Those familiar with the iPhone say: “The iPhone is super!” People who are familiar with Samsung don’t say: “Samsung is great!”, for some reason they say: “iPhone is crap!”

“God bless the renovations, curtains and plasticine!” Marivanna thought gratefully as she paid for the iPhone.

Yesterday, my son pretended to be dead in front of his five-year-old nephew, who cried for a few seconds, took his iPhone and ran away...

I don’t really know what an iPhone is. But I definitely don’t have one, because since then, when people started talking about them, the only device I’ve bought is a TV. And it’s big, which means it’s not an iPhone.

The iPhone is a thing that changed the world and women.

Apple releases new iPhone models faster than Russians manage to pay off previous loans!

A colleague is mastering the iPhone. I decided to do the math on a calculator. Types numbers, subtracts and adds. Suddenly the iPhone said to her “Hello, hello!”
Colleague: Who is this?!
In response: You are the one calling me.
Colleague: Where??
In response: to Kamchatka!

Not many people know that a brand new iPhone dropped into a village toilet completely turns off the sense of smell and the feeling of disgust.

The US State Department asked Apple to postpone the start of sales of the new iPhone in Russia to a later time, so as not to accidentally disrupt the revolution of the unfortunate, starving, suffering from tyranny of the Russian people.

I lost my iPhone at the Slavic bazaar, it took three days to dial - the call came and that was it... On the third day I got through - the person who found it said that he only now understood how to answer the call..

- Daughter, what do you want for your birthday?
– An apple, preferably bitten and silver in color, and would be the phone’s logo!

iPhone 7: No headphone port.
iPhone 8: no microphone.
iPhone 9: no camera.
iPhone 10: no phone, just give us your money!

How treacherous these Americans are! They are already new iPhone SE was released, and some Russians still have to pay off the loan for an iPhone 6 for another year...

The Prime Minister's iPhone failure was declared a day of mourning in Russian Federation.

The main purpose of the iPad is to show that you can afford an iPad.

Lucy, where were you last night?
- I was walking around the area.
- He’s dysfunctional!
- How prosperous! Look - two iPhones and a gold chain!

According to statistics, in Butovo you can take only one photo with your iPhone, which shows three guys running towards you.

– I don’t understand iPhone.
– This is an iPod.
- Who cares! I don't understand everything!

I dream of going back 20 years, approaching such a cool, hyped dude, proudly showing off his brand new pager to the girls, and modestly taking out his iPhone...

– A US resident filed a lawsuit against Apple, in which he accuses her of colluding with the Italian mafia.
– The iPhone will be an offer he can’t refuse...

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After any Apple announcement, very, very, very many jokes on this topic appear on the Internet: most are stupid, but there are also more or less ok. We decided to select those that are more or less ok and show you with a little explanation.

Eddie Q and his red HDR shirt

The difference between a regular picture and HDR was painfully clearly shown; there is even a suspicion that the colors were muted for better demonstration; in general, the picture is about it.

iPhone X style TV

I don’t think that when using a smartphone, a piece of the screen covered with sensors will somehow attract attention or distract – rather, we’ll just get used to it and that’s it.

Busts of Lenin, sex, violence

Naturally, one cannot help but beat Face ID; they are already joking that masks or busts will be used for scanning, and they are making guesses about how the scanner will behave in a given situation. It’s worth saying in advance that any substances on the face are unlikely to affect the operation of the system, and after boxing it will be possible to log into the phone - after all, 30,000 points are read, the impression is like in a science fiction film.

By the way, twins also have at least one individual trait - remembering the nuances will allow you to avoid annoying misunderstandings when your twin gets into the phone. I want to believe it. I really want to.

Thoughts on upgrading to iPhone X

The popular meme about girls and a guy has found a second wind, like it or not, and iPhone owners are now starting to look at the iPhone X and figure out how much they will have to add after selling their seven or six.

Kakaha and the future

Let's not forget that the Internet was formed from the desire of people to share cats and porn, so let's leave all this abstruse talk about libraries on the conscience of the inventors. On the other hand, at the presentation there were a lot of animated poops with individual facial features.

Traditional jokes about accessory prices

They complain that the folio is expensive - friends, everything is simple here, if you don’t want it, don’t take it. Go to Louis Vuitton in GUM and see how much the iPhone 7 Plus case costs, the one with the lock. About 90,000 rubles. Apple has finally found a good contractor to work with leather accessories, so they can afford to set any price.

Photos for monuments

Apple's new effects really add drama for portraits; jokers add Mercedes and inscriptions like “The Brotherhood Remembers,” probably after iPhone release 8 and iPhone X there will be thousands of such pictures. OK.

What do Android owners think?

Everything is on the screen here - over the next few months there will be more analytics about the superiority of devices on Android based will rise and rise; each owner flagship smartphones with this OS you will think about the iPhone X. You can’t help but think about it!

Yesterday, many watched the presentation of new Apple products. © Photo Twitter @BlasMaksim

— NextGen and Gain (@turbojedi) September 12, 2017

The main feature of the iPhone X was the absence of a Home button. In general, there is only one button left on the case on the side panel. IN previous model Apple has ditched the headphone jack.

In addition to new smartphones, Apple introduced other new gadgets. For example, " smart watch» Apple Watch.

By the way, in the presentation video of this product, many drew attention to the “cyborg from Russia.” It turned out that the host of the MatchTV channel Dmitry Ignatov starred in this role.
