A UPS is a very profitable device. As long as it works, the user has no problems with power supply. But the functionality of this device does not end there. The simplest modification of an uninterruptible power supply makes it possible to create on its basis such devices as a converter, power supply and charging.

How to convert an uninterruptible power supply into a 12/220 V voltage converter

A voltage converter (inverter) converts 12-volt direct current into alternating current, simultaneously increasing the voltage to 220 volts. The average cost of such a device is 60-70 US dollars. However, even owners of worn-out uninterruptible power supplies with a battery start function have a very real chance of getting a working converter for virtually nothing. To do this you need to do the following:

    Open the UPS case.

    Dismantle the battery by removing two wires from the storage terminals - red (to positive) and black (to negative).

    Dismantle the speaker - a sound signaling device similar to a centimeter washer.

    Solder a fuse to the red wire. Most designers recommend using 5 amp fuses.

    Connect the fuse to the “input” contact of the UPS - the socket where the cable connecting the uninterruptible power supply to the socket was inserted.

    Connect the black wire to the free contact of the “input” socket.

    Take a standard cable to connect the UPS to the outlet and cut off the plug. Connect the connector to the input socket and determine the wire colors corresponding to the red and black contacts.

    Connect the wire from the red contact to the positive of the battery, and from the black to the negative.

    Turn on the UPS.

Eaton 5P 1150i UPS internals

This transformation is allowed only by uninterruptible power supplies with a battery start function. That is, the UPS must initially be able to turn on from, without connecting to an outlet.

If the UPS has a standard outlet, 220 volts can be removed from its contacts. If there is no such outlet, it will be replaced by an extension cord connected to the “output” socket of the uninterruptible power supply. The extension plug is removed, after which the wires are soldered to the contacts of the “output” socket.

The main disadvantages of such converters:

  • The recommended operating time for such an inverter is up to 20 minutes, since UPSs are not designed for long-term battery operation. However, this drawback can be eliminated by embedding a computer fan operating from 12 V into the UPS case.
  • Lack of battery charge controller. The user will have to periodically check the voltage at the drive terminals. To eliminate this drawback, you can embed a regular automotive relay into the design of the converter by soldering the red wire behind the fuse to pin 87. At correct connection such a relay will turn off the power supply when the battery voltage drops below 12 volts.

How to make a power supply from an uninterruptible power supply

In this case, of the entire design of the uninterruptible power supply, only . Therefore, the user who decides to remake the UPS in this way will have to either gut the entire UPS, leaving only the case and transformer, or remove this part, preparing a separate case for it. Then proceed according to the following plan:

    Using an ohmmeter, the winding with the highest resistance is determined. Typical colors are black and white. These wires will be the input to the power supply. If the transformer remains in the UPS, then this step can be skipped - the entrance to the homemade power supply in this case will be the “input” socket at the end of the UPS, connecting the device to the socket.

    Next, an alternating current of 220 volts is supplied to the transformer. After this, the voltage is removed from the remaining contacts, looking for a pair with a potential difference of up to 15 volts. Typical colors are white and yellow. These wires will be the output from the power supply.

    The input to the power supply is formed from wires on one side of the core. The output from the block is formed from wires located on the opposite side.

    A diode bridge is installed at the output of the power supply.

    Consumers are connected to the contacts of the diode bridge.


The typical voltage at the output of the transformer is up to 15 V, but it will drop after connecting it to a homemade load power supply. The designer of such a device will have to select the output voltage through experimentation. Therefore, the practice of using a UPS transformer as the basis of a power supply for a computer is far from the best idea.

Converting an uninterruptible power supply for charging

In this case, a minimal transformation similar to that described in the paragraph above is not needed. After all, the uninterruptible power supply has its own battery, which is charged as needed. As a result, to turn the UPS into charger you need to do the following:

    Locate the primary and secondary circuit of the transformer. This process is described in the paragraph above.

    Supply 220 volts to the primary circuit by inserting a voltage regulator into the circuit - as such, you can use a rheostat for light bulbs, replacing a traditional switch.

    The regulator will help calibrate the voltage on the output winding in the range from 0 to 14-15 volts. The place where the regulator is inserted is in front of the primary winding.

    Connect a 40-50 ampere diode bridge to the secondary winding of the transformer.

    Connect the terminals of the diode bridge to the corresponding poles of the battery.

    The battery charge level is monitored by its indicator or voltmeter.

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UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is a device that supplies a specific system with electric current in cases where there is no power in the main network. Such batteries are used in various equipment and technology. They are most often seen in offices, stationary power systems and server rooms. Essentially, UPS creates the minimum necessary conditions to keep devices operational when power outages occur.

The useful life of batteries for uninterruptible power supplies is 3-5 years, after which the device is replaced with a new one. It is prohibited to throw batteries into a landfill, as during the process of decomposition they begin to release toxic substances into the ground and air. You can help the environment and make good money if you donate your battery to our company. We accept UPS batteries at the highest prices in Moscow and the Moscow region. The list of services provided and the current price list for scrap metal can be found in the relevant sections of the website.

Our prices for receiving batteries

Application areas for UPS batteries

The main component of an uninterruptible power supply is the battery. It is capable of accumulating, storing and expending energy in emergency situations. They contain various non-ferrous metals. Typically these are lead, iron and copper, but some devices use nickel, cadmium and antimony. It turns out that handing over the battery at a specialized collection point is beneficial.

All existing species UPS batteries are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Lead. They are used for constructing autonomous and backup systems with standard and alternative energy sources.
  • Nickel-cadmium (alkaline). Batteries of this type are used in various highly specialized equipment and machines: trains, subways, carriages, elevators.
  • Gel. The average service life of such batteries reaches 10 years, thanks to the implementation of the redistribution of hydrogen and oxygen. The devices are characterized by increased safety, are stable under powerful discharges, are explosion-resistant and have a wide range of operating temperatures. These factors have led to the widespread use of gel batteries in the construction of residential autonomous power systems.

In addition to batteries from UPS, our company can deliver other types of batteries: automobile, traction, in ebonite cases.

Battery acceptance conditions

To hand over batteries as scrap, the following conditions must be met:

  • We accept batteries without visible damage in a non-disassembled form. When estimating the cost of scrap, the weight of non-metallic inserts is not taken into account.
  • Lead and nickel-cadmium appliances should have minimal clogging.
  • Alkaline batteries must be empty - no acid.

Preparing batteries for delivery is not difficult. If any difficulties arise, just call us for qualified advice.

Why recycle old batteries?

Substances contained in UPS batteries cause irreparable harm to nature. Such devices have a second class of danger, but dozens of batteries end up in landfills every day. Toxic components accumulate in the ground, then seep into the water and evaporate into the air. Animals and plants become carriers of serious diseases, increasing the risk of infection of the population.

Our company provides you with the opportunity to be conscious of the problem of environmental pollution. Everyone has the right to take unwanted batteries to our specialized collection points and get good money for it.

Convenient disposal of used batteries

Our company buys UPS batteries at the best prices in Moscow and the surrounding area. In addition, we provide a number of related services that allow you to get rid of old scrap as quickly and comfortably as possible. We are engaged in:

  • removal of scrap metal;
  • dismantling old metal structures;
  • dismantling of cars and engines.

Selling batteries is another area of ​​our business, so if you want to sell your old battery and immediately buy a new battery, just call us.

The Metal+ company offers its customers in Moscow the acceptance of batteries from UPS, the price of which is higher than the capital average. We have a network of collection points, trained specialists, equipped transport for removing batteries and favorable conditions for customers.

Why is it profitable to sell the battery from a UPS?

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) batteries are considered one of the safest self-contained chemical energy sources and are used to protect professional and household equipment. personal computers from strong changes in electrical voltage in the network. Their durability is 3-5 years, depending on the intensity and operating conditions.

Once a battery reaches the end of its life, it becomes dangerous (lead acid “filling”), but it cannot simply be thrown into a landfill or stored at home. It is necessary to dispose of it, and the owner is faced with the question of how to properly and quickly dispose of the battery from the uninterruptible power supply?

UPS batteries are accepted by special companies that have the necessary permits, trained specialists and recycling experience. In the capital of the Russian Federation, the Metal+ company is ready to offer you such a service, which:

  • accepts used batteries from uninterruptible power supply systems at its collection points;
  • helps to quickly remove and dispose of batteries in accordance with the requirements of regulatory organizations;
  • protect the environment and health of workers;
  • avoid serious environmental fines.

Buying batteries is beneficial for recycling companies that extract chemically pure non-ferrous metals from batteries (the cost is 50% lower than new ones). Therefore, prices for UPSs are quite high, and you have the opportunity to conveniently and without problems get rid of a dangerous battery, and also make money from it!

Battery acceptance conditions

If you are deciding where to return the UPS battery in Moscow, contact Metal+, whose specialists accept any UPS model at favorable conditions. We offer two delivery options:

  • Pickup to a battery collection point in Moscow, where you can deliver the batteries yourself. The points are open seven days a week, equipped with precise scales and containers for storing batteries, and bill customers on the spot.
  • Delivery by our specially equipped transport from anywhere in the capital and Moscow Region. The transport is equipped with mobile scales.

Depends on:

    • masses and capacities;
  • type (polyethylene/polypropylene) and condition of the housing;
  • content of non-ferrous metals;
  • volume of metal supplied (wholesale is always more expensive).

We accept batteries from uninterruptible power supplies at a price of 70 rubles/kg, which is higher than the capital average (you can check prices in our price list on the website). We can also calculate the preliminary cost of scrap metal when you call.

Our reception points offer:

  • work seven days a week;
  • accurate weighing of metal volume;
  • rapid recycling of UPS batteries in a specialized workshop;
  • correct disposal;
  • payment on site/to the customer's account.

When ordering Metal+ transport for UPS removal, you can count on prepared trucks, accurate weighing, fast and complete calculation and removal without your participation.

Options for removing batteries and the form of payment can be clarified with our managers when ordering the service.

Where to submit in Moscow

Returning a battery to Metal+ means:

  • any consultations on the purchase of scrap metal;
  • a network of reception centers in all districts of Moscow;
  • pick-up/removal of scrap;
  • any forms of payment on site;
  • high prices and discounts for wholesale;
  • agreement for the provision of services for regular customers.

Everyone is probably familiar with the situation when, when changing equipment to a newer one, you don’t know what to do with the old one, which has already become obsolete, but quite good so far. If there is no need to use the old computer for its intended purpose, then you can come up with new purposes for it. components. To do this, it will be useful to know what can be made from a UPS for a computer.

An old uninterruptible power supply can make a lot of devices in a hurry. Among other things, among them should be especially note useful in everyday life:

  • charger;
  • simple inverter;
  • UPS for gas boiler;
  • 12 volt source (for radio and other purposes).


To make a charger from an old uninterruptible power supply, you need to proceed as follows:

  1. firstly, the primary and secondary circuits of the transformer are determined;
  2. 220 V is supplied to the primary by inserting a voltage regulator into the circuit (a rheostat for a light bulb is suitable);
  3. a bridge of approximately 40-50 amperes is connected to the secondary winding of the transformer;
  4. connect the terminals and the corresponding battery poles.

Voltage calibration will be carried out by an improvised regulator within 0-15 volts.

You will have to control the charge level according to the indicator or using a voltmeter.

Simple inverter

A transformer without a battery will make a working inverter for a car. The assembly process will proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. disassembling the uninterruptible power supply: removing the battery, biting off the terminals, stripping the ends;
  2. searching for a connector for connecting to the network (if there is a connector, it should be removed; if not, the wires are bitten off the board and the ends are stripped);
  3. The wires from the battery must be connected using a soldering iron to the wires from the connector located on the rear panel; the soldering points are not isolated;
  4. The cigarette lighter socket is soldered to the device, observing polarity and insulating the soldering points;
  5. the internal speaker of the device is excluded (teared off with pliers or the board is removed);
  6. assembling the case by adding standard sockets (for some UPSs they are already included in the original design).

Read also: We will explain in detail how to connect a UPS to a computer.

UPS for gas boiler

A computer UPS is also suitable for a gas boiler. Conversion process should be done as follows:

  1. removing a faulty power supply;
  2. creating contact clamps taking into account polarity (it is better to make clamps of different colors to indicate plus and minus) by making 2 holes, fixing the contact clamps and soldering to them previously suitable indoor unit computer power cables;
  3. to prevent premature failure of the device due to overheating, you will need to install fans with or without a housing, connected in series (to start them, it is recommended to use an LED, soldering its leads to the winding of a small relay, and to one of the relay contacts you will need to solder a wire from the incoming “+” battery battery, and to the second - a free red wire from the fan, another free black wire is soldered to the negative of the battery).

12 volt source

A failed uninterruptible power supply Can be adapted to a 12 volt source. This is done very simply. First, you will need to connect an outlet to the UPS cord. To do this, one end is initially cut off from it. After performing this procedure using an uninterruptible power supply You can now charge your phone. By further simple transformations described above, you can increase the power homemade device(see the part about the inverter).
