Unified system program documentation

By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 12, 1979 No. 74, the introduction date was established from 01.01. 1980

This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of policy document“Operator's Manual”, defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2096-80.


1.1. The structure and format of the document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The operator's manual should contain the following sections:

  • purpose of the program;
  • conditions for program implementation;
  • program execution;
  • messages to the operator.

Depending on the specifics of the documents, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

2.1. The “Purpose of the Program” section must contain information about the purpose of the program and information sufficient to understand the functions of the program and its operation.

2.2. In the section “Conditions for executing the program” the conditions necessary for executing the program (minimum and (or) maximum composition of hardware and software etc.).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. The “Program Execution” section must indicate the sequence of operator actions that ensure loading, launching, executing and completing the program; a description of the functions, format and possible options commands with which the operator loads and controls the execution of the program, as well as the program’s responses to these commands.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. The “Messages to the operator” section should contain the texts of messages issued during program execution, a description of their content and the corresponding operator actions (operator actions in case of failure, the possibility of restarting the program, etc.).

2.5. It is allowed to illustrate the contents of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, and graphs.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. Appendices to the operator's manual may include various materials that are not appropriate to include in sections of the manual.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Reissue (November 1987) with Change No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81)


Unified system of program documentation

GOST 19.505-79

(ST SEV 2096-80)


United system for program documentation.
Operation"s guide. Requirements to contents and form of presentation

By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 12, 1979 No. 74, the introduction date was established

from 01.01. 1980

This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of the program document “Programmer’s Guide”, defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2095-80.


1.1. The structure and design of the document is established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The operator's manual should contain the following sections:

  • purpose of the program;
  • conditions for program implementation;
  • program execution;
  • messages to the operator.

Depending on the specifics of the documents, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

2.1. The “Purpose of the Program” section must contain information about the purpose of the program and information sufficient to understand the functions of the program and its operation.

2.2. The section “Conditions for executing the program” must indicate the conditions necessary for executing the program (minimum and (or) maximum composition of hardware and software, etc.).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3. The “Program Execution” section should indicate the sequence of operator actions that ensure loading, launching, executing and terminating the program, a description of the functions, format and possible command options with which the operator loads and controls the execution of the program, as well as the program’s responses to these teams.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. The “Messages to the operator” section should contain the texts of messages issued during program execution, a description of their content and the corresponding operator actions (operator actions in case of failure, the possibility of restarting the program, etc.).

2.5. It is allowed to illustrate the contents of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, and graphs.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. Appendices to the operator's manual may include various materials that are not appropriate to include in sections of the manual.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

* Reissue (November 1987) with Change No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81)

Put into effect by Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated January 12, 1979 N 74

Interstate standard GOST 19.505-79


Unified system for program documentation. Operation"s guide. Reqirements for contents and form of presentation

This standard establishes the requirements for the content and design of the program document "Operator's Manual", defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2096-80.

1. General provisions

1.1. The structure and design of the program document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The operator's manual should contain the following sections:

purpose of the program;

conditions for program implementation;

program execution;

messages to the operator.

Depending on the specifics of the document, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1. The “Purpose of the program” section must contain information about the purpose of the program and information sufficient to understand the functions of the program and its operation.

2.2. The section “Conditions for program execution” must indicate the conditions necessary for program execution (minimum and (or) maximum composition of hardware and software, etc.).

2.3. In the “Program Execution” section there should be: a sequence of operator actions that ensure loading, launching, execution and completion of the program, a description of the functions, format and possible command options with which the operator loads and controls the execution of the program, as well as program responses to these commands.

2.2, 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. The “Messages to the operator” section should contain the texts of messages issued during program execution, a description of their content and the corresponding operator actions (operator actions in case of failure, the possibility of restarting the program, etc.).

2.6. It is allowed to illustrate the contents of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, and graphs.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.7. Appendices to the operator's manual may include various materials that are not appropriate to include in sections of the manual.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

INTERSTATE STANDARD By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated January 12, 1979 No. 74, the date of introduction was established Edition with Amendment No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81). This standard establishes the requirements for the content and design of the program document "Operator's Manual", defined by GOST 19.101-77. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2096-80.


1.1. The structure and design of the program document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78. Drawing up the information part (annotations and content) is mandatory. 1.2. The operator's manual must contain the following sections: purpose of the program; conditions for program execution; program execution; messages to the operator. Depending on the features of the document, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 2.1. The section "Purpose of the program" must contain information about the purpose of the program and information sufficient to understand the functions of the program and its operation.2.2. The section "Conditions for program execution" must indicate the conditions necessary for program execution (minimum and (or) maximum composition of hardware and software, etc.). 2.3. In the “Program Execution” section there should be: a sequence of operator actions that ensure loading, launching, execution and completion of the program, a description of the functions, format and possible command options with which the operator loads and controls the execution of the program, as well as program responses to these commands.2.2, 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 2.4. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1). 2.5. The "Messages to the operator" section should contain the texts of messages issued during program execution, a description of their content and the corresponding operator actions (operator actions in case of failure, the possibility of restarting the program, etc.). 2.6. It is allowed to illustrate the contents of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, and graphs. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 2.7. Appendices to the operator's manual may include various materials that are not appropriate to be included in sections of the manual. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).





Edition (January 2002) with Change No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81).

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated January 12, 1979 No. 74, the introduction date was set


This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of the program document "Operator's Manual", defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2096-80.


1.1. The structure and design of the program document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The operator's manual must contain the following sections:

purpose of the program;

conditions for program implementation;

program execution;

messages to the operator.

Depending on the specifics of the document, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1. The “Purpose of the program” section must contain information about the purpose of the program and information sufficient to understand the functions of the program and its operation.

2.2. The section “Conditions for program execution” must indicate the conditions necessary for program execution (minimum and (or) maximum composition of hardware and software, etc.).

2.3. In the “Program Execution” section there should be: a sequence of operator actions that ensure loading, launching, execution and completion of the program, a description of the functions, format and possible command options with which the operator loads and controls the execution of the program, as well as program responses to these commands.

2.2, 2.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4.(Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. The “Messages to the operator” section should contain the texts of messages issued during program execution, a description of their content and the corresponding operator actions (operator actions in case of failure, the possibility of restarting the program, etc.).

2.6. It is allowed to illustrate the contents of sections with explanatory examples, tables, diagrams, and graphs.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.7. Appendices to the operator's manual may include various materials that are not appropriate to be included in sections of the manual.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).
