Moisture detection labels can be described as ultra-moisture sensitive labels. Other name of this type labels - moisture control labels. Their essence is that when moisture enters, the label changes color from white to red, the intensity of which depends on the level of moisture.

Moisture indicator material BRADY B-350 Brady Aqualert and BRADY B-354. B-350 - white glossy polyester/laminated paper (up to +90°C). When moisture hits the label, it changes color from white to red with an intensity corresponding to the humidity level.

  • BRADY THT-70-350-20 Quantity per package 20,000
  • BRADY THT-70-350-5 Pack quantity 5,000

The company's website sells moisture indication labels. Labels will provide reliable indication of water or moisture intrusion for the purposes of monitoring warranty conditions, breakdown analysis, out-of-warranty repairs, assistance with design and maintenance work. When they come into contact with water, the labels change their permanent color from white to shades of light blue to royal blue or other colors. Exposure to high temperatures (drying) will not lead to a reverse color change or loss of indication. Control is now in your hands!

Labels from the Price Label company with indication functions applicable for labeling OEM products - original component manufacturers. The unique indicator properties of labels make it possible to solve problems of protecting products from illegal distribution, thereby increasing confidence in the manufacturer. Labels for monitoring and indicating moisture ingress are classified as functional labels.

Moisture control labels can reduce the percentage of counterfeits of your products several times. They can also be used to label virtually any type of product.

Hello! What is the first thing they look at at the service center when you bring your iPhone there under warranty? That's right, on your device. And in the second? External damage (is it broken?) and has it been exposed to water, as this is an excellent reason to deny you warranty service. The latter will be discussed today.

Almost every device (iPhone is no exception) has a so-called liquid contact indicator. To exaggerate greatly, this is an ordinary piece of paper that changes its color (once and for all) when any liquid gets on it. Thanks to it, you can always figure out whether the device is “drowned” or, conversely, it has never been touched by water.

The article turned out to be long (of course, because absolutely all iPhone models starting with the “four” were considered), so... table of contents:

iPhone – “drowned” or not? Why know this and preparation

Why do you even need to know where the water sensor is located in the iPhone?

  1. Before going to service center so as not to run there in vain. Since the “drowned” will be denied warranty service.
  2. Before buying a used iPhone (). Although, as readers say in the comments, you can encounter various problems when buying a new one.
  3. Just out of curiosity. For example, I was never interested in what kind of moisture sensor it is and where it is located on my iPhone. And when writing the article, I was quite interested in how he was doing there?

A few more important notes:

  1. According to the specifications, the sensor is triggered only upon direct contact with water. Any evaporation, condensation and other phenomena should not affect it. In practice, I can only confirm this. Bath, bath, steam - nothing made him react on my iPhone.
  2. The normal color of the indicator is white or silver, any deviation (reddish, slightly colored, barely red) means that there has been contact with the liquid.
  3. You may need a magnifying glass and a flashlight to look closely.

Well, now let’s get down to business and look at the location of the moisture sensor in each iPhone model. We won’t touch the earliest “Apple” smartphones, let’s start with 4 and 4S - they are still quite common and can be found on sale.

Where is the moisture indicator on the iPhone 4 and 4S?

These are the only models of all those being considered today that have as many as two indicators! Apparently, to be sure whether liquid got in or not. They are located:

  1. In the headphone jack.
  2. In the charging connector.

Please note that the indicator in the headphone jack is built very cleverly and insidiously. Considering the fact that the iPhone 4 and 4S have a connector located at the top of the device, any conversation in the rain and any “stray” (but accurate!) drop of this rain can become grounds for voiding your device’s warranty.

And the indicator in the charging connector is also not a good idea. After all, a little moisture can easily get there, but this never means that the entire device has been bathed. In the following iPhone generations this moment has been thought through...

Location of the water ingress sensor in the iPhone 5 (S, C, SE)

Do you think that the situation with the rain in the previous paragraph is all the author’s idea? Then give another explanation for that:

  1. Starting with the iPhone 5, the headphone jack was moved to the bottom of the device.
  2. And at the same time, the liquid ingress sensor was removed from it.

I don't find any other logical explanation. Well, okay, they removed it and put it away. The main thing is that they left at least one and, apparently for the reliability of identifying “drowned people,” they moved it behind the SIM card tray - directly inside the case.

Now, to determine whether the device was immersed in liquid or not, you need to pull out the SIM card tray. And already behind it we see a white or red indicator.

Moisture indicator in iPhone 6, 6S and Plus versions - where to look for it?

Apple did not invent or invent anything, leaving the indicator of liquid penetration into the body in these models in exactly the same place as in the previous ones. The only thing is that for some reason the company changed the type of sensor itself. It was round, but now they have made some kind of short strip. This is what he looks like and his location in the picture.

I honestly tried to guess why this was done, but other than the fact that the design of the case was conducive to this, nothing came to mind. If you have ideas, write in the comments.

Does the iPhone 7 (Plus) have a liquid contact sensor and where is it located?

In the iPhone 7, Apple added IP67 water protection to the device, but this by no means means that it is completely protected from moisture. Moreover, this still serves as grounds for refusing warranty service.

How does the company know that water has gotten inside the device? Yes, everything is the same, because the liquid indicator will turn red. It is located in the same place as previous models- behind the SIM card tray.

Is it true appearance it has changed again - now the band is twice as large as in the iPhone 6S. Again, it’s a mystery to me – why? Any ideas - I'm waiting in the comments.

Where is the liquid contact indicator located on the iPhone 8 (Plus)?

Since the iPhone 8 is actually a direct successor to the iPhone 7, its moisture indicator is located in exactly the same place. We take out the SIM card tray, if necessary, arm ourselves with a tool (flashlight or magnifying glass) and take a look.

Do we see the sensor painted red? Everything is bad - this iPhone 8, with a high degree of probability, is a “drowned man”.

Where is the moisture sensor located on the iPhone X, iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR?

Apple made the anniversary iPhone X a truly new device - new design, new functions, new technologies and... the “old” moisture indicator.

Yes, yes, nothing new - the same SIM tray and behind it a white stripe, which turns red if liquid gets inside the device. Although, in this situation, no “novelty” is probably required - what’s the point of changing something that already performs its function perfectly?

Updated! For the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR, again, nothing has changed. The liquid ingress indicator was completely copied from the iPhone X - it is absolutely identical and located in the same place (see picture above).

As you can see, the location of the moisture sensor is in all more or less modern iPhone models the same. And, perhaps, this is the only right place. Which, on the one hand, saves from false alarms due to splashes and the slightest contact with water. On the other hand, it guarantees that if water gets inside iPhone cases- then the first thing it will do is pass through the moisture indicator and it will react to this by turning red.

P.S. As always, I look forward to your questions and answers in the comments - feel free to write!

I. ZABELIN, Moscow

Two devices are offered that allow you to remotely determine the presence of water at the location where the sensors are installed, signal this and control actuators, for example, pumps.

One of them provides automatic monitoring of the health of the line connecting the device to the sensor.

The diagram of the first version of the moisture indicator is shown in Fig. 1.

Its operation is based on the humidity dependence of the voltage at the output of the divider formed by resistor R8 and resistor-sensor R5. The latter is installed at the control point, its current-conducting surface is cleared of paint, therefore, with increasing humidity, the resistance of this resistor noticeably decreases. As a result, the voltage at the divider output decreases from 6 V with a dry sensor to 2...2.5 V with a wet one. When the wires going to the sensor are short-circuited, this voltage will become zero, and if there is a break, it will be equal to the supply voltage (12 V).

Analysis of the state of the humidity sensor and the connecting line going to it is carried out by three op-amp chips DA1. Resistive voltage dividers R1R2, R3R4, R6R7 set reference voltage values ​​at the inputs of the op-amp, with which the voltage value coming from the divider R8R5 is compared. LEDs HL1-HL3 (red) indicate situations that the operator should pay attention to. HL1 will be turned on when humidity increases, HL2 - when the line is broken, HL3 - when there is a short circuit between its wires. If everything is in order, the green HL4 LED is on.

At the output of the "Exclusive OR" element DD1.2, when the line is shorted or broken, a high logical level will be set, which will lead to the opening of transistor VT2 and the activation of relay K2, which gives the "Alarm" signal. At the output of element DD1.1, the same level will be set if there is moisture at the sensor. Transistor VT1 and relay K1 will generate a “Flooding” signal. Relay contacts K1.1 and K2.1 can be included in the dispatch alarm system or used for direct control of pumps and other actuators.

Both relays are RES60 version RS4.569.435-02. The device is powered from any 12 V DC voltage source, designed for a load current of at least 100 mA.

In Fig. 2 shows a diagram of a device that allows you to control the presence of water between two levels - upper and lower, for example, in a tank, in a swimming pool or in another reservoir. The reference voltage (about 3.2 V) from the resistive divider R6R7 is supplied to the non-inverting input (pin 3) of the upper op-amp circuit of the DA1 chip and to the inverting input (pin 6) of its lower op-amp. Resistive voltage dividers R1R2 and R3R4 are connected to the inputs of these op-amps of opposite polarity, respectively, as well as sensors for the upper and lower permissible water levels in the tank. Pin voltage 2 and 5 DA1 in the absence of water, when the resistance of the sensors is very high, close to 6 V.

If the water in the tank has not yet reached the upper sensor, but has covered the lower one, the resistance of the latter decreases sharply. Pin voltage 2 (the inverting input of the first op-amp) of the DA1 microcircuit is higher than the standard one supplied to its non-inverting input (pin 3 of DA1) and the level at the output of this op-amp (pin 1 of DA1) is low. Since the resistance of the lower level sensor immersed in water is small, the voltage at the non-inverting input of the second op-amp (pin 5 DA1) is less than the standard one at its inverting input (pin 6 DA1), therefore the level at the output of this op-amp (pin 7 DA1) also low. Transistor VT2 is closed, relay winding K2 is de-energized. This situation is indicated by the green LED HL1 “Normal”.

When the water level is higher than the upper level or lower than the lower one, the states of the corresponding sensors, op-amps, transistors and relays change. The triggered relay connects its contacts in parallel with the HL1 LED to one of the red LEDs HL2 “Many” or HL3 “Little”. Since the forward voltage drop on a red LED is less than on a similar green device, when they are connected in parallel, the first one lights up and the second one goes out.

The second groups of relay contacts turn on the necessary devices (for example, a pump, etc.) or send signals to an operator located in another room.

The printed circuit board of the device is shown in Fig. 3.

Its dimensions are designed for installation in a standardized E12 housing of the STANDART series produced by BTR Electronic Systems. Two-wire lines They are laid to the sensors with a TRP-0.5 telephone wire. The actual sensors are the evenly cut, uninsulated ends of the wires.

Power supply - network adapter at 14...20 V. A parametric voltage regulator for the supply voltage of the DA1 microcircuit is provided on the zener diode VD1. Relays K1, K2 (RES60) should be selected in a design that matches the supply voltage. For example, at a voltage of 14...16 V, relays of the RS4.569.435-02 design (winding resistance - 270 Ohms) are suitable, at 16...20 V - RS4.569.435-01 (800 Ohms), and for even higher voltages - RS4 .569.435-00 (1700 Ohm).

The available hardware redundancy (the LM324N chip contains four) allows you to assemble two identical devices on it, “doubling” the described circuit, and monitor the status of four sensors.
Editor - A. Dolgiy, graphics - A. Dolgiy
[email protected]

A wet smartphone is a potential nuisance, even if it is a modern model in a sealed case that is supposedly completely waterproof. For the simple reason that a tiny drop of liquid trapped inside the most protected case can seriously damage any electronics. Often forever.

And the most disgusting thing in such a situation is that warranty obligations As a rule, the manufacturer does not cover damage caused by exposure to moisture.

Because your wet smartphone Users almost always have to fix it for themselves. Agree, this is unpleasant.

True, with some skill and luck it can get by (see - what to do if your touch phone falls into water), but this does not always happen.

However, even in such “wet matters”, manufacturers still show some concern for their customers by coming up with a simple solution that helps to quickly assess possible damage from moisture on the device’s electronics. This method is called “moisture indicator” (aka Liquid Control Indicator or LCI, also known as Liquid Damage Indicator or LDI, in general Liquid indicator).

All smartphones (and not only smartphones) are equipped with this same indicator (and more than one). Therefore, if your smartphone also suddenly took a bath, but not for long and without visible serious consequences, then you probably don’t need to panic right away.

At least until you check the moisture indicator. He is obligated to respond to such incidents instantly, and by his reaction you can always determine how wet your wet smartphone is and what you need to do with it next.

The moisture indicator looks and works extremely simply. Externally it is a small sticker. It is white or light-colored when dry and changes color to red or pink upon any contact with moisture. Manufacturers place such stickers in various places on smartphones, but even if only one of the entire set turns red, then most likely no one will repair anything for the user, that is, you, for free.

One way or another, if you have just taken your smartphone out of the water or not from the water, but there is a suspicion that moisture has gotten inside the housing, then you proceed as follows: remove the SIM card and remove the battery (if it is removable) or simply turn it off nutrition. And after all this, you can begin to study the state of moisture indicators (on the battery, in the connectors, inside the case, etc.). Further - depending on the situation, but if you observe “redness”, then it is better to immediately go to the service center.

This small sensorhumidity (or water level - depending on the set sensitivity value)indicates that a preset level has been exceeded by emitting a loud beep when the humidity sensor detects the amount of water.This circuit uses the LM1801 low power comparator - National Semiconductor.The reference voltage for the integrated circuit regulates the resistance R2.
When the voltage on pin 4 of LM1801 exceeds the specified threshold, an intermittent sound will be heard. The piezoelectric emitter consumes a current of no more than 24 mA.
The water sensor has a consumption of 10 microamps, so you can use a 9V battery for almost 1 year.

(* unfortunately, R2 is not indicated in the diagram and there are no dimensions of the sensor itself, so if anyone decides to assemble this device, they will only rely on their own experience when setting up the device - comment from RCL)

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