See a new proven method on how to change your name on VKontakte through an element code without checking with the administrator, who may require a copy of your passport.

A secret way to change your first and last name on VKontakte

This option is nothing more than hacking a page bypassing general principles security systems.

Click on the arrow next to your avatar.

Next, click on the item Full information.


We change the first or last name in the contact and go down.


How to change your name on VKontakte via computer

What questions do you think the support service and administration of the notorious social network with a blue and white logo? So no, not the fight against spammers and fake robots. Although, to be more precise, she is not the only one.

We have to review a huge number of requests from users per day to change their name. It would seem where the problem comes from... But here is a simple example. The person wanted to register online for an idle purpose, to see what was going on, and entered complete nonsense, a bunch of letters, or generally something obscene into the fields of the questionnaire. And then I decided to stay and create an adequately filled page, thinking that changing my VKontakte name is as easy as changing my avatar.

And this is where a difficulty arises, because changing the name is an issue decided by the site administration, and not by the desire of the user. I don’t want to cause pessimism, but statistics say: attempts to change the name on VKontakte end in failure for 70% of users of the social network.

So, if you are faced with a problem with changing your name, here is an approximate procedure:

Reasons for changing your name in VK

What can be given as a reason for changing the name?

First of all, the reason must be plausible.

Option #1- if you really changed your name in your passport. This is perhaps the most obvious option, but given the scale of the social network, admins may get the idea that hundreds, or even thousands of people change their names every day. It’s better to come up with something more original, or attach a scan of your passport.

Option No. 2- Suitable exclusively for girls, and only when changing their surname. The reason here, of course, is marriage. The disadvantages of this option are obvious..

Option #3- sincerely repent that the current name is fictitious, and you came to your senses and decided to become a respectable user. This option comes up quite often.

If you use your imagination a little, you can come up with a few more successful moves. For example, you became a celebrity, and your fame oppresses you. Somewhat doubtful, but why not? Or simple: well, you don’t like the old name. Or maybe you don’t use it at all, your family and friends call you differently. By the way, I know a real example.

In any case, the original reason for the name change will immediately attract the attention of the administration and increase the chance of a positive decision. Experiment, we are waiting for your options in the comments to the article.

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How to change your name on VKontakte - watch the video

Some people at some point may need to change their first and last name on the VKontakte social network. This may be required due to the fact that the user initially provided incorrect data or made a mistake when filling out the profile, due to a change of surname in reality, getting married, etc.

VKontakte logo

VK provides the opportunity to change your last name, but in some cases social. the network may require some patience from the user. It may be needed in cases where the user has entered an unusual name or is not changing his data for the first time.

In what cases does the system allow you to change your first and last name without checking by a moderator?

How to change your name on VKontakte

The social network understands that some initially register under fictitious names, and after some time they decide, so to speak, to become legal and start using their real data. If this is your case, then to change your last name you will need:

  1. Go to the VKontakte website;
  2. On your profile page, expand the spoiler with information about yourself;
  3. Click on “Edit”;
  4. Enter the correct data in the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields;
  5. Click on “Save”.

After completing the appropriate actions, the information on the page will be updated and all users will see the real name.

In what cases does VKontakte check first and last names?

Moderation of changed names and surnames on VKontakte may be due to several reasons.

  • The first of them assumes that the user used words that are not very common for this as his first and last names.
  • The second option is to change your last name and first name again. Usually, VK users only need to edit the relevant data once and then never return to it again. But if this happens, the system temporarily blocks the changed information and sends a notification to the moderator.

How to bypass last name verification by a moderator

Despite some materials on the Internet reporting the availability of this opportunity, it will not be possible to deceive the system. You will still have to wait until a specialist reviews the application.

Can a moderator refuse to change a surname?

Of course, this is precisely why such employees exist in VK. However, refusals to change the first and last name are possible only in cases where the user is unable to confirm the existence of a real need for the appropriate actions.

That is, if, when changing your last name on Vkontakte, you indicate that there has been a change in your passport data, for example, as a result of getting married, then the corresponding application will easily pass verification and be approved.

What to do if the moderator rejects the application

How to write to VKontakte technical support

If you can confirm that your real name matches those that you indicated on your VKontakte page, then contact the administration. To do this you need:

  1. Hover over the “More” menu and select “Help”;
  2. Enter your requirement in the field located at the top;
  3. Click on “None of the options are suitable”;
  4. State your request and reason;
  5. Send and wait for a response from the moderator.

If you were unable to change your last name in VK without checking with the administrator, then the only option is to create a new profile.

The rules for changing your full name on a social network have become stricter, and it has become difficult to make changes at will, since changing your last name in VK without checking with the administrator is almost impossible. The old way It doesn't always work with code changes. We will describe it below - try it, maybe it will help.

When might you need to change your profile information?

Passport information does not change often, but it can happen to anyone. The most common case is when a woman gets married. This is the easiest way, as it is confirmed by your passport.

How to change your last name in VK without checking with the administrator is also of interest to those who created an account “as a test” and specified a set of random characters as a nickname. Later, when a person begins to enjoy communication or plans to make a profit on a social network, he needs to provide real data.

If you have supporting documents directly. Go to and describe the problem in detail. Attach a scan of the document. This is the most reliable way to change your last name in VK.

Editing page code

This can be done in any modern browser. We will describe how to change your first and last name in VK without checking with the administrator in 2018 in Opera.

  • Open the social networking site in your browser and log in.
  • On home page profile click on the button "Edit".

  • Select the value of the value property in the field that appears and change it.
  • Click on the button "Save to page".

This will allow you to change your first and last name in VK without checking, but only the user himself will see the result. By and large, this method is useless and does not always work.

Official method

There is no other way to change your last name and first name in VK without checking with the administrator. But anyone can go the official route, especially if the name is common enough or there is confirmation in the form of a passport.

Then proceed as follows:

  1. Go to edit profile.
  2. Here you need to change the value in the text field.
  3. Now click on save.

You will have to wait until the application is processed.

Last names in VK, which change without verification and confirmation, can be found on the Internet. For example, Petrov, Ivanov, Volkov, etc.

We use a smartphone

You can quickly change your last name in VK without checking with the administrator from your phone if you enter a value from the allowed list. There are no other ways.

  • Open the VKontakte application.
  • Click on the “hamburger” menu (three parallel lines).
  • Under your login, tap the link "Go to profile".

Just a few years ago, changing a user’s personal data on the VKontakte social network was quite difficult. If you read articles and reviews from site participants on this topic, you will see how problematic this process was. The fact is that previously applications to change a surname were reviewed manually. They were checked by ordinary people - moderators, on whom the final decision on changing the last name or first name depended. Therefore, this process dragged on for up to several months. In addition, the user needed to confirm his identity, for which moderators could ask for a scan of a passport, driver’s license or any other identification document. VKontakte participants also received complaints from the administration about changing their last name as a result of marriage or divorce. And quite often, user requests were rejected. And it was possible to change the surname only once a year and only if the application was considered justified. The indignant forum members were extremely dissatisfied with the work of the site and moderators, which they repeatedly made posts in VKontakte groups and other “negotiation platforms” on the Internet.

In 2009, the procedure for changing a surname on the site became “paid”; for it it was necessary to give the collected votes as a deposit, which, after successful registration, were returned to the user’s bonus account.

Nowadays everything has become much simpler. To change your last name or any other personal data - name, date of birth, place of residence, etc. – now there is a special page on which the user can make all the necessary settings and absolutely .

Change your last name - no problem

To begin changing the last name on VKontakte, the user needs to log into his account on the social network. It’s hardly worth explaining how to do this: if you have registered on VKontakte, then there should be no problems logging into your profile.

Once in your account, under your personal photo, find the “Edit Page” link, click on it and go to the settings section. The surname is in the “General” sub-item. Here you can also change name, date of birth, gender, marital status, hometown, add grandparents, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters. The second line from the top is dedicated to the surname. Use the keyboard's Delete key or arrow key to erase the original text and type the new last name. Below - in the line “Maiden name” - you can write another surname or leave this field empty.

According to the rules of the social network VKontakte, it is customary to indicate real data. They should be written in Russian - this will make it easier for other users to find you on the site. However, it’s up to you to decide whether to follow the recommendations or still show individuality. Therefore, in the “Last Name” column in the editing section of your page, you have the right to write what you consider necessary. You can change your personal data on the site an unlimited number of times. Only after changing your last name or editing other sections, do not forget to click the “Save” button to secure the final version.

The social network VKontakte, or as it is also called VK, is increasingly gaining popularity. Currently at its peak of popularity. Millions of Internet users use this social network to communicate with friends and acquaintances. Many people have a desire or need to replace the VKontakte name with personal page. For example, incorrect data was entered, or a unicorn simply whispered to you in a dream that it would be cooler to give it a different name, or even give it three stars.

If you have the time and desire to wait, then simply send a request to the administration and wait for a response. If your request is adequate, then most likely everything will be fine, but no one will definitely approve the requests of the “unicorn from the dream”. And maybe, just having a good laugh, reject it with a light click from the divine mouse, the VKontakte administration. Majority simple queries with common names the system itself skips very quickly, most likely, the social network has a database of simple and common names, problems occur only in cases of unusual names. And if you are reading this text, you have a similar question. Therefore, let's consider this issue in more detail.

VKontakte bug

Users have discovered a very interesting bug or system error. With the help of which you can change your first and last name absolutely, whatever you want or whatever your imagination and keyboard is enough for.
In this case, you first need to unpin your page from mobile phone. Through it, your page receives protection from hacking and fraud, and changing names without administration cannot be called anything else. To do this, there is one proven way to attach a number to another page or register new account to this phone number. Now you need to return to the tab with the page on which you want to change the name and go to the personal data section. You will see that this page is not attached to any number.

Next you should go to invite_confirm. A registration window will appear on the screen. Enter the required first and last name. Click next and you will be asked for a phone number. There is no need to enter the number. We return to the tab, update the page, the first and last name data has been changed. Now you can safely return the phone number to its rightful place. But keep in mind that you cannot do this too often, otherwise the system will not allow you to attach the number to the next page. However, for this method it is enough to change the “place of residence” number a couple of times. You can delete the second page that contains the phone number.

Purely theoretically, this will be a fictitious marriage, but sometimes you won’t go to such lengths for the sake of a beautiful surname.

For this method tediously adding as a friend a person with the last name we need, who will undoubtedly be ready to help you. IN as a last resort, register a page, your pseudo love. In the questionnaire, indicate your status, married / married, depending on gender, and indicate the desired user your spouse. After this, the user confirms this connection by changing his marital status indicating your page. Now you can change your last name.

Bypassing the system using the developer panel

This method works with one hundred percent results. But there are small nuances in it, such as you need to install a browser, since the most common profixins will not allow you to deceive the system so harshly, and a careful study of this text before doing anything is worth understanding and only then proceeding.

If you have already tried all the methods and they were not relevant. And this happens very often and ninety percent of the methods found on the Internet no longer work, since the system quickly closes all the holes that users find. Then the method with the developer panel will help you. To do this, you need to install Opera browser version 12.17. go to the page on which you want to change your first or last name. Go to edit personal data, on the line with the name, right-click and select the “inspect element code” section, depending on the version of your Windows, the line may be called differently, but most likely it will always be the bottom one.

This will open the developer panel. Don’t be alarmed by the number of unclear characters; the required line will be highlighted. A dark blue or grayish shading of the line means that this is the element you wanted to replace. In this highlighted line we find your name that needs to be changed, double-click to activate it and change this word to the desired name or symbols. Now you can close work panel on the cross, scroll down the page and click on the save button that appears. It is worth remembering that this method works once a week, so think carefully before changing. You can also use this method to change your last name, middle name, in general, everything that is changed in your passport for money and weeks of waiting, free of charge and in a few minutes.

Changing your name via Android

You can also try to bypass the system on your phone; perhaps surviving old versions of the VKontakte application will help you bypass picky moderators.

We go to our VKontakte page from a device on the Android platform. We open the menu by swiping the screen from left to right. If you have a menu at the bottom, then your device has an updated version and it is unlikely to help you deceive the administration. Next, click edit page. In the first and last name fields, enter the desired data, scroll down and click save.

Changing the name written in Cyrillic to English

Recently, English-language names have become fashionable. But moderators, in principle, reject requests from Russian citizens to change the spelling of their names from Cyrillic to Latin. To do this, you should go to Google’s online store and download an application to change your IP address. Next, in the upper right part of the browser, find the application icon and change the view “from Russia” to the view “from the USA”. Thus, the VKontakte website system will recognize you as a foreign user and automatically change your data to English.
