As the name suggests, the SpeedFan program (eng. Speed ​​- speed, Fan - fan, cooler) is focused on adjusting the speed of coolers in the system unit, but the developers have included many other useful functions. The list of program capabilities includes analyzing the state of the hard drive, adjusting the frequency and voltage of the motherboard, presenting the obtained data on a graph in real time, and recording data to a file.

Also, one of the most useful features of the program is the “Events” function - these are various actions (email sending, application execution, signal or pop-up message) if the assigned parameter is not normal. The simplest example would be a pop-up message when the processor becomes “hot” (its temperature has risen above the specified parameter).


  • cooler speed adjustment;
  • analysis of hard drives using data from S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology);
  • event function.

Principle of operation:

SpeedFan is a program that reads temperature, fan speed, voltage, etc. from your computer and displays them. So this data is no longer hidden inside the PC.


  • online database of hard drives for comparing the received data with the factory data;
  • adjusting system bus frequencies and cooler speeds;
  • SpeedFan can access information about the status of IDE, SATA, SCSI hard drives;
  • can display voltage, fan speed and temperature;
  • there are command line launch options;
  • adjusting the cooler speed depending on the temperature inside the PC;


  • receives data and regulates it at the lowest level; this is not suitable for every equipment;
  • The manufacturer is not responsible if SpeedFan causes any damage to the system;

SpeedFan is an extremely powerful tool. The program can be very useful, it will help you find reasons for unpredictable reboots or warn you when it’s time to replace the hard drive. SpeedFan can help you significantly reduce noise at work or while watching a movie. But it requires access to many resources on the motherboard; not everyone “likes” this type of access.

Today we will talk about the CPU Fan Error, which, fortunately, occurs in very rare cases. The user can observe it immediately after turning on the computer, where the following may be written on the screen: CPU Fan Error! Press F1 to Run Setup or CPU Fan Error! Press F1 to resume, which is essentially the same thing. In addition, the problem is accompanied by sound. So, what is this error and how to fix it?

This warning is directly related to the cooler, which is located directly on the processor. Most likely, the latter has either completely failed or simply refuses to work as a result of problems that have arisen that are not related to it. It is these problems that we will analyze in more detail.

Cooler cannot spin

Of course, you can laugh, but dust is one of the main culprits of the error: dust, hair and dirt simply block the fan, as a result of which it completely refuses to rotate. To be fair, it is worth noting that there should be a lot of dust in the system unit.

Another common reason is hanging wires inside the system unit. Some of them can freely block the operation of the cooler.

What to do? That's right, you need to disassemble the system unit. I remind you that this should only be done with the power completely off. Then we look at the cooler. If the problem is dust, then you need to get rid of it, which can be done, for example, using a vacuum cleaner. If the problem is the wires, then simply secure them to the body in such a way that they do not hang down or get in the way. I think you won't have any problems with this.

By the way, people often ask this question: is it worth removing the cooler itself for cleaning? I do not recommend doing this for the simple reason that you will have to reuse thermal paste, which you may not have on hand. In addition, many users simply do not know that it must be used when installing a cooler.

The cooler is connected to the wrong connector / not connected at all

In very rare cases, the error may appear due to the fact that the fan itself is connected to the wrong connector. And this is not surprising, since it’s easy to make a mistake: modern motherboards have several connectors that are identical in appearance. However, using the instructions reduces this error to almost nothing.

The CPU Fan Error will also appear in cases where the cooler is not connected to the motherboard at all, which, fortunately, happens extremely rarely. However, I managed to encounter such a problem once, however, it was about a completely new system unit. Probably, when assembling it, the workers simply forgot to connect the fan to the connector.

Cooling fan is faulty

As experts say, a cooler completely fails only in isolated cases, so it is necessary to consider the possibility of its death at the very last moment. However, if you managed to try to bring the fan back to life in all reasonable ways, and the device does not work, then it is likely that it has really died. Only replacing it will help.

The cause of the error is unknown

Yes Yes exactly. The fact is that often when a CPU Fan Error occurs, the cooler works quite normally, cooling the processor, which can be checked using special programs that show. But it is not clear why this error pops up.

How to get rid of the error?

Let's say that the cooler is working properly and is working normally, but you are tired of the error that constantly pops up when you boot your computer. What can be done? The error can be disabled through the BIOS.

So, load the BIOS and look for the CPU Fan Speed ​​item. We set it to Ignored, after which the error disappears. But personally, I strictly do not recommend doing such things, because if the problem still exists, then (if the cooler does not rotate, you will not know it). We can only hope that at a critical temperature the computer will simply reboot, which will save the processor.

You can also disable pressing the F1 key when you boot your computer. In other words, the error will not go away, but you will not have to press the F1 key every time you start the computer. To do this, in the BIOS, find the Wait For ‘F1’ If Error item and set the value to Disabled.

I hope I helped you.

If, after turning on the computer, the message CPU fan error press “F1” appears on the monitor screen, then there is no need to panic too much, this is not a critical error and after pressing the key suggested in the message, the system will continue to boot as if nothing had happened.

But you need to understand that everything in a computer is interconnected and any problem, even a minor one, can be a link in the emergence of other more serious situations.

The message CPU fan error press “F1” seems to tell the user that there is a problem with the fan of the possessor, your attention is needed, press F1 to continue loading.

The inconvenience of this case is that when loading or rebooting the PC, you need to constantly be with it, catching the moment when you need to press this ill-fated key.

Many people prefer to do other more important things while the PC is loading, and after a few minutes come to the device that is ready for use.

But this error deprives them of this opportunity, and it simply annoys many people, so let’s figure out how to get rid of it.

How it all works

After turning on the computer, during the first stages of booting, the BIOS checks all connected devices for errors.

If the error is not critical, as in our case, then a warning message appears that will not disappear until the user reads it and presses the appropriate key.

What can this problem lead to?

Although the error is not critical, interruptions in the operation of the processor cooling system, in which the cooler fan plays the main role, can lead to overheating.

Despite the fact that modern processors have protection against overheating and the CPU will turn off before it fails, its overheated state can cause the entire system to malfunction, slow down the computer, and stop complex programs and “heavy” games from working.

In such a situation, there is a high probability of a blue screen appearing on the monitor.

Therefore, if possible, you should get rid of the CPU fan error press “F1” message.

Looking for a reason

There may be several reasons for this message.:

  1. The processor cooler fan does not rotate (failure or other reasons);
  2. Its rotation frequency has decreased critically;
  3. The latter's plug is not connected to the system board or is connected incorrectly.

It would also be a good idea to analyze what has been happening to your PC lately.

Here the situations may be different:

  1. You purchased a computer several months ago and this message started appearing immediately after purchase;
  2. This message begins to appear after entering the BIOS and changing settings there;
  3. The message appeared without any reason.

If you have the first case, then most likely the processor fan was incorrectly connected to the motherboard when assembling the device, we will talk about this later.

In the second case, it may happen that there were problems with the fan before, but the message did not appear because the function for monitoring the CPU fan speed was disabled in the BIOS, and at one point it was enabled.

The third situation can occur as a result of a fan failure or dustiness of the computer.

CPU cooler fan does not rotate

As noted above, this message warns us that there are problems with the processor fan.

So, it would be logical to take a look at this supposed “hero of the occasion.” To do this you will have to open the system unit.

After opening the system unit, you can see this picture.

It is not surprising that in this case the fan does not rotate, and the BIOS, for the message CPU fan error press “F1”, only needs to be thanked.

In this case, completely clean the entire cooler will save the situation.

There are times when the fan rotates very slowly. The rotation speed range of the latter should be between 1500 – 2500 RPM (revolutions per minute).

When the rotation speed is lower, the BIOS sees that something is wrong with the device and displays a message that is already known to us.

If the cooler is not dirty, or the wires have not gotten there, which often happens, it means that the fan has given up its life, and most likely the bearings have failed.

Of course, you can lubricate them with silicone or sewing machine oil, but this will not save the situation for long. It all depends on how slowly it rotates. Therefore, it is better to replace it with a new one.

Connecting the fan correctly

We briefly mentioned above the situation in which our message appeared immediately after purchasing a computer. It is directly related to the correct connection of the fan to the motherboard.

On the system board you can find the following inscriptions::

  1. Just "Fan";
  2. Power Fan Speed;
  3. Chassis Fan and others.

Check that the fan is connected to the CPU Fan connector. This does not mean that when you connect it to other connectors it will not rotate, it will.

But it is on this connector that there is a sensor through which the BIOS monitors the RPM of the CPU fan.

There have been cases when in “cool” computers the processor fan was connected to the front panel, where various indicators were displayed, including the rotation speed of the CPU fan.

And our message appeared constantly.

3-pin or 4-pin plug

Fan plugs are available in three and four pin types. The system board has a 4-pin connector.

The 3-pin fan will connect and even work, but the BIOS will not be able to take readings from the sensor and the message will appear again.

Therefore, in this situation you will have to disable it in the same BIOS. Or read it every time you boot your computer.

But it is better to buy devices that will be as compatible with each other as possible.

Disabling errors in the BIOS

You need to understand that any actions in the BIOS must be carried out consciously. When disabling the CPU fan error press “F1” message, you must be 100% sure that the processor cooling system is working, otherwise you act at your own peril and risk.

Enter the BIOS by pressing the DEL or F2 key on your keyboard at the start of booting. Go to the Power section. In the Hardware Monitor section, find the line CPU Fan Speed ​​(PRM).

In your case, there may be another section, for example, “Fan Monitor”.

You will see the frequency at which the processor fan rotates, in this case it is 2481 revolutions per minute (PRM).

This means the BIOS monitors these moments. Press ENTER and set the value to “Ignore”. You may have "N/A" or Disabled.

To secure our intentions, go to the BOOT section, in the “Boot Settings Configuration” section, find the line “Wait For ‘F1’ If Error”.

Activate the line by pressing ENTER, select Disabled and press ENTER again.

By doing this, we force the system to boot, even when the message CPU fan error press “F1” is displayed, but you won’t have to press the button.

But you need to understand that if there are problems with the processor fan, these actions will not solve them; you need to take more drastic measures.

To monitor the situation, you can use third-party software, for example, AIDA64 (computer - sensors section).

The Core Temp program also performed well. True, it does not show the rotation speed of the CPU fan, but it contains many other useful things. The processor temperature can be monitored in real time through a convenient tray window.

If the processor temperature starts to rise sharply, then something is wrong with the cooling system; at least you will have time to safely turn off the computer.

Let's sum it up

We found out that the CPU fan error press “F1” error does not just appear and, although it is not critical, it is worth paying attention to.

The most common causes of this phenomenon are an incorrectly connected fan, dust, or failure of the bearings.

This leads to a decrease in its rotation speed, which can go beyond the lower limit of 1500 rpm, and this signals the BIOS to display this message.

We hope that we helped solve your problem, and may this message never bother you again. Good luck.

When you turn on your PC or laptop, you may encounter the error “CPU fan error press F1.” To be more precise, this is not an error, but a notification that the BIOS program was unable to detect or start the processor cooling fan. You can skip this message by pressing the F1 key, after which Windows will boot normally, but this will not solve the essence of the problem.

What is bios and its function?

For a general understanding, I can say that bios is a program hardwired into the motherboard, which is responsible for operating and checking the functionality of all key components of the computer. When you turn on the PC, in the first 5-7 seconds it identifies and checks all components, and if there is a malfunction in any of them, the BIOS will notify you with a notification on the screen, and if the computer does not start at all, it beeps a certain number of times (if there is such a beeper ) depending on the failed spare part. Message " CPU fan error press F1 to resume" is just one of these problem notifications.

Reasons for the message "CPU fan error press F1 to Run SETUP"

There may be several reasons. If everything worked before and there were no such notifications when loading, then most likely the fan on the processor has stopped spinning. It may become clogged with dust, the lubricant has dried out, it may be faulty, or one of the wires may simply be stuck in the cooler. In any case, remove the cover of the system unit, turn on the computer and see if there is any speed on the fan. In the case of a laptop, you can usually hear the operation of its cooler; if there are no signs of operation, you will have to disassemble it and clean it or replace it.

In a situation where the error “CPU fan error press F1 to resume” began to appear after assembling/disassembling the PC, you need to pay attention to the correct connection of the fan itself.

The cooler must be connected to the connector next to which it says CPU_FAN, since there is a high probability of confusing it with similar connectors" Chassis Fan" or " Power Fan". When connecting to the latter, it should also work, but then the error described in the article will be displayed.

If you bought a new processor cooling fan, connected it correctly, and after that this error began to appear, then there may be a problem with the new cooler or the system cannot recognize it. However, it can work normally.

The connection connectors on the motherboard are 3 or 4 pin.

I once had such a situation. I ordered a cheap 4-pin cooling fan from Aliexpress. I connected it to the 4-pin connector, but it doesn’t start at all. I don’t know how it came to my mind, but I tried cutting the last 4th wire on the pin. Thus, I turned off the manual speed control, but the valve started up with half a turn).

Perhaps the valve was found to be defective. Just so you understand that there can be many situations and you need to experiment.

Disable CPU fan error notification when booting your computer

If you have checked everything, everything is plugged in where it should be, but the error still appears, you can disable this message. I can’t say whether all bios have this function, but I think most do.

So, go to the BIOS and look for the item “ CPU Fan Speed", its value must be converted to "Disabled" or "Ignored".

Thus, we disable monitoring of the speed and performance of the processor cooler in the system. Now you have to perform this task).

You can also disable another item “Wait for F1 if error” by switching its value to “Disabled” mode.

This function allows you to pause further loading of the OS when an error occurs, and wait until the user presses the F1 key to continue loading.

After these steps, the error should stop appearing, but this does not mean that the problem of its occurrence has been solved. That's all, I hope I could help you, good luck!

Sometimes after starting the PC the message “CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume” is displayed. It is accompanied by a sound signal. To continue loading, the user needs to press the F1 button.

In this case, you can restore the functionality of your PC yourself. What to do if the warning “CPU Fan Error Press F1 to Resume” appears and how to fix the problem, you will read in the article.


As the name suggests, the problem occurred with the CPU cooler. The first thing to do is think about whether you have recently changed the fan speed in the BIOS or using special programs. If you have changed, return the settings to their original state or set the parameters at which the message will disappear.

Second, make sure that the time/date is not reset after rebooting/turning off the device. If there is such a problem, it means that other CMOS parameters are also reset to their original values. To fix the problem, replace the battery on the motherboard with a new one.

In other cases, look for a problem in the processor fan.

Checking and fixing problems

The reason for the error is often hidden in the incorrect connection of the fan to the socket on the motherboard or in its malfunction.

The fan does not rotate

The main “culprit” for this error is dust that accumulates on the radiator and blades. It blocks the rotation of the fan (but there must be really a lot of dust for this effect to occur).

Healthy! Don't forget to clean the system unit from dust. This will reduce the temperature of the main components and inside the case as a whole, and will avoid the occurrence of such errors.

The video shows the consequences of such a problem.

Another reason why the cooler fan does not rotate is wires. Cable management is an important component when assembling a system unit, because loose wires inside the case interfere with free air circulation and can get into the fan blades.

To fix these two problems, open the system case and look if there is dust on the cooler or if the cables are caught in the blades. Eliminate the cause and try starting the computer again.

Important! Do not remove the cooler from the processor for cleaning unless you have experience installing it back. In this case, carefully remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner.

The cooler is connected to the wrong connector/is not connected

A common cause of the error is that the fan is connected to the wrong connector on the motherboard or it is not connected at all. This happens if the user does not have experience assembling a system unit.

Motherboards are equipped with similar connectors for connecting case fans and a processor cooler, and on some models they are not marked. In this case, the instructions that come with the motherboard will help. It can also be downloaded on the Internet.

Other reasons

The error occurs if the fan on the CPU cooler is faulty and does not rotate. In this case, only replacing it with a new one will help. But this rarely happens.

Sometimes there are no objective reasons for an error to appear: the cooler is operating normally at standard settings, there is no dust in the case and cables do not interfere with the rotation of the fan, and the processor temperature is within normal limits. If you do not notice instability in your computer, although the error continues to appear, “work around” it.

Eliminating (bypassing) the error

If your PC is stable and you are tired of the constantly appearing warning, you can bypass it through the computer's BIOS. But we do not recommend doing this, because the processor may fail due to overheating, because you will not know when the cooler fan is not working (if possible, send the motherboard and cooler for diagnostics to a service center so that specialists can eliminate the defect).

Launch BIOS → CPU Fan Speed ​​section → set the value to “Ignored”.

In addition, the BIOS also disables the need to press the F1 key, although the error itself does not disappear.

Find the parameter “Wait for ′F1′ if error” → set the value to “Disable”.
