on Instagram, will the person find out? We want to reassure you that the user will not receive a notification on the iPhone that you have unsubscribed.

How can I unsubscribe a user from my updates?

Recently, some Instagram users have the opportunity to remove a person from their list of subscribers. That is, the user will no longer be able to view your feed (if your profile is private or you have blocked it). To do this, go to the list of your subscribers, and click on the three dots on the right next to a specific user and select “Delete”.

In this case, the person will also not receive a notification that he is now unsubscribed from your feed.

When you lose followers on Instagram, the app doesn't tell you who it was or when it happened.

Not very good, right? Luckily, you have at least a few good third-party solutions.

The main way to find out who has unfollowed you on Instagram is to manually monitor your follower count and then check the following list of other users to see if they are following you or not.

Of course, this is a very long and impractical job - especially when you have a lot of subscribers and their number changes regularly.

If you notice that your subscriber count has begun to decrease and you don’t know who canceled their subscription and for what reason, there are ways to track this down to the specific user who decided to leave you. If you can find someone who has unfollowed, you can also contact them, chat, and perhaps bring them back into your fold.

Unfortunately, you can't do this using just the Instagram app. Here are three different third-party apps that connect to your Instagram account and can track and tell you exactly who clicked the unfollow button.


The simplest tool for seeing who unfollowed you on Instagram is a service created just for this. It's called Unfollowgram. All you have to do is allow connection to your account and you will immediately find out who canceled their subscription.

After connecting your Instagram account, Unfollowgram will ask you for your email address and go to its own screen with instructions for working. The app will immediately start tracking anyone who cancels their subscription, all you have to do is log into the app or click the "Check" button in the top right corner to get the latest statistics.

There is also a menu at the top that you can go to to get information about mutual subscriptions. So, in addition to seeing all those who unfollowed, you can also find out which of your subscribers did not follow you, and which of you did not follow.

Unfollowgram is not an app, the service can only be accessed from the regular network, but the site is optimized for mobile devices, so you don't have to navigate to the regular computer, just to check who canceled your subscription.


InstaFollow is an iOS app that you can install on your mobile device and connect to your Instagram account. It is mainly used to monitor and analyze subscriber statistics for users, media outlets and advertising firms.

When you use InstaFollow to find new people to follow and get yourself followers, for example through S4S, it will show you a report of your following statistics in the main tab, including new followers, lost followers, followers who did not follow you, followers who you didn’t subscribe, and the subscribers you blocked.

If you select "Have Unfollowed Me", you'll see a detailed list of usernames and even a follow button for each, in case you decide to follow them and try to get a follow in return.

And also, if you have blocked someone and want to remove the block, this will be quite easy to do in the application.


Statusbrew is a high-end social media optimization tool that you can use for free with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other networks. All you have to do is sign up for a free account and give the tool permission to connect to your Instagram to see which users have unfollowed.

After registering and connecting to your account, you will see the main screen. Select a tab Audience, located in the field with the Instagram button and your profile photo. On the next screen you will see a panel on the left. Select an item New Unfollowers and see who disabled the subscription.

You may have noticed that when you requested an upgrade to premium, you weren't shown anything. Your free account, unfortunately, only includes basic social media optimization features, and viewing users who have unfollowed you on Instagram is not one of them.

If you decide to install the update, you will quickly realize that one of the most convenient things about this tool is the ability to receive instant notifications on email, when someone unsubscribes. But only if you want to pay for the premium version.

Notifications can be configured in the settings menu accessing your settings, in the left panel select Preferences, go to the tab subscriptions and choose the monthly plan that suits you.

What to do when you find out who canceled your subscription?

Once you've identified who has unfollowed you using one of the methods above, it's up to you to decide whether you try to get them back or forgive and forget about them. If you decide to get your followers back, you'll have to spend time and energy liking their posts, commenting, and maybe even following them.

For businesses, retaining subscribers and customers is usually very important. If you want to see how you can increase your Instagram followers, take a look.

Any Instagram blogger wants to get as many likes and subscribers as possible. But it’s equally important to retain your current subscribers. You may be wondering, “Who unfollowed me?” So how can you find out who has unfollowed you on Instagram?

Instagram doesn't offer any official way to verify your unfollowers. The only thing you can see is that the number of subscribers is decreasing, but no more.

Luckily for you, there are enough third party applications, which will help identify profiles that have described you. They work as Instagram trackers of your followers and unfollowers, and will quickly show those people who no longer want to see your posts in their feed.

Difficulties in using such applications

Although these apps are the easiest way to view unfollowed profiles, there are a number of complications when using them. This is because the Instagram API seriously limits the capabilities of unofficial developers.

For example, the starting point for collecting useful data on unsubscribes will always be the moment when you first installed this application. That is, you will never know who unfollowed you earlier (before installing the application).

These apps are also not approved by Instagram, which means your account security may be at risk. If you share your account login information, you are taking on very high risks.

Additionally, these apps may stop working at any time as Instagram has a habit of changing APIs or rules without warning. Previously, several good third-party apps stopped working due to Instagram's rule change, including Unollowgram, which was one of the best apps Instagram for monitoring unfollowers.

Now that you know about the shortcomings and difficulties in the operation of such services, let's move on to considering them.

Followmeter (Android, iOS): Best Choice

We've tested many unfollow monitoring apps, Followmeter is the best of them all. The setup process is simple, the interface is simple, and the Unfollower feature is completely free, without any catches. But again, it will only work from the moment you install it, so you won't be able to find previously unsubscribed profiles.

The dashboard shows unfollowers, new followers, profiles you follow but they don't follow back, and profiles that follow you but you don't follow them. Click on the "Unfollowers" tab to get full list people who unfollowed you.

The Unfollowers list displays individual profiles and whether you are following them or not. Clicking on the profile will take you to Instagram, where you can send them a message or unfollow.

Followmeter has premium features for finding ghost followers (i.e. inactive users). They charge $3.99 for this feature. Otherwise, the application is absolutely free to use.

Are you posting too often or too infrequently?

If you post too often, your followers will quickly get tired of your photos spamming their entire feed. This is especially true for commercial accounts and brands. On the other hand, if you post too infrequently, your followers may decide that there is no point in following you.

It is difficult to determine the optimal balance. There is no golden rule regarding the number and frequency of publications. You need to find out this point from your subscribers by receiving from them feedback somehow.

Create a publishing schedule for yourself and follow the schedule clearly and regularly.

You are violating the most basic principles of Instagram

There are several other reasons why you may be losing subscribers. For example:

  • Posting information about topics that are not related to your brand;
  • Posting information about controversial topics that share the views of people;
  • Ignoring comments;
  • Publishing posts with incorrect hashtags or low-quality descriptions;
  • Posting low-quality photos without processing.

Don't be obsessed with increasing your Instagram followers

In fact, losing a subscriber does not mean that you are doing anything wrong. It's not possible that absolutely everyone will like it. Don't sweat it.

Better focus on the quality of your account and enjoy it!

Disclaimer: This article is written for educational purposes only. The author or publisher did not publish this article for malicious purposes. If readers would like to use the information for personal gain, the author and publisher are not responsible for any harm or damage caused.
