When another VKontakte user has blocked you, you will see a message "The user has restricted access to his page." If before, when you visited his page, this was not the case, but now it appears, then this is a sure sign that this person has blocked you personally (added you to his blacklist).

The word “blocked” can mean something else! If your page is blocked (frozen) by the administration and you cannot log into VKontakte at all, read Blocked VKontakte. What to do? Solution . There is also a little talk about this here at the end of the page.

What does it mean? Apart from this user, nothing changes for you on VKontakte. You can use all the functions, look at other pages, communicate with people. But you won’t be able to go to this person’s page. In addition, you cannot write a message to him or add him as a friend. If you were friends on VK, then before blocking he had to remove you from friends.

This is his personal decision, there is nothing you can do about it. Apparently he doesn't want to communicate with you. This is also sometimes called “banned” (from the word “ban” - blocking). However, it is also possible that he blacklisted you by mistake. If you think this is a mistake, try contacting him in other ways - for example, through your mutual friends, by phone, by mail.

Don't try to be annoying and pursue a person if he doesn't want to. He may complain about you, and there is a risk that your page will be blocked by the administration - then you will not be able to use VK at all and will lose contact with all your friends.

How to go to the page of the person who blocked you, or write a message to him?

Perhaps you can do this if you create another page on VK. But it may turn out that a person has limited access for those who are not his friends. In addition, you can try to leave VKontakte and go to the person’s page at its address (address is what is written in the address bar of the browser when you are on the page; for example, vk.com/id126494354). If the page is not hidden, then you will see it (maybe partially). In general, it all depends on how exactly a person has set up his page.

A person’s personal account is closed, how can I write to him?

When you go to messages and try to PM this user, you see this: “You cannot send a message to this user because he limits the circle of people who can send him messages.”

Perhaps at some point this person closed his personal message from strangers, and now only friends can write to him. But if you corresponded with him before, then within a week after that you could write to him. Maybe he even forgot he did it and is actually waiting for a message from you! So try to tell him about it - through your mutual friends, by phone or something else. Read these instructions:

Please note that messages may not be sent for some other reason. Read here:

How can I find out everyone who blocked me (added me to the blacklist)?

If you want to see all the people who have blocked you (list) at once, then there is no such option, and this is officially reported by the VKontakte help center:

Unfortunately, there is no way to see the entire list of users who have chosen to restrict your access to their page.

But you can go one by one to the page of each person you suspect of blocking you and check. If you see the message “The user has restricted access to his page,” it means that you are on this person’s blacklist. An indirect sign by which you can identify a suspect is that he has removed himself from your friends.

Can the person who blocked access my page?

Yes maybe. Nothing changes for him. He only forbade you to write to him and look at his page. That is, it works unilaterally. But you can block him in response, read on:

How did I get blocked? How can I block someone myself?

There is a separate very good page about this:

You may also find this instruction useful:

How to unblock, remove from the blacklist?

Perhaps the person you want to communicate with blocked you by accident. Only he himself can unblock you. You need to give him these instructions: .

How do I know if I have been blocked from a group?

When you go to the group page, you will see this: “You have been added to the blacklist of this community.” This may be accompanied by a comment from the group administrator - read it to understand why you were blocked.

If you think you were unfairly blocked and want to unblock a group, try contacting its administrator (or ask one of your friends to do this). Don't be shy to apologize if you were wrong. Or you can just sit silently, then nothing will happen and you will remain blocked until the end of time.

No, that’s not it, I’ve been completely blocked, I can’t log into the page!

There is also a possibility that your computer is infected with a virus and in fact you are not logging into VKontakte, but into a scam site that will ask for money for “unblocking”. Then, under no circumstances pay anyone, but do everything according to the instructions - Not logged into Contact? Solution .

It is always safer to log into VK through Login!

Over the past six years, more than 1 million 800 thousand VKontakte users have trusted us. Login (VHOD.cc) is always a convenient and reliable entrance to any site. Join us!

Hello, dear readers! In this article you will learn how to connect, disconnect and use the MTS black list, as well as how you can deceive it, that is, get through even when you are on it. The operating principle of the blacklist service itself is quite simple: you activate a special service, using certain commands, add to the list the phone numbers of people from whom you do not want calls and SMS. These people cannot reach you by phone or text you.

Let's first find out how to connect and disconnect the Black List service on MTS:

Well, we figured out how to activate the service, but the question arose: what are these three versions of the service - blacklist, blacklist (parent) and blacklist (child). I have not seen such capabilities from other operators. With the help of these modifications, a parent can know who called the child and set parameters under which only you or a limited circle of people can reach the child. As you can already understand, you can connect and disable these additional versions through your personal account.

How to add a phone number to the blacklist on MTS?

You can very easily add numbers to the blacklist using the special command *442# call.

It is much more convenient to manage the service from a special website:

Activating, deactivating and managing the blacklist service is quite simple, but what to do if you really really need to get through to the subscriber, and your number is on the blacklist? I offer several options.

  1. Send an SMS message; in order to block SMS using the black list service, you must additionally activate the SMS Pro service; not every subscriber who has enabled the black list will do this.
  2. Also send SMS, but from the official website or through.
  3. Buy a new SIM card.
  4. Call from another phone or from your home phone.
  5. Call on .
  6. , this option is much faster than buying a new SIM card and so that your number does not get blacklisted immediately after the call - activate the service.

What else would I do to get through to the subscriber? I think if I tried all the options listed, I would somehow get through to the person I needed :)

That's all, how do you like the article? If you have anything to add, don’t hesitate to write comments!

Sincerely, Bolshakov Alexander.

Difficult but possible.

There are a lot of programs that block incoming calls and messages. Both those already pre-installed initially on the phone, and third-party developers that are installed by the users themselves.

Usually, when making a call when the caller's number is blocked, first there is one regular dial tone and only then a busy dial tone. And so on all the time. You can check by calling, for example, 2-3 times an hour at different times of the day.

It is very problematic to understand whether SMS are blocked. There are no visible results. delivery message arrives. But it does not say that the message was actually delivered to the recipient. This is simply a response from the mobile operator's server that the message has been received. But it is already blocked by the program on the phone immediately after receiving it.

Third-party programs, for example, BlackList, still keep a log of rejected calls and SMS. Other programs have the ability to customize the beep that a caller from the blacklist hears. So, you can set a regular beep or a signal that the subscriber is not online.


How can you tell from a call that you are on the subscriber’s black list?

Blacklisted subscribers simply will not be able to reach the person who added them to this list.
In order to determine whether a number is blacklisted, you just need to dial the subscriber several times. If you constantly hear short beeps (busy) or the subscriber is unavailable, and in some cases the following phrase is heard on the handset: “This type of communication is not available to the subscriber,” then most likely it is so. Some phones do not have a second line and sometimes the subscriber is simply busy and talks on the phone for a long time.
To check this, you need to dial from another number and, if calls are free and the subscriber can pick up, you should dial again from your number. If the situation with short beeps repeats, it means that the subscriber has actually blacklisted the caller’s phone number.

Sometimes it happens that when you make a call, the dial tone is interrupted and the network fails. In some cases, this may also indicate that the number is blacklisted.

It is impossible to guess from the call whether you are on the “black list”.

After all, the caller will hear the usual long beeps (not short ones), that is, there is a connection, but it’s as if the subscriber is not picking up the phone. This is exactly what happened to me; my friend mistakenly added my number to the “black list”. I call, he doesn’t answer, I think I left the phone at home and was outside. This happened several times, I didn’t even think about the blacklist. And then he calls himself and is offended that I haven’t called for a long time. I answer that I called then and then, then he looked at the missed calls, but they weren’t there. Then I opened my black list, and my calls were visible there. Just like that, you won’t know from the call that you are on the black list.
If you want to find out, call another number or send an SMS. Then your “hater” will answer you this way and that. This is where you find out why you annoyed him that you were included in the black list. Or maybe by mistake, like me.

You can find out about being on the black list in other ways, but it is impossible by calling

When another VKontakte user has blocked you, you will see a message "The user has restricted access to his page." If before, when you visited his page, this was not the case, but now it appears, then this is a sure sign that this person has blocked you personally (added you to his blacklist).

The word “blocked” can mean something else! If your page is blocked (frozen) by the administration and you cannot log into VKontakte at all, read Blocked VKontakte. What to do? Solution . There is also a little talk about this here at the end of the page.

What does it mean? Apart from this user, nothing changes for you on VKontakte. You can use all the functions, look at other pages, communicate with people. But you won’t be able to go to this person’s page. In addition, you cannot write a message to him or add him as a friend. If you were friends on VK, then before blocking he had to remove you from friends.

This is his personal decision, there is nothing you can do about it. Apparently he doesn't want to communicate with you. This is also sometimes called “banned” (from the word “ban” - blocking). However, it is also possible that he blacklisted you by mistake. If you think this is a mistake, try contacting him in other ways - for example, through your mutual friends, by phone, by mail.

Don't try to be annoying and pursue a person if he doesn't want to. He may complain about you, and there is a risk that your page will be blocked by the administration - then you will not be able to use VK at all and will lose contact with all your friends.

How to go to the page of the person who blocked you, or write a message to him?

Perhaps you can do this if you create another page on VK. But it may turn out that a person has limited access for those who are not his friends. In addition, you can try to leave VKontakte and go to the person’s page at its address (address is what is written in the address bar of the browser when you are on the page; for example, vk.com/id126494354). If the page is not hidden, then you will see it (maybe partially). In general, it all depends on how exactly a person has set up his page.

A person’s personal account is closed, how can I write to him?

When you go to messages and try to PM this user, you see this: “You cannot send a message to this user because he limits the circle of people who can send him messages.”

Perhaps at some point this person closed his personal message from strangers, and now only friends can write to him. But if you corresponded with him before, then within a week after that you could write to him. Maybe he even forgot he did it and is actually waiting for a message from you! So try to tell him about it - through your mutual friends, by phone or something else. Read these instructions:

Please note that messages may not be sent for some other reason. Read here:

How can I find out everyone who blocked me (added me to the blacklist)?

If you want to see all the people who have blocked you (list) at once, then there is no such option, and this is officially reported by the VKontakte help center:

Unfortunately, there is no way to see the entire list of users who have chosen to restrict your access to their page.

But you can go one by one to the page of each person you suspect of blocking you and check. If you see the message “The user has restricted access to his page,” it means that you are on this person’s blacklist. An indirect sign by which you can identify a suspect is that he has removed himself from your friends.

Can the person who blocked access my page?

Yes maybe. Nothing changes for him. He only forbade you to write to him and look at his page. That is, it works unilaterally. But you can block him in response, read on:

How did I get blocked? How can I block someone myself?

There is a separate very good page about this:

You may also find this instruction useful:

How to unblock, remove from the blacklist?

Perhaps the person you want to communicate with blocked you by accident. Only he himself can unblock you. You need to give him these instructions: .

How do I know if I have been blocked from a group?

When you go to the group page, you will see this: “You have been added to the blacklist of this community.” This may be accompanied by a comment from the group administrator - read it to understand why you were blocked.

If you think you were unfairly blocked and want to unblock a group, try contacting its administrator (or ask one of your friends to do this). Don't be shy to apologize if you were wrong. Or you can just sit silently, then nothing will happen and you will remain blocked until the end of time.

No, that’s not it, I’ve been completely blocked, I can’t log into the page!

There is also a possibility that your computer is infected with a virus and in fact you are not logging into VKontakte, but into a scam site that will ask for money for “unblocking”. Then, under no circumstances pay anyone, but do everything according to the instructions - Not logged into Contact? Solution .

It is always safer to log into VK through Login!

Over the past six years, more than 1 million 800 thousand VKontakte users have trusted us.. Join us!

If a person doesn’t like something, he can block you at any time. The simplest example: you are a guy and you like a girl whom you shower with compliments. But she doesn’t need it at all and she blocks your profile, that is, she puts it in . Question: how to view the user’s page in this case?

When a user blocks you, you get the message “Username has restricted access to their page” when you try to open their page. In this case, not only will you not be able to write a message to this person, but you will also lose the ability to view his page.

There is always a way out of this situation. The first option is to create a new page. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this; registration itself takes a couple of minutes, but you will need to link the new account to a phone number. If you only have one SIM card, to which your current page is already linked, you need to use another SIM card.

The second option is much simpler, but it does not work in all cases. We will talk about this in more detail below.

To view a blocked page, you need to click on the “Exit” button, which is located at the top of the screen. This will allow you to log out of your account.

We go to the page of the user who has blacklisted you and, voila, we see that the user’s page is open! Of course, for viewing purposes only.

Now let’s talk about why this method may not work. In your privacy settings, you can hide the content of your page from users who are not registered in. In this case, an unregistered user will see this:

If you see such a message, then it would still be better for you to create another page on VK, since there is no other way to view the desired profile.
