The use of mobile phones must be restricted.

There is no doubt that more and more people are using mobile phones nowadays. It is impossible to imagine the modern life without these gadgets. However, there are lots of people who believe that the use of cell phones must be limited. 42

In my opinion, there is no need in restricting the use of mobile phones. Firstly, we need our mobiles to solve everyday problems. For example, we make appointments or cancel them, make reservations, book tickets. Also, a mobile allows us to stay in touch almost anywhere and exchange photos instantly. Besides, if the mobile is logged on to the Internet, you can pay bills, keep track of your income.

However, there are many people who do not share the above given view. They believe that mobile phones have an extremely negative effect on the human’s body. They are concerned that phone radiation might cause cancer or brain tumor. In addition, a lot of useful time is wasted chatting on the phone. Moreover, using a mobile phone interferes with students’ studies. Students do not pay attention in class while texting their friends or playing a game. Finally, due to mobile phones students can cheat in tests, exams.

To some extent it is true, but on the whole, these concerns are groundless, because modern mobiles are quite safe and have a very low level of radiation.

In conclusion, I want to say that mobile phones have become an integral part of modern society and it is up to us to decide how to benefit from using them.

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Students in a school in Canada walked out of frustration to protest about the action of their headteacher. They said the headteacher had broken the law and violated their rights.

The headteacher had installed a mobile phone jammer within the school. The jammer stops signals from reaching mobile phones, so it stopped all the students" mobile phones from working.

Teachers at the school claim that students using mobile phones in lessons - especially for texting - has become a major problem. In 2007 the school banned students from taking phones into the classroom.

But teachers say they were each still having to confiscate two or three phones a day because students were ignoring the rule and texting in class. The teachers say this was very annoying because it was disrupting lessons.

It took two days for pupils to work out that a jammer was the reason their phones weren't working. A group of the students used the internet to find out about the use of mobile phone jammers. They found a reference to a law called the Canada Radiocommunications Act. This law says it"s illegal to use any device that blocks people"s mobile phone signals.

The students then held a protest rally against the use of the jammer. As soon as the headteacher learned it was illegal, he switched the jamming device off. He said he was impressed by the way the pupils had done their research into the Radiocommunications Act.

Mobile phones in school classrooms cause a lot of arguments. Many students say it is their right to have them wherever they want. Some parents say they want to be able to contact their children. But many teachers say they can't teach lessons when there are so many disruptions from using mobile phones.

Not all teachers think mobile phones should be banned, though. Many say the best action would be to educate students on when it"s appropriate to use mobile phones.

2. The author says that mobile phones in classroom can lead to disturbance at the lesson. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. What made the headteacher switch off the mobile phone jammer?

4. Why did the headteacher decide to install the jammer?

Translation of text No. 42 MOBILE PHONE PROTEST for the final exam in English

Protest against mobile phones

In one of the schools in Canada, students walked out of class in protest against the actions of the class teacher. They said that the class teacher violated the law and their rights.

The class teacher installed telephone jamming devices inside the school. This device prevents signals from reaching the phone, so all student phones did not work.

School teachers claim that students' use of mobile phones in class - especially internet reading - has become a major problem. In 2007, the school banned bringing phones into class.

But teachers say they had to confiscate 2-3 phones a day because students were ignoring rules and txt in class. Teachers say that this is very annoying because it interferes with teaching the lesson.

It took two days for the students to establish that it was this device that was causing their phones to go silent. A group of students used the Internet to find out how this device worked. They found a link to the Canadian Radiocommunications Act. This law states that it is illegal to use any means that block telephone signals. Students held a protest rally against the use of such a tool. As soon as the class teacher found out that this was illegal, he turned off the devices. He said that he was impressed by how the students carried out and found the Radio Communications Act.

Mobile phones in classrooms are the cause of much controversy. Many students say it is their right to use their phones wherever they want. Some parents say they don't want to be able to contact their children. And many teachers say they cannot teach lessons because the use of mobile phones interferes with them. However, not all teachers believe that mobile phones should be banned. Many say the best thing is to teach students where and when to use phones.

Answers to questions to text No. 42 MOBILE PHONE PROTEST for the English language exam

1. This text is about using of mobile telephones. Teachers at schools claim that students using mobile phones in lessons has become a major problem. Many teachers say that the best action is to educate students on when it’s appropriate to use mobile phones.

2. (4th paragraph.) But teachers say they were each still having to confiscate two or three phones a day because students were ignoring the rule and texting in class. The teachers say this was very annoying because it was disrupting lessons.

3. Because he learned that installation of a jammer within the school was illegal.

4. Because a jammer stops signals from reaching mobile phones, so it stopped all the students’ mobile phones from working.

Mobile phones... There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say electronic devices should not be allowed at school whereas others believe mobile phones do not distract children.

As far as I am concerned, mobile phones are not needed at school. To begin with, they do distract students from studying as chatting is surely more attractive to young people. Moreover, mobile phone may be dangerous if one uses it all day long. In addition, using mobile phones at the moment when the teacher is speaking is at least demonstration of disrespect to them.

In contrast, there is an opinion that mobile phones can be useful when studying because sometimes students demand a little break from studying as it can lead to stress.

Then, such people also admit that school breaks allow children to rest for some time so that is when mobile phones can be used.

In fact, I cannot agree with them because a school day is only seven hours so children have more time to use their phones when they are at home. Actually, there devices give an opportunity for students to cheat.

In conclusion, I would like to state that mobile phones should be prohibited at school since nowadays people are becoming more and more addicted to the gadgets so school can distract them from mobile phones.

Updated: 2017-05-28

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Essay in English For and against mobile phones / Mobile Phones: Pro"s And Con"s with translation into Russian

In English. Mobile Phones: Pro"s And Con"s
I think every person today has a mobile phone, even little children do. For many people it is a necessary thing for everyday life. Moreover their whole life is in their mobile phone.
As for me I can"t imagine my life without a telephone now. Lately mobile phones have become not only a thing which is used to call people but a lot more. Mobiles have taken the place of computers and laptops. A person can check emails , search for information thanks to the internet connection on mobile phones. We can also listen to music, watch films, videos, read books and chat to our friends with the help of mobiles. It also helps us to stay in touch with people who are. far away and with whom we can't meet for some reasons. It seems nothing can be better than having everything in just one little gadget.
In fact not everything is so wonderful as it seems at the first sight. Just look at people around - they are obviously addicted to their mobiles like to drugs. Every second you see a person staring at his telephone screen. Children are playing games and applications in their mobiles instead of playing football or walking with friends. People forget what it is like to communicate face to face, they only chat to people online. Moreover using mobile phones very often is dangerous because of radiation we get.
I think mobile phones are very useful in people's life, but we need to find a balance between mobile and face to face communication.

Translation into Russian. Pros and cons of mobile phones
I think nowadays every person has a mobile phone, even small children. For many this is a necessary everyday life thing. Moreover, their entire life is on their mobile phone.
Personally, I cannot imagine my life without a mobile phone. Recently, phones have become not just a thing to call someone, but something more. Mobile phones have taken the place of computers and laptops. We can check mail, search for information, thanks to the Internet on our phones. We can also listen to music, watch movies, videos, read books and chat with friends using mobile phones. They also help us maintain contact with people who are far away and with those whom we cannot meet for some reason. What could be better than having everything in one small device?
In fact, not everything is as great as it seems in reality. Look at the people around you - they are obviously addicted to their mobile phones like they are to drugs. Every second you can see a person staring at a phone screen. Children play games, apps on their phones instead of playing football or hanging out with friends. People forget what it means to communicate face to face, they only correspond online. Moreover, very frequent use of mobile phones can be dangerous due to radiation.
I believe that mobile phones have many benefits in people's lives, but we must find a balance between "mobile" and face-to-face communication.

How did we even manage without them before?! But if you think about it, this is an amazingly crude thing, this mobile phone. It’s as if he’s saying, “Talk to me now!” It’s as if you barged into someone’s office and slammed your fist on the table, insistently saying, “I’ll keep knocking until you answer!” Someone said that people use them because they hate being together, but are very afraid of being alone. Is it so? Or maybe there"s still more pluses than minuses... How do you think?

Essay on Importance of mobile phones

It’s a common truth that the world has completely changed with the expansion of technological progress. Nowadays, people have a lot of things they couldn’t even dream of one or two hundred years ago. One of such gadgets people can’t imagine their life without is a mobile phone. So why is it so important for people of the modern world?
First of, mobile phone is a mean of communication. It helps people to keep in touch with their friends and relatives at any distance. Moreover, connection to the Internet allows using different social networks and special apps like Viber, Skype or WhatsApp to make the usual calls, video calls and exchange instant messages wherever we are. Additionally, this means of communication enables us to do business quickly and effectively. You can check your e-mail and organize any meetings, pay bills and do many other useful things just with one button click.
Secondly, it’s necessary to mention that modern smart phones are the gadgets with unlimited entertainment possibilities. People can watch videos, listen to their favorite music, play different games, read books and news on the Internet... modern smart phones are ready to suggest an activity for any taste. Therefore, it’s impossible to get bored in a queue or during the journey — the only things you need are your mobile phone, earphones and a fully charged battery.
In addition, mobile phone supplies people with the feeling of safety. If you’re in a trouble or in a case of emergency you’re able to contact your family or any services to get help. Moreover, there is one really useful option called GPS that won"t let you get lost at an undisclosed location.
In conclusion, I’d like to mention that there is a disadvantage of using mobile phones too. We should remember about the mobile phone addiction especially among teenagers and their disability to communicate in the real world. Though mobile phones give us limitless opportunities, we should not forget about talking to each other live and disconnecting from a mobile phone world at all from time to time.

Essay on the importance of mobile phones

Everyone knows that the world has changed significantly with the spread of technological progress. Today, people have many things that they could not even dream of a hundred or two hundred years ago. One such gadget that people cannot imagine their life without is a mobile phone. So, why is it so important for people in the modern world?
First of all, a mobile phone is a means of communication. It helps people keep in touch with their friends and relatives at any distance. Moreover, an Internet connection allows you to use social media and various applications such as Viber, Skype and WhatsApp in order to make regular calls, video calls and exchange instant messages wherever we are. In addition, this means of communication allows us to do business quickly and efficiently. You can check your email, organize a meeting, pay bills and do many other useful things with just one click of a button.
Secondly, it is important to note that modern smartphones are gadgets with unlimited entertainment options. People can watch videos, listen to their favorite music, play various games, read books and news from the Internet... modern smartphones are ready to offer activities for every taste. Therefore, you will not be bored in line or during the trip - all you need is your mobile phone, headphones and a fully charged battery.
Moreover, a mobile phone gives people a sense of security. If you are in trouble or something emergency happens, you can easily contact your family or any service to get help. In addition, there is one useful feature called GPS, which will prevent you from getting lost in an unfamiliar place.
In conclusion, I would like to mention that there is also a disadvantage of using mobile phones. We must be aware of mobile phone addiction, especially among teenagers, and their inability to communicate in the real world. Although mobile phones give us limitless possibilities, we must not forget about live communication with each other and completely disconnecting from the mobile world from time to time.

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