The modern C++ standard defines a class with functions and properties (variables) for organizing work with strings (in the classical C language there are no strings as such, there are only arrays of char characters):




To work with strings, you also need to connect a standard namespace:

Using namespace std;

Otherwise, you will have to specify the std::string class descriptor everywhere instead of string .

Below is an example of a program working with string (does not work in older C-compatible compilers!):

#include #include #include using namespace std; int main() ( string s = "Test"; s.insert(1,"!"); cout<< s.c_str() << endl; string *s2 = new string("Hello"); s2->erase(s2->end()); cout<< s2->c_str(); cin.get(); return 0; )

The main features that the string class has:

  • initialization with a character array (a built-in string type) or another object of type string . A built-in type does not have the second capability;
  • copying one line to another. For a built-in type you have to use the strcpy() function;
  • access to individual characters of a string for reading and writing. In a built-in array, this is done using an index operation or indirect addressing using a pointer;
  • comparing two strings for equality. For a built-in type, the functions of the strcmp() family are used;
  • concatenation (concatenation) of two strings, producing the result either as a third string or instead of one of the original ones. For a built-in type, the strcat() function is used, but to get the result in a new line, you need to use the strcpy() and strcat() functions sequentially, and also take care of memory allocation;
  • built-in means of determining the length of a string (class member functions size() and l ength()). The only way to find out the length of a built-in type string is by calculating it using the strlen() function;
  • ability to find out if a string is empty.

Let's look at these basic features in more detail.

Initializing Strings when describing and string length(not including the terminating null terminator):

String st("My string\n"); cout<< "Длина " << st << ": " << st.size() << " символов, включая символ новой строки\n";

The string can also be empty:

String st2;

To check that is the line empty, you can compare its length with 0:

If (! st.size()) // empty

or use the empty() method, which returns true for an empty string and false for a non-empty one:

If (st.empty()) // empty

The third form of string creation initializes an object of type string with another object of the same type:

String st3(st);

The string st3 is initialized with the string st . How can we make sure these the lines match? Let's use the comparison operator (==):

If (st == st3) // initialization worked

How copy one line to another? Using the normal assignment operator:

St2 = st3; // copy st3 to st2

For string concatenation the addition operator (+) or the addition plus assignment operator (+=) is used. Let two lines be given:

String s1("hello, "); string s2("world\n");

We can get a third string consisting of a concatenation of the first two, this way:

String s3 = s1 + s2;

If we want to add s2 to the end of s1, we should write:

S1 += s2;

The addition operation can concatenate class objects string not only among themselves, but also with built-in type strings. You can rewrite the example above so that special characters and punctuation marks are represented by the built-in char * type, and significant words are represented by objects of the class string:

Const char *pc = ", "; string s1("hello"); string s2("world"); string s3 = s1 + pc + s2 + "\n"; cout<< endl << s3;

Such expressions work because the compiler "knows" how to automatically convert objects of the built-in type to objects of the string class. It is also possible to simply assign a built-in string to a string object:

String s1; const char *pc = "a character array"; s1 = pc; // Right

The inverse transformation in this case doesn't work. Attempting to perform the following built-in type string initialization will cause a compilation error:

Char *str = s1; // compilation error

To perform this conversion, you must explicitly call a member function called c_str() ("C string"):

Const char *str = s1.c_str();

The c_str() function returns a pointer to a character array containing the string object's string as it would appear in the built-in string type. The const keyword here prevents the "dangerous" possibility in modern visual environments of directly modifying the contents of an object via a pointer.

TO individual characters An object of type string, like a built-in type, can be accessed using the index operation. For example, here is a piece of code that replaces all periods with underscores:

String str(""); int size = str.size(); for (int i = 0; i< size; i++) if (str[i] == ".") str[ i ] = "_"; cout << str;

Replace(str.begin(), str.end(), ".", "_");

True, it is not the replace method of the string class that is used here, but the algorithm of the same name:


Because the string object behaves like a container, other algorithms can be applied to it. This allows you to solve problems that are not directly solved by the functions of the string class.

Below is a brief description of the main operators and functions of the string class; links in the table lead to Russian-language descriptions on the Internet. A more complete list of the capabilities of the string class can be obtained, for example, on Wikipedia or on the website

Specifying characters in a string


assigns values ​​to a string


assigns characters to a string

Access to individual characters


getting the specified character and checking if the index is out of bounds


getting the specified character


getting the first character


getting the last character


returns a pointer to the first character of the string


returns unmodifiable a C character array containing the characters of the string

Line Capacity Check


checks if a string is empty


returns the number of characters in a string


returns the maximum number of characters


reserves storage space

String operations


clears the contents of a string


inserting characters


deleting characters


adding a character to the end of a string


removes the last character



appends characters to the end of a string


compares two strings


replaces every occurrence of the specified character


returns a substring


copies characters


changes the number of characters stored


--- C# Guide --- Strings

From a regular programming point of view, string string data type is one of the most important in C#. This type defines and supports character strings. In a number of other programming languages, a string is an array of characters. And in C#, strings are objects. Therefore, the string type is a reference type.

Building strings

The simplest way to construct a character string is to use a string literal. For example, the following line of code assigns the string reference variable str a reference to a string literal:

String str = "Example string";

In this case, the variable str is initialized with the sequence of characters "Example String". An object of type string can also be created from an array of type char. For example:

Char chararray = ("e", "x", "a", "m", "p", "l", "e"); string str = new string(chararray);

Once a string object is created, it can be used anywhere you need a string of text enclosed in quotes.

String persistence

Oddly enough, the contents of an object of type string cannot be changed. This means that once a character sequence has been created, it cannot be changed. But this limitation contributes to a more efficient implementation of character strings. Therefore, this seemingly obvious disadvantage actually turns into an advantage. Thus, if a string is required as a variation of an existing string, then for this purpose a new string should be created containing all the necessary changes. And since unused string objects are automatically collected as garbage, you don’t even have to worry about the fate of unnecessary strings.

It should be emphasized, however, that variable references to strings (that is, objects of type string) are subject to change, and therefore they can refer to another object. But the contents of the string object itself do not change after it is created.

Let's look at an example:

Static void addNewString() ( string s = "This is my stroke"; s = "This is new stroke"; )

Let's compile the application and load the resulting assembly into the ildasm.exe utility. The figure shows the CIL code that will be generated for the void addNewString() method:

Note that there are numerous calls to the ldstr (string load) opcode. This CIL ldstr opcode performs loading of a new string object onto the managed heap. As a result, the previous object that contained the value "This is my stroke" will eventually be garbage collected.

Working with Strings

In class System.String a set of methods is provided for determining the length of character data, searching for a substring in the current string, converting characters from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa, etc. Next we will look at this class in more detail.

Field, Indexer, and String Class Property

The String class defines a single field:

Public static readonly string Empty;

The Empty field denotes an empty string, i.e. a string that does not contain any characters. This is different from an empty String reference, which is simply made to a non-existent object.

In addition, the String class defines a single read-only indexer:

Public char this ( get; )

This indexer allows you to get a character at a specified index. Indexing of strings, like arrays, starts from zero. String objects are persistent and do not change, so it makes sense that the String class supports a read-only indexer.

Finally, the String class defines a single read-only property:

Public int Length ( get; )

The Length property returns the number of characters in the string. The example below shows the use of the indexer and the Length property:

Using System; class Example ( static void Main() ( string str = "Simple string"; // Get the length of the string and the 6th character in the line using the indexer Console.WriteLine("Length of the string - (0), 6th character - "(1)"" , str.Length, str);

String Class Operators

The String class overloads the following two operators: == and !=. The == operator is used to test two character strings for equality. When the == operator is applied to object references, it typically tests whether both references are made to the same object. And when the == operator is applied to references to objects of type String, the contents of the strings themselves are compared for equality. The same applies to the != operator. When it is applied to references to objects of type String, the contents of the strings themselves are compared for inequality. However, other relational operators, including =, compare references to objects of type String in the same way as they compare references to objects of other types. And in order to check whether one string is greater than another, you should call the Compare() method defined in the String class.

As will become clear, many types of character string comparisons rely on cultural information. But this does not apply to the == and != operators. After all, they simply compare the ordinal values ​​of characters in strings. (In other words, they compare the binary values ​​of characters that have not been modified by cultural norms, that is, locale standards.) Therefore, these operators perform string comparisons in a case-insensitive and culture-insensitive manner.

String class methods

The following table lists some of the most interesting methods in this class, grouped by purpose:

Methods for working with strings
Method Structure and overloads Purpose
String comparison
compare() public static int Compare(string strA, string strB)

Public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, bool ignoreCase)

Public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, StringComparison comparisonType)

Public static int Compare(string strA, string strB, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture)

Static method compares string strA with string strB. Returns a positive value if strA is greater than strB; negative if strA is less than strB; and zero if the strings strA and strB are equal. Comparisons are made based on register and culture.

If ignoreCase evaluates to true, the comparison does not take into account differences between uppercase and lowercase letters. Otherwise, these differences are taken into account.

The comparisonType parameter specifies the specific way strings are compared. The CultureInfo class is defined in the System.Globalization namespace.

public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length)

Public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, bool ignoreCase)

Public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, StringComparison comparisonType)

Public static int Compare(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int length, bool ignoreCase, CultureInfo culture)

Compares parts of strings strA and strB. The comparison starts with the string elements strA and strB and includes the number of characters specified by the length parameter. The method returns a positive value if part of the string strA is greater than part of the string strB; negative value if part of string strA is less than part of string strB; and zero if the parts of strings strA and strB being compared are equal. Comparisons are made based on register and culture.

CompareOrdinal() public static int CompareOrdinal(string strA, string strB)

Public static int CompareOrdinal(string strA, int indexA, string strB, int indexB, int count)

Does the same thing as the Compare() method, but without taking into account local settings

CompareTo() public int CompareTo(object value)

Compares the calling string with the string representation of the value object. Returns a positive value if the calling string is greater than value; negative if the calling string is less than value; and zero if the compared strings are equal

public int CompareTo(string strB)

Compares the calling string with the string strB

Equals() public override bool Equals(object obj)

Returns the boolean true if the calling string contains the same sequence of characters as the string representation of obj. Performs an ordinal comparison that is case-sensitive but culturally insensitive

public bool Equals(string value)

Public bool Equals(string value, StringComparison comparisonType)

Returns the boolean value true if the calling string contains the same sequence of characters as the string value. An ordinal comparison is performed that is case sensitive but not culturally sensitive. The comparisonType parameter specifies the specific way strings are compared

public static bool Equals(string a, string b)

Public static bool Equals(string a, string b, StringComparison comparisonType)

Returns the boolean value true if string a contains the same sequence of characters as string b . An ordinal comparison is performed that is case sensitive but not culturally sensitive. The comparisonType parameter specifies the specific way strings are compared

Concatenation (connection) of strings
Concat() public static string Concat(string str0, string str1);

public static string Concat(params string values);

Combines individual string instances into a single string (concatenation)
Search in a string
Contains() public bool Contains(string value) A method that allows you to determine whether a string contains a certain substring (value)
StartsWith() public bool StartsWith(string value)

Public bool StartsWith(string value, StringComparison comparisonType)

Returns the boolean value true if the calling string begins with the substring value. Otherwise, the boolean value false is returned. The comparisonType parameter specifies the specific way to perform the search

EndsWith() public bool EndsWith(string value)

Public bool EndsWith(string value, StringComparison comparisonType)

Returns the boolean value true if the calling string ends with the substring value. Otherwise, returns the boolean value false. The comparisonType parameter specifies the specific search method

IndexOf() public int IndexOf(char value)

Public int IndexOf(string value)

Finds the first occurrence of a given substring or character in a string. If the searched character or substring is not found, then the value -1 is returned.

public int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex)

Public int IndexOf(string value, int startIndex)

Public int IndexOf(char value, int startIndex, int count)

Public int IndexOf(string value, int startIndex, int count)

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the character or substring value in the calling string. The search begins at the element specified by startIndex and spans the number of elements specified by count (if specified). The method returns -1 if the searched character or substring is not found

LastIndexOf() The overloaded versions are similar to the IndexOf() method

Same as IndexOf, but finds the last occurrence of a character or substring, not the first

IndexOfAny() public int IndexOfAny(char anyOf)

Public int IndexOfAny(char anyOf, int startIndex)

Public int IndexOfAny(char anyOf, int startIndex, int count)

Returns the index of the first occurrence of any character from the anyOf array found in the calling string. The search begins at the element specified by startIndex and spans the number of elements specified by count (if specified). The method returns -1 if no character in the anyOf array is matched. The search is carried out in an ordinal manner

LastIndexOfAny The overloaded versions are similar to the IndexOfAny() method

Returns the index of the last occurrence of any character from the anyOf array found in the calling string

Splitting and joining strings
Split public string Split(params char separator)

Public string Split(params char separator, int count)

A method that returns a string array with the substrings present in this instance inside, which are separated from each other by elements from the specified char or string array.

The first form of the Split() method splits the calling string into its component parts. The result is an array containing the substrings obtained from the calling string. The characters delimiting these substrings are passed in the separator array. If the separator array is empty or refers to the empty string, then a space is used as the substring separator. And in the second form of this method, the number of substrings determined by the count parameter is returned.

public string Split(params char separator, StringSplitOptions options)

Public string Split(string separator, StringSplitOptions options)

Public string Split(params char separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)

Public string Split(string separator, int count, StringSplitOptions options)

In the first two forms of the Split() method, the calling string is split into parts and an array is returned containing the substrings obtained from the calling string. The characters separating these substrings are passed in the separator array. If the separator array is empty, then a space is used as a separator. And in the third and fourth forms of this method, the number of rows limited by the count parameter is returned.

But in all forms, the options parameter specifies a specific way to handle empty lines that are produced when two delimiters are adjacent. The StringSplitOptions enumeration defines only two values: None And RemoveEmptyEntries. If options is None, then empty strings are included in the final split result of the original string. And if the options parameter is set to RemoveEmptyEntries, then empty lines are excluded from the final result of splitting the original string.

Join() public static string Join(string separator, string value)

Public static string Join(string separator, string value, int startIndex, int count)

Constructs a new string by combining the contents of an array of strings.

The first form of the Join() method returns a string consisting of concatenated substrings passed in the value array. The second form also returns a string consisting of the substrings passed in the value array, but they are concatenated in a certain number count, starting with the value array element. In both forms, each subsequent line is separated from the previous line by a separator line specified by the separator parameter.

Filling and trimming lines
Trim() public string Trim()

Public string Trim(params char trimChars)

A method that allows you to remove all occurrences of a specific set of characters from the beginning and end of the current line.

The first form of the Trim() method removes leading and trailing spaces from the calling string. And the second form of this method removes the leading and trailing occurrences of the calling character string from the trimChars array. Both forms return the resulting string.

PadLeft() public string PadLeft(int totalWidth)

Public string PadLeft(int totalWidth, char paddingChar)

Allows you to pad a string with characters on the left.

The first form of the PadLeft() method introduces spaces on the left side of the calling string so that its total length becomes equal to the value of the totalWidth parameter. And in the second form of this method, the characters denoted by the paddingChar parameter are entered on the left side of the calling string so that its total length becomes equal to the value of the totalWidth parameter. Both forms return the resulting string. If the value of the totalWidth parameter is less than the length of the calling string, then a copy of the unchanged calling string is returned.

PadRight() Same as PadLeft()

Allows you to append a string with characters to the right.

Inserting, deleting, and replacing rows
Insert() public string Insert(int startIndex, string value)

Used to insert one row into another, where value denotes the row to be inserted into the calling row at startIndex. The method returns the resulting string.

Remove() public string Remove(int startIndex)

Public string Remove(int startIndex, int count)

Used to remove part of a string. In the first form of the Remove() method, the removal begins at the location indicated by startIndex and continues until the end of the line. And in the second form of this method, the number of characters determined by the count parameter is removed from the string, starting from the place indicated by the startIndex index.

Replace() public string Replace(char oldChar, char newChar)

Public string Replace(string oldValue, string newValue)

Used to replace part of a string. In the first form of the Replace() method, all occurrences of the character oldChar in the calling string are replaced with the character newChar. And in the second form of this method, all occurrences of the string oldValue in the calling line are replaced with the string newValue.

Change case
ToUpper() public string ToUpper()

Capitalizes all letters in the calling string.

ToLower() public string ToLower()

Lowercase all letters in the calling string.

Getting a substring from a string
Substring() public string Substring(int startIndex)

Public string Substring(int startIndex, int length)

In the first form of the Substring() method, the substring is retrieved starting from the location indicated by the startIndex parameter and ending at the end of the calling string. And in the second form of this method, a substring consisting of the number of characters determined by the length parameter is extracted, starting from the place indicated by the startIndex parameter.

The following example program uses several of the above methods:

Using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication1 ( class Program ( static void Main(string args) ( // Compare the first two lines string s1 = "this is a string"; string s2 = "this is text, and this is a string"; if (String.CompareOrdinal(s1, s2) != 0) Console.WriteLine("Strings s1 and s2 are not equal"); if (String.Compare(s1, 0, s2, 13, 10, true) == 0) Console.WriteLine("However, they contain same text"); // Concatenation of strings Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("\n" + "One, two ","three, four")); // Search in a string // First occurrence of a substring if (s2. IndexOf("this") != -1) Console.WriteLine("The word \"this\" is found in the line, it is "+ "located at: (0) position", s2.IndexOf("this")); / Last occurrence of the substring if (s2.LastIndexOf("this") != -1) Console.WriteLine("The last occurrence of the word \"this\" is " + "at (0) position", s2.LastIndexOf("this" )); // Search from an array of characters char myCh = ("Y","x","t"); if (s2.IndexOfAny(myCh) != -1) Console.WriteLine("One of the characters from the array ch "+ "found in the current line at position (0)", s2.IndexOfAny(myCh)); // Determine whether the line begins with the given substring if (s2.StartsWith("this is text") == true) Console.WriteLine("Substring found!"); // Determine whether the string contains a substring // using the example of determining the user's OS string myOS = Environment.OSVersion.ToString(); if (myOS.Contains("NT 5.1")) Console.WriteLine("Your operating system is Windows XP"); else if (myOS.Contains("NT 6.1")) Console.WriteLine("Your operating system is Windows 7"); Console.ReadLine(); ) ) )

A little about string comparison in C#

Probably the most common of all character string operations is comparing one string to another. Before looking at any string comparison methods, it's worth emphasizing the following: String comparisons can be done in the .NET Framework in two main ways:

    First, the comparison may reflect the customs and norms of a particular cultural environment, which are often cultural settings that come into play when the program is implemented. This is standard behavior for some, but not all comparison methods.

    And secondly, the comparison can be made regardless of cultural settings only by the ordinal values ​​of the characters that make up the string. Generally speaking, non-cultural comparisons of strings use lexicographical order (and linguistic features) to determine whether one string is greater than, less than, or equal to another string. In ordinal comparison, strings are simply ordered based on the unmodified value of each character.

Because of the differences in the way cultural string comparisons and ordinal comparisons differ, and the consequences of each such comparison, we strongly recommend that you follow the best practices currently offered by Microsoft. After all, choosing the wrong method for comparing strings can lead to incorrect operation of the program when it is operated in an environment different from the one in which it was developed.

Choosing how to compare character strings is a very important decision. As a general rule, and without exception, you should choose to compare strings in a culturally sensitive manner if this is done for the purpose of displaying the result to the user (for example, to display a series of strings sorted in lexicographical order). But if the strings contain fixed information that is not intended to be modified for cultural differences, such as a file name, keyword, website address, or security value, then you should choose ordinal string comparison. Of course, the characteristics of the particular application being developed will dictate the choice of an appropriate method for comparing character strings.

The String class provides a variety of string comparison methods, which are listed in the table above. The most universal among them is the Compare() method. It allows two strings to be compared in whole or in part, case-sensitive or case-insensitive, in a manner specified by the type parameter StringComparison, as well as cultural information provided by the type parameter CultureInfo.

Those overloads of the Compare() method that do not include a parameter of type StringComparison perform a case- and culture-sensitive comparison of character strings. And in those overloaded variants that do not contain a CultureInfo type parameter, information about the cultural environment is determined by the current runtime environment.

The StringComparison type is an enumeration that defines the values ​​shown in the table below. Using these values, you can create string comparisons that suit the needs of your specific application. Therefore, adding a parameter of type StringComparison extends the capabilities of the Compare() method and other comparison methods such as Equals(). This also makes it possible to unambiguously indicate how strings are intended to be compared.

Because of the differences between culturally sensitive string comparisons and ordinal comparisons, it is important to be as precise as possible in this regard.

Values ​​defined in the StringComparison enumeration
Meaning Description
CurrentCulture String comparisons are made using the current cultural environment settings
CurrentCultureIgnoreCase String comparisons are made using the current culture settings, but are not case sensitive
InvariantCulture String comparisons are made using immutable ones, i.e. universal data about the cultural environment
InvariantCultureIgnoreCase String comparisons are made using immutable ones, i.e. universal cultural data and case-insensitive
Ordinal String comparisons are made using the ordinal values ​​of the characters in the string. In this case, the lexicographic order may be disrupted, and the conventions adopted in a particular cultural environment are ignored
OrdinalIgnoreCase String comparisons are made using the ordinal values ​​of the characters in the string, but are not case sensitive

In any case, the Compare() method returns a negative value if the first string compared is less than the second; positive if the first string compared is greater than the second; and finally, zero if both strings being compared are equal. Although the Compare() method returns zero if the strings being compared are equal, it is generally better to use the Equals() method or the == operator to determine whether character strings are equal.

The fact is that the Compare() method determines the equality of the compared strings based on their sort order. Thus, if a cultural comparison is made between strings, both strings may be the same in their sort order, but not equal in substance. By default, string equality is determined in the Equals() method, based on the ordinal values ​​of the characters and without taking into account the cultural environment. Therefore, by default, both strings are compared in this method for absolute, character-by-character equality, similar to how it is done in the == operator.

Despite the great versatility of the Compare() method, for simple ordinal comparisons of character strings it is easier to use the CompareOrdinal() method. Finally, keep in mind that the CompareTo() method only performs culturally sensitive string comparisons.

The following program demonstrates the use of the Compare(), Equals(), CompareOrdinal() methods, and the == and != operators to compare character strings. Note that the first two comparison examples clearly demonstrate the differences between culturally sensitive string comparisons and ordinal comparisons in an English-speaking environment:

Using System; class Example ( static void Main() ( string str1 = "alpha"; string str2 = "Alpha"; string str3 = "Beta"; string str4 = "alpha"; string str5 = "alpha, beta"; int result; / / First, demonstrate the differences between culture-sensitive string comparison // and ordinal comparison result = String.Compare(str1, str2, StringComparison.CurrentCulture); Console.Write("Culture-sensitive string comparison: "); ) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " greater than " + str2); else Console.WriteLine(str1 + " equal to " + str2); result = String.Compare(str1, str2, StringComparison.Ordinal); lines: "); if (result 0) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " greater than " + str2); else Console.WriteLine(str1 + " equal to " + str4); // Use the CompareOrdinal() method result = String.CompareOrdinal( str1, str2); Console.Write("Comparing strings using CompareOrdinal():\n"); if (result 0) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " greater than " + str2); else Console.WriteLine(str1 + " equal to " + str4); Console.WriteLine(); // Determine string equality using the == operator // This is an ordinal comparison of character strings if (str1 == str4) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " == " + str4); // Define line inequality using the != operator if(str1 != str3) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " != " + str3); if(str1 != str2) Console.WriteLine(str1 + " != " + str2); Console.WriteLine(); // Perform a case-insensitive ordinal comparison of strings // using the Equals() method if(String.Equals(str1, str2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) Console.WriteLine("Comparison of strings using the Equals() method with the " + "OrdinalIgnoreCase parameter: \n" + str1 + " equals " + str2); Console.WriteLine(); // Compare parts of strings if(String.Compare(str2, 0, str5, 0, 3, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) > 0) ( Console.WriteLine("Compare strings taking into account the current cultural environment:" + "\n3 first characters of the string " + str2 + " more than the first 3 characters of the line " + str5); ) ) )

Running this program produces the following output:

In this lesson we will discuss C-style strings; you may have already seen these strings on our website or in any other textbook. In fact, C-strings are just arrays of characters but, with their own specifics, thus we always know where the end of the line is. In this article we will look at several functions for working with strings, for example, you - copy, concatenate, get the length of a string.

What are strings?

Note that along with C-style strings, which are essentially simple arrays, there are also string literals, such as this "literal" . In reality, both strings and literals are simply sets of characters located side by side in the computer's memory. But there is still a difference between arrays and literals: literals cannot be changed, and strings can.

Any function that takes a C-style string can also take a literal as a parameter. There are also some entities in C that may look like strings when in fact they are not. I’m talking about characters now, they are enclosed in single quotes, here’s an example - “a”, as you can see, this is not a string. A character can, at a specific location, be assigned to a string, but characters cannot be processed as a string. If you remember, arrays work like pointers, so if you pass a single character into a string, it will be considered an error.

From the above, you should have realized that strings are arrays of characters, and string literals are words surrounded by double quotes. Here's another example of a literal:

"This is a static string"

Have you forgotten about the specificity of strings, which was mentioned a little higher? So, C-strings must always end with a null character, literally “\0”. Therefore, to declare a string consisting of 49 letters, you need to reserve an additional cell for the null character:

Char myString;

As you can see from the example, the length of the array is 50 characters, 49 of which will be a line and one, the last one will be a null character. It is important to remember that there must always be a null character at the end of C-lines, just as there is a period at the end of every sentence. Although the null character is not displayed when the string is output, it still takes up space in memory. So technically, in an array of fifty elements, you could only store 49 letters because the last character is needed to terminate the string. Additionally, pointers can also be used as a string. If you read the article about , you can do something like this:

Char *myString; // char type pointer myString = malloc(sizeof(*myString) * 64); // memory allocation

In this example, we have allocated 64 memory locations for the myString array. To free memory, use the free() function.


Using Strings

Strings are useful when you need to perform various operations on text information. For example, if you want the user to enter a name into a program, you would use a string. Using the scanf() function to input a string works, but may result in a buffer overflow. After all, the input string may be larger than the size of the buffer string. There are several ways to solve this problem, but the simplest way is to use , which is declared in the header file .

When reading input from the user, it will read all characters except the last one. After that, a zero terminator will be placed at the end of the read line. The fgets() function will read characters until the user presses Enter. Let's see an example of using fgets():

#include int main() ( char myString; // long string printf("Enter a long string: "); fgets(myString, 100, stdin); // read the string from the input stream printf("You entered the following string: %s", myString);

The first parameter to fgets() is a string, the second parameter is the size of the string, and the third parameter is a pointer to the input data stream.

Result of the program:


As you can see, from the program output, a newline character - "\n" - entered the input line. This happened because fgets() counted the Enter button press into the string myString and completed its work. This means you may need to manually remove the newline character. One way to do this is character-by-character enumeration. Let's modify the program and remove the newline character:

#include int main() ( char myString; // long string printf("Enter a long string: "); fgets(myString, 100, stdin); // read a string from the input stream int i; for (i = 0; i< 100; i++) { if (myString[i] == "\n") { myString[i] = "\0"; break; } } printf("Вы ввели следующую строку: %s", myString); getchar(); }

Please note that if the input string contains less than 100 characters, then a newline character will also be included in the string. Therefore, we can remove this character using simple brute force. We added a loop to the program in which we loop through the characters of the string, lines 12-19. And when we encounter a newline character, we replace it with a null character, line 16. Result of the program:

Enter a long line: Fate leaves its mark You have entered the following line: Fate leaves its mark To close this window, click<ВВОД>...

That's all for now. In the next article I will tell you about special functions for working with strings.

P.S.: We all love to watch different video recordings, but sometimes it happens that it is not always possible to play some video file formats. So, you can solve this problem using the program - xilisoft converter ultimate. You can easily quickly convert videos from one format to another. In addition, this program can also convert audio files and animated images.

p»їTrustworthy SEO Agency India Can Increase Revenues of Small Businesses

80% users search on Google and other search engines before making a purchase and more than 50% inquiries generated through search engines get converted. These two statistics prove the importance of Search Engine Optimization. There are many as such stats and facts that make a clear point: any small, mid or large scaled business need professional SEO services. Small businesses and startups often face budget issues. They can take help of any trustworthy SEO agency from India to get the best SEO service in their budget to increase their revenues.
Search holds a great impact on consumers’ minds. According to the various statistics shared by major search engine optimization experts on various authorized websites such as Search Engine Land, Moz, SEO Journal, Digital Marketers India, Hubspot, etc. SEO captures a majority of the leads. Also, the leads coming from the organic search results have a higher conversion rate. These stats and consumer behavior make a clearer point that best SEO service is not a luxury, but a necessity for any business.
To bypass the competition and to increase business growth each organization needs to use the Search Engine Optimization services. The big brands can invest enough money for the expert SEO service offered by a top SEO company or an SEO specialist, but small business owners often compromise on the quality of this service due to less budget. It’s a hard fact the small business and startups end up leaving the opportunities that can be created with the professional SEO service or use a cheap SEO service which yields no positive results.
The small business owners and startups can take benefit of professional SEO services even in the limited budget. The best solution is finding a trustworthy SEO company based out of India. In India, there are many SEO experts who are working with the digital marketing agency and offering best-in-the-industry services. They can provide you the required SEO services in your budget. The wages can be negotiated with an SEO agency India to get better services at lower rates. However, don’t fall for cheap SEO service that charges less and promise to give more as expertise comes at its own cost. You must see the portfolio or ask proper questions before contracting a company for your business.
The SEO experts in India are skilled with the best practices of search engine optimization. Also, there are some SEO specialists in India such as Ash Vyas, who specialize in creating the best search engine optimization strategy for a business in stated budget. The SEO professionals will create a clear plan and will also share what can be the expected results. This way you can be well aware of your investment and returns. This helps in making a better business decision.
A good idea is to find and contract a trustworthy SEO company from India that offers the best SEO services as soonest as possible. You may also start with a small budget and limited activities to start getting your WebPages indexed and boosting your keywords in search engines. Don’t wait for the perfect time or a day when you will have thousands of dollars to invest in the best SEO services. Starting early will help you get quicker results when you can go aggressive with your marketing approach. A trustworthy SEO company based out of India will help you define your current and future plans to yield good results. More indexed pages boosted rankings and credible brand of your business made with continuous professional SEO practices will double inquiries, business, and revenues. Any small business can start with two-digit investment in the professional SEO services. There are many SEO agencies in India that offer low budget yet result from oriented Search Engine Optimization services.

surveys from exile

  • CraigWew


    p»їThe Importance of Establishing Rapport With the Customer in Real Estate and General Sales

    The importance of establishing rapport with the customer.
    Establishing rapport with a customer has to be earned and must be approached as a very integral part of the sales process.
    In order to get a customer and yourself to relate on a real one to one basis, involves two things!
    First, you will have to be aware and be there! Second you must understand that there are two different stages that will occur during this process.
    A-Be there-what does that mean?
    o Most people don’t really listen to another person as they talk. Generally they are so busy formulating their next answer or statement that they couldn’t possibly really listen.
    o If this sounds like you, being there means shut up and listen!
    B-What is the first or initial stage?
    o Generally you have just a few minutes to establish yourself in the customers mind as someone they want to deal with.
    o When in doubt it is best to first ask questions that will draw them out and talk about themselves.
    o It is also always safe to appear as a professional-I don’t mean stoic or dry, but someone who knows what they are doing and talks and looks the part.
    C-Other stages
    o As time goes on, through conversation and questions they will have, you will either establish your ability or not.
    o Be aware that they will probably be measuring you for a while. The good news is that at some point, if you have been successful at establishing rapport-they will relax and you can both concentrate on finding or selling the home.
    What else can help me develop rapport?
    o By trying to understand different personality types and then by saying and asking the right questions.
    o If you have good rapport (get on the same wave length as the customer) then the selling is basically over, now it’s just a matter of finding the right home or filling out the listing papers.
    What about different personalities
    o Since this is not a book on psychiatry, for now just understand two main types.
    o There are introverted and extroverted people.
    o You know the type. Think about three people you know that fit each classification.
    What about body language and speech patterns?
    o If they talk fast or slow, try to mimic their speech patterns.
    o If they talk loud or soft, do the same. Are they leaning forward or backward?
    o Needless to say, there are lots of books written on this subject. Just be aware that it is an important factor—especially when you’re sitting in a conference room or at someone’s home discussing a $400,000 deal.
    Developing rapport is a skill that can be learned and improved upon.
    o We all have experienced a salesperson that sold us something and yet we didn’t feel like we were being sold. The reason is he or she, made you feel comfortable to where you trusted them.
    How do we develop rapport?
    o Use your eyes and ears and ask questions. To explain
    o Use the eyes:
    o Look at their dress-their car-their personal possessions and I mean really look at them and decipher what that tells you about them.
    o Use the ears:
    o Listen to what they say and ask questions to get to the bottom of their real MOTIVATION!
    Now during all this conversation, there will probably be one or two things you’ll discover that you have in common with them. (Family, geographical areas, fishing, etc) When you come across common ground, let them know you’re familiarity and then take a minute to discuss it with them.
    What is the Goal?
    o Once they accept you as one of them you're in position to really have a great experience in the sale as you're now working together then as a team—you're no longer the salesman you're now in an advisory position .
    o Remember, the customer either will or will not allow you to enter his world. If you understand this and really work hard to become empathetic with him/her, you can gain a position of trust. In most cases, you will actually see them relax (body language) when this happens you’re on the way.
    o To illustrate this have you ever given a speech and noticed that as you finally connected with an audience member they will nod in approval. These things may all seem trite but they aren’t.
    In closing, if you can earn a customers trust, selling a product or service is much easier and the experience can be enoyable for everyone involved.
    Always remember that a Win/Win is the best situation.