Official publication


DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the USSR State Construction Committee


S. I. Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. F. Gritsuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; K. F. Peretyatko; G. I. Snimshchikova; E. I. Bulgakov; Zh. M. Roeva, Ph.D. econ. sciences; V. I. Krasnova; B. G. Pavlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Belyaev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.V. Berezin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Bochkova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

Member of the Board V. T. Antipin

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 3083

UDC 621.357.74: 006.354 Group B22






Hot-rolled steel equal-leg angles. Dimensions

OKP 09 3100; 09 3200; 09 3300

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 3083, the validity period was established

from 01.07.87 to 01.07.92

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

1. This standard applies to hot-rolled steel equal-flange angles.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 104-74.

2. The dimensions of the corners, cross-sectional area, reference values ​​for the axes and the mass of 1 m of the corners must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in the table. 1.

Official publication

Reproduction is prohibited

Standards Publishing House, 1987

Table 1

Reference quantities

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

Jxq check. cm 4

Continued table, 1

Cross-sectional area, cm* n

Reference values

Weight of 1 m" corner, kg

/.Vo max, cm 4

I 7 Uo, cm 3

Continuation of the table. 1

Cross-sectional area, cm 2

Reference values

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

Jx o check, see


1. Cross-sectional area and reference values ​​are calculated based on nominal dimensions. When calculating the mass of 1 m of a corner, the density of steel was taken to be 7.85 g/cm 3 .

2. Radiuses of curvature, shape and dimensions of the mating area of ​​the internal edges of the shelves, indicated in the drawing and in the table. I, are given for constructing the caliber “they do not check at the corner.

3. Angles marked with an asterisk are manufactured according to customer requirements.

Symbols for the drawing and table. 1. b - shelf width; t - flange thickness;

R - radius of internal curvature; r - radius of curvature of the shelves;

J - moment of inertia; i - radius of inertia;

Zq is the distance from the center of gravity to the outer edge of the shelf; J xy is the centrifugal moment of inertia.

An example of a symbol for an equal-flange angle with dimensions 50X50X3 mm of high rolling precision (L) made of steel grade StZsp, category 3, subgroup 1:

3. According to rolling accuracy, angles are made:

A - high accuracy;

B - normal accuracy;

4. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

along the shelf width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

5. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of angles manufactured on mills not equipped with rigid stands should not exceed those indicated in table. 3 to 07/01/90

Table 3

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

along the shelf width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

6. At the request of the consumer, maximum deviations in shelf thickness may be replaced by maximum deviations in mass equal to!^%.

7. Deviation from the right angle at the apex should not exceed 35".

8. The blunting of the external corners of the shelves (including the angle at the apex) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick inclusive;

3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 10 to 16 mm inclusive;

5.0 mm - for corners with thickness CB. 16 mm.

9. Corners are made from 4 to 12 m in length: measured length;

multiple measured length; unmeasured length;

limited length within unmeasured.

It is allowed to produce corners longer than 12 m.

10. Maximum deviations in the length of corners of the measured length or a multiple of the measured length should not exceed in millimeters:

30 - with a length of 4 m;

50 - for lengths over 4 m up to and including 6 m;

70 - for lengths over 6 m.

At the consumer's request +40 mm - for corners longer than 4 to 7 m; +5 mm for every 1 m over 7 m.

11. The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.

At the request of the consumer, corners are produced, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For angles from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked along a length of 1 m.

12. Twisting around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.

13. The cross-sectional dimensions of the angle are checked at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

Editor T. I. Vasilenko Technical editor M. I. Maksimova Proofreader B. A. Muradov

Delivered to embankment 11/14/86 Sub. in the oven 01/15/87 0.7e el. p.l. O./o el. cr.-ott. 0.70 academic publication l. Tnr. 40 000 Price 5 kopecks.

Order "Badge of Honor" Publishing house of standards, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky lane, 3 Type. "Moscow Printer". Moscow, Lyalin per., 6. Zak 3067

state standard



GOST 8509-86

Official publication


DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the USSR State Construction Committee


S. I. Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. F. Gritsuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; K. F. Peretyatko; G. I. Snimshchikova; E. I. Bulgakov; Zh. M. Roeva, Ph.D. econ. sciences; V. I. Krasnova; B. G. Pavlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Belyaev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.V. Berezin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Bochkova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

Member of the Board V. T. Antipin

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 3083

UDC 621.357.74: 006.354 Group B22






Hot-rolled steel equal-leg angles. Dimensions

GOST 8509-72

tCT SEV 104-74)

OKP 09 3100; 09 3200; 09 3300

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 5085, the validity period was established

1. This standard applies to hot-rolled steel equal-flange angles.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 104-74.

2. The dimensions of the corners, cross-sectional area, reference values ​​for the axes and the mass of 1 m of the corners must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in the table. 1.

from 01.07.87 to 01.07.92

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

Official publication

Reproduction is prohibited

Standards Publishing House, 1987

Table 1

Cross-sectional area, cm!

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

1x) check, cm*

Continuation of the table. /

Cross-sectional area, cm;

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1 m’ corner, kg

/l "a check, cm*

/i/o, min cm*

5.67 6,27 7,43 8,57

2.72 2,71 2,69 2,68 2,64

12.80 15,67 18,42

2.47 2,45 2,44 2,42 2,40

3.11 3,09 3,08 3,04 3,01

1.58 1,57 1,56 1,55

130.00 149,67 168,42

186.00 203,93 235,88

8 10 12 14 15* 16

19.24 22,80 26,28 27,99

19.69 22,0 24,33 28,89 33,37 37,77

233.46 283,83 330,95 374,98 395,87 416,04

76.40 86,30 110,00 122,00

Continuation of the table. ?

Cross-sectional area, cm 2

Reference values ​​for axes

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

/then check, see

iXi check, cm

/Ko, min cm*


1. The cross-sectional area and reference values ​​are calculated from the nominal dimensions. When calculating the mass of 1 m of the corner, the density of the steel is taken to be 7.85 g/cm 3 .

2. Radiuses of curvature, shape and dimensions of the mating area of ​​the internal edges of the shelves, indicated in the drawing and in the table. 1, are given for caliber construction and are not checked on the corner,

3. Angles marked with an asterisk are manufactured according to customer requirements,

Symbols for the drawing and table. 1. b - shelf width; t - flange thickness;

R - radius of internal curvature; r - radius of curvature of the shelves;

J - moment of inertia; i - radius of inertia;

Zq is the distance from the center of gravity to the outer edge of the shelf; J xy - centrifugal moment of inertia.

An example of a symbol for an equal-flange angle with dimensions 50X50X3 mm of high rolling precision (L) made of steel grade StZsp, category 3, subgroup 1:

v 50X50X3-A GOST 8509-86


StZspZ-1 GOST 535-79

3. According to rolling accuracy, angles are made:

A - high accuracy;

B - normal accuracy;

4. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

along the shelf width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

co yu o o + 1

5. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of angles manufactured on mills not equipped with rigid stands should not exceed those indicated in table. 3 to 07/01/90

Table 3

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

in width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

6. At the request of the consumer, maximum deviations in shelf thickness may be replaced by maximum deviations in mass equal to ±1%.

7. Deviation from the right angle at the apex should not exceed 35".

8. The blunting of the external corners of the shelves (including the angle at the apex) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick incl.

3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 10 to 16 mm inclusive;

5.0 mm - for corners with thickness CB. 16 mm.

9. Corners are made from 4 to 12 m long:

measured length; multiple measured length; unmeasured length;

limited length within unmeasured.

It is allowed to produce corners longer than 12 m.

10. Maximum deviations in the length of corners of the measured length or a multiple of the measured length should not exceed in millimeters:

30 - with a length of 4 m;

50 - for lengths over 4 m up to and including 6 m;

70 - for lengths over 6 m.

At the consumer's request +40 mm - for corners longer than 4 to 7 m; +5 mm for every 1 m over 7 m.

11. The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.

At the request of the consumer, corners are produced, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For angles from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked along a length of 1 m.

12. Twisting around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.

13. The cross-sectional dimensions of the angle are checked at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

Editor T. Ya. Vasilenko Technical editor M. I. Maksimova Proofreader B. A. Muradov

Delivered to embankment 11/14/S6 Go to the oven. 15.01.87 0.75 arb. p.l. 0.75 el, cr.-ott. 0.70 academic publication l. Shooting gallery 40,000 Foam 5 kopecks.

Order “Badge of Honor” Publishing house of standards, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky lane.” 3 Type. "Moscow Printer". Moscow, Lyalin per., 6, Zak 3067

2 According to rolling precision, angles are made:

A-high precision;
B-usual accuracy.

3 Maximum deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in Table 2.

Table 2
Corner number Limit deviations
along the shelf width by shelf thickness
up to 6 incl. from 6.5 to 9 inclusive. over 9
From 2 to 4.5 + 1,0 + 0,2 + 0,3 - - - -
-0,3 -0,4
From 5 to 9 + 1,5 + 0,2 + 0,3 + 0,2 + 0,3 + 0,3 + 0,4
-0,4 -0,5 -0,5 -0,6 -0,5 -0,6
From 10 to 15 + 2,0 - - + 0,3 + 0,4 + 0,3 + 0,4
-0,5 -0,6 -0,6 -0,7
From 16 to 20 + 3,0 - - - - + 0,4 + 0,5
-0,7 -0,8
From 22 to 25 + 4,0 - - - - + 0,4 + 0,5
-0,8 -0,9
4 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture angles with offset maximum deviations in the thickness of the shelf within the permissible deviations of the corresponding accuracy.

5 By agreement with the consumer, deviations in shelf thickness may be replaced by maximum deviations in weight in accordance with Table 3.

6 The deviation from the right angle should not exceed 35".
By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, the deviation from the right angle at the apex should not exceed:

1.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width up to 50 mm inclusive;
2.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width over 50 to 100 mm inclusive;
3.0 mm - for corners with a shelf width over 100 to 200 mm.

7 The blunting of external angles (including the apex angle) is not controlled.
At the request of the consumer, the blunting of external corners (including the apex angle) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick inclusive;
3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness over 10 to 16 mm inclusive;
5.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of over 16 mm.

8 Corners are made from 4 to 12 m long:

Measured length;
measured length with unmeasured length in an amount of no more than 5% of the mass of the batch;
multiple measured length,
multiple measured lengths with non-measured ones in an amount of no more than 5% of the mass of the batch;
unmeasured length;
limited length within unmeasured.

8.1 By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, angles are manufactured in measured and multiple measured lengths with unmeasured lengths of more than 5% of the lot weight.

8.2 It is allowed to manufacture corners with a length of at least 3 m and over 12 m.

9 Maximum deviations along the length of the corners of the measured length or a multiple of the measured length must not exceed:

30 mm - for lengths up to 4 m inclusive;
+ 50 mm - for lengths over 4 to 6 m inclusive;
+ 70 mm - for lengths over 6 m.

At the request of the consumer, for corners with a length of over 4 to 7 m, the maximum length deviations should not exceed + 40 mm, more than 7 m - + 5 mm for each additional meter.

10 The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.
At the consumer's request, corners are manufactured whose curvature does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For angles from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked at a length of 1 m.

11 The cross-sectional dimensions of the corners and the bluntness of the corners are measured at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

APPENDIX A (recommended)

(ISO 657-1-89)
1 Distribution area
This part of ISO 657 covers the dimensions of hot-rolled equal-flange angles.

2 This standard contains the terms of this part of ISO 657. At the time of publication, this edition was current.
All standards are subject to revision, so the most recent edition of the standards must be used.
Member countries of the IEC and ISO must be provided with valid international standards.
ISO 657-5-76. Hot rolled steel profiles, part 5. Equal and unequal angles, maximum deviations in metric and inch series.

3 Dimensions

3.1 Preferred sizes are in bold.

3.2 The radii of internal curvature are given for information and are shown in Table A.1.

3.3 The radius of curvature of the shelves is not defined, but can be calculated if necessary.

Table A.1
Size Weight kg/m S, cm 2 Quantities Distance from center of gravity Reference values ​​for axes
x-x = y-y u - u v - v
A, mm t, mm rroot, mm C x = C y cm WITHu, cm WITHv, cm I x = I y, cm 4 r x = r y, cm Z x = Z y, cm 3 I u, cm 4 r u, cm Iv, cm 4 r v, cm Zv, cm 3
20x20x3 0,88 1,12 20 3 3,5 0,598 1,41 0,846 0,392 0,590 0,279 0,618 0,742 0,165 0,383 0,195
25x25x3 1,12 1,42 25 3 3,5 0,723 1,77 1,02 0,803 0,751 0,452 1,27 0,945 0,334 0,484 0,326
25x25x4 1,45 1,85 25 4 3,5 0,762 1,77 1,08 1,02 0,741 0,586 1,61 0,931 0,430 0,482 0,399
30x30x3 1,36 1,74 30 3 5 0,835 2,12 1,18 1,40 0,899 0,649 2,22 1,13 0,585 0,581 0,496
30x30x4 1,78 2,27 30 4 5 0,878 2,12 1,24 1,80 0,892 0,850 2,85 1,12 0,757 0,577 0,607
35x35x4 2,09 2,67 35 4 5 1,00 2,47 1,42 2,95 1,05 1,18 4,68 1,32 1,23 0,678 0,865
35x35x5 2,57 3,28 35 5 5 1,04 2,47 1,48 3,56 1,04 1,45 5,64 1,31 1,49 0,675 1,01
40x40x3 1,84 2,35 40 3 6 1,07 2,83 1,52 3,45 1,21 1,18 5,45 1,52 1,44 0,783 0,949
40x40x4 2,42 3,08 40 4 6 1,12 2,83 1,58 4,47 1,21 1,55 7,09 1,52 1,86 0,777 1,17
40x40x5 2,97 3,79 40 5 6 1,16 2,83 1,64 5,43 1,20 1,91 8,60 1,51 2,26 0,773 1,38
45x45x4 2,74 3,49 45 4 7 1,23 3,18 1,75 6,43 1,36 1,97 10,2 1,71 2,68 0,876 1,53
45x45x5 3,38 4,30 45 5 7 1,28 3,18 1,81 7,84 1,35 2,43 12,4 1,70 3,26 0,871 1,80
50x50x4 3,06 3,89 50 4 7 1,36 3,54 1,92 8,97 1,52 2,46 14,2 1,91 3,73 0,979 1,94
50x50x5 3,77 4,80 50 5 7 1,40 3,54 1,99 11,0 1,51 3,05 17,4 1,90 4,55 0,973 2,29
50x50x6 4,47 5,69 50 6 7 1,45 3,54 2,04 12,8 1,50 3,61 20,3 1,89 5,34 0,968 2,61
60x60x5 4,57 5,82 60 5 8 1,64 4,24 2,32 19,4 1,82 4,45 30,7 2,30 8,03 1,17 3,46
60x60x6 5,42 6,91 60 6 8 1,69 4,24 2,39 22,8 1,82 5,29 36,1 2,29 9,44 1,17 3,96
60x60x8 7,09 9,03 60 8 8 1,77 4,24 2,50 29,2 1,80 6,89 46,1 2,26 12,2 1,16 4,86
65x65x6 5,91 7,53 65 6 9 1,80 4,60 2,55 29,2 1,97 6,21 46,3 2,48 12,1 1,27 4,74
65x65x8 7,73 9,85 65 8 9 1,89 4,60 2,67 37,5 1,95 8,13 59,4 2,46 15,6 1,26 5,84
70x70x6 6,38 8,13 70 6 9 1,93 4,95 2,73 36,9 2,13 7,27 58,5 2,68 15,3 1,37 5,60
70x70x7 7,38 9,40 70 7 9 1,97 4,95 2,79 42,3 2,12 8,41 67,1 2,67 17,5 1,36 6,28
75x75x6 6,85 8,73 75 6 9 2,05 5,30 2,90 45,8 2,29 8,41 72,7 2,89 18,9 1,47 6,53
75x75x8 8,99 11,4 75 8 9 2,14 5,30 3,02 59,1 2,27 11,0 93,8 2,86 24,5 1,46 8,09
80x80x6 7,34 9,35 80 6 10 2,17 5,66 3,07 55,8 2,44 9,57 88,5 3,08 23,1 1,57 7,55
80x80x8 9,63 12,3 80 8 10 2,26 5,66 3,19 72,2 2,43 12,6 115 3,06 29,9 1,56 9,37
80x80x10 11,9 15,1 80 10 10 2,34 5,66 3,30 87,5 2,41 15,4 139 3,03 36,4 1,55 11,0
90x90x7 9,61 12,2 90 7 11 2,45 6,36 3,47 92,5 2,75 14,1 147 3,46 38,3 1,77 11,0
90x90x8 10,9 13,9 90 8 11 2,50 6,36 3,53 104 2,74 16,1 166 3,45 43,1 1,76 12,2
90x90x9 12,2 15,5 90 9 11 2,54 6,36 3,59 116 2,73 17,9 184 3,44 47,9 1,76 13,3
90x90x10 15,0 17,1 90 10 11 2,58 6,36 3,65 127 2,72 19,8 201 3,42 52,6 1,75 14,4
100x100x8 12,2 15,5 100 8 12 2,74 7,07 3,87 145 3,06 19,9 230 3,85 59,9 1,96 15,5
100x100x10 15,0 19,2 100 10 12 2,82 7,07 3,99 177 3,04 24,6 280 3,83 73,0 1,95 18,3
100x100x12 17,8 22,7 100 12 12 2,90 7,07 4,11 207 3,02 29,1 328 3,80 85,7 1,94 20,9
120x120x8 14,7 18,7 120 8 13 3,23 8,49 4,56 255 3,69 29,1 405 4,65 105 2,37 23,1
120x120x10 18,2 23,2 120 10 13 3,31 8,49 4,69 313 3,67 36,0 497 4,63 129 2,36 27,5
120x120x12 21,6 27,5 120 12 13 3,40 8,49 4,80 368 3,65 42,7 584 4,60 152 2,35 31,6
125x125x8 15,3 19,5 125 8 13 3,35 8,84 4,74 290 3,85 31,7 461 4,85 120 2,47 25,3
125x125x10 19,0 24,2 125 10 13 3,44 8,84 4,86 356 3,84 39,3 565 4,83 146 2,46 2,46
125x125x12 22,6 28,7 125 12 13 3,52 8,84 4,98 418 3,81 46,6 664 4,81 172 2,45 34,6
150x150x10 23,0 29,3 150 10 16 4,03 10,6 5,71 624 4,62 56,9 990 5,82 258 2,97 45,1
150x150x12 27,3 34,8 150 12 16 4,12 10,6 5,83 737 4,60 67,7 1170 5,80 303 2,95 52,0
150x150x15 33,8 43,0 150 15 16 4,25 10,6 6,01 898 4,57 83,5 1430 5,76 370 2,93 61,6
180x180x15 40,9 52,1 180 15 18 4,98 12,7 7,05 1590 5,52 122 2520 6,96 653 3,54 92,7
180x180x18 48,6 61,9 180 18 18 5,10 12,7 7,22 1870 5,49 145 2960 6,92 768 3,52 106
200x200x16 48,5 61,8 200 16 18 5,52 14,1 7,81 2340 6,16 162 3720 7,76 960 3,94 123
200x200x20 59,9 76,3 200 20 18 5,68 14,1 8,04 2850 6,11 199 4530 7,70 1170 3,92 146
200x200x24 71,1 90,6 200 24 18 5,84 14,1 8,26 3330 6,06 235 5280 7,64 1380 3,90 167
250x250x28 104 133 250 28 18 7,24 17,7 10,2 7700 7,62 433 1220 9,61 3170 4,89 309
250x250x35 128 163 250 35 18 7,50 17,7 10,6 9260 7,54 529 1470 9,48 3860 4,87 364

1 ISO member countries may include their required corner sizes in their national standards.
From the assortment of equal-flange angles given in the table, the national standard can include those sizes of angles that S- cross-sectional area, cm 2;
t-thickness, mm;
r root - radius of internal curvature, mm;
r toc - radius of curvature of shelves, mm;
A- shelf width, mm.

3 When calculating the mass of 1 m, the density of steel was taken to be 7.85 kg/dm 3.

APPENDIX B (recommended)

1 Subject of the standard and scope
This international standard regulates the maximum deviations in dimensions of hot-rolled steel equal and unequal angles in the metric and inch series. The dimensions of the angles in the metric series must comply with ISO 657-1 and ISO 657-2, in the inch series - ISO 657-3 and ISO 657-4.

2 Maximum deviations for shelf width
The maximum deviations for the width of the shelf must correspond to those given in Table B.1.

Table B.1 | Maximum deviations in width
Metric series, mm Inch series, inch
Shelf width 1 Limit Shelf width 1 Limit
Over From start to finish deviations Over From start to finish deviations
- 50 + 1,0 - 2 + 0,04
50 100 + 1,5 2 4 + 0,06
100 150 + 2,0 4 6 + 0,08
150 200 + 3,0 6 8 + 0,12

3 Limit deviations for flange thickness
Maximum deviations in thickness of equal and unequal angles must correspond to those given in Table B.2

Table B.2 | Maximum deviations in thickness
Metric series, mm Inch series, inch
Shelf width 1 Limit Shelf width 1 Limit
Over From start to finish deviations Over From start to finish deviations
- 50 + 0,5 - 2 + 0,02
50 100 + 0,8 2 4 + 0,03
100 150 + 1,0 4 6 + 0,04
150 200 + 1,2 6 8 + 0,05

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.
Note -
For angles with a flange length over 75 mm, the maximum deviations in mass are + 2.5% per unit length and can be replaced by maximum deviations in thickness. The mass per unit length of the angle is given in the appendix A.

4 Limit deviations when cutting to lengths
Maximum length deviations when cutting equal and unequal angles into normal and exact lengths must correspond to those given in Tables B.3 and B.4, respectively.

5 Curvature

5.1. The maximum permissible curvature for equal and unequal angles must correspond to that given in Table B.5.

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.

Table B.6 | Deviation from right angle
Metric series Inch series
Shelf width Deviation Shelf width 1 Deviation
Over From start to finish Over From start to finish
- 50 1,0 - 2 0,04
50 100 2,0 2 4 0,08
100 200 3,0 4 8 0,12

1 For unequal corners, the width of the larger shelf is taken as the base.


GOST 8509-86

Official publication


DEVELOPED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the USSR State Construction Committee


S. I. Rudyuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Kovalenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; N. F. Gritsuk, Ph.D. tech. sciences; K. F. Peretyatko; G. I. Snimshchikova; E. I. Bulgakov; Zh. M. Roeva, Ph.D. econ. sciences; V. I. Krasnova; B. G. Pavlov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. F. Belyaev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.V. Berezin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; S. I. Bochkova

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

Member of the Board V. T. Antipin

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1986 No. 3083

UDC 621.357.74: 006.354 Group B22




Hot-rolled steel equal-leg angles.

Dimensions OKP 09 3100; 09 3200; 09 3300

GOST 8509-72 |ST SEV 104-74)

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 15, 1966 No. 3083, the validity period was established

from 01.07.87 to 01.07.92

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

1. This standard applies to hot-rolled steel equal-flange angles.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 104-74.

2. The dimensions of the corners, cross-sectional area, reference values ​​for the axes and the mass of 1 m of the corners must correspond to those indicated in the drawing and in the table. 1.

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1987

GOST 8509-86 Page. 3

Table 1

Reference quantities

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

Jxq check. cm 4

GOST 8509-86 Page. 5

Continued table, 1

Cross-sectional area, cm* n

Reference values

Weight of 1 m" corner, kg

/.Vo max, cm 4

I 7 Uo, cm 3

GOST 8509 -W Page 7

Page 6 GOST 8509-86

■ - - Table continued. 1

Weight of 1 m corner, kg

Cross-sectional area, cm 2

Reference values ​​for axes

/us, min cm 4

739,42 813,62 956,98_

260.97 307,09 374,17 439,24_

60.53 68,15 75,92 82,08 90,02

375.78 430,81 484,64 537,46 589,43

37.39 43,57 49,07 54,79

1933,10 2092,78 2554,99 2992,69 3271,31

948.00 1108,00 1210,00

14 16 18* 20 24* 25 30

749,40 805,35 861,00 969,74 1076,74 1181,92 1387,73 1438,38 1698,16

96.96 106,12 119,71 133,12

7492,10 8336,69 9159,73 9961,60 11125,52 12243,84 12964,66

260.52 287,14 311,98 327,82


1. Cross-sectional area and reference values ​​are calculated based on nominal dimensions. When calculating the mass of 1 m of a corner, the density of steel was taken to be 7.85 g/cm 3 .

2. The radii of curvature, shape and dimensions of the mating area of ​​the internal edges of the shelves, indicated in the drawing and in Table I, are given for constructing a gauge and are not checked at the corner.

3. Angles marked with an asterisk are manufactured according to customer requirements.

Symbols for the drawing and table. 1. b - shelf width; t - flange thickness;

R - radius of internal curvature; r is the radius of curvature of the shelves;

/ - moment of inertia; i - radius of inertia;

Z 9 - distance from the center of gravity to the outer edge of the shelf; J xy - centrifugal moment of inertia.

An example of a symbol for an equal-flange angle with dimensions 50X50X3 mm of high rolling precision (A) made of steel grade StZsp, category 3, subgroup 1:

50X50X3-A GOST 8509-86

StZspZ-1 GOST 535-79

3. According to rolling accuracy, angles are made:

A - high accuracy;

B - normal accuracy;

4. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of the corners should not exceed those indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

along the shelf width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

co yu o o + 1

yu OO o o +1

5. Maximum deviations in the dimensions of angles manufactured on mills not equipped with rigid stands should not exceed those indicated in table. 3 to 07/01/90

Table 3

Maximum deviations, mm

by shelf thickness

Corner number

along the shelf width

up to 6 incl.

from 6.5 to 9 inclusive.

co yu o o + 1

^ oo o o + 1

6. At the request of the consumer, maximum deviations in shelf thickness may be replaced by maximum deviations in mass equal to!^%.

7. Deviation from the right angle at the apex should not exceed 35".

8. The blunting of the external corners of the shelves (including the angle at the apex) should not exceed:

0.3 shelf thickness - for corners up to 10 mm thick incl.

3.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 10 to 16 mm incl.

5.0 mm - for corners with a thickness of St. 16 mm.

9. Corners are made from 4 to 12 m in length: measured length;

multiple measured length; unmeasured length;

limited length within unmeasured.

It is allowed to produce corners longer than 12 m.

10. Maximum deviations in the length of corners of the measured length or a multiple of the measured length should not exceed in millimeters:

30 - with a length of 4 m;

50 - for lengths over 4 m up to and including 6 m;

70 - for lengths over 6 m.

At the consumer's request +40 mm - for corners longer than 4 to 7 m; +5 mm for every 1 m over 7 m.

Page 10 GOST 8509-86

11. The curvature of the corners should not exceed 0.4% of the length.

At the request of the consumer, corners are produced, the curvature of which does not exceed 0.2% of the length. For angles from No. 2 to 4.5 inclusive, the curvature is checked along a length of 1 m.

12. Twisting around the longitudinal axis is not allowed.

13. The cross-sectional dimensions of the angle are checked at a distance of at least 500 mm from the end of the rod.

Editor T. I. Vasilenko Technical editor Af. I. Maksimova Proofreader B. A. Muradov

Delivered to embankment 11/14/86 Sub. in the oven 01/15/87 0.7e el. p.l. 0,/o el. cr.-ott. 0.70 academic publication l. Shooting gallery 40,000 Price 5 kopecks

Order "Badge of Honor" Publishing house of standards, 123840, Moscow, GSP, Novopresnensky lane, 3 Type. "Moscow Printer". Moscow, Lyalin per., 6. Zak 3067
