Why does a fish need an umbrella for a TOP blogger?

Is it really worth going out of your way to get on the main page of LiveJournal? What does this give a blogger other than a headache in the form of sarcastic comments that will inevitably appear, even if you are all white and fluffy?

We will find the answer on the Kommersant.ru website:

How much do advertising posts cost for the most popular LiveJournal bloggers? For example, the Voprosnik website believes that top bloggers earn from 30 thousand to 300 thousand per advertising post (source voprosik.net/skolko-zarabatyvayut-bloggery).

LJ bets. The Questionnaire website has calculated how much top LiveJournal bloggers earn.

Don’t you agree that people strive to reach the TOP only for the sake of money? Then give your arguments, explain why such heated battles are unfolding around ratings?

My boobs. Is there a chance?

Do my blogs posted on the LiveJournall blogging platform have at least some chance of reaching the TOP and leading the LiveJournall ratings table?

My e-LJ diary

Definitely no! Why? How are blog ratings formed, and by what principle do posts get to the TOP?

Let's figure it out. Fortunately, LiveJournal has a support service that has already answered many questions, so we read the answers and get the hang of it.

LiveJournal ratings

All of them are displayed on the main page LiveJournal at livejournal.com. Moreover, the rating can be found both for a day and for all time, however, this only applies to users and communities; the rating of records is shown according to a different principle.

TOP 50 blogs by Artemy Lebedev

By the way, Artemy Lebedev’s blog is always in the top three, headed by Ilya Varlamov’s LiveJournal. Recently, Ekaterina Bezymyannaya (PROSTITUTKA_KET) wedged herself between them. She is in eighth place in the overall ranking, but the release may have helped her become a leader, after which interest in the author’s posts increased.

How to set up your rating type?

I'll quote a little:

60 percent two thirds(!) The top is formed by users who are in the top twenty rankings. That is, they can write virtually any garbage, and it will still be in the top. Which is what many people use. The first hundred users generate us a fantastic 84 percent of the rating. This is almost nine out of ten of all topics. Pooh! Mere mortals, not even among the top thousand, account for only a measly 5 percent. (Source: dert.livejournal.com/57969.html)

First we make settings on the main page:

LiveJournal. Once again about the settings

Is it really possible to get to the TOP, or do you have to immediately come to terms with the fact that your LiveJournal will forever gather dust somewhere on the outskirts of LiveJournal.com?

An attempt is not torture, there is a reason to try. And first you need to check your diary settings.

Go to “Account Settings” (livejournal.com/manage/settings/) – “Security” tab (livejournal.com/manage/settings/?cat=privacy) and check the box "I want to participate in the ranking" .

On the “View” tab, you need to check the box that your diary does not contain adult materials. Just in case, I also checked the “Exclude adult content” checkbox in the safe search filters.

Naturally, your journal should not be deleted or frozen. How to “unfreeze” the magazine, read from the Support Service. I had a situation where my “Northern Sakhalin” was frozen for reasons unknown to me. I wrote a letter, the problem was solved, so don’t be shy, write and you will be rewarded.

And the last condition. If you want to participate in the Cyrillic rating, then check the “View” tab (That’s it, now we’ll think about how to get into this rating.

How to get to the TOP of LiveJournal?

Since I don’t have my own experience yet, I will try to generalize the experience of other bloggers. So, what do you need to do to get to the top of the LiveJournal rankings?

  1. Make all LiveJournal settings correctly
  2. Find friends and like-minded people in LiveJournal;
  3. Join communities that interest you;
  4. Create your community;
  5. Do not limit yourself to regional news, write on “global” topics and write regularly on different topics;
  6. Promotion in social networks, in the settings (livejournal.com/manage/settings/?cat=extensions) connect your blog with social networks by checking the box next to “Publish my posts on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, TUMBLR by default.
  7. Displaying records in “promo” (promotion for money)

Well, work, work and work again. Perhaps then you will see your post in the TOP of LiveJournal.

Blogging is an Internet phenomenon that is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. Famous bloggers attract the attention of millions of subscribers, providing themselves with an annual income measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars. What Russian blogs can be classified as the best in 2017?

Mochi the Cat's blog is a specific blog, built in the form of posts on behalf of a fictional character.

It touches on issues of politics, culture, social life, economics, etc.

Since Kot’s position is close to the point of view of a simple man in the street, and the posts themselves include sharp criticism, obvious mistakes and abuse, this order of describing well-known events is close to many Internet users.

Kota Motya is actively criticized and condemned for his radical position and encroachment on cultural values, but the blog is so specific and original that it requires being assigned the first line of the rating.

Delicious blog

Tatyana Nazaruk’s delicious blog, which in 2009 took first place in the All-Russian “Golden Site” competition, and in 2010 won the Site Cup in the “Family, Home, Life, Beauty and Health” category, is a favorite place for housewives. It contains more than 2,000 original recipes with step-by-step photos, which are also accompanied by detailed comments from the author-cook.

The verdict is a convenient, informative, interesting resource that can turn any housewife into a skilled cook.

Tatyana Volkova's blog - Justice.NET - is one of the most scandalous and discussed in Russia. The author himself presents it as a tool for awakening “smart and educated people” by breaking through the “information blockade.”

The author discusses and actively criticizes the most pressing Russian and international political, economic and political problems. Each article contains a lot of facts, quotes from famous people, figures from closed sources. Some people believe that a blog is the work of a large group of people.

One way or another, the blog is popular among a wide range of critical and skeptical Russians.

It has been known since 2007 that the famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, television and radio host Stanislav Sadalsky maintains his own blog. Currently, this is one of the most popular blogs in Russia.

What is the reason for such popularity?

There are several of them:

  • The tone of the presentation is captivating, interesting and good-natured.
  • The author does not delve into topical political, social, and economic problems.
  • The variety of topics captivates the reader from the first minute.

It became especially popular in Russia against the background of the development of the conflict in Ukraine, the introduction of Western sanctions, and the war in Syria. Positions itself as a platform with reliable geopolitical information.

Interesting, informative, relevant, covers a wide range of topics. At the same time, some critics note the subjectivity of his assessments. However, this does not reduce its popularity among those who like to discuss the latest news in geopolitics.

The brainchild of a Ukrainian journalist, created in 2014, gathers a considerable number of subscribers and admirers. Although not a professional dancer, Dinara Doletskaya was able to so actively and colorfully discuss TNT dance projects, including “Dancing on TNT,” “Everybody Dance,” “Battle of the Seasons,” that she formed a significant audience for herself.

An exclusive and extraordinary blog, in which the author actively talks with users, easily joining in any discussion, deserves its place in the ranking.

The blog of Nikolai Starikov, a public figure, publicist and writer, is also in demand and discussed in Russia. The author covers political and international economic news. His posts show support for V.V.’s policies. Putin and criticism of the country's economic course.

Elena Miro's blog is another scandalous LiveJournal page. Its author is writer and screenwriter Elena Mironenko, who in 2014 alone received more than 800,000 comments on her posts. What issues does she discuss on her blog? Everyday and social problems, topics of beauty and social life, without neglecting politics.

Her style of presentation is light, but sometimes offensive and derogatory. She criticizes politicians, openly discusses the figure and personal life of stars, and often gets personal. He often calls readers “fat pigs,” believing that this motivates them to a healthy lifestyle.

Yegor Gord's blog attracts a huge number of visitors. The reason for this is its psychological focus, providing useful advice on a wide range of problems - from getting a loved one back to completely changing your own life.

Gord offers readers unique methods of self-development, changing their lives, and finding happiness. The presentation style is simple, easy, and close to the reader. It is often criticized by psychologists, but has many enthusiastic reviews from readers.

Blog of Eduard Limonov

It is impossible not to mention the blog of the scandalous writer, chairman of the unregistered party “Other Russia”. For several years now, he has been publishing very specific posts on LiveJournal in the form of short, meaningless stories with overt political overtones or references to the most discussed social problems.

Let me remind you: on November 3 of this year, the developers of the Yandex.Blogs service announced the closure of the ranking of posts, while opening the API. The top will be completely removed from Yandex in December.

The announcement of the first version of Top-50.ru has already been published on Habré. The reaction of the Khabra residents was generally negative, despite this I decided not to give up and continue the development of the project, and took it as a test for “liceiness”, especially since such feedback is largely my fault: I provided an absolutely crude service for the public to judge, I hastily wrote a post in a half-joking, half-stupid manner.

Over the past week and a half, the project has undergone many positive changes:
- new interesting features have been added;
- the lion's share of the code was completely rewritten;
- a plan for further development has been formed.


What is the most important thing in the ranking? That's right, ranking quality. At the beginning, the Top 50 were not very good at this, which was also written about by the Khabra team. Since its launch, the algorithm has changed several times and now, we can safely say: the relevance is comparable to Yandex. However, this does not mean that the entries are sorted in the same way, it means that all the most interesting and relevant ones are in the top.

In addition to improving the summary rating, all others were also improved: by commentators, by links, by comments, by traffic. The changes are related to checking the relevance of the information: for example, if five new comments have appeared on a post three years ago, this does not mean that the topic is relevant.

The technological part has also undergone many changes. Most of the code was rewritten, our own micro framework was formed (the bicycle is justified by maximizing performance). Thanks to the new core of the system, adding new types of ratings is much easier and faster.

It is worth noting another significant aspect: all data received by the robot via the API is saved in an archive, due to this, in the future it will be possible to create a blogosphere analytics system.

The service is still extremely fast.


After publication on Habré, the Top 50 was written about in many blogs. A post appeared on Roem.ru, and after it, you won’t believe it, Vesti.ru was mentioned about the service.

An average of three hundred visitors visit the Top 50 every day. I really hope that this number will only grow :)

What's next?

I devote all my free time from full time to Top 50, I still don’t give up and will continue to develop the project. There is a whole list of interesting features that I would like to implement, but time, alas, is not flexible.

Here are just the most basic things planned: analytics of the blogosphere, various ways to present blog ratings, a complete redesign, notifications of blogs using comments about getting into the consolidated top. Habr will be the first to know about all significant innovations.

Dear Khabra residents, I really need your help. The service is made for users, and the users are you. Offer any features that would be useful to you personally. Criticize those that exist now, not forgetting to give arguments.

I look forward to any comments and suggestions from you in the comments to this post, in my habramail, by email. mail [email protected], through the service

As I already wrote, this is the first blogger from whom I started reading LiveJournal. I found this blog by accident, when I was looking on the Internet for answers to questions about my not very successful (or rather, not at all successful) relationship with one guy. Since the author is a psychologist, and psychologists are always interesting to psychologists, I immediately liked her blog.

2. prostitutka_ket

Once upon a time, her blog was recommended by Egor Gord, who has been mentioned here more than once in his article about useful blogs that you can read before bed. Here's what he wrote about her:

“Yes, she is a prostitute. And she writes books and blogs on LiveJournal. She knows male psychology subtly, knows how to write scandalous posts, and is a complete mystery of the Runet.

You can judge her, sitting in your right ass, personally, I like her. Her articles are eye-opening. They read it. They are discussing it. She's interesting...

She also wrote a book, which caused a lot of different reviews among readers. Which means the book was a success!”

That's how I learned about the existence of the prostitute Kat. And although I haven’t had time to study her blog well yet, I’m always interested in reading her posts.

3. lena-miro.ru

This blog was also recommended by Yegor Gord in the same article. He gave the following arguments:

“Yes, a lot of water. Yes, there are a lot of rumors and gossip. However, no matter what they say about her, the motivation she gives for girls is priceless. Changes girls for the better. Therefore, it is effective to read. Her daring style harshly filters readers into two opposing camps. Some people hate her and are jealous of her. And someone adores her.”

That’s how I learned about the existence of Lena Miro, too, along with the prostitute Kat.

4. shakko_kitsune

I first saw this blog in the ranking on the first page. And since the topic of art has always seemed interesting to me, I could not be indifferent to the author-art critic, and I read it sometimes. True, this is not the only blog about art on LiveJournal, of course; there are other, no less interesting blogs on the same topic. However, I will tell you about them later when I review various LiveJournal blogs about art.

5. Alexeyosokin

I also saw this blog for the first time in the ranking on the first page. However, now this author has not been there for a long time - he is currently in 256th place in the overall ranking. However, this does not make it any less interesting. He writes about wildlife, mostly wild, but sometimes there are articles about domestic animals. Travels and photographs a lot.

Of course, this is also not the only blog about wildlife that I read; there are many others that are no less interesting. But I’ll also talk about them some other time, since I plan to do my own review of blogs on this topic.

6. ljpromo

This blogger has also not been on the first page of the ranking for a long time, where I once found him. Previously, he had many articles about LiveJournal: his own tops, ratings, research, useful tips. However, lately he has been writing more about his travels. I hope he hasn’t abandoned the topic of LiveJournal and will write more about it.

7. morena_morana

She writes no less daring and shocking articles than Lena Miro. And in some ways, it seems to me, it even surpasses it. In any case, I find it interesting to read.

8. aleksei_turchin

And this is our Belarusian blogger. He writes interesting facts about various films, and his blog is called “my video salon.” It is also interesting to read it.

9. maxim_nm

Another Belarusian blogger. He writes a lot of interesting facts about the Soviet Union. True, the bad thing is that they are mostly negative, and this does not add objectivity to the blog. Apparently, the author set out to dispel the myth that life was once good in the Soviet Union.

True, I lived in the USSR very little - I was born six months before its collapse, and, of course, I couldn’t remember anything during those six months. It didn’t matter to me then what kind of diapers they wrapped me in – Soviet or not. And even if it doesn’t matter, then in any case I don’t remember anything about it, since my conscious life began much later.

But I think it cannot be that a country has only disadvantages and no advantages. If the author had written more objectively, and also mentioned the positive aspects of Soviet life, and not just the negative ones, then perhaps he would have been in a higher place in my TOP.

(but if you don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to ask, we’ll tell you!), today we’ll talk about the measure of the popularity of your blog, that is, what are the ratings. Agree, useful knowledge for those who are planning to take them by storm :) Well, even if nothing like that is included in your plans, I think this knowledge will still not be superfluous and will come in handy someday.

We won’t write anything about the ratings of third-party services for now (we’re now talking about the ratings of Yandex blogs - but if you want, we can do a separate lesson with comments from their employees), but we’ll look at them in detail LiveJournal ratings directly. Because it's our product, we can talk about it with confidence and not make wild guesses.

At the moment there is a LiveJournal three ratings: rating of posts, and rating of communities. This is in general. Each of them has several types - and that’s what we’ll talk about today.

If you are still a complete beginner and have trouble navigating the cozy world, I will briefly note that LiveJournal has magazines (that is, individual blogs) and communities of interests - in the following lessons we will tell you in detail about them. On the LiveJournal.com home page you can find tops, that is, their short versions, but the full ones are on the pages of the ratings themselves. We will not touch the rating of posts for now and will return to it in a separate lesson, but for now we will discuss ratings of users and communities.

User rating

The user rating is actually a list of the most popular LiveJournal bloggers. It is presented in two forms:

- one - according to the social capital already known to us, that is, it shows the authority of a particular user according to many quality indicators. It does not take into account bots and this is the rating that is shown by default.
- second - based on views of magazine pages. Since the statistics of each blog are not publicly available, on the page of this rating you can see a clear and truthful picture of the traffic to certain blogs.

As I said above, on the main page of LiveJournal there is a short version of the user rating, which includes the top 10 users by default social capital. User ratings are updated once a day and, probably, it is not worth saying that the results in the ranking are based on social capital and views for the same magazine will be different. If you want to find out what position your or someone else's blog occupies in the ranking, use the special search form, it looks like this (and yes, pay attention to the tabs on the right and center):

Community rating

The community rating is a list of the most popular communities on LiveJournal, and it is presented in three different types. This rating is calculated:

Regarding social capital, the principle is absolutely the same as for users. It is worth noting that the impact on social capital is not the number of those who joined the community, but who joined it, that is, only watch, not join.
- by community members - their number is indicated in the community profile.
- from looking at the magazine pages, everything seems to be clear here :)

In the case of ranking communities in the top, the main page also displays ranking data on social capital. And again, if you want to find out what position a certain community occupies in the ranking, use the special search form.

Rating by country

All ratings, in turn, are divided into ratings by country. More precisely, now there is a general rating for all Cyrillic users, it is shown by default, and there is a Ukrainian rating - this includes those who indicated their country of residence as Ukraine in their profile settings (and it is for such users that Ukrainian is displayed by default). You can switch between these ratings easily and simply using the “General” and “Ukraine” tabs - both on the ratings pages themselves and on the main page. Both of these ratings are visible to all users subscribed to Cyrillic services.

Well, is everything clear? Any questions? :)
