Online broadcasts have breathed new life into eSports. Twitch played a major role in this, but not everyone is familiar with the project. What is Twitch and why is it interesting?


Recently, more and more people have become interested in e-sports. Broadcasts of championships and recordings of games on YouTube attract a huge number of viewers. The number of visitors to some broadcasts reaches hundreds of thousands, and this is not the limit.

In 2007, players used the site, which allowed everyone to start their own broadcast. The co-founders, who noticed the increased popularity of e-sports, decided to create a separate resource. This is how Twitch was born. The stream on the site had many shortcomings and problems, but developed rapidly. If in 2011 there were only a couple of million visitors on Twitch, then already in 2014 the number of viewers exceeded tens of millions.

Google became interested in the project, and even the terms of sale were agreed upon. However, the deal did not take place. In the summer of 2014, the resource was sold to Amazon, which offered the best price. The cost of Twitch was one billion dollars.


Having learned what Twitch is, players immediately found a use for it. The resource became, in some way, a catalyst in eSports and directed its development in a more productive direction. With the help of video broadcasts, players exchange experiences, tactics, or simply review recordings.

The viewing of Twitch by a huge number of people indicates an unprecedented rise in popularity. About a million viewers visit the site every day. Video broadcasting allows you not only to watch games, but also to earn money from it.

The affiliate program gives any streamer the opportunity to earn income. Earning money from broadcasts has pushed people to devote even more time to games. Now every gamer can combine pleasure and benefit.

Affiliate program

Before you learn how to make Twitch, you should get rid of thoughts about easy and quick money from your head. Although the resource’s affiliate program looks simple and attractive, in reality everything is more complicated. The streamer must be prepared for a long unpaid period.

The first step will be registering and creating your own channel. Minor difficulties may arise, but serious problems should not happen here. The most labor-intensive part is further down.

The streamer needs to get 500 visitors to his broadcast. However, the number of viewers must be constant. There are more than 600 thousand broadcasts on the site, and this is incredible competition. Most visitors prefer famous streamers.

In addition to knowing what Twitch is, you need to study the terms of service. You should also be aware of the copyright document. The slightest violation will cause refusal.

The amount of free time is also important. The streamer is required to broadcast three times a week. The approximate duration should be 6 hours.

The rough edges are smoothed out by processing applications manually. Each request to join the program is reviewed by people. If the user does not meet some criteria, he may be given an indulgence.

Basic income

Before that, you need to make a plan for earning money. There are several ways to generate income, but it is important to strike a balance and not forget about content first.

The main income will come from them. Their launch depends directly on the streamer. You can turn on advertising at least every five minutes, but this will affect the number of views. The ideal solution to avoid losing viewers would be to launch the block several times an hour.

The method of earning money has its pitfalls. First of all, this is a decrease in the number of views. Spectators come to watch games, not advertising. If the broadcast duration is approximately six hours, you can run blocks 4 times per hour. This will prevent you from scaring people away with advertising.

A stream launched on Twitch that attracts a large number of viewers will not necessarily bring in a lot of money. Many users have applications installed that block unnecessary advertising. If the viewer does not see the block, the streamer is not credited with money.

Side methods

If you ask yourself what Twitch is and how to make money on it, you can find several options. The main one is advertising, but there are also secondary ones. How else can you increase your profits?

The streamer will generate income from a paid subscription. The method is simple and clear. A viewer who likes the channel pays a monthly subscription. The cost is $5, of which the streamer gets half. Income is independent of the launch or operation of the channel, but the profit is small.

A low-profit method, but one that has a right to exist, is built-in advertising. The streamer is required to find people willing to hang a banner on his channel. Ads will be displayed on top of windows, which is not very pleasant. The income from the venture is small and depends on the number of viewers.

Program selection

Before that, you need to create a channel. Open Broadcaster, which works on the principle of a virtual camera, will help with this. The program captures the image and then sends it to the Twitch channel. Even novice streamers will not have any difficulties.

The main reason for use is the large number of advantages. The program hardly loads the system and allows you to achieve high quality. Free access and constant updates also play a significant role in your choice.

There are also disadvantages. The main problem is that the program was released not so long ago. There are noticeable shortcomings and minor problems. The functionality also leaves much to be desired.

Broadcast settings

Once installed, you should select a language to work with. Image quality and bitrate are adjusted in the "Encoding" tab. The recording of the broadcast will depend on this tab. Before setting up Twitch, you need to adjust the settings to the Internet speed. You should find a balance between quality and bitrate for optimal performance.

Going to the “Broadcasting” section, you need to select “Twitch/Justin”, and then enter the stream key. This will enable the system to select the optimal server for the user. You can find out the key on the Twitch website in the broadcast section.

To start broadcasting, you need to launch Open Broadcaster and open the "Scenes" tab. Then the source of the capture is indicated. The game must be launched in windowed mode to be broadcast. In the program, select “window capture” and press “start”. The stream has been successfully launched.

Bottom line

Twitch God is a special program that helps novice streamers “promote themselves” and bring their broadcasts to the TOP (albeit using not entirely honest methods). Attention, using this and similar utilities may result in a channel ban!

About the functionality

Installing the Twitch God program will help you easily increase the number of viewers on your streams, which are not particularly popular among video fans, and also bring your channel to the TOP. To work with the program, you will need to additionally use a proxy. In this case, it is rational to think about gaining access to paid proxy servers, which are more reliable in operation than free servers available to everyone on the network. The latter are often unstable, which can lead to the loss of all “inflated” non-existent viewers when the stream is interrupted for technical reasons, which, of course, will affect your popularity, or, more precisely, contribute to its absence.

Among other things, Twitch God is capable of performing tasks that would normally be performed by a chatbot. For example, ban users for using words prohibited by you and included in a special list, as well as attaching links to other resources or simply sending spam.

Features of work

Since the program is distributed only in a paid format, you will have to fork out for a monthly subscription, which, accordingly, will need to be renewed every month if you want to promote your channel. In addition, using this software exposes you to the risk of being blocked - the service carefully monitors the cunning manipulations of users and immediately blocks access to the channel to users who decide to circumvent the rules. So we advise you to think carefully about whether ephemeral popularity is worth the fact that you might even lose your channel?

What do we end up with?

  • the need to purchase a paid subscription;
  • a chatbot integrated into the program allows you to monitor order in the comments;
  • the risk of being blocked for violating the rules of the service;
  • For the program to work, you need to purchase paid proxies;
  • There is a button for quickly updating stream indicators.

Twitch God is a program with which you can “wind up” viewers on the Twitch streaming service. First of all, you should inform that its use is not safe and may lead to blocking of the channel. Take this risk into account and remember that the only reliable way to attract “live” viewers to the channel is interesting streams, and not promotion and promotion to the top.

Twitch God itself is not free. To work with it, you need to subscribe, the price of which starts from 5 euros per month. You will also need a huge number of proxies. You can search for lists of free servers on the Internet, but usually such servers “live” very little. To check the proxy, use the Proxy Checker module, which is included in the program.

But no one can guarantee that the free servers will not “fall off” right during the broadcast and you will not lose all the recruited viewers. In general, we are leading to the fact that in order to work with Twitch God you will have to acquire access to paid proxies. As you can see, promotion will require certain costs, so once again think carefully about how justified this event is from a financial point of view.

The program also functions as a chat bot, which can automatically ban people in the chat for spam, insults, and also displays certain information about the stream after the viewer enters the desired command. The list of available commands is usually posted in the channel description.

Key Features and Functions

  • increasing viewers on Twitch;
  • the need to use your own proxies based on the following calculation: one server - one “fake” viewer per broadcast;
  • a tool for checking the status of servers loaded from a text file;
  • several cheating methods;
  • key for quick update of stream indicators;
  • performing chatbot functions;
  • the need for a paid subscription;
  • convenient control panel.

Twitch is a platform for viewing and conducting live broadcasts (that is, streams). It was originally founded as part of the service, which was subsequently closed, after which Twitch was purchased by Amazon.

The main broadcast content there is games. However, in recent years other sections have begun to develop little by little, such as IRL (In Real Life), where people stream their own lives in the real world, as well as Creative, where streams of drawing, music creation, and other creative activities usually take place. And that's not all. Right now the dude is streaming the process of playing League of Legends.

In addition to the video stream, each streamer has a chat, with the help of which people discuss what is happening, or try to convey their thoughts to the streamer and other chat participants. One of the features of the chat is emotes (emotes, pictures with emotions), which can be inserted anywhere in the text.

There is both a global list of emotes and separate ones for each channel. But these are available only with a paid subscription ($4.99/month for 1 channel). Also, many large channels have expanded their list of available free emotes using browser extensions and third-party services. Part of the money from the subscription goes to the streamer himself, and part remains with Twitch. What percentage depends on the contract. Many streamers also open donations, thanks to which it becomes possible to convey their thoughts to large streamers and all viewers and financially support the streamer. Most major streamers do not work and live only on money from subscriptions and donations, as well as advertising. Stream recordings usually remain for several months after the stream, but there are exceptions.

Why do people watch Twitch? The reasons are different for everyone: some people’s PC can’t handle games. Some are looking for a source of inspiration and looking at skilled players, while others simply found a suitable community to spend time with and decided to stay.

Why is Twitch better than alternatives? It was one of the first streaming services and has seriously developed during this time, while YouTube Gaming, Twitch’s closest competitor, has only in the last six months adopted some of the functions from there (sponsors, paid emotes, a separate top for streams, chat replay for recordings) . Chat on Twitch works much smoother than YouTube, and the compression of the video stream there is several times less (however, the quality depends on the settings of individual streamers). It is possible to interact with some games using extensions built into their official players, and you can also communicate with the huge community of people who love streaming that has already formed during this time. Considering the existing functions (friends, private messages, conversations, gifts, news feed, likes, paid and free subscriptions, profile), we can call Twitch a full-fledged social network.

In the modern world, computer games have become one of the most popular entertainments. They are no longer seen as fun for "freaks" who have no privacy. Projects for all ages are appearing, the number of genres is expanding, and the quality of content is significantly improving. Accordingly, more and more people are trying their hand at computer games. However, there are those who like to just watch the gameplay. It would seem, why is this? Most likely, you thought that this was some kind of fashionable trend, but in fact, eSports began to attract viewers back in its heyday, more than twenty years ago. Even then, a large number of spectators gathered for the competitions, in computer clubs there were people standing behind the players who were simply watching, so it cannot be said that this was a new trend.

However, in the modern world it has acquired a completely new look thanks to services such as Twitch. What is Twitch? If you don't know about the existence of this platform, then you most likely only like to play computer games, but not watch them or share your gameplay. In short, it is a computer game streaming service. It is visited every month by more than 45 million users who watch broadcasts of the gameplay of a particular game performed by about 900 thousand streamers, that is, users who not only play, but also simultaneously broadcast the gameplay on the network. If you want to learn more about what Twitch is, then you should continue reading this article, as from it you will learn detailed information about this platform.

Why do you need Twitch?

How to use Twitch?

And the first question is how to use this service in general? Streaming on Twitch is a fairly simple process that doesn't require much effort on your part, but you'll need to look into this in more detail later. For now, first things first: you can view what other users are broadcasting as soon as you enter the site. A convenient search system will allow you to quickly find what interests you. However, you should definitely create your own free account, as this will allow you to not only add streamers to your favorites and take advantage of the site's advanced features, but also start streaming games yourself right away if you want. The site's interface is extremely simple, so creating your own stream on Twitch will not be a problem. However, brief instructions on this process will still be given in this article.

How to stream?

Many gamers, when they first hear about this platform, immediately wonder how they stream on Twitch. It turns out that the answer to this question is simpler than you might imagine. The fact is that immediately after creating your own free account, as mentioned above, you can start streaming the gameplay of your favorite game, some conditions must only be met. You will need software and in some cases additional devices such as a webcam and microphone. If we talk about software, the service itself will offer you several options, but you can always use the software that you see fit. In addition, the site has a variety of instructions, making its use a breeze. But in order to learn in detail about how to stream on Twitch, you should continue reading this article, as you will find more information here about both software and hardware for streaming.


So, to stream on Twitch, you need to get the appropriate software that will capture the video on your screen and transmit it to the network. Given the fact that Twitch is one of the most popular streaming platforms, almost all video capture programs will come pre-installed with Twitch compatibility, so you just need to select that platform from the drop-down list of programs and start streaming. However, sometimes this option is not provided, in which case you will need to use a special key that is given to you on the site to start streaming. Additionally, if you plan to commentate your game out loud, you might want to get some audio capture software and set it up. Well, if you want users to be able to see your face, as well as all the emotions that you experience from the passage, then you will need to acquire software for transmitting video from a webcam to the network. You will need to learn some Twitch commands to more effectively control what is happening on the screen. Be careful not to show anything on the screen that you don't want to show. In addition, Twitch commands will allow you to monitor the quality of your broadcast. Keep in mind that if it is too low, you may be denied the right to broadcast content due to inadequate quality.


Since we're talking about special software for microphones and webcams, you need to pay attention to the equipment itself that will be useful to you for streaming. As mentioned above, neither a microphone nor a webcam are required attributes of your broadcast. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection. Naturally, given that during the game, which puts a strain on your computer, the broadcast will also put an additional load on you, your PC must be very powerful, have a dedicated high-quality video card and at least four gigabytes of RAM. Everything is much simpler with consoles, since modern consoles such as PS4 and Xbox One have built-in support for streaming to Twitch.

If you want to add your voice or even your image to your broadcast to make it more vibrant and interesting for viewers, you will need to purchase a high-quality microphone and a good webcam, as well as install the appropriate software, which has already been discussed above . As you can see, Twitch has taken gaming video streaming to a whole new level.

Developer Tools

Twitch has become so popular that the creators of the service now provide special tools for developers that can be used already during the project development process. Thus, the streaming function on this platform will already be integrated into the game itself, it will be called by pressing one button, and you will not have to think about how to set up Twitch to broadcast the gameplay of your favorite game.

Affiliate program

People also ask how to make money streaming on Twitch? It also turns out to be quite simple: all you need to do is apply to become a partner. The conditions for this are at least 500 subscribers on your channel, high-quality content that is added to the site at least three times a week. However, the conditions are quite flexible, so if, for example, you had a channel on YouTube with a large number of subscribers and high-quality content, then you can apply for a partnership with the Twitch website immediately after registration.

What's next?

Game streaming is an incredibly promising industry that is currently developing at a rapid pace. So if you like to play or watch others play, then you should definitely sign up for the Twitch platform.
